Chapter 6: Getting to Know Prince Charming

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The ocean of jewels in the sky glittered above the city like a spotlight. I was perched comfortably on the top of the Eiffel Tower, sitting on the railing of the lookout with my feet tangling off the edge. Paris was beautiful from up here, no matter how many times I've sat on the same railing at the tower during patrol. I was still mesmerised by how the specks of light of the city acted as a reflection of the stars that overhang.

I sighed in content as the chilly, midnight breeze glazed over my bare skin. I wasn't in my costume tonight, I just didn't want to be stuffed in a skin-tight suit in a night like this. It was cool, but not cold--as weird as that sounds--and the night guard was off on a holiday and replaced with a guard that didn't seem to care about doing his job.

When I arrived at the tower I found him sitting at his desk with his eyes glued to his phone. He was so immersed on whatever he was watching--which I didn't think was appropriate from the things I heard--that I didn't have to transform into Surveillant and disappear from sight.

While I perched on the metal railings Tino flew into my view.

"Danny, I'm concerned that you're not using your heroic identity, Surveillant." Tino spoke with a stoic expression, his arms crossed.

"Why?" I asked. My hands cupped the back of my head and I leaned my back in mid-air with my legs outstretched over the railing. With a satisfying pop from my joints I groaned from the slight ache of stretching my limbs. I heard Tino huff and I propped myself back to my original sitting position and met the kwami's twilight gaze.

"Because you're trespassing, what if someone sees a young man sitting on the edge of the tower where they can fall to their doom at any moment?" Tino reasoned and I shrugged.

"Come on. Who would be up here at this time of night?" I raised a brow at my bat-friend. I mean really who would be? It's three in the morning on a Saturday night. Not even Hawkmoth, Ladybug, Chat Nior or even Master Fu would be awake at this time. I had to sneak out of the window of the apartment to get here.

"Do not tempt the fates." Tino warned me and now it was my turn to huff in annoyance. I rolled my eyes at what he said and replied,

"Are you telling me not to jinx it? Tino I know what I'm doing, we've snuk out of the apartment and visit the tower everynight on a weekend, and you've never complained once!" I whipped my hands into the air. I really didn't understand why it was such a big deal to him now instead of any other night we've come here. His eyes narrowed and I narrowed mine. Then he tapped his chest.

"That's because you were Surveillant everytime we've perched on the tower. We had a means of escape from prying eyes so I didn't object to those times." Tino explained and I placed my hands back on the railing, I tightened my grip on the cool surface of metal as I listened to Tino. "But I also feel tense from the encounter we had with that man you called, Fruitloop." I flinched. It's been several weeks since I bumped into Vlad and I've been uneasy ever since. What made me even worried was the lack of akuma since these past few weeks. There were a few cases here and there but only one of them ended up being a concern. I let out another sigh but this time in defeat.

"This is your first time mentioning that." I told him and I saw that he was curious, his cartoonishly, big eyes couldn't hide it.

"I didn't want to pry, but I think I've turned a blind eye for too long." He stated and his arms slip from their interlock and laid on his sides. I chewed on my lip for a bit in thought. How was I going to explain Vlad to Tino? Should I tell him my past? My mind shuddered at that. The slightest mention of the past always caused the hairs on my skin to stand on end. I'll just tell him that he was a counsellor I knew from when I still had a home and went to a school, that also wants to start a business in the fashion industry, that he looks like a person who owned a bed out of money...How was I supposed to explain how I know a guy that was obviously loaded with cash? Well I couldn't, so the truth it is.

"I'll explain, but promise me you won't tell Master Fu." I pleaded and I waited until he gave a nod. I let out the third sigh of the night and began my explanation. This might take awhile.

"The guy we bumped into is a millionaire that lives in a small town in America, called Amity Park..." A spike of guilt shot through my body but I trudged forward and continued. "It's where I came from, and the reason that  I know him is because he's the one that helped me with the travel costs to get here in France. He paid for my visa and updated my passport so I could live in the country permanently."

"But once I arrived at Paris he left me to deal with food and shelter, so I was basically homeless until Master Fu took me in." I rubbed the back of my head. "Even though he practically left me to fend for myself, I still owe him a lot for getting me here." I finished and waited for Tino to reply.

"I see." He said before flying into my jackets breastpocket. "We should head back home, you need sleep." He stated simply and I blinked at him. I didn't expect him to react so calmly but I shrugged and smiled slightly. I hopped off the railing and onto the platform and took the elevator back down to the streets and headed home.


