Chapter 47: Tying Up Loose Ends

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It had been a couple weeks since SHIELD fell. 

Steve had woken up in the hospital after a couple days with Sam sitting right next to his bed. From what Katya had caught from Natasha's phone calls to Sam, he had a couple gunshot wounds to his body and lots of bruises all over, but would be fine. Just like she had expected. 

After being dismissed, both men had disappeared off radar and dodged the media and the government. To nobody's surprise, Steve hadn't been called for a hearing concerning his actions for SHIELD and the fall of it. 

To nobody's surprise either, both Katya and Natasha had been called in for a hearing. With the whole world having access to their SHIELD files and their history as spies, it was just a matter of time until somebody wanted an explanation.

Both women had been recovering and gaining their strength back after everything. Although Natasha had had gunshot wounds before, they were a bitch to recover from. So it was just a lot of resting and being pampered by Laura, Clint's girlfriend, whether they wanted to or not.

Katya's shoulder had been operated on by a doctor who owed Fury some debts and did everything off record. She had no idea what exactly they had done, but over the course of weeks, she had begun to feel a lot better. 

Between Laura's good food, physiotherapy and lots of medicine, it had started to heal nicely and she was able to use it more and more for light movement. It would take months before everything was healed nicely and she could start training again. Until then, it was accepting other people's help, which she hated, and taking it one step at a time.

Natasha had refused to be heard in front of a committee until Katya felt better and didn't need her as much anymore and they could go together. No way was either of them letting the other face all of that alone, even though they could handle it.

Other's opinions on them never mattered and Katya didn't care about what other people thought of her, even if in this case, 'other people' meant the whole world. Because that is who would be watching the hearing live on television. But that's what you get for being an Avenger and being known everywhere. 

Nobody had heard from Fury since he had dropped them off at Clint's, but they weren't surprised or offended. Disappearing meant having no contact with anyone, especially with two of the world's best known spies with questionable pasts.

Currently, Natasha and Katya were on a government airplane on their way to Washington D.C., where the hearing would take place. Since they were no longer SHIELD agents, they didn't have any Quinjets at their disposal anymore, which meant they were dependent on the transport they were offered by others. 

Katya had eyed the amounts of security inside and around the plane with one unimpressed eyebrow. They were treated like criminals and highly dangerous, although they were no different than that day in 2012 in New York City.

White clouds prevented Katya from seeing the city down below as the plane started their descent into the nation's capital. Across from her, Natasha was reading something on her tablet like she was unbothered by all of it, but Katya couldn't share that feeling.

Believe it or not, she didn't like having lots of eyes on her and was nervous about the committees verdict. Natasha had reassured her they wouldn't throw them in jail because they needed them, but nobody stood above the law, not even the Avengers.

''Did I mention that I think you look beautiful?'' For today's outfit, Natasha had chosen to wear something very similar to what she was wearing when she was disguised as the councilwoman. Everybody saw the footage from that room and what she did to take HYDRA down. This outfit was a reminder of what she had done that day and on which side she really stood. 

Pair that blazer, pencil skirt and heels with bright, perfect red hair and you get a gorgeous woman with deadly skills. 

Natasha looked up from her tablet, her eyes soft and relaxed. ''No, but I love hearing you say it,'' she teased. ''You don't look so bad yourself.''

Katya only wore dresses when necessary or for parties, but not for stuff like this. What she didn't expect was to find the perfect suit on her bed one day. It was a dark grey with long pants and a white blouse and fitted her body perfectly. There was nothing else attached to it except a note: 'For good luck. May the world see the amazing woman my kids see. Love, Laura.'

She almost cried when she read it and didn't know how to repay Laura for it. But the woman just brushed it away and told her she had helped around in the house and played with the kids enough to earn it.

''You don't have to be nervous,'' Natasha said, seeing only a faint smile appear on Katya's face.

''I know, and I don't want to be, but I can't help it. I grew up in HYDRA for god's sake.''

''Stop it,'' Katya's downgrading comments on herself were cut off by Natasha, who hated hearing them. ''You had no say in that. You have proven yourself loyal to SHIELD hundreds of times and if they can't see that, then screw them.''

The guards on the other side of the aisle looked at them weirdly, but Natasha just narrowed her eyes at them and they turned back immediately. 

''I'm just saying, the only opinions that should matter to you are of the people that love you, and you already know how I think of you.''

Katya looked at her hands in her lap before meeting Natasha's determined eyes. ''I love you.''

''I know. Now let's do this thing and get out of there.''

A black, heavily armored car with tainted windows was waiting for them right outside of the plane to take them to the building. They would be heard at the same time, which wasn't normal procedure, but gave them a chance to broadcast it all at once and would be much easier concerning security.

The closer they came to the building, the more busier it became on the street. Everyone knew this was going down now, so photographers and news outlets had arrived early to claim a good spot along the route. But there were also normal people gathered around the building. Some held signs and most of them had their phone at the ready to catch the Avengers on camera. 

Security was heavy and despite the situation, Katya almost felt like a celebrity or president, which didn't help with her nerves at all. A hand tightly grasped her own and gave her reassuring squeezes. 

