Chapter 1; Little Beauty

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There once was a little girl. The girl had natural beauty written all over her, and was very kind-hearted. She was only about twelve or thirteen years old, but she already managed to ease so many hearts and minds with her hearts.

One day, she was told to have cancer. Her parents were poor, so they could do nothing, only watch her suffer.

Despite this fact, she managed to stay happy for the rest of her remaining life. She was close to death, everyone knew, but yet the greed some people shared refused to help, no matter how much kindness the girl shared, nor matter how much her parents begged.

The people who refused to help only helped the rich, only helped those with fortune. They didn't care if they had beauty, nor if they where kind, they only yearned for that fortune.

As the months grew by, the hair on the girl faided away, yet her beauty stayed. She grew more miserable, but showed happiness. She gained more sickness, yet she claims she never felt better, nor healthier. Family and friends wonder how, but never dared to ask.

But People went straight ahead for them.

"Beauty is the image of the mind, while I share mine. Mine is in the heart." Was the answer of the girl.

"May we take your heart?" People asked immediately. They wanted, or NEEDED, her beauty before her death.

"On my last dying breath, you may share my heart."

The last day of the girl's life came by. The girl didn't cry, didn't complain, or even blame. She smiled instead, and said it was her fault.

They asked what she meant, but instead of a clear answer, she said this;

"It's been nice to meet you all. I hope you all live a wonderful life, after life, and new life forever more. My life may have been cut short, but my body hasn't. Feel free and use it as you will."

Beep... beep...
"Love you all..."
Beep... beep... beep...
"May God bless you all."
. . .
She was gone.

"She gave her body to use, right?" A woman said, "Well, I'll have her eyes!"

"I need her nose!"

"Her nose is owned by me, now!"

"Her skull is mine!"

"I must have her heart."

Silence filled the room, then a war over her heart began. But in the end, one person got it. It was her opposite, it was her, who had it all. All, but beauty.

She took a bite into her heart, and felt pure beauty show. But it went away in a blink of an eye.

"What's this?" She said, "Why am I not more beautiful? Why is this so bitter?"

But then, it was clear.

The beauty was kindness, forgiveness, and above all, compassion.

No one was ever able to gain the little girl's little beauty.

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