Chapter 19

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"Morning beautiful!" He exclaimed, cheerful, shooting me a smile before turning back to finish pancakes. "Babe would you quit calling me beautiful? Please?" He turned around and stared at me for a second. "Why do you want me to stop?" "Because every time you say it, I feel like I'm being lied to and I don't like being lied to..." "But you're not Anna. You're the most beautiful woman in this world." "Thanks..." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his waist. "You're kinda short you know? It makes you like 100 times more adorable." "I'm not short I'm size." He smiled and lifted me up. "You sure are. Now, you, Perrie, Liza and Eleanor are going dress shopping." "Harry...I wanna stay with you." "But missy, you need to get a prom dress. They'll be here at twelve." "Hazza!" "Hmm?" "I don't want go. You just got back." "It'll be okay. I'll be here when you get back." "But I-" He pressed his lips to mine. "I'll be here when you get back. Trust me." I nodded and laid my head on his chest. "I'm so so sorry..." "Why babe?" "I...Me and Liam...We kissed. Twice." He pulled away from the embrace and stormed upstairs, not saying a word. "Harry!" I ran to his room and forcefully pushed the door open before he had the chance to lock it. "I love you. Alright? I would never-" "But you did." "They didn't mean anything!" "Then why did they happen?!" "The first one...We were in his car on the way to his house and I asked him why he was defending me against Tevin so much, and he started to rant. Then I told him Tevin raped me and he started going off again so I kissed him to shut him up." "Why didn't you just tell him to shut up?!" "I tried! He wouldn't!" "Whatever...You still could've done something else." "I'm so sorry babe...I couldn't think of anything else at the time." "What about the second one?" "We were at his house and he pushed me onto the couch and-" "Oh my god...No. No!!" "Harry, baby we didn't have sex. It sounds like it I know but listen to me." Tears were coming down his face as he sunk to the floor. "He tickled me okay? He started tickling me and then he kissed me." "He kissed you? He's dead!! I outta-" "Harry, stop. Listen to me." "God I'm going to rip him-" I sighed and kissed him. I pulled away and looked at the ground. "Well, one thing, you're right it does work." "I know right." "Show me you love me and only me and I'll forgive you." "I'll only talk to him if you're present. Plus-" I sat next to him, then climbed into his lap. I pressed our lips together. It was like they were perfectly molded for each other. As we made out, my hands tangled in his hair. One of my hands trailed down to his shirt and pulled it off, breaking the kiss for a short second. Then the door opened with three girly laughs. "Okay, glad we didn't come in any later!" Perrie said, laughing. I smirked and stood up, Harry's face flushed. "Okay I forgive you babe." "That was a fight?" "Didn't look like it." "Oi! Go downstairs! I'll be there in a minute!" They smiled and went downstairs, laughing as they did. "Hey...I'm really sorry Harry. I'm so so sorry." "You better just be happy I love you more than anything or I'd still be pissed." He said, a small smile growing. I smiled and kissed him again. "Love you babe." "I love you too. Now get dressed. They're waiting." "Weren't they supposed to be here at twelve?" "Yes. They don't listen apparently." "Either that or you don't." "Hey watch it Way." "Better check yourself Styles. Now leave so I can get dressed." "Do I have to?" "Yes! Go down there and feed Gus. Poor thing, having you as a father." "I feel bad that you're his mother." "Hey!" "Calm down babe, I'm leaving!" He said smirking, going down the stairs. "Put on a shirt first!" "I do what I want!" I glared at him, raising an eyebrow. "Yes honey." H said sighing and grabbing his shirt off the floor. "That's what I thought." I said, getting some clothes out of my closet.

"You girls ready?" "Yeah." They all said at the same time. Eleanor handed Gus to Harry. "Bye babe, I'll see you later." "Alright. Love you." "Love you too." I said, kissing him. "Here's my card and you better use it for everything." "No!" "Yes! You don't have a job!" "This is exactly why I need one." "I'm paying." "No you're not." "Yes I am. Please??" He said pouting. I sighed. "I hate you and your puppy dog face." "You love it." "Yeah yeah." I said, taking it from his outstretched hand. "You girls make sure she uses it!" "We will!" I rolled my eyes but kissed him again before leaving out the door.

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