Stay Away If You Want To Live

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Stay Away If You Want To Live


Carson Shmit







Carson, at first, is an extremely normal guy. He loves puns, being active, flirting... Just typical guy stuff. Nobody ever suspects him to be all that strange when they first meet him.

Then, suddenly, a switch just seems to flip. Nobody knows what triggers the change, if anything actually does. But, Carson will suddenly become twisted and sadistic. His anger, which moments before might have seemed almost non-existent flares up and he quickly becomes violent. It's obvious that he doesn't care if he hurts others, and even more obvious that he enjoys it when he does.

Just as suddenly, the switch will flip again. He'll go back to being chill and relaxed. Carson will just start laughing off whatever he'd just done like it was no big deal, then he seems to forget about it completely.


~Stories of the Forgotten Garden
~Ghost stories
~Slasher films
~Hanging out on rooftops
~Cold nights
~Tattoos, though he doesn't have any yet
~Flustering others


~Being told no
~Overly sweet people
~The zoo, though he only been once
~Talking about himself
~Dancing, though he's quite good at it
~Hard drugs
~Being too comfortable
~Pretty much everyone
~Short sleeves

Backstory *Keep the drama reeled in*

Find out during the roleplay

Crush {Optional unless the role says otherwise}


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