Roles {Punk}

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If you're looking for people who give a fuck, you're in the wrong place.

I dream of death... Yours or mine will work.


~Dresses cute to hide that she's dead inside
~Would have straight 'A's if she cared enough
~She has a gun and knows how to use it...Too bad it only shoots high pressure water.
~Says she can predict pain in your future before she punches you.
~Has a crush on herself because she's so fucking pretty and other people are trash
~Except "I believe that you should believe in nothing", who she really has a crush on

"Lie to make things fie...n."


~Dumb as a brick but hot as the son
~Horrible citizen, great big brother
~Would totally still believe in Santa if his parents didn't tell him when he was five
~Drinks until he can't thinks... About how much the world sucks and everyone is going to die somebody.
~Super rich, mega bitch.
~Literally two seconds away from snapping
~Lives to f u c k
~Thinks true love is bullshit

Panic! At the blood on the dancefloor.


~ Never left his middle school self behind
~Knows every emo song.
All of them.
Test him.
~If he's not high, things aren't right
~Has a switchblade on him at all times
~Gay. Like, very gay.
~Don't you dare forget sun...screen. He burns easy.

Did somebody say vodka? Because I have some.


~Free range parenting results at their finest
~Parties with "Lie to make things fie...n."
~Dances like nobody's watching and hits like she's a truck
~She knows she probably has a drinking problem, but only she can bring it up
~Nobody knows how she fits so many vodka bottles in her bag, but she always has at least five.

"I believe that you should believe in nothing."


~Don't talk to her unless she talks to you first.
~Aliens exist and hopefully they'll destroy the planet somebody.
~She's fight club's top member
~She does have straight 'A's.

"You can't break me... Not this time."


~Mentally strong, physically... Not so much.
~She's covered in scars
~If it isn't in the horror genre, she doesn't want to watch it
~Groups are just bigger targets
~She doesn't have a drinking problem, but she does drink
~If she wasn't against organized activities, she'd probably be the star of the track team.

Who left this sassy child here?


~Twin of "Easily forgotten"
~Younger brother of "Lie to make things fie...n."
~Too young to be with these guys, honestly
~He's kind of creepy...
~Copies everything his older brother does... Everything.
~If he smirks, you need to run

Easily forgotten.

~Twin of "Who left this sassy child here."
~He's quiet...Too quiet.
~He believes everything he's told
~Gets suspended for pranking teachers a lot
~Thinks he's tough shit because his older brother always backs him up
~Tried vodka once... He threw up a lot.

Stay away if you want to live


~If you're crazy and you know it clap your hands
~Has definitely killed someone before
~Wants to solve the murder of the Forgotten Garden
~He's the group leader... Mostly because everyone is too scared to tell him no
~Nobody even knows where he actually lives

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