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"I Am NOT a Whore!!"


"WADE!!" [____] shouted his name from across the busy street of Manhattan; she had lost sight of the middle-aged man leaving his apartment. All thanks to a roach, the size of a quarter, scavenging on top of her shoe as she hid behind a jade-colored trash can. "WADE!! HOLD ON— YOU PIECE OF DICK!"

The man named Wade, who wore a dark hoodie and cotton face mask to hide majority of his complexion from the public; paced himself to get rid of the young woman. He found himself walking into the nearest liquor store and searched for something good to purchase.

The cashier behind the register was too busy watching a sports show on the small tv he had with him, behind the counter. He didn't even bother to count the change Wade had left for him in exchange of a box full of eight extra large frozen bean and cheese burritos.

It was the right amount, of course. Wade Wilson was known as a jackass here and there, but hardly ever a thief. At least, not by pedestrians and handsome elderly liquor store owners. "Here you go, Ricardo. I'll see you next week for more grub. Take care! Love ya!"

The senior-aged bearded man, who's name he may not remember but knew was definitely not Ricardo, mumbled something in return and continued to spend the rest of his shift switching in between channels.

"Wade Wilson—" Moments after he stepped outside, the young woman named [____] held on to the bottom hem of his hoodie just to make sure she couldn't lose track of him again. "Stop ignoring me, already!! I've been waiting ages for you to leave your smelly ass apartment and see the light of day!!"

"Sorry. I don't know anybody by that name." Wade lied at first; then figured there was no way he could shake a persistent person like [___] off so easily, so he let out a short breath. "Kid, shouldn't you be in school or something? It's a Tuesday."

[____] pushed her bottom lip forward to form an irritated pout. "...I get tired of telling you that I'm no longer in high school. I'm a complete adult now, I make my own choices and that's why you promised me you'd help me become the person that I was destined to be!!"

"For someone who claims to be an adult; you sure act childish." Wade could walk back to his apartment just fine; even when [____] was trying her best to drag his ass back to where she was standing. "But alright, kid. You've caught me. Now, what is it that you wanted from me, again?"

Wade and [____] had known each other for six years, more or less. [____] had met him when she was only seventeen years old:


The way Wade remembered it; he was in the middle of fighting off some annoying, evil people, but not because he considered himself a hero— It was just that they were hella annoying and had involved innocent bystanders in their deadly plans.

Wade, dressed as Deadpool in that moment, was able to push a very clueless teenager off the streets just in time so she could survive the impact of a heavy street light pole, falling right on the spot [____] was standing near.

She was wearing earphones; listening to her favorite band and checking her social media notifications; No idea that she was about to die. Of course; being full of angst and shock, [____] was upset at Wade for 'not saving her cell phone with her.'

Fast forward a few minutes later; when Wade finishes off those people while ignoring the pushy seventeen year old, who was still upset about something insignificant rather than running away screaming and crying like a sane person. "That cell phone was my entire life, and now it's gone!! I don't know who you think you are, but you now owe me a new cell phone, old freak!!"

"Kid, you gotta come up with new insults. No part of that hurts, let me tell you." Wade was in more physical pain than he was anticipating after the battle; he had taken a few gunshots on a thigh, along with cuts, bruises and broken ligaments maybe— but it was mostly the gun shots that hurt a little too much. "Now, if you could just be normal and leave me alone—"

[____] watched the man struggle to walk away from the scene before the police would try to arrest him for killing others under the influence; didn't matter to them if the people who had died were good or not. Or if the vodka he had chugged pre-fight was on sale or not.

She sighed; removing her school backpack, that pretty much held nothing but pot, a sketchbook and a half empty water bottle. She said goodbye to most of those things and even removed a sleeve from her long shirt to tie it around Wade's injured leg. When he asked her what she was trying to do, she responded: "I can't let you get locked up or die before you buy me a new phone, so.."

It was a kind deed; not enough to repay him saving her life or anything of the sort; but she knew she could help him then, in her own little way.

A minute of that, and a few members of the x-mansion, including a giant metallic man, reached the scene to help aid whatever civilians remained at the scene. They helped calm them down by explaining that ambulances were on their way.

"This is last time I catch you slip, 'ya hear?" Colossus, as the leader of the small group that got there, easily picked Deadpool up and carried him over his shoulder, not acknowledging the girl that had finished cleaning and treating his wounds.

Wade kicked and complained, "I don't wanna go back— Come on big guy, don't make me go back to that cursed place! I'll be good, I promise—! I won't slip up again, this was all a huge misunderstanding! It was a bet!! This guy who's cousins with my friend's brother's girlfriend's sister's set me up!!"

"Wait a minute—! You're part of the x-men?!" [____] had known about them, of course, so did everybody else in the world. She knew heroes and mutants were a thing; villains and ability to manifest powers through your genes as well.

That's why, right then, she had decided to join their crew. It wasn't something she always dreamed of; but you see... [____] had mutated genes as well.

