Chapter 9: Stone Heart [Edited]

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I woke up in my same spot, I think? It's all white I can't really tell... I looked around and saw no one except for some dusty footprints... Dust... No it can't be...

It is small kind of like Sans... I looked at it closely, it seems that it went from outside to here and went back out again... This gives me a shivers down my spine... Did blueberry did this? No... It can't be... Soon I heard a scream... It sounded like Sans!

I went to the direction, it seems that my chains was removed so I just stormed off.. I saw Sans laying on the ground almost unconscious, this terrifies me.. Seeing my only friends in this AU hurt, it gave me a bit nudge on my dark side...

Slowly I feel unsettling, no a n g r y​​​​​​... And saw Papyrus having a orange arua around him... I went to the direction where Papyrus was staring it was... Sans? But he's glitching and stuff... But no matter he hurt my friends and he's not getting away with it! I am not a negative mooded kind of girl but when I do. Boy! I feel great when I do. Then I saw Sans controlling what it blue strings?

The one that tangled me on the first place! Then suddenly Papyrus seems to kneel down against his will then a upside down soul came out of his chest and started to squeeze it making Papyrus cries in pain.

Every second I see them in pain the more fury I get... Soon I was so irritated I took out a knife (you had a knife in the first place from UF AU to protect yourself) and jumped out slashing the string from Papyrus. He was shocked by this and without a doubt I attacked the glitched Sans. I was close to hitting him he was able to dodge.

" I sEe ​​​​that m​​​​​ y new puppEt is aWakE! "

By the word 'puppet' it made me even more mad than already am. Something tells me that he has said that before. Its like we already met. I shrugged the idea off and focused.

"Leave. Them. Alone." I said holding my ground.

" Ha hAha! HahaHa! hahA! haha! " He laughed. Why? I never said anything funny. "YoU aRe jUSt lIkE y0ur b0yFrieNd.BEinG a hEr0,saViNg tHe m0nsTeRs fRom dEsTrUCtioN! Ooooohhhh!!!~~ HahHah!!¡¡"

"I am no ones boyfriend assh*le! Now leave them alone!"

"aNd wHy sh0uLd I liSten t0 Y0u?"

"I'll hurt you if you lay one finger on them."

" HahHahHah¡! Y0uR s0 ​​​​​fuNnY I f0rG0t T0 laUgH!!" He said entering a battle. He was the first one to attack.

He snapped appearing 4 string of blue. I dodged 3 but 1 hit me on my left arm, I hissed in pain but I shrugged it off and did my attack he dodged them perfectly. As I swing the knife again, I noticed an amulet... A very familiar amulet.. It was golden frame and with symbols, and it the center at it was a picture of him and me? What? I don't understand... Why am I there? I never met that skeleton nor I seen him until right now of course but... He noticed I stopped and took the opportunity to hit me on the wall. The wall hit my head hard making me unconscious...


I woke up without them this time. I stood up on my feet but can't cause of these chains stuck again on my throat who ties this rope anyway? Jeez give some space here?

Also with my hands. I hate being held captive. I rubbed my head and tried to remember what happened.. When I got my hand out it was with this red crimson liquid with it. Great I'm wounded... Pfft... That's nothing, right? I hate myself...

Did I did something stupid? I don't know!! I don't like forgetting stuff.... The amulet, what the hell am I doing in a amulet with him? I was broke out from my trance to hear Sans' crying....

"Sans? Are you OK?" I said going closer to him. He was on the room and gladly the chains are long enough for him to go there...

​​​"Papyrus is forced to do Error's task and its all my fault...." He said crying...

Well this Sans is an assh*le


Author: I published!!!!! Yipee!!!!

*claps all around*


Author: thank you! *mwuah!* thank you!

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