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"Emilia?" said female turned with her helmet under her arm, as she stood to the side after Brett walked away from her. She tried her hardest not to get emotional at the male before her

"Liam?" She mimicked him playfully and instantly his eyes fell to her gear and looked back at her," What are you-you play?"

"Yeah, have been for years now" She threw on a smile," Besides Kira, I was the only other female on the team"

"You were?" He ended up finding a smile on his face making Emilia nod her head

"Sorry, I couldn't really help in summer-I was busy trying to live with being forgotten and all" She blurted out making her hang her head," Sorry"

"No, it's not-Uhm-" he coughed and adjusted his gear," I could use all the help I can"

"Don't worry Dunbar, I got you-" She reached her arm forward patting his shoulder," Just show the team what you got, and it'll motivate them to hopefully get first-line"

"You really think they might have a chance?" He asked looking at the younger males

"You never know until you see it for yourself" She grinned placing her helmet on her head," Let's go before, Brett takes the spotlight"

"He's already doing it" He mumbled walking after her

"Don't make him" She stated, smiling to herself at how well she was handling on talking to Liam without getting all sensitive and uneasy.

The first few tries went to Brett who was already making it hard for Liam. Emilia looked over to Corey who was currently positioned at the goalie.

"That's called a perfect hitch" Brett bragged loudly as Liam groaned getting back to position.

"Come on Liam" Emilia whispered unconsciously making him hear it

Brett went again and this time, Liam had been able to get first-hand for a second but didn't successfully block him "Perfect split-dodge" Emilia rolled her eyes at his cockiness

It proceeded with again and it was left to Brett continuously scoring past both Liam and Corey.

"Hey Emmy, it's your turn" Brett suddenly announcing making her look up from the grass she found so interesting since she was getting tired of just watching the same drill over and over.

"Oh, you remembered I existed" She mocked walking over to the field, standing next to him and across Liam.

"Isn't that a girl?" Emilia rolled her eyes at one of the freshmen who started to whisper the usual insults on her being female and weak to the others-she didn't really let it bother her, but Liam and Brett both turned their heads to the benches.

"Ignore them" She announced getting in position," I don't care what they say"

"But they-

"Shut up" She cut Brett off shoving him to the side," Liam are you ready?" He turned his head back to her and nodded.

After Corey had told them he was ready, Emilia had scooped up the ball and went running forward. The moment Liam had stood in front ofagain blocking her way, she grinned and jumped over him swiftly-though she took the moment and whispered to Liam

"Don't go easy on me, Dunbar" he turned back as she scored. He tightened his hold on his Lacrosse stick letting out a breath at those exact words-one he had been hit with a memory of what she told him during their drills back at Devenford Prep.

His eyes widen as that memory had burned back into his head-and he found his motivation that he felt missing since the Hunt slowly returning back.

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