It wouldn't usually go unnoticed by other humans; when a person is born with these powers, it's so very easy to tell because either they show it off; or the gene makes them look different than the rest.

Not [____], though. She looked like a normal seventeen year old girl; no crazy eye color and no crazy hair. No defect around her body, and all limbs attached. [____] was, in almost every single way, a completely normal-looking human girl.

Though she inherited mutated genes from her family; from who, exactly, she did not know. She ran after Colossus and his huge steps, trying to catch up to them. "You—!! Old freak!! You owe me, remember?! You owe me something important!!"

Deadpool, by then, was enjoying being carrying like a damsel in distress by Colossus. He was resting his cheeks with both palms of his hands and swinging his calves back and forth, as if the gunshot pain was never there. "A new phone, was it? Best forget it, now. This big guy is gonna chain me up in his kinky basement until I die of starvation back in that sad mansion!"

Colossus stopped walking for a moment, just to look down to the ordinary girl and hear her out. "Did this man do something bad, young girl?"

"Big guy, I just saved her life. If anything— she owes me!"

"I treated your wound!" [____] recalled.

"One wound equals less than one life. What else you got?"

"What is what you want from Deadpool?" Colossus asked in a thick Russian accent, ignoring their bickering to get to the point. "Deadpool is broke, you see."

"Thanks for pointing that out, but he's right." Deadpool nodded his head. "So even if I wasn't being summoned back to that hell's hole, I couldn't afford to pay you back for your new cell phone anyway. So—"

"— I don't want my phone!!" [____] interrupted. "I want to join the x-men!! I have powers!!"


Or so she claimed; when Colossus asked her to show off her mutation, she could not do it by command.

But that was six years ago; [____] was done feeling bad for herself for that embarrassment and trained hard; she practiced everyday and focused on her stamina and mental stability.

She graduated from high school; debated whether or not to go to college and even quit her bad habits of smoking, drinking and dealing drugs to make ends meet. She found a full-time job as a barista in a popular coffee-chain location for a while.

She saved enough money to rent a studio on her own; watched the news daily to see the x-men in action and figured out Deadpool's current whereabouts to try to convince him to train her and even vouch for her once more to the x-men.

Which brings us back to where the story starts:

[____] accidentally stepping on another cockroach as she followed after Wade Wilson, for the third time that week. "Come on, old man!! Cut me some slack and pull up with the end of your deal!"

"We never made a deal, for starters, kid." Wade had the need to remind her every so often. "You just stalked me for years and convinced me to help you train. So you can walk through walls— You weren't lying about having a power, but it's not as super as your ability to irritate the shit outta me—"

"Wade—" He pressed one of his burnt fingers over [____]'s mouth to shut her up.

"I'm not finished."

She moved his wrist away from her and made a disgusting look after tasting her bottom lip. "Ew! Tastes like old cheese!!"

"I ate some bad cheese a week ago; that's normal." Wade insisted; "The x-mansion and fighting off bad people is just no business for a kid like you to stick her nose in. It could get you killed; KILLED. You get it? What's the point of me saving your damn life if you're trying to commit suicide by joining such a thing?

Listen kid, you annoy me; but not enough for me to let you kill yourself so easily. So I won't vouch for you, no matter what you say. You're not ready to face that type of danger."

[____] understood that, given the circumstances of their so-called friendship over the last six years, Wade and her had developed some sort of strictly platonic, father-daughter sentiments for one another. "I didn't put up with all your weird-ass training methods for years just so you could tell me that I am not ready right now..."

"I know that; kid." Wade softened up his voice; "I know."

"I even quit my job to focus more on my training regimen. I can't just walk through brick walls anymore; I can walk though other objects— all kinds of surfaces. Even metal!!" [____] boosted her own confidence up again. "I really think I'm ready for this, Wade!"

"...I'm not sure." He would of thought more about it; too. If it wasn't for the sudden rumbling sounds [____]'s stomach was making. "You hungry, kid?"

"I might have skipped breakfast and lunch, waiting for you to come out...." She admitted.

"You're too kind for your own good. It'll get you killed one of these day." He tilted his chin once, inviting her to his place for a delicious microwaveable burrito. "You can walk into anybody's home and fix yourself something to eat for free, if you wanted to."

"I have better ways of getting free food, just so you know."

"Ah, the good old 'steal it and don't look back'—"

"— What? No—" [____] denied that she used to do such things when she was younger. "...I could just ask you, Wade Wilson, to spare some food whenever. I know you'll say yes."

"If I'm not broke." He began to guide her inside the apartment complex; where he was sharing a unit with one of his best friends.

"Same." She replied. "I'm actually trying to save up to buy myself a new bed frame, so I've been eating instant ramen for months. You get tired of it."

"Watch your step, there's roaches under the floorboards." Wade knew [____] was disgusted by a lot of things; scum, rotten surfaces, insects and foul smells were just at the top of her list. That is why he enjoyed teasing her by pointing those things out every time they were together; even if he didn't actually see anything.