It was the start of the school week, and I'm exhausted. I slumped at my school desk and rubbed my eyes with a yawn escaping my lips. Not a wink of sleep last night, and hardly any on Saturday night with that talk with Tino at the Eiffel Tower. I had patrolled the city twice throughout the weekend and the night before on Sunday had been particularly eventful compared to previous weeks. An akuma had appeared in the middle of the night and the random citizen turned into a rip-off version of Captain Boomerang from a comic, he dual wielded metal boomerangs and wore a crazy outfit made out of fake fur. Yeah, it was definitely an eventful night.

"Ugh. I swear I can drink a whole tub's worth of coffee." I groaned in exhaustion.

Then there she was, Alya Cèsaire in all her sassy glory. She came over and took out her phone and it let out flash, I twitched my eye from the brightness and let out another groan.

"Dude you look like you're going to pass out." Alya threw me an amused smirk, though I wasn't in the mood to reply and instead buried my face into my arms. In the cover of my arms I heard Alya talking to someone I assumed must've been Miss Bluebell.

"-Danny? Oh don't worry about him, he's always tired after the weekends." Alya stated, and I had to admit that she was right, I was usually tired on the first day of the week. It's just hard to keep up with the miraculous stuff and school stuff, but it wasn't too bad, I actually have time to finish all of my homework unlike my past lifestyle.

The bell rung and class began. It took everything I had to keep myself appear like I was paying attention, but I couldn't help but begin to nod off right in the middle of class. My eyelids drooped and my vision blurred, I blinked myself awake with the first few close-calls but then my eyelids dropped like lead and I felt the welcoming darkness of sleep. Well I could've if not for Miss Mendeleiev.

"DANIEL FENTON." I jolted up from my seat with my fists raised. The class burst into laughter and I flushed red in embarrassment. My hands dropped to my sides before I snapped towards the voice in the front desks.

"Nice work, nerd." Chloe gave me a smirk in victory. I let out a growl under my breath and glared at her direction. I glanced around the class to see the others giggling except for Maranette, Alya and the Adrian guy, who looked worried more than anything.

I turned my attention back on Miss Medeleiev and saw her push her glasses up the bridge of her nose. The science teacher's brows were knitted into a frown and my shoulders slumped knowingly. I'm in trouble...

"Mr Fenton..." She said calmly-which was a sure sign that I was in trouble-and pointed towards the door with narrowed eyes. "I won't accept students sleeping during class so I suggest heading to the principle's office and explain yourself to him."

I sighed.

"Yes, Miss Mendeleiev." I gazed down at my desk and clenched my fists.


When Danny left the classroom, Adrien turned around to meet with Alya and Marinette, who was scribbling gibberish due to the blond idol looking at them.

"Don't you think Danny is a little more than just tired?" Adrian looked concerned for their classmate. "You said he was always tired at the start of the week." Adrian recalled the beginning of class, when the idol asked his friend about how Danny was feeling that morning. Then Alya hummed in thought.

"I guess he does seem more burnt out than usual, maybe from homework?" Alya suggested with a light shrug. Adrian gave an unsure look but nodded instead and turned back to pay attention towards class. He was definitely going to ask if Danny was free for lunch after this period of class ended.


He door to the principal's office closed shut behind me with a clink of the lock, and I sighed into my hands as they slid down my drooping face. The principle gave me a long lecture on taking care of myself and kept me back even more with him to geek out about Paris' two heroes. It was absolute agony.

I walked down the stairs and I was immediately called out to by none other than Alya, who was with Marinette and two other people, Nino and Adrian.

"Hey guys." I waved at them while they jogged up the stairs. They came to a halt in front of me and I noticed both Ms Bluebells and blonde looking towards me with the expression of a worried parent. What's up with them? I raised a brow and asked, "Is something the matter?" I noticed Alya glancing over her shoulder to see the two dorks being such puppies and she smiled.

"Don't worry about those two, they were just worried that you weren't feeling too well today, hence you falling in sleep in class and promptly getting in trouble." Alya explained and I couldn't help but let out a light huff in amusement at her tone. Then Mari and Adrian spoke.

"Are you okay, Danny?" They said in union. I blinked in surprised, mostly at Adrian. I didn't know him personally compared to Marinette and I wouldn't have thought he'd care about me so much, but I guess I was wrong. I gave them a reassuring smile and waved my hand dismissively.

"Yeah, I just didn't--waaa~" I let out a yawn, "get much sleep." I finished a bit sluggishly.