The car came to a stop in front of the big, double doors of the enormous building. Before security even opened the car door, bright flashes from cameras were already starting. Natasha stepped out first and immediately, they were screaming her name, trying to get a picture or a statement, but she had no time for them. 

Instead, she turned around and helped Katya out of the car, making sure to keep her close and hold her hand while walking through the crowd and into the building. 

''Ms. Romanoff, where have you been hiding these past few weeks?''

''Ms. Petrova, is it true that you have killed for HYDRA?''

''Where is Captain America?''

''Are your friendships with the Avengers over?''

''How long have you been together?''

All kinds of questions were thrown at them, and it was hard not to hear them. Katya just did her best to keep her head up and look straight ahead. The hand in her own was grounding her as much as it was grounding Natasha, although she didn't know that. 

This was also the first time the public ever saw them as more than friends. Of course, people had suspicions and some gossip had gone around, but neither one of them had ever confirmed anything. But now that their files were available for free on the internet, there was no use in hiding it anymore. 

Besides, Katya didn't want to. She wanted the whole world to know they were together and belonged together. She had been owned by many different organizations and bad people in her life, this was the first time she actually chose to belong to someone because she wanted to. And not as a form of possesion, but as two parts belonging together. 

''Are you okay?'' Natasha genuinely asked her as soon as the doors closed behind them and the yelling was muffled. 

''Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just keep going.'' She wanted this whole thing to be over with already.

But the situation inside the hearing room wasn't any better. There were just as much reporters and journalists with cameras and microphones there as there were outside. They were able to come real close to where they would be sitting, which was also frightening.

A woman guided them towards their seats as they waited for the committee to arrive, which they did after a while. It was probably meant to intimidate them or show them who is pulling the strings here, but Katya was just bored after thirty minutes of waiting and acting like she wasn't affected by all of this.

One by one, the members started pouring in and Katya hated them immediately. They were privileged people, arrogant and full of themselves. Also: they were all dudes.

Natasha was called forward to be sworn in first, then it was Katya's turn to put her hand on the Bible in front of the whole nation.

''Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?'' The lady asked her.

''I do.'' Two simple words, saying to everyone in the room and everyone watching that whatever would come out of her mouth, it would be the truth.

She only just sat down as the first question was asked. Clearly, somebody couldn't wait to interrogate them. ''Ms. Romanoff, why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?''

Natasha crossed her arms, putting up an I'm-better-than-everybody-here- look and sat up straight in her chair. She pretended to think about it for a second, letting a silence fall. ''I don't know what there is left for him to say. I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently.''

Despite her nerves, Katya had trouble keeping the smile and adoration off her face. It was amazing to see Natasha dive into character and piss everyone off with her arrogant and bored facade. The annoyance on the committee general's face was too funny to see and it only got worse the more she told him off.

''Well, he could explain how this country's expected to maintain its national security now that he, you and Ms. Petrova next to you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus.''

He made a wrong move mentioning Katya and she was already done with his bullshit. ''HYDRA was selling you lies, not intelligence.''

''Many of which you seem to have had a personal hand in telling.'' Before she could even answer, he continued on, but not before clearly moving from Natasha to Katya, who sat up straighter with his strict eye on him.

''Which brings me to you, Ms. Petrova. Years of lying and killing innocents for HYDRA, until you escape and Ms. Romanoff takes you into SHIELD. For all we know, you are still undercover and have never given up the believes you grew up in.''

''Like you said, General, I escaped, risking my life wanting to be free like any other kid should be. Not being brainwashed and forced into murder. SHIELD gave me a second chance your government would have never given me.''

''Is that what happened, or are you just looking for excuses to justify your behavior? You're right, we would have never let a terrorist spy live on our grounds.''

''I never  wanted to do any of that and I am not  justifying anything. Yes I have made massive mistakes in my life and no I do not deserve forgiveness for that, but I am not asking for any. I have to live with those images and deaths every day. The only thing I want is to move forward and never go back there, ever. The only thing I can do is try and make up for all the wrong I did by continuing to protect this country to which I owe everything.''

The General blinked slowly, trying to process everything she had said. Katya exhaled a shaky breath, trying not to falter in her strong appearance. Next to her, Natasha had a proud smile on her face which said: suck on that, General.

With her speech, the whole point of the hearing was summarized at the same time. It was everything they wanted to hear. At least, the General didn't have anything else to say.

But another one had more to say. And he said exactly what Katya had expected they would say. ''Agents, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your service record, both for this country and against it, that you belong in a penitentiary, not mouthing off on Capitol Hill.''

''You're not gonna put me or her in a prison.'' Natasha shook her head, speaking with confidence. ''You're not gonna put any of us in a prison. You know why?''

''Do enlighten us,'' the guy said dryly.

''Because you need us. Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we helped make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it. So if you want to arrest us, arrest us. You'll know where to find us.''

He stared at her with an open mouth, having nothing to bring into that. He looked at the General for back up, but he had the same look on his face. All this was enough for Natasha to know this hearing was over. Like she had suspected, it had resulted in nothing. 

