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I shut the car door and grabbed Harry and Hannah's hands, walking on the small path. As we stepped into the grass, my chest became tighter and it was harder for me to breathe; I was not going to cry. Harry's hand slid out of mine and went to the small of my back. I swallowed and sat down criss cross in the grass, facing the gravestone. Hannah sat in my lap and Harry to my side. "Hey mum...I hope you're okay up there. I'm sure it's wonderful," I sniffed before continuing. "We miss you down here. Hannah really wanted to meet you but we told her about what happened. You'd love her. She's sweet, cute; something to be proud of. Ya know? Me and Harry are married now. We have been for three years now. You were right. You knew we'd get married someday even though I'd just roll my eyes when you told me this. Hannah's four. Oh, she has brown curly hair and green eyes just like her daddy too." I said with a smile even though tears continued to fall. "I love you momma and I'm sorry this is just my first time visiting you. I just...I couldn't before now. I built up the courage with the help of Harry. I...It was too hard before. I'm still grieving but it's easier. Don't get me wrong, I still miss you like hell but...It's not as hard as it was...Momma, I'm glad you told me to listen to my heart when I confessed that secret to you when I was sixteen. I'm glad you told me to listen to my heart. Because now that you told me, I'm the happiest I've been since you left...So thank you mum. I love you so much and I hope you know that. You weren't even like my mum. You were like my sister..." I sniffed and stood up, grabbing the flower from Harry and placed it right in front of the stone. It was a Daisy. Her favorite. Harry placed a kiss on the top of my head, his arm around my waist. Hannah stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. "You okay?" "Yeah...Yeah I'm fine. It really helped...Thank you Harry." He just smiled. "Let's go, honey. It's getting dark." I nodded. As we walked off, a breeze blew through. I smiled. I don't think it was a coincidence. I lifted Hannah into my arms and kissed her cheek. We got into the car, leaving the place I never thought I'd be able to visit again.

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