"Dude I think you should have a sleeping schedule." Nino stated and I smirked.

"A sleeping schedule? Who's that?" I laughed. Alya rolled her eyes at me and I shrugged at her.

"Danny come on, you gotta take care of yourself." Alya said it as if she was my sassy-older-sister. I mean I do have a sleeping schedule, just not a very healthy one. "Anyways let's get some food, I'm starving." Alya stated and we all agreed.

We sat at a table and took out our lunches. For lunch I had a simple peanutbutter jelly(jam for the rest of us because we're not American)sandwich, and when I took a bite it was delicious. I hummed while I chewed on the piece of soft, white bread in my mouth, I swore I drooled. I gotta say that not having my food possessed made me realise how many times I skipped lunch at school, afraid that mum packed a possessed meal on accident, and that was almost everytime and a wisp of smoke would slip from my mouth.

I grimaced. Mum. My chews slowed down and my vision fell on my half-eaten sandwich, the jelly oozed and dribbled slightly down the soft surface of bread. Am I even allowed enjoy the rest of my life like this? After...

"-Danny?" My eyes snapped up and I met my friends' eyes. They were all turned towards me, as if expecting me to say something.

"Yweah?" My words were muffled through the food still in my mouth. Alya and Marinette shared a glance to one another with concerned looks. I internally sighed at their concerns, but I shrugged it off. "I was jwust dai dwreaming." I said before chewing.

"All right." Nino spoke up,

"Anyways, we were talking about hanging out after school." Nino piped in and I turned to him. "The girls are busy, so Adrian and I were wondering if you're free after school." He explained and I took a moment to think. Master Fu will be busy with his work back at the apartment, and it doesn't seem like an akuma would appear today--even if one did I could make an excuse to leave and transform, so I guess it shouldn't be problem. I shrugged in response.

"Sure, why not?" I answered and Nino punched the air in front of him in victory.

"Yeah! That settles it then." Nino exclaimed and we all laughed at his enthusiasm.

For the rest of lunch we talked and ate lunch, and a few hiccups from Miss Bluebells as she stuttered out words towards her Prince Charming. After talking a bit with the guy my impressions on him were the same as before, he was a nice guy, I dare say even perfect besides his oblivious attitude towards Marinette's obvious crushing on him. Poor, poor little Miss Bluebells.

"Well, we have math last."  Adrian said and the rest of us groaned in union. Off to the worst subject.


Class ended and it was time to head home, but in my case to hang out with Nino and Prince Charming. The girls and the three of us walked out of class and went our separate ways from the girls when we reached the streets of Paris. We waved Alya and Marinette as they walked across the street.  I turned to the guys and placed my hands back behind my head and let out a light yawn.

"So, where to?" I asked. Nino opened his mouth to answer but a sudden ringtone blared from his pockets and he took out his phone.

"Hold on a sec, guys. My mum's calling." He said and Adrian and I gave him the 'go ahead'. Nino placed the phone against his ear and we heard him exchange some words before he whined, "But mum--right...okay fine." he said before hanging up. He turned back towards us with a bummed expression. "Sorry guys, my mum needs my help with chores." Nino explained and I shrugged.

"It's fine."

"Yeah Nino, Danny I can just head home and we can hangout tomorrow." Adrian suggested and Nino shook his head.

"No, you guys can chill out with each other without me. I'm cool with it, really." Nino assured and Adrian smiled at his best friend. What a sunshine boy.

"All right, we'll see you tomorrow then." Adrian offered his friend a fist bump and Nino gladly bumped it with his own.

"Heck yeah, dude." Nino said before saying goodbye to the both of us and left. Once Nino was gone from sight Adrian and I turned to each other.

"So where do you wanna go?" Adrian asked slowly. Man this was awkward. I hummed to try and think of a place Charming and I could hangout. I looked over Adrian and an idea popped in my head. Why not getting to know the guy better? And there's no place better than his place. Why not? I returned to Adrian's gaze and gave him a friendly smile.

"Why not your place?" I suggested, "The old man of mine is busy with work at our apartment, so my place is out of the question." I explained to him. Adrian blinked a few times before looking worried. Wonder why?

"I guess we can go to my place, but my father is strict on who I'm allowed to bring over." Arian explained, "So I'm not too sure if you can come over." After listening to him I placed my arms down to my sides and grinned.

"Well there's only one way to find out." I stated.


