Chapter 31

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-Harry's POV-

I sat, bored, outside the recording booth. Zayn, Louis and Liam sat around while Niall was recording. My phone started ringing and I smiled when I realized it was Anna's ringtone. I put it to my ear. "Harry get to the hospital. It's Hannah-" I dropped the phone, bolting down the fire stairs. I heard the door open and footsteps pound, following me, but I was too concerned on getting to the hospital. I literally jumped into my car, going two times over the speed limit even though it was just down the street. Four cars pulled in after me as I ran into the hospital. Anna sat in the corner, crying. I ran over and pulled her into my arms. "Where is she?! What happened??" "She-She had a s-seizure...Harry I'm so s-scared." She mumbled, hugging me back. "I'll be back-" "Harry no! Don't leave me!" "The boys are right behind me. It'll be okay." I leaned down and kissed the top of her head before going to the front desk. "I need to know where my daughter is." "What's her name?" "Hannah Styles." "You can't go back right now. You'll have to wait." "Wait?!" "Yes sir. About ten minutes." I clenched my jaw and went back into the waiting area. My fists clenched involuntarily as I saw Liam wrapping his arms around her. "Anna." She turned and came over quickly, still crying. My heart melted at the sight. "We have to wait...What...What happened?" "I was cleaning around the house so it'd be nice when you go back and I went to check on her and her eyes were rolled back and she wasn't moving. I-I was hysterical, trying to get the phone to call 999 and I-" She began to sob again. "Shh...It's okay...I don't know what happened or what happens after one but, I swear to you, I'll make it okay." "I love you Harry." "I love you Anna." I felt the guys wrap their arms around us and I heard her sigh contently. She left go of me and the boys followed suit. "It's been 10 minutes." She mumbled, pulling me toward the desk.

-Anna's POV-

"Hannah Styles." She typed the name into the computer. "NICU Room 4." I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him down the hallway toward the NICU. We pushed open the doors and immediately noticed the even numbers were on the right side. We bolted into the second room and ran up to her bed. A doctor stood at the end of her bed. "Is she okay?" "She's okay now. We gave her fluids. Her fever is down now as well but we'll have to give her an MRI scan." "What's the scan for?" "To make sure there is no leakage on the brain." "When will that be done?" "Tomorrow." "How many people can we have back here right now?" "3. Only one visitor other than parents." Harry looked over at me. "I'll go get him." I pressed a kiss to his cheek as he left. "How long with she be in here?" "A week at most." I nodded, running my fingers over the top of her head. The doctor left and I heard a 'sorry sir.' Before the door shut. "Anna." I shot up and wrapped my arms around Liam's waist. He held me close to him, shushing me. "How is she?" "Stable. She's getting an MRI done tomorrow." I pulled away and look at Harry who was crouched beside her bed. "She's barely even in this world, and now look." "I know...I know." I walked over to Harry, placing a hand on his shoulder. Then I noticed he was crying. "She'll be okay Hazza." I kissed his temple, lacing our fingers together. "It'll be okay." He looked at me and pressed his lips to mine. "She's my baby girl...This can't be happening." He sobbed, pulling me to his chest. "I know...I know it's hard baby." I kissed the top of his head. He picked her up carefully and sat on a nearby chair, staring at her with wet eyes. Liam wrapped an arm around my waist and I looked up at him with a small smile. "Thank you Liam...Thank you for coming." He nodded, leaning down to kiss my head. "Of course." "You and the boys should go home and sleep. It'll be dark soon." He nodded but pulled me toward the door. "I'll be back Haz. I'm going to thank the boys." He nodded, still staring at Hannah. Liam pulled me out of the too and tried to kiss me. "Not now..." "Okay. I understand. I'll wait until this all settles down." "Liam...I mean not ever." "Why not?" I pressed my hand on his chest. "Me and Harry...We're engaged." He stepped back. He looked at me like I had shot him. "W-What?" "Yeah he...He proposed a few days ago." "But I thought...I thought we had something special." "Liam...I'm sorry but kissing when nobody is around isn't 'something special.' It's barely anything." He bit his lip. "It was special to me." He mumbled, walking past me to leave. "Liam!" I ran after him, grabbing his arm. He stopped walking but refused to turn around. "Liam, don't act like this. You're my best friend!" "And apparently that's all I am." I stood in front of him. "No that's not all you are. You were there when nobody else was. You cared about me when I didn't know what to do and honestly wanted to kill myself. You cared. You loved me." "I still do." He said, crashing his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Harry. Hannah. I pulled away, resting my forehead on his chest. "I have to go." "I understand." I smiled and backed away. "I love you." "I know." I said with a smile, going back towards the NICU. When I entered her room, she was back on the bed and Harry sat on the chair. "Are you okay? You look like a ghost." "Yeah I'm okay..." He got up and walked over. He grabbed my hands, pressing himself against me. "I love you." "I love you too." He kissed the tip of my nose, making me giggle. "Harry..." "Yeah?" "I...I need to confess something." "What?" "Me and him...We kissed." "You and who?" He growled, backing away from me. "L-Liam..." His fists clenched and he started toward the door. "Harry stop...Please. It just kinda happened. I'm so sorry." Which wasn't a lie. He growled and walked over to me, pinning me against the wall. "You're mine." I kissed him roughly, pulling him against me. "All yours. Only yours." I mumbled against his lips. "Harry...I love you." "I love you too. Even if you do piss me off."


"Go to sleep babe." He said as I yawned. "I'm okay." "No go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you up if something happens." I nodded and pressed a kiss to his temple. "You need to get some sleep soon as well." "Okay I will." "Goodnight. Love you." "Love you too."

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