Chapter 13

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I heard the door shut downstairs. I walked down to see who it was and heard my dad's voice on the phone. I sat on the steps, watching him. "No! He's my best client!! You better not lose him or you're fired!!" I sighed, laying my face in my hands. He turned around and finally noticed me. He hung up and stared at me. "I see you're back from shopping with your friends." "Dad, I've been gone for a week. I went to find Harry. Remember? He was my best friend when we were younger then he left and got famous." "Oh..." "You never pay attention do you?" I said scoffing and getting up. "Yes I do! I'm just busy and I get sidetracked!" "So busy and sidetracked you didn't notice I was gone for a week?!" "Don't raise your voice at me!!" "I will if I fucking want to!!" "What did I say about cursing?!" I rolled my eyes. I started up the stairs but he grabbed my shoulder harshly and pulled me back down. "You've been like this since mom died!!" "Don't mention her!!" He slapped my across the face, making me fall to the ground. "Go to your room and don't come down!!" "I'm not five." I muttered, running up the steps. I dialed Harry's number, crying. "Hey babe! I miss you so much!" "I miss you too..." "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" "She's crying?!" "What's going on?" "Anna?! Did Harry do something?" I smiled a little, then cried again as my dad banged on the door. "Open the door right this second!!" "'s my dad. He hit me...I-I'm so scared of him right now...he's never been like this." "It'll be okay baby. Go to the window and open it." I did as I was told. "Okay it's open." "Hide in the closet." I ran into my closet as soon as the door burst open. "Shh babe it'll be alright." "Dammit!!" My dad yelled, stomping out of my room. "Is he gone?" "Y-Yeah he's gone... Thank you Haz..." "You're welcome...Why are you with your dad?" "I'm er, I went to Holmes Chapel...I'm sorry. I just didn't want to stay in London doing nothing..." "I didn't even think about what you'd do...Sorry...I just wanted you away from him...Has he done anything?" He raped me. "No." "Good...Just please be careful." "I will..." "I have to go babe, but I'll talk to you later." "Okay, bye baby. I love you." "I love you too, don't forget that babe." I smiled and hung up. I heard something downstairs then heard his car start up and pull away. I sighed in relief. Finally.


Everybody stared at me as I entered the school. Why? Tevin was standing at his locker. Considering he's the only person that's 'nice' to me, I went over to him. "Why's everybody staring at me?" "I don't know babe..." A guy walked by that was staring. "Quit staring at my girlfriend!" His arm wrapped around my waist. "I'm kinda scared..." "I'm sure it's nothing. Let's just go to class." I nodded and followed him to our first period.

-Harry's POV-

"What happened to her?" "Her dad hit her..." "Oh my god! Is she okay?" "Yeah I think she's just scared of him...I'm so afraid Tevin will do something." "Who's Tevin?" "Her boyfriend." "But you're her boyfriend...?" "Yeah but she's afraid to break up with him because he's abusive..." "Then beat the shit out of him." "I will when all of this is over with." "I still don't get why we had to come..." Louis complained. "To make it more believable." "When are you and Kendall getting married, again?" "Uhh June 20 something." "How are you gonna tell her?" "I have no idea...I just wish I could cancel the fucking wedding. I hate Kendall..." "Talk to Paul." "I've already tried...No dice." They all sighed, thinking. "Well, if we messed up bad enough, they'd have to drop us. We could find somebody else." "I wouldn't have you guys do that." "We'd still do it if it meant you could be with the love of your life and not some bitch." Liam said, smiling. "Thanks guys..." "Who though?" "I'll do it." Louis volunteered. "Yeah me and Louis will." Zayn said, laying down on his bed. "What're you gonna do?" "Dunno yet. It'll be bad though." Louis said smiling. "Thank you guys so much...I can't wait!" "Go call her and tell her!" "She's in school..." "Ah yeah...oh well. You can call her later." "Yeah...I hope she wants it to happen..." "Of course she will!" "Yeah, why wouldn't she?" "I dunno..."

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