5. Forgotten Memories (Part III)

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The radio program in our school is one of the best things that happened to me in my entire school life. It was fun, we were planning all sorts of topics and taking turns in presenting it. Everyone was so encouraging that it made my insecurities of "not belonging" disappear for a while. I wanted to be more independent, to almost "rediscover" myself again, much like Elizabeth Gilbert from the movie 'Eat, Pray, Love'. That movie is one of my favorite movies of all time ( it inspires me even today, so much so that I am planning a cross-country journey just like the heroine!) . I was in a hangover for a few days after watching that movie, imagining how I would travel the world. Daydreaming was one of my major hobbies those days as well.

Ever wondered why some people insist on sitting at the window seat in a bus? It's because its easy to daydream that way. I know this because this is what I do even today. How do you explain that? With the breeze in your face and a new song on your I-pod, you can literally live in your world of imagination! It is......heaven.

Needless to say, the window seat was my favorite in my school bus too. The sole reason I  used to rush out of the classroom every day after the last class was to get a window seat! so that  I can daydream in peace. Its a harmless habit right? you're not disturbing anyone, no one is disturbing you....well, that's what I thought as well. All our school buses are lined up next to each other. I was already half into my train of thoughts when I noticed someone waving in my direction from the nearby bus. It took me some time to realize who it was.....well, who else would it be? 

I was slightly surprised at his action. In fact, I even looked around me to see of he was waving at someone else. But, to my happiness, no one was around. None of my classmates are in the same school bus as me ( another reason I spent the time daydreaming). Anyway, I recovered from my surprise and smiled back. I expected him to turn away and disappear as usual but what he did next shocked me. He started making faces at me.

I was taken aback. He always took advantage of every moment he got to tease every girl, me included. And I always enjoyed it, even though I pretended to be annoyed. 

He continued to tease me and it took me no time to retaliate. I never imagined that though, making faces at him, of all the people in the world. It became our routine from then on, or rather , my routine. I began expecting him, whenever our buses were lined next to each other. I expected him to make faces at me when we saw each other and he did. And it made me the happiest person in the world for that brief moment. 

I don't know when we stopped the routine, but it will forever be one of my personal treasured memory of him.....

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