[____] scurried her way to the front of Wade's apartment. "I don't understand how you could live here, sometimes!!"

"That's right, you've never been inside, have you? You're always waiting outside for me like some sort of lost puppy. Well, the rent's cheap." He laughed at her reaction, "My roommate's cool. Nothing like you, by the way. She's super nice and so charming each time she speaks—"

As he opened the door, though, a BB gun pellet greeted the side of the door frame. [____] stalled to follow after the man because of that.

His roommate, a skinny and old woman with dark shades, was sitting right on his musty-looking couch and an air gun on her hand. "Next time, I will shoot your balls off." She warned him.

Wade fell to the ground, pretending to be wound by her aim or her words; at least that's what [____] thought at first. "Ah, shits and sprinkles!! You escaped the box again, you vile, sad excuse for a woman!!"

"Who is that whore you brought?!" Blind Al inquired to his roommate, once again threatening the two of them by shooting the ground, close to [____]'s feet.

She jumped by the spider crawling out of the small hole it had left. "What did she just call me?!!"

"[____] is no whore, she's in training." The way Wade made it sound was on purpose, he chuckled about it as he got back on his feet. "I'm the one training her, by the way—"

Another air gun shot; this time it hit Wade right on his left nut sack and he claimed defeat. "I'm so glad I got rid of your real gun— Ow, ow, ow...Why did I decide to give you a fake one?! What is wrong with me?! Ow, ow, shitFuck, shit, fuck—"

"Get up, you sissy." Blind Al spat on the ground; but still held on tight to the weapon. "You, whore, step forward."

"Me?!" [____] was seriously thinking about running away at that point. Running away and changing her legal name, forget all about Wade Wilson and his crazy ass roommate just for safety reasons; but the truth was that Wade was like the father she didn't grew up with; so she sucked it up and did as the blind woman told her to; all while whispering that she wasn't a whore to herself.

"Come closer." Blind Al began to lower her gun the more steps [____] took. It got to the point where she could touch the hand of the young woman. "Hm...You're no whore. You're just a kid who smells like one."

"I smell like one?! How?!"

"That's not important. Wade; are you all healed up yet? You got a gift just now. Big Russian guy came here and untied me after telling me that it's important." Blind Al decided to forget all about [____] and her existence for the rest of the day. "Open it up, I wanna know what it is."

Wade sucked in some air through his teeth and limped his way to the kitchen counter; where a brown box and a letter awaited.

"Big Russian guy?! Colossus?!" [____] excitedly asked. "Is it from them?! Is it from the x-men, Wade?!"

"This one's annoying." Blind Al complained.

Wade agreed; "Tell me about it."

[____] bit her tongue; In the past, she was known for standing up for herself quite violently. Though, for the sake of becoming a future x-men; she had taught herself to know when it's the right time to fight. For the most part, she was doing a good job at hiding her hatred for the blind old woman. "...So, what does the card say?"

"Don't feel like reading that shit; let's open the box!" Wade tossed the folded piece of paper aside; and as he got to the part of unwrapping his gift, [____] read it out loud.

'Dear Wade (Deadpool);
It has been while, my friend.
Everyone here wishes you safety.
I bring you 'thank you' gift for staying out of trouble.
Also, this is no kind of trap.
Play this game, and you will see.
Your friend, who does not lie to you, C.'

[____] had some difficulty to believe any of that was true; for a moment, she thought an enemy of Wade had sent a bomb or something, disguised as a video game console. "Uh...Are you sure this is safe to—?"

Wade was already connecting the console on his crappy 32" tv; he threw one of the remotes on Al's lap, convincing her to try it out with him. "If you lose— you go back in the box, you wench."

"If you lose; you cut off your penis and turn it into a smoothie."

[____] crossed her arms for a second; not believing that she was being ignored again. "Okay, are you like— Not gonna question how strange this card is?! And how you two live your lives in this messy apartment that looks like a trash truck dumped everything on your surfaces?!

Seriously, you cannot even see the floor with all these clothes hanging around! Are they dirty?! Are they clean?! Someone answer me, already!"

"The whore speaks too much, shut her up already Wade." Surprisingly, Blind Al could move the console remote just fine as she set up the proper installments of the game.

[____] removed the air gun and the dualshock controller out of her old ass hands just to get back at her. "Old lady, for the last time— I AM NOT A—!!"


[an; yes the chapter is supposed to end like this. don't worry I will update it soon and midas is finally gonna be in there ok

I know rn it's just u and Deadpool and his mean roommate but it's ok it ain't gonna stay like this forever ok hunnies 🥰🤭

Sorry for my mistakes; English is not my first or second language forgives!! Also if I get some facts about Deadpool wrong is just cus I get confused when I look stuff up hahaha I'm trying my best here! Marvel fans don't come @ me I'm only writing for fun]

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