forgotten graveyard

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In a far section of the world, trapped in the dark continent Sonticus, lays a vast area shined by the fragile light of the moon if covered, will make the dark continent a nightmare straight out of our darkest nightmares.

It was a cold and dreary night in the trapped area of Sonticus.

A place that was once riddled with life now riddled with silhouettes of cross like graves craving for the emotions of man scattered around the area, close yet far for the husks who have lost their souls to be buried.

An eerie blood red mist that covets the area will make those who come near it sense of dread clawing up their skin like an arachnid.

A mist thick enough that you can only see a few feet ahead of you and not the identities of those that have been buried but can see the illusions of the dead profusely asking who you are and what you've done in an attempt to judge you whether you have something dig into your back forcefully splitting it open shocking you as you have your heart ripped out from behind.

A place that reeked of death and filled with crows crowing with hunger.

Or whether they guide you to see your lost loved ones or predecessor.

Only those with the will for heroism and free of any thoughts to raid the dead shall live to walk this place.

At the center of the cemetery up on top of a hill, laid oddly shaped graves varying in different forms giving off an oxidizing stench.

Then as night began to slumber once more allowing the day to wake up and slowly spread its light across the land.

The mist began to recede due to the light allowing the graves that had been hidden by the mist to be seen at last to the light.

It was a mass grave of weapons embedded onto the ground that litter the land, dead without their wielders and at the center of the hill lays a wooden cane on the ground with a photo of 2 brothers and a sister.

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