Chapter 26: Oops

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The mission went rather smoothly. Katya and Natasha ran into some knocked out pirates Rogers had taken care off before, until they made it to the door that would lead them below deck.

The engine room was on the lowest level and while the Captain had done a good job clearing the deck, they would definitely run into some guards still.

It all went quick and easy, Katya and Natasha silently making their way to the engine room. These pirates were clearly not the best in the business. Or they simply couldn't handle the spies' quick moves. Just a couple more stairs to go before they made it down when the loud ringing of a phone echoed through the stairwell.

''Oui?'' A scrawny looking guy who awkwardly held his gun answered the phone loudly. He had no idea two spies had sneaked up behind him. Katya wanted to move past Natasha to take him out while he was still distracted, but a hand stopped her, the quirky smile on Natasha's face saying she had something else in mind. 

Katya rolled her eyes but stood back nevertheless. If Natasha wanted to have some fun, who was she to stop her. 

A loud voice spoke on the other side of the line. It was French, but the words were inaudible. ''Okay.'' The guy spoke again, hanging up the phone and turning around to walk away, undoubtedly to do whatever he was ordered to. He froze in his spot when he saw the beautiful Natasha casually standing there, giving him a wide smile and flirty eyes. 

To be honest, Katya would have been distracted by her beauty too. It didn't seem to matter what gender the Russian used her charms on, Natasha was simply irresistible. 

''Hey, sailor,'' she said in a flirting tone when he eyed her up and down, before she suddenly kicked his knee, a very disturbing sound coming from the bone. Natasha wrapped a cord around his neck and jumped down into the space between the stairs, letting the cord carry her weight.

''Nat!'' Katya hissed after her when she disappeared without any warning. Running down the circular staircase quickly, she followed the sound of gunshots to track her girlfriend's position, jumping over two men lying on the stairs before finally getting to her partner again.

Natasha didn't wait for Katya to catch up to her, walking a few steps in front. ''Did you miss me?'' she finally asked when she felt her presence behind her.

''I hate you.''

A silent chuckle filled the hallway, both women alert for any enemies they might run into. There were a couple more hallways to secure before reaching the engine room when Katya felt someone behind her. Turning around quickly, one of her knives had already left her hand before the guy could grasp what was happening. 

Stealth was the key in this mission, so her guns had to stay in their holsters unless they were absolutely needed. Not that she needed them. She liked her knives better anyway.

The short blade lodged itself into the man's thigh, causing him to fall on his knees. With one simple kick to his temple, he was out. ''Nice,'' Natasha commented from behind.

''Thanks.'' Plucking the knife from his leg, Katya swiped it across the man's arm to get the blood off. The last thing she wanted was a dirty knife.

Continuing their way, the loud pacing of a guard could be heard from the level below. Katya had no idea where they had found these pirates, but they sucked. 

''Natasha, Katya, what's your status?'' Katya wanted to answer Rogers, but she was too occupied with sneaking up behind the guy. If she were to talk now, he would have pointed his gun at them and a gunshot wound would really suck right now. 

Both women jumped down, silently landing below. ''Status, Natasha?'' Natasha rushed to take the man down, but not before answering Rogers. ''Hang on!'' she yelled, before climbing on the man's shoulders and tasering him with her gloves. 

The noise had attracted two other guys, the first engaging the red-haired Agent in a fight, while Katya quickly attacked the second pirate from behind before he could get a grip on her.

These guys were strong and muscular, but that was also their weakness. Katya and Natasha were less strong, but much quicker and flexible. So while the guy tried to elbow Katya in her face, she had already kicked his knees out and caught him in a headlock. 

He tried to pry her hands off his neck, like that would work, when finally, after ten very long seconds, he went down. ''Asshole,'' she muttered to herself when he fell face-first onto the floor. That would be a beautiful blue nose tomorrow. 

Natasha had taken her guy down too, swiping his legs from under him in one swift motion. ''Engine room secure,'' she breathed in her comms, letting Steve know they were good. With one final swing from a metal pole, she knocked out her guy. That looked really painful, especially with the power she had.

''Now for part two of this mission,'' Natasha said after shutting her comms off, walking out with Katya on her heels. 

They heard loud noises coming from outside. Steve had given S.T.R.I.K.E. the order to enter the galley and take out every last pirate. Katya didn't feel any guilt as she followed Natasha to the stairs, swiftly running to deck-level. She knew Rogers could handle whatever was happening. If something went wrong, he could plan around the disappearance of two of his agents.

As if she had predicted something to go wrong, Steve himself spoke into her ear, just one floor from their destination. ''Natasha, Katya, Batroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages.'' Sorry hostages, but you're not the priority today. The intel Fury wanted was most important. At least to the two women on the team.

''Natasha! Katya!''  Steve hissed in their ear impatiently. What struck Katya most was that he was immediately angry. His voice was angry. They had checked in thirty seconds ago, but that didn't mean that they were completely safe now. There could be some hidden danger that had gotten the best of both of them. Rogers wasn't worried, which was what Katya would be if Natasha didn't answer immediately, he was angry, which told her everything she needed to know about the way he saw them.

''Well, he's pissed,'' Natasha said with a smirk when she pushed open the steel door to the computer room. Nobody was there, thank god, Katya would hate for another knife to get dirty today. 

She scoffed, closing the door behind her to not leave any trails behind. ''He can be pissed at Fury, we're just doing our jobs.''

''Don't think he sees it that way.'' Natasha picked the first computer she saw, with a good view of the two doors leading into the room, taking the flash drive out of her sleeve pocket. 

