Chapter 7: A Promise

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Hope you like the new cover. Also, yes. I had an artstyle change again :)
And he has bat ears in his Miraculous form! I completely forgot to add them, so now he has bat ears from now on, I'll have to edit the first few chapters because of it. (=_=")

That night on the same day, I was lounging in the living room with Master Fu and Wayzz. I was browsing through NASA's website on their new discoveries and their courses for aspiring young astronauts. Maybe I can finally get my grades on track to be able to pass their course. I shook my head at the thought. I'm getting ahead of myself, things had gone too smoothly during my time with Adrian that Prince Charming's happy-go-lucky attitude is infecting me.

I didn't realise the chuckle that escaped my mouth at the thought of Adrian until a certain green kwami floating into my line of vision.

"You seem in a good mood today, Danny." Wayzz pointed out, I felt the heat of embarrassment reach my cheeks and looked away.

"I guess, I just haven't gotten the chance to hangout with this particular friend outside of school before." I shrugged, "And today was our first time getting to know each other." The kwami nodded in response, and I watched him return to Master Fu's side at the open kitchen. An aroma caught in my nose and I swore I could drool, it smelled amazing whatever Master Fu was making in the kitchen. Fried chicken, maybe? I guessed, and I didn't have to wait long to see that I was right.

"Chicken!" I beamed and digged in as soon as my guardian handed me my plate of fried chicken. Through the crunching of chicken in my mouth, I heard Master Fu chuckle and I lifted my gaze to see him smiling in amusement at my direction. "I wike chihen."

"I can see that." Master Fu chuckled while I chewed. I glanced at the music player, where Tino was currently staying in for the night. Being a guardian kwami had it's faults, one of them was exposure to too much light or human interaction was somewhat of a hindrance to him. Basically Tino is a nightowl that has no people skill, a literal introvert if you will. The only way for Tino to regain his energy back is to sleep in the box for the night.

After swallowing down the rest of my meal I let out a long sigh. That was delicious. Tonight was school night so by the time it hit seven I was ready to hit the sack. Earlier than I'd usually decide to sleep, but I didn't want Alya or Marinette on my case tomorrow.

When my head hit the pillow, I was ready to sleep. I blinked up at the ceiling and felt the familiar sensation of air passing straight through my entire body and I smirked. Did you really think I was going to sleep that early? Of course not, I had something to investigate, and the best way to sneak out of the apartment was to simply phase through the wall and dissappear from sight.

I flew past my bedroom wall and out into the city of Paris. Lights danced across the city streets and buildings blurred past below me as I flew. It's been a while since I last flew, and I missed the feeling of being free. Free from gravity, and free from my problems. Of course the latter was before the entire incident back in Amity, before I came here to Paris to start a new life. Now every time I use my own powers, it was a painful reminder of the past. Just like now, as I flew to my destination. The sensation of needles trailed down my spine with a ghostly hum in my chest that I swore whispered, Your still here, through my very own breath. I let out a laugh, and it sounded like a broken record. I'm losing my mind, ghosts don't have hearts, I thought to myself. If I do have a heart after everything that had happened, well that would be the best joke life could throw at me.

On that happy note, I decended to the ground without a sound, and kept myself hidden as I now stood in the estate. The Agreste Estate. I know I'm trespassing Adrian's place, but I couldn't let what I saw slide. The woman that I saw during my time with Pretty Boy never left my mind even after I left to head home. I ghosted my way to the statue where I first saw the spectre of a woman. When I neared the familiar chill ran up my spine and a wisp of smoke left my lips.

"I know you're here." I crossed my arms. If this ghost was here to threaten Adrian in anyway, then it has another thing coming, is what I though but when the feminine figure of a woman peered from behind the statue I blinked. I looked between her and the statue it stood behind and couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. By the time I connected the dots to who this ghost was, she had phased through the statue and hovered in front of me. She smiled warmly and reached out her hand towards my face. I took a step back, feeling uncomfortable as I watched her hand reach me.

"What are you-" Warmth hit my cheek when the woman brushed her finger across my skin. W-Warm? The feeling left me dazed like a shark flipped over their belly. I opened my mouth to ask about it but she cut me off when she suddenly spoke.

"Don't cry." Her voice was like a gentle whisper, and after hearing the comment I reached for my own face and felt tears streaming down my cheek. When was I crying?

"S-Sorry, I didn't even realise I was crying." I rubbed away the wet trails drawing a line down my jaw. It wasn't like me to breakdown like this without me feeling it happening, what's going on with me? I sighed, this isn't important right now. I focused on the woman hovering in place in front of me. Although this is. "Are you..." I bit my lip when I paused, "Are you Adrian's mother?" Her gentleness didn't waver when she nodded. Damnit. I felt my hand drift over my heart and clutched it. This time I felt the tears roll in with my vision bluring from water swelling up in my eyes. They left cold trails down my cheeks before I felt them hit my clenched fist. There's always death right around the corner, no matter where I run to.

I couldn't see clearly but the same warmth I felt before from the ghost of Adrian's mother was all around me. Warm and gentle arms wrapped around me.