Without a warning or some kind of goodbye, she stood up and prepared to leave. Katya did the same, giving the committee a smug smile and following her girlfriend through the crowds of reporters, who were yelling again and shoving cameras in their faces. But this time, it didn't bother her anymore. 

She got to say what she wanted, now it was up to the rest of the world to decide whether they believed her. 


Katya and Natasha's heels made soft clicking noises on the sidewalk as they were on their way to the cemetery, where they had set up a meeting with Steve. They hadn't seen each other since that day SHIELD fell and to be honest, Katya looked forward to seeing the Captain and Sam again. After this adventure, she could truly say she considered them her friends, and that wasn't something she said of a whole lot of people.

''You did good in there,'' Natasha said as they walked through the entrance gate over the pebbles, which was a bitch to walk on with their high heels. It had been a couple hours since the hearing and they had changed clothes in the hotel they were staying at before heading out again. It was a habit they had to get used to again, since they had to go into hiding for some time. 

A lot of their old enemies had all their safe houses and aliases in their hands, they had to find new ones. 

''I said what I wanted to, it is up to the world to decide whether they believe me.'' Katya looked around the graveyard, the trees lightly moving in the wind and the sun illuminating the neatly trimmed grass. ''You looked like you were enjoying yourself, though,'' she smiled at Natasha.

''I was,'' Natasha laughed. ''Although it was your speech that shut them up.''

Katya smiled and let a silence fall, thinking back to that moment and all the things she felt.

''I wasn't only speaking for me, you know.'' She had stopped walking, something she wanted to say was burning on her tongue. ''I know you feel like you don't deserve forgiveness either, and how much you struggle with your past every day, but those mistakes are made, no going back. From now on, only looking forward, okay?'' 

Despite the sad look in her eyes, Natasha smiled and nodded. ''Okay.''

Three figures in the distance were the only movement in the field: Steve, Sam and Fury, concealed by some trees. It was a bad place to meet with too much exposure for any one of them to be too long, so the meeting would have to be short.

''Alright then.'' The wind carried Fury's voice to the two women before they reached them. 

The director looked completely different without his long coat and his eyepatch. They had made place for a short leather jacket with a hood and a pair of sunglasses. Together with the sling around his shoulder, he looked out of place and lost, although nobody would ever describe him that way.

Sam and Steve shook the man's hand as a way of saying goodbye, knowing the chance would be small they would ever see each other again. ''Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here.'' He gestured towards the gravestone that was placed there after he was declared dead. A ghost standing next to his own grave.

''You should be honored, that's about as close as he gets to saying thank you.'' Natasha made their presence known. And although Fury undoubtedly heard her, he didn't turn back around. 

Steve walked up to them, as Sam stayed right where he was, not wanting to intrude in the conversation. ''Not going with him?'' Steve's eyes switched between Natasha and Katya as he spoke.

''No,'' Katya answered for the both of them, shaking her head with a kind smile.

''Not staying here?'' Steve guessed.

This time, Natasha answered. ''Nah. We blew all our covers, gotta go figure out new ones.''

''That might take a while.''

Natasha looked at Katya before answering. ''We're counting on it.'' There was a short pause as Natasha watched Steve like she was hesitating on something. ''That thing you asked for,'' he handed him the file on the Winter Soldier, or 'James Barnes' as he was called, who apparently was Steve's childhood friend. ''I called in a few favors from Kiev.''

Steve stared at the file in his hands, his face falling. 

''Will you do us a favor?'' Katya interrupted his thinking. ''Call that nurse.''

''She's not a nurse,'' he smiled. He found that out the hard way, with her kicking in his door when Fury was bleeding out on the floor of his apartment. 

''And you're not a SHIELD agent,'' she reflected back, to which his smile widened and he thought about it. 

''What was her name again?''

''Sharon. She's nice,'' Natasha answered. She gave Steve a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye and Katya shot him a wink, then she waved at Sam, who gave her a big smile. She had a feeling she would see both of them soon. Something told her her days with the Avengers weren't over and that Sam would find his way to them.

Natasha turned around one last time before completely walking away. ''Be careful, Steve. You might not want to pull on that thread,'' she warned. But Katya knew he wasn't going to listen. 

She could feel Steve and Sam's eyes on them as they walked out of the cemetery. 

Somehow, at the end of it all, she had gained something from it all: a new sense of freedom and new friends. In the end, you have to focus on the positives and not on the things you have lost. And while it may take a while for everything to turn to normal again and they would have to keep looking over their shoulders for the next few months, Katya weirdly enough looked forward to it.

This would be the first time it was just her and Natasha. No obligations to anyone or anything. No job and nothing to do. After years of dedicating themselves to SHIELD, which they had both loved, they had earned some time off to figure themselves out.

Although both of them knew one thing for sure: the world hadn't seen the last of them. 


A/N: a double update?? A day early?? I wanted to wrap up this movie and had to devide it into two chapters so I finished it today. Also: I have to work tomorrow so can't update then. I hope you enjoyed this part of the story. Now let's move onto the next one: Age of Ultron!

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