Chapter Four: Tool For a Boyfriend

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"Morg? You in here?" I called out to her peeking, politely, under the bathroom stalls.

"Yup! The middle one! Will you hand me some toilet paper? This one's all out."

I did as told, handing her a huge wad underneath the stall door.
"Are you pissed at me?"

"Why would I be pissed at you?"

"Because I bailed out on the movie because your boyfriend is a tool."

She laughed, "he's not a tool, Jenn. He's just... protective of me. And you are too. I think that just rubs you both the wrong way and you both need to just chill. Or I'm breaking up with the lot of you."

I returned her laugh, "you will never be able to get rid of me, sister. I mean, you can try, by all means, but I'll just keep coming back like a mangy cat."

"That is quite the analogy."

"Well, I try."

I heard her flush and zip up the back of the black pencil skirt that she was wearing and looked insanely hot in. I stared at myself in the mirror wondering what it must feel like to be that damn pretty. I wasn't jealous of her, I loved her too much to be jealous, but I have to admit that it would have been pretty cool to be that intensely stunning. I reapplied some black eyeliner to make myself feel better.

"You don't need all that shit on your face, you know?" She bumped into me on purpose. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you that you are so much more authentically beautiful without it, Jenn."

"Yeah, yeah," I grinned at her, "so says the prom queen."

"I did not win!"

I grabbed her hand and we exited the ladies room to reunite with the guys.

"Jesus, how long does it take a chick to pee and why do you gals always insist on making it a damn party?" Erik raised an eyebrow. "Wait... Is there a party in there? Y'all are holding out, aren't you?"

Morgan coyly smiled and narrowed her eyes, "you really should go see for yourself, Erik..."

He flipped her off and she laughed and gave him a huge hug, "nothing but love for you, Erik, nothing but love."

"Hey, listen, Jenn, can I talk to you for a sec?" Liam took my elbow and pulled me off to the side as if I had a choice in the matter, "Look, I wanted to apologize to you about earlier. I know I can be a bit pushy when it comes to Morgan, but I want you to know that I just love her so damned much and don't want anything to hurt her or cause her fear, you know? I know that it was just a movie, and it was stupid for me to overreact, I just know she is sensitive to that sort of thing and wanted to make sure she was going to be alright."

"It really is fine, dude," I took a step back because I felt uncomfortably close. "But, to put me out like I don't give a shit about her was not cool. By any means. You of all people should know how close she and I are. Do you honestly think for a second that I would have talked her into a movie that I knew was going to make her lose her shit? Like, really?"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his short, brown hair, "I know. And you are right. I was out of line. In all honesty, I guess I just forgot who I was talking too. It's not like I was just talking to one of Morgan's friends, I was talking to the friend."

"Exactly, Liam. And you're the boyfriend. Instead of being assholes to each other, let's just put our differences aside and stick with the awesome common ground that we share, eh?" I held out my hand.

He took it gently, and we shook, he had surprisingly strong hands for a future CEO type guy. He smiled at me, "alright then. Let's so see that awesome common ground. First rounds on me!"

I cracked up, "more like 5th round is on you..." I muttered.

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