Chapter 4: An Akuma

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"Ivan! Go to the principal's office!" The teacher's exclaimed, causing me to jerk out of my daydream in surprise. I saw the teacher sending a disappointed look over my shoulder and I followed her gaze behind me to see a large boy with a black shirt, grasping another boy in a red hoodie by the collar. 

"But Miss-" The boy I assumed was Ivan tried to protest.

"Go to the principal's office now, young man." The teacher interrupted. Ivan scowled and pushed the boy he held captive away before storming out of class. So much drama and it's just the first day of school, what a bother. I was about to go back to my daydream when another voice spoke, but this time it was directed at me.

"Fenton to Earth." Alya waved her hand in front of my vision. I groaned in annoyance.

"What do you want?" I asked, focusing on the present while crossing my arms in front of my chest. When I was aware of my surroundings I found that the majority of the class left, leaving only Marienete, Alya and I in the classroom. My arms untangled themselves and fell to my sides and I scanned the room in confusion. "Where did everyone go?" I asked no one in particular. The two girls let out a light laugh and I arched a brow at them in question.

"They left, Danny." Alya stated the obvious.

"The bell rang for lunch, didn't you hear it?" Marienete tilted her head and I sighed. Was I really that out of it throughout the entire first period? I asked myself in my head. 

"No. I guess I was spacing out a lot during class." I admitted to them both. 

"I can't blame you. Chloe was just being Chloe for the entire time so it wasn't the most productive first lesson of the school year." Ms Blue Bells told me. I smirked and was about to reply to her when the entire room shook. The girls stumbled, Alya grabbing a chair to brace herself while Marienete fell back on a table and grabbed the edge of the desk to have something to keep her balanced. As for me, I fell right off my chair and landed on the floor face first. Wonderful.

"What the heck is going on?" Alya cried out. Then a scream came from Marienete and I lifted my head to see her wide-eyed over to the window and I followed her gaze, just on time to see a massive figure jump from a building and another shake filled room. I couldn't believe what I saw, but knew exactly what it was. I have been teaining for this very moment. It was an Akuma.  

I glanced over at my bag to see Tino peeking out of the pocket and nodded towards me and I gave a nod back in respond. Before I stood up and excuse myself, Alyah jumped to her feet, phone in hand.

"I'm going after it!" She announced.

"What?" Marienete and I were swift to stand and looked at our brunette friend in shock. Alyah simply grinned at the both of us.

"When there's a villain and hero follows! I'm not missing out on this!" Alyah exclaimed and she bolted with her phone in her hands as she filmed. Anxiety took over me and I turned back to Blue Bells.

"Head home. I'll go after Alyah." I told her. She gave me a concerned look.


"Marienete, I'm fast on my feet. I'll get her before the monster gets her first, okay?" I tried to assure her. He pursed her lip in uncertainty before sighing and nodded.

"Okay. I trust you, Danny." She said and I smiled.

Marienete left and I soon left after her, grabbing my bag and headed to the boy's restroom. I went into a stall and Tini immediately flew out of the front pocket.

"This is for real now, Danny." He stated. "Now follow the plan." Tino reminded me and I nodded. The plan Master Fu, Wayz, Tino and I formed was two weeks before I would start school.


"Danny. Tino." Master Fu had called out to us. Tino and I were sitting in the couch playing UNO until our attentions turned to the elderly man. "We need to talk." He said, his brow furrowed and his face tensed. Tino and I left our game of UNO and went over to Master Fu confused.

"Yes, Master Fu?" I asked my gaurdian.

"I called you over to discuss my plans on the day you both start your first day of school." Master Fu began. "As you head to school I will go and search for the perfect two owners for the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous." He said. Tino and I blinked at him as we were taken aback at the news.

"Master Fu are you sure it's wise to hand those two to new owners?" Tino asked in concern. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Without Tikkinor Plag the others will be even more vulnerable with three of the most powerful kwami's gone." I pointed out, adding to Tino's previous statement.

"I fear that the world will be in grave danger and without a Ladybug or Chat Nior the near future will be consumed by darkness. I can feel it." The old man said, but I wasn't sure just having a feeling was enough reason to give the two Miraculouses away. Then again Master Fu was a gaurdian who's delt with magic and probably can feel different types of magic. I sighed in defeat.

"All right." I gave in. "What's the plan?"


"Right." I said. I took in a deep breath. "Tino! Fangs out!" I went through my transformation and immediately used my special ability. I grabbed the small handle that was attatched to the black cloth around my waist and let it come undone as I held the end. It resembled a ribbon dancer's ribbon wip-thingy? I'm not sure what they're called, but let's go with that description for now. I swung my arm up and over me with the ribbon following the handle in my hand and the clothe seem to expand to fully cover me. When the dark piece of fabric drapped over me entirely I was now invisible. I knew that I could will myself to go invisible but I really didn't want to expose myself to Tino or Master Fu since I knew he was watching, like we planned. My invisibility lasts until I have to transform back, fortunately the timer is longer than the other's.

I jumped from building to building as I followed the trail of mayhem caused by my akumatised classmate. I can't believe hings like gris exists besides ghosts. It's slightly overwhelming.

