◇ | chapter three

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The sky grew dark, and tiny droplets of rain drizzled down on MoorClan territory the next day. It was a relief for most of the Clan. It hadn't rained for a long while, and every cat was thankful. Dunepaw's thin fur allowed the cold droplets to soak into his skin, and soon enough he was soaking wet.

Dunepaw tagged alongside his sister, Melonpaw, as they were being led to a part of territory Dunepaw hadn't explored too much. A red pelt den his mentor had called 'the barn.' An orchard as Gingerfall had called it, laid nearest to MoorClan territory, and as they neared the orchard, distinct and delicious aromas filled his scent glands.

A warm scent filled his nose and he was drawn to it. Melonpaw shoved him back into place. Gingerfall halted and held her tail erect in an order to stop. Dunepaw, still attracted to the smells, almost bumped into Waspfire's rump. Melonpaw chuckled beside him.

"So why are we here exactly? In the rain?" Dunepaw asked after giving his fur a quick lick.

Waspfire gave the apprentices a glance and then continued to follow Gingerfall. "Every apprentice is brought here at one point to learn an important lesson. Yes, we don't need to be here exactly to teach it, but I found in my own apprenticeship it helps."

"What is the lesson about?" Melonpaw asked.

"You'll see, young one," Gingerfall assured her.

The group reached another stopping point, and the two mentors sat down on on dry patch of dirt. This left the apprentices to sit in the mud, which Dunepaw didn't have too much of a problem with.

"Crowpaw was a young warrior apprentice. He was more hardworking than any warrior, and more noble than the famed lion." Gingerfall began the story, and an adventurous tone was put into her words, which made the story more interesting to the young apprentices ears.

"A group of cats that lived in this very place were causing much trouble for the clan. Their leader had a large army of tough rogues who had been hardened by what they had seen in their days. Trained killers. It was on a very harsh leaf-bare these cats dared set paw on our territory to hunt. Patrols were sent out to teach these cats a lesson of course, but the barn cats were greater in number and killed a few of our members.

"Our leader continued to confront the barn cats with ferocity, but still we were overcome. It must've been the barn cats survival instinct to not give up a larger source of food. Crowpaw was tired of being beaten by a bunch of kittypets, as he saw them. Most doubted the apprentice and saw him as unworthy of clan status, and Crowpaw was determined to prove them wrong.

"Crowpaw strategized a plan. Though he wasn't great at battling, or hunting, or even herbs, his mind was sharper than a thorn. His leader was reluctant to even let Crowpaw suggest his ideas, but reluctantly agreed once it was truly known there might be no other way to make the barn cats fall. Once he had listened to Crowpaw's plan, he agreed. Crowpaw trained each cat in his ways until they were ready. Finally they attacked.

"Crowpaw's plan was a success, but during the battle he nearly lost his life. Luckily the medicine cat at the time, Gorsepelt, saved his life. Crowpaw was honored for his hard work, bravery, and determination. He earned his warrior name at last, Crowheart." Gingerfall finished.

"So what do you learn from that story, Dunepaw?" Waspfire fixed his yellow gaze on his apprentice.

Dunepaw shrugged. "I, uh, um... That I should practice my intelligence more?"

Melonpaw rolled her eyes. "Hard work never takes a break, mouse-brain! No wonder this story is being taught! You're more lazy than a bear in hibernation."

Dunepaw glared at her.

"Correct, Melonpaw." Waspfire sighed. "We should head back to camp. But remember, Dunepaw. Hard work earns you honor, pride, and recognition. Second place is the first looser. You have a lot of potential.. don't put it to waste." Waspfire stared sternly into Dunepaw's slightly hurt gaze.

this was a really really short chapter and I apologize. I just wanted to get a chapter out, ha ha. the next one should be longer.

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