"Please, you don't need to shed tears for my sake." She tightened her hold, "I saw the way my son looked at you. I'm happy to know he has such a good friend by his side." Her arms unravelled and I gaze up at her form. There was no malice or hate to be heard from her voice, something I've never experienced before. Through my encounters with every ghost, even passive ones would always have a grudge, it's that very grudge that keeps them rooted to the living even if they were to remain as a ghost forever. But Adrian's mum had none of that, and still remained here. That left one thing that could've been the weight that's keeping her from leaving the world. Adrian.

As if the ghost read my mind she smiled and gesture me to follow her. We floated through the gardens and past her statue before settling down under a tree. With her hands resting on her lap and back against the tree, she sets her gaze on the night sky with longing. I sat next to with legs crossed and gaze up at the very same stars. I could be on my way to be an astronaut if I wasn't turned into what I am today. My thoughts trailed as I watch the stars twinkle on their spot on the night sky.

"I've heard about halfas not so long ago." I turn my attention towards Mrs Agreste to see her still fixated on the sky that overhangs. "I never knew the king of ghost would be so young, and only half of his kind." She spoke softly. So she knows, I sighed and let my back rest against the tree.

"Yeah. Well, I never really wanted to be king in the first place." It was the truth, I never realised the consequences of defeating Pariah Dark, the previous king of the Ghost zone. Obviously being king didn't stop the ghosts I'd often fight would stop bothering me every day of the week twenty-four-seven. On the contrary, they wanted me completely dead and trapped in Walker's prison for them to take the title of king themselves. Since Clockwork said that no one else but me could handle the malice from the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage, it meant that I was stuck with them.  "I'm more of a guardian over the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire, making sure it doesn't fall into the wrong ghost's hands." I explained. Mrs Agreste nodded as she understood. Later her gaze fell from the stars and to the garden.

"My king, may I ask a favour from you?" I nodded and she continued, "Could you look after Adrian for me? Be by his side as a friend-or something more." My cheeks burned and I lifted my back off the tree with widened eyes.

"W-What!?" The woman giggled.

"You have my blessing if you do get close with my son in that way." She stated with a wink. I couldn't belive what she was implying. Adrian and me? I mean love is love but Pretty Boy is so not my type! Wait a minute-

"I-I promise I'll look after him, but I'm not interested in Adrien that way Mrs Agreste." She smiled and nodded simply.

"Thank you, but please call me Emillie." She placed a hand over her chest. "And what's your name, my king?" She gestured a hand towards me.

"It's Danny. Danny Fenton."  I felt my chest warm up when a motherly smile graced her lips. She really did remind me of mum-excluding the hazmat suit and goggles.

"Please, help Adrian smile." As her voice faded into an echo and so does her ghostly form, disappearing until she was only a wisp of smoke. Have a good rest, Emillie.


I flew home and plopped myself on the bed. What a night. It's four in the morning, the flight taking longer due to some petty crimes being committed on the streets I flew overhead. A small time thief that stole a wallet, and the female thief recieved an appropriate punishment of getting herself stuck on the fence by yours truly. It wasn't hard but she was fast and I had to be subtle with what I did so I wouldn't get any on lookers claiming an invisible force was at work. With a sigh I finally let my body and mind relax. Crap, I have school. Great. It didn't take long for sleep to take over.


"Long night? Again?" Alya smirk. I glare back. We were in school and had ten minutes before class starts. For once I was early, and apparently so was for Marinette, but the poor girl was fast asleep at her desk.

"Some bird kept me up at night, it was pecking or something at my window all night." I lied through my teeth. At this point, lying was second nature and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

"You sure it was some bird? Maybe a rat?" Alya raised a brow and I shrugged. No idea, because it never happened. The blogger rolled her eyes before nudging the sleeping Marinette, causing Ms Bluebells to jolt awake with a yelp.

"I'm awake!" The girl exclaimed and Alya, me and a few others sitting close by chuckle in amusement.

"That's our Marinette." Rose stated and the girl in question flushed in embarrassment. I got to know Rose after an encounter at the library. Despite her cute and very pink aesthetic, she shared similar interests as Sam did. It was endearing.

"Sorry, I was so busy last night." Marinette rubbed the back of her nape, letting out a yawn. I saw Alya grin and wrapped an arm around Marinette's shoulder.

"Girl you called me at nine just to ask what gift to get for Adrian's birthday!" Alya exclaimed. Both Marinette and I widened our eyes.

"A-Alya!" Bluebells panicked, luckily Pretty Boy hasn't arrived yet.

"Wait. Slow down." I furrowed my brows at them. "Adrian's birthday is soon?" I couldn't believe it! Adrian didn't even mention anything about his birthday during our hangout the day before. How could he? I pouted. "He didn't tell me..." I whine.

"Naw! Danny, he didn't tell you?" Alya teased and it was my turn to roll my eyes at her.

"Yeah, well. We were enjoying ourselves so I guess it must've slipped his mind." I said, but still pouted. "I'll have to get a gift for him." I mutter to myself, "When's his birthday?" I asked and Marinette was quick to answer.

"It's tomorrow." She beamed and I swore I saw hearts in her eyes. Well, crap. I pulled at my hair.

"Tomorrow!?" I need to buy him something ASAP! That settles today's plans, I'll have to head to the shops after school and spend a few hours picking something out for him. Only problem was that I don't know him well enough to know what he'd like. Wonderful. As I brainstorm with Marinette on a gift, the birthday boy in question arrived. All right, mission starts straight after school.

Unbeknownst to me, tomorrow was going to be less than ideal...

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