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"What the Hades?!" I screamed, throwing my hands in the air. "This is crazy! You're so repulsive!"

"Why thank you, I try my best," Oliver said, giving a mock bow. That just made me even more mad. Did he even realize how disgusting everything he was doing was? How much of a monster he was? By the smile on his face, I'm guessing he didn't. A fight to the death? Really?

"Dude, I want to get rid of you, not kill you," Will said.

"Yeah, Will isn't exactly the 'killer' type," Hazel said.

"I'm usually a pretty friendly guy too!" Oliver said. That was debatable. "But here I am now ready to kill you."

"How are you even going to do that? You're not armed," Annabeth crossed her arms.

"I don't really need to be armed when I have the power or hypnosis, my dear Annabeth," Oliver smirked.

Oh no.

Hypnosis?! Since when? Okay, now this was unfair gameplay!

"Everyone plug your ears!" Annabeth blurted, looking panicked. I could totally understand. I'm sure she didn't want to go under Oliver's spell again, forced to love when you really didn't.

Oliver just laughed at that. "You think that will completely block out my melodious voice? You really are a bunch of fools!" His grin widened. "Even if my voice is muffled, noise will not be completely blocked out. Plus, I'll make sure to SHOUT!"

Well Oliver is definitely the biggest, most annoying jerk I have ever met in my entire life. Ever. Sure, Kronos and Gaea were definitely annoying jerks, but Oliver was more annoying then them combined. I hated him... actually, that's a total understatement. I hated him times 100.

"Everyone, just cover your ears and try!" Annabeth said.

"Yeah, don't cover your ears," Oliver said. We all froze, our hands just a few inches from our ears.


"Well, I could start off with killing you right away, but I'll be nice and have a little fun before I do anything rash!" Oliver said way too cheerfully.


"Now who should I start with... Annabeth!"


"You know, my dear Annabeth, I've really missed us being together, even if we were only split up for 24 hours," The brown haired boy said.

Cr- well, I think you know what I was gonna say. This entire situation was one big crap!

"Oliver, if you really loved me, you wouldn't control me and force me to do things against my will," Annabeth growled.

"Oh, I think you're missing the point here, Annabeth. I'm doing this for us! So we can be together! For our relationship!" Oliver assured her.

"No, you're doing it for your own selfish needs," Annnabeth snapped.

Oliver's happy expression turned into one of anger. "Fine, Annabeth. I'll get this over with. Let me make his nice and blunt for you: Annabeth, you are now madly in love with me, my girlfriend, and will do positively anything for me!"

"No! Resist, Annabeth!" I cried. I wanted to run to her and help, or punch Oliver, but for some reason, I couldn't move my feet.

Meanwhile, Annabeth looked constipated, hunched over and wincing. "I-I'm try-" Suddenly, her pupils dilated, she straightened, and a goofy smile crossed her face. "Ollie! Oh, I'm so sorry I ever sided with those traitors! You know I love you!"

Oliver smiled, opening his arms as Annabeth ran into them, planting a passionate, wet, long, kiss on Oliver's smiling lips. After they broke apart, Annabeth smiled at Oliver, batting her eyelashes. "What would you like me to do, babe?" Annabeth said.

"Just sit back and watch the fun unfold!" Oliver said.

"My pleasure," Annabeth giggled, taking a seat on the grass and playing with her blonde hair.

Okay, let's say it all together now. On three! One... two... crap.

"Now, I know exactly what I'm going to be doing with you, Perseus and Will, but what should I do with you, Hazel?" Oliver said thoughtfully.

"You could let me, my friends, and Camp go," Hazel grumbled.

"Well, just for speaking up you can be hypnotized right away. Though that's a treat for me!" Oliver said.

"Wait!" Hazel yelled. "N-"

"Yes!" Oliver said, interrupting the golden eyed girl. "Hazel, you will now become my emotionless slave with no desires, passions, hates or interests. You only process and execute what I tell you too. Do you understand, slave?"

"Yes, Master," Hazel said, stiffening, her expression going blank.

"Fantastic!" Oliver said. "Now I won't need you for this next part, so you can go ahead and go join Annabeth over there."

"Yes, Master," Hazel said, walking over to Annabeth and standing behind her with a very stiff posture.

Gods, this was so not going in our favor.

I looked at Will standing next to me and I hoped that whatever was about to happen wasn't going to.

It was.

"Now I want to see some real pain. But that won't be caused by me. I've already broken you! No, your pain needs to come from a very unexpected place," Oliver said. His tone suddenly darkened, as did his expression. "Will, kill Percy. Don't you hate him?"

Will's pupils dilated and a scowl crossed his face. "I do. More then anything. He needs to die," Will growled.

Wow. My life was just one horrible piece of garbage controlled by a monster named Oliver Thomas.

"Will, come one," I pleaded, taking a step backwards as Will knocked an arrow.

"He can't hear you, Perseus. And even if he could, the only thing he is processing right now is his hate for you which is slowly building up," Oliver explained, saying it as if it were a casual thing.

"He has to hear me!" I said, screaming now. Tears threatened to fall down my face, but I could give Oliver the satisfaction of that. He had already taken everything from me, I couldn't show him that I was broken. I had to stay strong. "He doesn't hate me!"

"Oh, but he does. Don't you see him about to kill you?" Oliver smirked. He turned to Will. "Do it, Solace."

And with that, Will fired his arrow. I'd like to say it was at Oliver or it missed, but that would be a lie. Why? Because it hit me right in the heart, piercing through my skin.

The last thing I heard was a scream, though I couldn't tell if it was Will's or mine.

At least it hadn't been Will who died.

At least I hadn't cried.

The end!

I have to admit, so far, that was probably my favorite story to write! Even though I don't even ship Willercy. I have no idea how that ship came up, but whatever. I really hope you liked it! I might make a sequel but idk.

I'd also like to give three huge shoutouts to LonleyDarkLord BoopTheSnoop_ and Susy_Valdez21 who are all amazing people and have been super supportive! Go check them all out! And thank you all for reading!

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