We walked to Adrian's place, since apparently Adrian had convinced his father to allow him to walk home instead of being picked up by his bodyguard for today. To be honest I kinda wanted a ride over to his place instead of walking, but I guess Adrian didn't have that much freedom to choose between walking or getting driven home, with today being an exception. While we walked I noticed how calm his expression was and I couldn't help but feel bad for him. He was restricted from doing practically anything by his dad, from what I've heard from Alya and Marinette. I guess I could relate, I didn't have much time to myself with so many ghosts to deal with back in Amity Park. I sighed at the thought.

"What's wrong?" I snapped my attention back on reality and saw that we were standing in front of a large gate where you could see a mansion just ahead. So this is Adrian's place, it's huge. I turned towards Adrian and waved him off.

"Sorry, lost in thought." I assured him and he nodded. I watched him press a button and a camera pop out of the wall and I admit that I jumped a little when I saw it appear out of the wall.

"Adrian, who's this with you?" A feminine voice came from the camera.

"Oh, this is my friend." Adrian gestured his hand towards me and I waved awkwardly.

"H-Hi, I'm Danny Fenton." I introduced myself. The woman on the other side went quiet for a moment that felt like years before she spoke through the camera again.

"I've spoken to your father about your new friend, Adrian." She told him and I saw him wince.

"And what did he say?" Adrian asked depressingly.

"He would like to see the both of you in person." She replied and I saw Adrian's eyes widen in surprise. Then we wiped our attention towards the gate as it swayed open. "Come in." The woman said before the camera retreated back into it's secret place within the wall. Here it goes then. We made it to the mansion's door and it opened for us to show a large man--more like a gorilla to be honest--standing aside for us to enter. Definitely the bodyguard, that's for sure. We entered and I was in slight awe at the sight of the interior. Polished white floors, ivory vases and stainless curtains draped over the arching windows. This place has gotta be better looking compared to Vlad's Dracula Caslte. 

"Adrian." My thoughts popped away when a familiar voice spoke.

In front of Adrian and I at a flight of stairs was a woman with glasses. She must've been the voice from the camera earlier. Noted.

"Hey Natalie." Adrian greeted her with a small smile. Although when I took a closer look at his eyes, it didn't reach them. The woman gave a nod in acknowledgement before addressing to her tablet in her hands. I watched her swipe across the screen for a moment or two before she held the screen for both Adrian and I to see. What appeared made Adrian furrow his brows.

"Hello, Father." He spoke solemnly. I stood just behind the prince and deduced that this was very awkward. After Adrian said those lines I swore my brain had a minor fit. This was Adrian's father? I mentally asked myself.

"Hello, Adrian." The man across the screen said in a monochrome voice. His expression was in a permanent frown, with no joy at the sight of his own son speaking with him showed itself in his eyes and it made my eye twitch. He's a stoic guy, I wonder what Fruitloop's meeting with him went

Back to Adrian's father on the screen, his eyes had drifted from Adrian and laid them towards my direction and I resisted to send him one of Jazz's deathly glare. He looked me over with no shift in his expression before returning his attention to Adrian.

"You friend seems to have some etiquette, so I'll allow you to bring him to the estate anytime." He said and I saw Adrian's eyes explode with stars. Man, he was cute.

"Really, father?" He asked with his mouth agaped. The older man on screen nodded.

"Yes, as long as they do not cause any damage to anything in the house than I do not see why not." He stated. I took a step forward to be by Adrian's side and met the famous fashion designer's gaze.

"I promise I won't, sir." I promised. As long as it makes Adrian happy then keeping my temperament in check was worth it, besides the man didn't request anything difficult.

"All right then." Adrian's father nodded before clearing his throat. "I am very busy, so I will be leaving now." He said and Adrian grabbed my hand and waved at his father.

"Thank you father!" Adrian said before pulling me towards a door.

"H-Hey slow down!" I grinned in amusement at Adrian's excitement. I glanced over my shoulder to see the woman holding the tablet that just had Adrian's father on, returning to where she had originated from. So much for meeting us in person. I rolled my eyes at the recall of the woman's words. What a dic--oops, I better watch what I think or it might slip off my tongue.

When we entered through the door, I was met with a spacious room with shelves covering the walls, and filled to the brim with books, items, video games, Ladybug and--wait a minute. I noticed the spotted figurine of Ladybug on the bottom shelf next to a desk and raised a brow at it. Adrian is apparently a Ladybug fan, noted.

