Chapter 9

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"Anna!" "Yeah babe?" I asked, waking down the steps, my hand going through my hair. "Can the boys come over?" "It's your house." I said smiling. "Yeah but will you be bothered?" "Of course not." "Oh and erm your idols are coming." "5 seconds of summer...are coming here?" He nodded. I smiled wide, hugging him tightly. "Wait, what if they hate me?" "They won't hate you! Who's your favorite?" "Ashton..." He smirked. "What?" "Nothing babe. They'll be here in 30 minutes." "Really? I have to get ready!!" He laughed as I ran upstairs.

-Harry's POV-

I sent Ashton a text.

"So you're Anna's favorite...Think you could 'flirt' with her or something?"

"Sure mate! She's fit anyway. You wouldn't've had to tell me to."

"Hey, she's still mine."

"Yeah, yeah. See you then mate."

-Anna's POV-

"Anna!" Oh my god! That's Ashton! I smiled, running down the steps. He smiled, along with the other members of 5SOS and walked over, hugging me. "It's nice to officially meet you Anna." "It's nice to meet you too." "Anna!!!" I ran over and the other boys lifted me up, Harry watching us, laughing.


"Hey babe c'mere." Liam said with a smirk. I nodded and walked over to where he stood alone. "Yeah Liam?" His arms snaked around my waist and rested on my bum. "Liam!" "What?" "Get off!" "I will, seeing you." I tried to get out of his grasp. "Harry is just around the corner. I don't care to yell for him." "He won't help you. You're nothing to him. Why do you think he left you?" "He said it wasn't his fault." "Please, he's just saying that to be nice. He couldn't care less." Tears came to my eyes. "Liam stop!" I exclaimed again as he continued to grope me. "C'mon babe." "Liam please! Stop!" He pulled me harshly down the hallway where nobody could see us. I squirmed, trying to get away. "Nice ass." He reached forward putting his hands on my hips. "Harry!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs before my mouth was covered. "Shut up bitch." Liam snapped harshly into my ear. "I hate you!" I spat, spitting on him. He kicked me to the ground. He hit me right in the ribs, making me cry out in pain. "Harry!" I yelled again, weakly. "Anna run!!" Harry yelled as he punched Liam in the face. I got up carefully and ran to find the other boys. "Louis!" "Yeah?" He asked. I turned to my right. There he and the rest of the boys of One Direction and 5SOS stood. "What's wrong?" Ashton asked concerned, walking over to where I stood. "L-Liam took me and abused me and Harry...he's beating him up..." "Where are they?" I pointed in the direction I had run from and they all took off except Ashton. "Hey are you okay?" I shook my head and wrapped my arms around him. "I never would've thought Liam would do something like that...I'm sorry about him." "It's not your fault...Liam said Harry only said he missed me to be nice...Is that true?" "Of course not! He loves you! I can tell by the look on his face that you're the best thing that's ever happened to him." I scoffed. "Yeah right." "No I'm serious! You should see him!" "Thanks Ash." I said smiling. "You're welcome babe." "Anna!!" I turned to see Harry running up. He picked me up into his arms, making me groan. "Shit sorry. Are you okay?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you." "Of course." I started crying again, making him lift me up carefully and carry me over to the couch. "Baby look at me." I slowly lifted my head. "What's wrong?" "Liam...He said that you're only saying you missed me because you felt bad for me and said I was nothing to you..." "That's complete bullshit baby. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I smiled a little. "That's what Ash said." "Well, he's a smart man." I smiled, pressing my lips to his cheek. "Thank you again." "It's no problem. Are you hurt?" I nodded. "A little but I'll be fine." "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Thank you though Harry." "I'll always protect you babe." I smiled and kissed his chest. He smirked as I got up and ran towards the boys. "Where's Liam?" "He's back there." Louis said, pointing behind him. I nodded and walked down the hallway. I opened up his door and stepped in. He was sitting on his bed, an ice pack on his face. He looked up when he heard the door open. "Anna, I'm so sorry about what happened." "Are you sorry you did it or sorry you got caught and punched?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Sorry I did it." "Mhmm...Did Harry do that to you?" "Yeah." "Good. You deserved it." "I know I did and I'm sorry." He got up and walked over to me, making me back against the wall. "I'm not going to hurt you...I promise." I still back away. "Fine. I don't blame you. I'm sorry about what I said about Harry...It wasn't true..." "Why'd you do that?" "I was just bored." "With what?" "Liza." "How could you get bored with your wife?! You love her!" He sighed and shrugged. "Harry hates me now I guess huh?" "What do you expect?...Why'd you take me?" "You were easy to get to..." "Still though...Taking your bandmate's girlfriend?" "I know..." I shook my head and left out of his room. "Harry!!" "Yeah?" I screamed a little bit, hearing him right beside me. "Why were you outside his room?!" "Making sure you didn't get hurt." He said shrugging. I smiled small and hugged him. "What do you wanna do today?" "I don't know...Cuddle?" "That's works for me."

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