Chapter Twenty-one: Aunt Lydia

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Erik's aunt Lydia, was a bit on the eccentric side. Always the black sheep of the family she was an older lady with long greying hair and though, I'd only ever met her at various family functions and holidays when I spent them with Erik, she seemed like someone I could definitely get along with... save the fact that she always seemed insane. What is sanity though, really? We all may consider ourselves completely sane, but there is most certainly always someone out there who will indefinitely question that.

We pulled up to her little house tucked in the woods located right on a small, quaint lake. The mist rose up from the waters as we stared at her small white home with black shutters and purple door.

"You know, according to lore a purple door is the legendary symbol that states, 'a witch lives here'," I stated as we sat in the car, both reluctant to be the first to open a car door.

"That's what I've heard," Erik agreed, smiling.

"Do you really think she can help? I mean, what can her nifty tarot cards actually tell me that will bring me any bit of solace or consolation anyway?"

"Well, I guess that's what we're here to find out, right?"

I nodded but didn't otherwise budge.

The door to Aunt Lydia's house swung open and she stood on her front stoop holding a mug of something she had more than likely brewed from some close in proximity bush or flower. She smiled warmly and threw up an arm to wave us inside.

"Did you call her?"

Erik laughed, "I never have too. She always seems to know."

I sighed and muttered a curse word under my breath.

Grabbing the handle to the car door, I looked over at Erik, "well, here goes nothing, eh?"

He smiled, "here goes nothing."

"Hello, you two beautiful souls! What are you kids doing here? I'm so happy to have visitors!" she exclaimed.

One cool thing about Aunt Lydia is the fact that she was always so excruciatingly happy. Even when Erik's grandfather died, her father, she had nothing but joy to feed to the people around her. She was exuberant, yes, but people fed off of her positive energy and become better people just by being in her presence.

"Hey, Aunt Lydia! How's it hanging? The better question is what in god's name are you cooking in there? How does your house always smell so amazing?" Erik gave her a huge hug before letting himself in and heading for the kitchen without waiting for her to reply.

She called out to him, "soup's on the stove. Don't ask what's in it because you won't eat it. You know where the dishes are baby, help yourself and grab Miss Jenn a bowl!" Her eyes darkened a bit as she then leaned in to whisper to me, "you look like you could use it."

Tears filled up my eyes and she grabbed my hand. Immediately she looked over my shoulder with concern. I turned, but nothing was there.

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