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Emilia tried her hardest to hold back herself from just dropping to the floor and breaking down. Usually, she was strong on her emotions, but with everything going on-she just felt so suffocated.

She knew the pack being suspicious on her words was only natural-but it didn't mean she couldn't be hurt by it. She wanted answers, but also, she just wanted her family back-along with Theo since he earned that right.

"My name is Emilia Crooke-I'm a born werewolf, and I used to be a part of Satomi's pack"

"Used to?" Scott questioned and she nodded," Satomi allowed me to be a part of your pack after-" She stopped herself realizing the reason she left in the first place...

"After what?" Lydia went to ask next

Emilia looked at Lori and Brett who both shared looks," Uh..."

"Look, if you want us to trust you-then you have to tell us everything" Scott stated

"Scott" Brett spoke up in her defence," Can't Lori and I's word be enough?"

"It can be-but with everything that went on-

Emilia closed her eyes and let out a sigh," It's because of Liam"

Said male perked up hearing his name and his jaw slightly dropped at her words," Me?" She hesitantly looked at him and nodded. Corey flinched stepping closer to Mason since Hayden who was next to him suddenly let out a growl.

"Then explain to us why your eyes are blue" She blurted out making Emilia's throat hitch-this had set off Brett and Lori who both turned to her growling angrily at her insensitive question.

Malia looked at Emilia and lowered her guard getting the strong scent of anxiety. Instead of just blowing up with questions on the situation-she knew how it felt when people saw her own eyes.

"My pack" Emilia's voice cracked," Before Satomi's-"

"Emmy" Lori placed her hand on her back, but she just shook her head as she continued," The Crooke Pack, consisted of my grandfather, parents and a few other distant relatives. We used to live off-grid, and just kept to grandfather had other plans, and that was to" She hugged herself leaning into Lori's arms as she went on," Make our Pack grow, and since him being Alpha, we really didn't have a choice, but to follow his orders"

"So, he just started to bite people?" Scott asked and she looked at him and closed her eyes.

"Yes, but the way he did it-was horrific" Emilia said softly," He would lead them to nearly dying, and having no choice to either take the bite or die"

"Holy shit" Mason mumbled," That's intense" Corey looked at his boyfriend and just shook his head trying to hide his smile at how adorable he found him being at the moment.

"Intense indeed" She responded," My parents finally decided one night that it was better for us to leave so we did and the place we ended up was here-Beacon Hills"

"We thought it was safe-but that was far from it. My parents were associated with Hales"

"Please tell me it does not have to deal with Peter" Lydia suddenly cut in and Emilia chuckled

"Actually-he was the one who kind of saved me"

"Peter" Malia laughed," Are we talking about the same psychotic Peter?"

"Trust me, it's hard to even believe when I say it myself-but he's the reason I was able to...succeed in killing my grandfather before he could have killed more people"

"So, your eyes are blue because you ended his life? I'm not so sure about it making sense on why your eyes are blue and not red" Hayden cocked an eyebrow

"It's not red" Emilia tried to be patient with her as she continued," Because I did not kill him when he was still an Alpha-he lost his status after nearly dying from Peter. My eyes did not change until after I had parents"

When those words left her mouth, the silence filled the room and all that could be heard was the uneven breaths of her sudden confession.

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