Katya hopped up on the desk next to the computer. Natasha was way more skilled at hacking and computers. Not that Katya couldn't hack her way into multiple files or websites, Natasha was just a lot better at it. And quicker, quicker is what they needed. ''Don't care, let's just get that intel and get the hell out of here. I hate boats.'' Katya scrunched her nose, glancing around the room.

Natasha didn't look up from the screen she had bowed over, trying to copy the information from the computer to the drive. ''Huh, didn't know you did.''

''They creep me out. I don't know why.'' Katya watched her face intently, seeing her bright green eyes flicker left and right, finding the right buttons to click and codes to enter on the screen. Her lips pressed together and a concentrated look on her face. Despite killing and knocking out some pirates along the way, there wasn't one bead of sweat on her forehead, although her hair had fallen in her face. Now you understood why Katya always wore her hair in an elastic. 

''You're staring again. I can't concentrate like this Katya,'' Natasha chuckled softly.

''Sorry,'' she muttered, getting a knife out of her belt and twirling it around in her hand, watching as the harmless part of the deadly weapon hit her skin every second. Isn't it funny that such a deadly thing could become so harmless the second it wasn't sharp? The same with a gun. As soon as it wasn't loaded, it was just a piece of plastic, no harm done. But with a bullet that could easily make 2500 feet per second, it was the deadliest weapon in her arsenal.

The computer's loading bar was about halfway when the door to the room busted down and fell inside. Katya had thrown her knife before she saw who it was. It lodged itself into the steel wall behind the two fallen men, who were on the ground. The Captain punched Bartoc unconscious, heavily panting from what she believed to have been a good fight. 

Steve hadn't noticed the knife flying above his head or the fact that two spies were in this room with him. One furiously typing away on the keyboard while the other had relaxed again, fiddling with another knife now that the threat had been eliminated as fast as it had come.

''Well, this is awkward,'' Natasha broke the silence, knowing Steve would see them any minute now. 

He got up immediately, looking between Katya, who gave him a little wave, to Natasha, who had focused her eyes on the screen again but with a smirk playing on her lips. ''What are you doing?'' Yup, he was angry, like they had predicted.

''Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into.'' Natasha wasted no time beating around the bush. She could have lied if she wanted to, Rogers would have probably believed her, but what was the point? He had caught them and he wasn't blind or dumb. If he wanted to figure something out, he would. He was very determined. 

Checking to make sure Batroc was still out, he walked over to them while loudly complaining. ''Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?'' He stopped next to Natasha, trying to figure out the things displaying on the screen.

Despite being new to all this, he could see the loading bar, which was three-quarters full by now. The screen also very openly said 'File Transfer Sequence' above it, which told him enough. ''You're saving SHIELD Intel.''

''Whatever we can get our hands on.'' Katya spoke up for the first time, making his angry blue eyes focus on her. Her nonchalant attitude didn't sit right with him, she saw that. But she couldn't care less. He might be in charge of this mission, but Natasha and Katya's mission came from higher-up. It overruled this one. If Rogers had a problem, he could fight it out with Fury. 

''Our mission is to rescue hostages,'' he said angrily to Katya, who shrugged her shoulders.

''No. That's your mission,'' Natasha corrected him sweetly, the computer chiming to let her know the transfer was complete. Grabbing the flash drive from the slot, she turned around to face him to say the next part in his face. ''And you've done it beautifully.''

Katya jumped off the table, ready to follow her, when Rogers suddenly grabbed both their arms as they passed him. ''You two just jeopardized this whole operation.'' His head turned from side to side to look both agents in their eyes. He was very angry, steam almost coming out of his ears. His grip was so tight that Katya couldn't get her arm out of it even if it were her good one. His thumb pressed into her weak muscle, the one that was still painful, and she had to bite her lip to not let out a whimper.

''I think that's overstating things,'' Natasha denied, that damn hint of a smile on her lips. But she had spoken too soon.

On the other side of the room, Batroc rose, pulling the pin out of a grenade and throwing it in their direction. The movement caught Natasha and Katya's attention, who both started running towards the exit they had determined before. 

Steve hit the grenade with his shield, getting it away from them as soon as possible, before following the two women. Natasha shot at the glass window of an office before Steve grabbed both of them, jumped onto a desk and jumped through the glass, his shield in front of their faces.

The grenade exploded with a loud bang before they could hit the floor, fire filling the room they were just in. Quickly moving against the wall to protect them from the fire, everyone panted loudly while Katya held her painful shoulder. She had landed on it, and that was not a good idea.

''Okay. That one's on us.'' Natasha took the blame for distracting Rogers from Bartoc, almost killing them in the process.

''You're damn right,'' The Captain said angrily, standing up and walking out, leaving the two spies to fend for themselves. Natasha sighed and frowned, not happy with getting him mad She closed her eyes and rested her head back before turning it to Katya, who sat a little away.

Her gaze fell onto the shoulder Katya clutched. It would need some ice to drown the pain and definitely some painkillers. ''Your shoulder?'' she asked concerned.

Katya nodded, angry at her own body for not doing what she wanted it to. ''Damn shoulder. It's so frustrating,'' she growled. The fatigue, pain and frustration hit her all at once now that the mission was over.

Natasha stood up slowly, a little wobbly at first, before grabbing Katya's good arm and helping her up. ''Let's get back to the jet before Rogers leaves without us.'' She tried to lighten the mood a little, but it didn't have much effect.

They completed the mission, but not without making sacrifices along the way. It would be a while before Steve trusted them again. Besides, Batroc got away and now they had to find this dangerous guy again. On top of all that, Steve found out about their side-mission, which would come with questions. Yeah, it wasn't a good day. 

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