Chapter 7

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"We've got a concert tomorrow..." "Really? Will I get to go?" I asked excitedly. "Yeah if you want to." I nodded, smiling. He smirked. "Well I'm glad you want to. I'm tired of the boys." "No you're not and you know it." "Well, it is nice to have you there though." I smiled and took locks of his hair between my fingers.

"I love your hair." "Thank you." He mumbled, laughing. "I love you." I admitted, not looking at him.

"I love you too An." He said laughing. Oh. Yeah. Maybe i shouldn't have started the 'I love you's between us...Well, now I have more time to think through my decision of telling him.

I smile up at him, tangling our legs together under the blankets. "I'm cold." I mumbled, burying my face in his chest. He pulled the blanket closer to us and engulfed me in his arms. "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Haz?" "Hmm?" "You never really answered me when Kendall said you two had sex..." "God no. I don't even want to hold her hand for the cameras, let alone have sex with her." I nodded. "Good because she's a bitch." "Yeah she is." "So what do you have today?" "Nothing that I know of." I glared at him. "I swear this is like the only day." "Whatever..." I said scoffing, kissing his chest. "Can we watch a movie?" "Sure babe. Here or the theatre?" "Ummm theatre? Or would the paparazzi get in the way?" "It'll be okay." He said with a reassuring smile.


"What do you want to see?" "Umm The Fault in Our Stars?" "Alright. I've been wanting to see that anyway." I smiled and grabbed his hand, making sure I wouldn't get lost. I looked around the room as he got our tickets. Nobody had noticed him yet. He guided me into the theatre, finding a spot in the back.

As the movie carries on, I'm crying a lot. However, when Augustus dies, I bury my face in his shoulder, not watching the screen because if I did, I'd start sobbing. I knew he was crying too but didn't want to call him out.

As soon as the movie was over, we bolted out of there. "That was a very sad movie." I mumbled, laying my head on his shoulder, a habit I realized I had done a lot. "Yeah it was. It was funny whenever they threw the eggs though." "Yeah..." I sniffed, leaning up and kissing his cheek. I could've swore I saw him blush but I ignored it. "It's Harry Styles!!" Some fans ran up to us, causing him to smile politely. "Can we get a picture with you and your girlfriend?" "Oh we're not dating. Me and Kendall are." "Oh, well you'd make a cute couple. Better than you and Kendall. Sorry I don't like her..." He looked at me and smirked. "But yeah we can take the picture." He said, having her to get in the middle. I smiled as the picture was taken. "By the way I saw her kiss you." The fan said, winking and running away. "That was awkward." "Yeah..."

In the car on the ride home, it was quiet for a while. That is until he asked the question I was dreading since I found him.

"I have a question." "Yeah?" I asked, playing with his hand. "Does Tevin even treat you well?" "Well, yeah." "You don't seem so sure...He doesn't hit you does he?" "No!! Well, maybe once or twice." Or fifty. "Break up with him right now." "Why?" "He hit you!! Hello? Anna!" "So? It's not like he does it on a regular basis. Maybe once a week." "Enough for you to take note on how often he does it." "Harry it's not a big deal!" "Yes it is! You don't need to be hit! Especially by your boyfriend! The only hitting he's supposed to be doing is anybody who messes with you!" I rolled my eyes, not looking at him. "I'm just trying to look out for you." "I know you are but I'm fine." "Please... Please leave him. You don't deserve that." "We love each other." "I'm sorry but if he really loved you, he wouldn't hit you." "I know...I'll be fine though." "Why do you want to stay in a relationship with him so bad?" "I don't want to lose him. I already lost you and I don't wanna lose somebody else." "You didn't lose me. I'm right here. I always will be." I sighed, letting go of his hand. "Please don't go back home to him...Stay with me." "Harry I can't just quit school. I need a job." "I'll pay for everything you need. Just stay here. I don't wanna lose you again." "You won't. I'm just going to finish school and then we may be able to catch up before college starts." "Anna...Don't go home." "Home is wherever you are, but you're always in different places. It'd be easier if I just went back to Holmes Chapel." "Why? What are you going to do?" "Finish school, go to college." "Why though? To have a stupid piece of paper? You don't need a job." "Yes I do!" "No you don't! I'll pay for anything you'll ever want or need." "Harry I wouldn't let you do that." "And I'd do it anyway." "Harry!" "Anna?" "I have to go back...I'll miss graduation and prom and-" "Then go back just for those two things!" "Harry I can't graduate if I don't go to my classes." "But I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too but-" His lips were on mine in seconds. "Please stay."

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