I saw the figure of the boulder form of Ivan buldge just above the building right in front of me and I leaped over the rocky body. I pushed myself at the very edge of the building I was on with one step and I flung into the air with my back arched enough for me to lift my head enough to view the scene mid-air, my back facing the groud. Time seemed to slow and I landed on the building on the otherside of the road that Ivan had destroyed with every step he took towards the small barrier of police cars and vans with officers shooting firearms towards the akumatized boy. I watched as Ivan grew in size with every hit.

"That's not good..." I stated under my breath.

From the corner of my eye a figure shadowed under the sunlight to my right. I willed my head to see a cat dressed blond and I smirked. "Well would you look at that." I said as the blond hero zoomed passed me and into the action.

"Newbie." I rolled my eyes as the kitty cat lashed out at Ivan but caused him to grow larger. I was tempted to help the kid but I pursed my lip at the thought. I remembered Master Fu to not interfere unless the two were in serious trouble and that they needed to learn for themselves to become heroes of Paris. It's just that the urge just to help was hard to resist but I submerged the feeling for the sake of Master Fu and my trust in his directions.

Then anohrr figure clad in red and black joined in in a ungraceful style. She stumbled upon landing and barely sidestepped Ivan's foot as is came down where she previously stood. I winced at the display and my hopes started to chip away. Oh boy...

The two new Miraculous holders managed to release the Akuma when they unfold their plan at Paris's sports stadium and I had to give them credit for their team work and the Ladybug's odd but creative idea. It was promising.

I decided to leave as soon as I saw the akuma leave Ivan, since my bat pin's eyes flashed signaling that I had minutes before I would transform. As I leaped over the city I assumed that Ladybug would have captured the Akuma.

I landed in an alleyway and I transformed back to my normal self. Tino fliated in front of me and I grinned.

"Mission complete, Master Fu chose the right people for the job." I said and Tino tilted his head at me.

"You doubted the old man?" He teased and I laughed sheepishly.

"Well I was skeptical at first but they're a good pair." I confessed to the Kwami who flew over to my shoulder and sat comfortably on it.

"Yeah." Tino agreed. "Let's head back home, I'm thirsty for a villina float. (Vanilla ice cream in a cup filled with soda, in this case for Tino he loves Sprite) I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Fine." I said and he dived into my jacket pocket before I exited the alleyway.

I made my way home and I was met with Master Fu watching the news, I wondered why. I walked over.

"Master Fu what's-" My eyes saw what was being played on the news and I paled. Akumas just started to swarm over Paris and turned everyone into the same rock people Ivan was previously and it dawned on me. "Ladybug didn't capture the akuma." Master Fu shook his head and frowned. He turned to face me.

"Didn't you see if she captured the akuma?" He asked and I shook my head as I bowed my head.

"N-No." I said in guilt. I shouldn't have assumed. "I was about to transform back so I couldn't stay to see." I told him. I heard him sigh and felt his hand pat my side gently.

"It's all right, I'm sure Ladybug and Chat Nior will be able to fix this." I pursed my lips in worry. This didn't look good.

"I'm going back out there." I said. The old man didn't stop me from transforming. I disappeared from sight by using my power and left the building.


I opened to the door to my room and slumped onto my bed with a groan.

"They really put me on edge. I nearly revealed myself!" I exclaimed and Tino crossed his stubbed arms.

"They sure have room for improvement." The little bat nodded after watching the events unfold through Danny's eyes. "But I think Paris is in good hands."

I swung up my arms to help lift myself up. I went walked over to my desk and flipped on my lamp to shine down on the stacks of textbooks I had to read through for honework. I sighed as I took a seat and started on my work. At least I didn't have to deal with any ghost anymore, this gives me more free time to actually live a life closer to normal than he previously could.

I finally finished all of my assigned work and checked my phone for the time. The lock screen read, 10:40 pm and I went to prepare for bed, brushing my teeth and changed into my pyjamas. I tucked into bed, laying on my side I watched Tino float over the lamp and switched it off before hanging upside down from it.

"Night Tino."

"Night Master."

I huffed in amusement before my eyelids grew heavy and soon closed shut.

My eyes opened to meet a pair of purple eyes.


I shot up from bed. Tino floated up to meet my face.

"Well, morning Master." Tino greeted and I sighed at the Kwami.

"Tino why were you watching me sleep?" I asked him annoyed. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone to see the time, it was an hour before school started which was at nine.

"Well when we went to bed I couldn't sleep, but then I realised bat's don't sleep at night." Tino explained as he floated over. I turned to him.

"You don't say?" I raised a brow at him.

"But I already did, master." Tino said confused and I snickered at him.

"You really have been in that box for a long time." I commented and the bat simply nodded.

"Yes. Eight hundred-or-so thousand years, actually." Tino said. While I was rummaging through the wardrobe I whistled impressed after hearing my partner.

I pulled out a plain white shirt and brown trousers. I changed into my chosen attire and grabbed my bag and leather jacket. Tino flew into the front pocket of the bag as I sligged the straps around my arms, bolting out of my room, grabbed my lunch and breakfast before leaving for school.

The light washed over his side as it slipped through the buildings. It warmed my cheeks and I let out a breath of relief. I haven't felt this great in ages. I closed my eyes for a second to meet the comforting black, but then a I felt something meet my face. I opened my eyes to meet someone's chest.《No homo》
I lifted my head and peaceful moment vanished when I met those familiar pair of blue eyes that I knew far too well.

"Hello, Daniel."

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