◇ | chapter twelve

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beautiful aesthetic above created by -wild_heart-

    Out of the apprentices, Dunepaw was the first to awake. He blinked open his eyes and took in his surroundings. He was in a small cave, and he could hear the lapping waves of water crash soundly against the sand. Water. Water? There isn't water in MoorClan camp?

    That's when the events of the day prior came flooding back to him. The battle, Robinflight's betrayal, the rescue... the death. Dunepaw wanted to hurl. The vision of his younger siblings being carried off and his mother snarling and wailing as she was held back played in his mind. He had to rescue them. He almost wanted to go right then and there, but he knew it would be impossible. He would just have to wait.

    Not knowing quite what to do, he rested his head in his paws and waited gloomily for one of the others to awake. Melonpaw, known to be quite an early bird, sat up in her nest and stretched luxuriously.

    The dilute tortishell flipped over onto her back and looked up, her soft golden eyes dulling. "Dunepaw.." she whispered. "What happens now?"

    Dunepaw blinked. "I... I don't know. I don't think anyone knows the future though, right?"

    Melonpaw sighed. "I wish I did now," she rolled back over and got up.  "I'm hungry. I'm going to see if I can grab anything to eat.. if I can find the fresh-kill  pile that is."

    Dunepaw sighed and cast a glance to Tawnypaw. "Are you sure they'll even let us eat..?"

    Melonpaw tilted her head. "Why wouldn't they? They offered us shelter after we were just brutally thrown into a pit of foxes by our 'clanmates.' And I thought.. nevermind." The molly flicked her tail and padded out of the den.

    Dunepaw shrugged and followed his sister out. The least he could do was go with her, and he was beginning to feel hungry anyways. The siblings entered a short tunnel that soon led them into a large cave where a few cats were sharing tongues and eating prey. A diverse pile of prey lingered in the center, surrounded by a few small stones.

    Dunepaw sniffed, catching mostly a scent of salt and fish, which gave him an idea of what CoveClan cats ate. He sauntered forward and gave the prey a wary sniff. He saw a variety of fish and crab with a few voles, birds, mice, frogs, and... lizards. Bleh.

    Melonpaw nearly gagged when she caught up to him. "I can't eat this!" She poked a fish with her paw and flopped dramatically on the ground. "It smells so bad that it must be a mound of rotten rats!"

    Dunepaw rolled his eyes and shrugged. He fixed his gaze back on the pile as another cat, a brown molly with white underbelly and a black mask came padding up. She looked warily up and quickly snagged a silver fish and ambled back quickly to where two kits were mewling hungrily.

    Dunepaw glanced to his sister. "I'm sure it's not bad... here take a mouse." He snagged the brown creature with his claw and threw it gently on Melonpaw's muzzle.

    The dilute tortishell sighed and took it in her jaws and padded to a random spot in the cave where sunlight shone and warmed her pelt. Dunepaw followed closely, a silver fish in his jaws. It's worth a try.

    He set the fish in front of him and he crouched down and gripped the slippery creature with his claws. He took a bit bite and began chewing. It was actually... really good! Ravenously, he took another bite, quite aware of the disgusted look Melonpaw gave him.

    "I see you like the taste of fish?" A kind voice reached the two siblings ears.

    Dunepaw swallowed and looked up, swiping his tongue over his jaws. "Yeah, actually, I do..."

    The siamese tom chuckled. "I'm Troutmask, you are..?"

    "Dunepaw," he stopped himself from introducing his sister, knowing how well that went.

    The dilute tortishell looked up. "You look a lot like Tawnypaw."

    Troutmask purred. "We are in no way related but come from the same origins. We were both former kittypets."

    Dunepaw pricked his ears, intrigued. He had met plenty of loners and rogues, especially in the first moon of his apprenticeship, but he had never spoke or seen a real kitty pet. "What's it like, being a kittypet?"

    Troutmask shrugged. "You feel trapped in and outside the den. I didn't like it one bit. But that doesn't matter now, would you like me to introduce you to everyone?"

    Dunepaw looked down at his unfinished meal.

    "Don't worry," Troutmask chuckled. "I can introduce them to you from here. There isn't many that you dont know, anyway..."

    Dunepaw nodded and took another bite of his delicious morsel. He looked up and gazed in the direction of where the siamese tom was looking.

    "Over there," he flicked his tail towards the molly he had seen early, now with bouncing kits crawling over her back. "That would be Morningfawn and her kits Tealkit and Violetkit."

    Tealkit was a light blue-gray tom with clear blue eyes, and Violetkit was a black molly with white patches and forest green eyes.

    "The white and gray tabby over there is Rushpool. The white and orange tom walking up to him is Flaresight, and the white and russet tabby is our medicine cat Asterflight." He landed his gaze on a cream molly with long legs and a white face. "That there is Marigoldhaze. She's my mate and she's looking at me strangely, so there's my cue." He laughed jovially and padded off.

    Dunepaw had finished his fish by the time Troutmask had finished. He was so focused on who every cat was he hadn't noticed that his sister had run off to who knows where. He continued to sit there. Things weren't right no matter how friendly these cats were. He could definitely get used to staying in CoveClan, but his family wasn't here. At least all of them. Coniferkit, Hibiscuskit, and Almondkit had all strangely made a huge impact on his life, even though he had only truly known them for a little while.

    He hoped with all his heart another rebellion would be soon, and he could rescue them himself. He began to wonder even more and think of all the unguarded spots in MoorClan camp. His thoughts were quickly interrupted by pawsteps nearing him. His ears pricked and he turned to see Wasfire sneaking up on him, a sheepish grin on his face.

    "You're getting good at sensing things," his mentor complimented him. "You'll be a warrior soon, hopefully."

    Dunepaw shrugged. But of what Clan? He pushed the thought away. He would think of that if the time ever came. "Thanks I guess."

    Waspfire moved elegantly upward until he crouched, paws tucked underneath him, beside Dunepaw. "I know you miss your siblings. But Wolfstar says we'll rescue them soon. Not that I fully trust him or Finchlight quite yet, they don't have the hearts to leave kits in danger."

    Dunepaw sighed. "I know, but I feel powerless."

    Waspfire blinked, his eyes suddenly bright. "Perhaps a little hunting practice could do you good? Rushpool promised me he would take me and a few others out for practicing. After all, their main food does seem to be fish and crab. I tried a crab at dawn, and it was delicious!"

    Dunepaw smiled a bit. "Fish is probably even better." He nodded to the fish bones laying on the ground.

    "All the more reason. Come on." Waspfire led him towards Rushpool, where the tom kindly led them and a few others to practice their newfound technique.

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