"Here, I can put our bags down for you." Adrian offered. I shrugged and handed my bag to the eager teen. Adrian placed both our bag under the desk and I followed him to his couch. Imagine having an actual couch, coffee table and a flat screen tv in your bedroom, I couldn't but Adrian definitely does and has it all. We plopped ourselves on the couch and I made myself comfortable,  crossed legged and leaned back.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked him.

"Well, wanna play Legend of Zemikia?" Adrian smiled. I let out a Cheshire grin and cracked my knuckles.

"I bet I can finish the dungeon in five minutes flat, Pretty Boy." I teased, and found myself receiving a determined gaze.

"You're on!" The blond exclaimed and he started setting up the game.


Under the desk, front pocket of Danny's bag rustled and the bat kwami peeked to watch his master enjoying himself with his new company.

"Ah, I'm glad Master Danny has found a compatible pair." Tino spoke to himself. The dark kwami was about to return to the confinement of his pocket when a voice called out his name.


The kwami's attention was soon brought to the feline kwami hovering over Adrian's bag.

"Plag?" Tino's huge eyes widened further in surprise. If Plag was here, then there's no doubting it then. Adrian Agreste must be the infamous Cat Nior, how troublesome this is. Tino sighed before glaring at Plag's bold placement of himself. "You fool, get over here before my master sees you!" Tino whispered and widened the opening of the pocket he occupied.

"Oh! Yeah, oopsie daiseys." Plag stated casually and flew down next to his kwami friend. "Tino, I didn't expect you to be out in the human realm." Plag said as the two made themselves comfortable within Danny's bag. "And why haven't Ladybug or Cat Nior seen you and your new master yet?" Plag added, Tino crossed his arms unimpressed.

"Have you forgotten that my master has the ability of invisibility?" Tino tried to remind him.

"Oh. Oh, yeah. I forgot." Plag shrugged before pouting. "Come on sour puff, it's been twenty eight centuries since I've last seen you outside of the miracle box, give me a break." Plag shrugged.

"Well it matters not at the moment, but considering you are hear then it's same to assume that your current master is this Adrian Agreste?" Tino asked.

"Yup, and let me guess your's is Danny Fenton?"

"Correct." Tino nodded, he then frowned in concern. "We must keep this encounter a secret from out masters." Tino stated and the dark feline nodded in understanding.

"You got it sour puff." Plag replied. Tino nodde din approval before peeking out of the pocket to make sure no eyes were on them before making room for Plag to fly out and hide back in his respectful bag. Once Plag was gone, Tino sat back inside the pocket and sighed.

"I must keep an eye on Adrian and Danny from now on."


Back at the couch, I was gaping at the screen where Adrian had beaten me by a minute.

"How?" I demanded from Adrian, who had scratched the back of his neck in response.

"What can I say? I was just lucky,  I guess?" The prince shrugged. Now I really want beat him at this game, he's too modest for his own good. One moment he was competitive, the next he was modest.

"Well I'm feeling a bit peckish, is it okay if we took a break and grabbed some grub?" I asked him.

"Sure, follow me." Adrian stood and I followed suite. We left his bedroom and headed to where I assumed was the direction to the kitchen.

Though as we walked a cold shiver ran down my spine and the unforgettable sight of smoke left my lips. My stomach twisted. There's a ghost. I stopped and checked around, with a few scans around the area a blur passed the corner of my eye. I whipped around and saw the window. The view through it was beautiful and I couldn't help but walk over.

"Danny?" Adrian finally called. I looked over at him and gestured to the window in front of me.

"You have a beautiful statue, I've just noticed." I told him, but as I said it I saw Adrian's eyes glisten under the light.

"Oh." He replied simply, his shoulders slumped and his smile forced itself through his features. I knew that look, and knew it too well. I must've touched on a wound. I mentally cursed myself, but there was still a ghost lurking around. Maybe the statue has something to do with it?

"It's a statue of my late mother." Adrian revealed and I felt my skin go cold. This was supposed to be a good time, but I blew it. I clenched my fist and felt my nails dig at my skin.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." I bowed my head, but then felt a warm hand place itself on my shoulder. I lifted my gaze and met a warm smile from Adrian.

"Hey, it's okay! I really don't mind." He assured.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. With a nod from him he released his hand.

"Yeah, so don't worry about." He beamed. "Now let's get some snacks and finish our game!" He exclaimed and practically dragged me by the arm. I managed to get a glance back at the statue and what met the face of a gorgeous woman, floating in of the statue that looked identical to her. 

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