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Two Months Later

Dad's health has been declining the last two months and I still haven't moved out of my parent's place with the twins. I like being at home helping them out.

Mom enters the kitchen, her hair is in a mess and she has dried tear stains on her face. "Morning, Laken."

I walk over to her and give her a hug. "Mom, you should take the Sophie and Gracie out. I'll stay home with Dad. Just be home before 4pm. I have a date with Ethan."

Mom smiles. "Thank you, for stepping up these past two months. I don't know where I would be without you."

"You don't need to worry about that, Mom. The girls and I wouldn't have it any other way. Breakfast is in the frying pan and the girls are in the living room watching TV. I'm going to check on Dad." I walk out of the kitchen and make my way to my parent's bedroom.

When I get to the bedroom I see Dad sitting up. He looks at me. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" he throws something at the door. "GET OUT!" he yells.

That's out of character for him. He's never spoken to me like that before.

I close the door to the bedroom.

Mom looks at me as I enter the kitchen. "Is he awake?"

I sit next to her. "He woke up. He yelled at me and I left the room. How long has he been like that?"

She looks at the ground. "The last three days he's been yelling. I can't stop him from doing that."

I touch her hand. "How long do you think he has?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't think we have that long left with him." She has tears in her eyes. "I was hoping that you would walk down the aisle before he died."

I hug her. "I don't think we're going to get married, Mom. I haven't heard anything about getting married since he asked Dad for permission."

"Hang in there a bit longer. I know Ethan doesn't want to rush into things without thinking things through." She whispers. "He'll be asking you soon."

How does she know?

I hear a noise in Dad's bedroom. I turn to Mom. "We have to check on him."

Mom and I walk to the bedroom. I open the door and we find Dad on the ground. Mom and I help Dad into bed. I see some blood on his arm. I look around the room and see a glass on the floor.

I have to clean that up.

I walk into the hallway and search the cupboard for the first aid kit and broom. I clean up the mess on the floor and then I clean Dad's wound. Luckily, there's no glass in his arm. I put a band aid on the cut.

She looks at me. "I can't leave him while he's like this, Lake."

I put my hand on her arm. "Take the girls for ice-cream or something. I'll sit with him."


At 3pm, I enter Dad's room and I sit on the chair next to bed. I look at Dad and his face is pale. I touch his hand and it's cold. "Dad, I want to tell you a story. It's about a princess and the promise her father made."

Dad doesn't move.

I sigh. "There was this Princess and she was born to two loving parents. She had an older brother and sister. The King walked his eldest daughter down the aisle on her wedding day." I stop for a second. "That night he promised the Princess that he would walk her down the aisle on her wedding day, but nobody foresaw that the King was going to get sick. The king's days were numbered and nobody knows when he's..." tears begin to fall down my face.

Dad opens his eyes and he looks at me. "I like the way you were telling the story. I want to know more about this King and his Princess." He holds his arms open and I crawl over to him. He wipes my face. "Please, tell me what happens next."

I look at him. "Nobody knows when he's going to die. The Prince asked the Princess's father if he could marry her a few months earlier, but he never asked her. She keeps waiting for the day that the prince asks her. The Princess hopes that her father will be there on the happy day. If the king can watch his princess get her happily ever after he will die a happy man."

He kisses my cheek. "That was a beautiful story. The King doesn't want to leave before the Princess gets married. He's going to fight to live for her happy day."

Mom enters the room with tears in her eyes. She looks at us. "That was a beautiful story. I didn't want to walk in here while the story was getting told."

I see the door open and the twins enter the room. Sophie and Gracie climb onto the bed with Dad and I.

Dad looks at the girls. "All my favourite girls in one room."

I look at the clock on the wall and I see the time. "Shoot, I need to get ready for my date with Ethan." I kiss Dad's cheek. "I'll see you before I leave." I walk out of the room and head to mine. I put a dress on the bed and then walk into the bathroom.


After the shower, I exit the bathroom and move over to my bed. I dry my hair with the hairdryer. I put my hair up in a bun and then search my jewellery box for something to wear. I pull out a gold necklace with matching earrings and bracelet.

I put on the dress and then lightly apply make up to my face. I slip on pair of heels and make my way to my father's bedroom.

Dad looks at me. "You look beautiful. Ethan's a lucky guy to have you." He pulls something out of the draw beside the bed. He hands me an envelope. "I want you to open this at the restaurant with Ethan. You will know when the perfect time to open it is."

I take it from him and put it inside my handbag. "I promise you I'll open it at that perfect moment. Thank you."

The doorbell rings and I hear voices at the front door. I hear Mom say. "She's with her Dad. She'll be right out."

I kiss Dad's cheek. "If you're still awake when I get home I'll see you then. If not I'll talk to you in the morning." I exit the room and make my way to the living where Ethan is on the floor playing with the twins.

Ethan turns towards me. "Hey, Beautiful."

I smile. "Hey," I kneel in front of my daughters and kiss them. "I love you, girls. I'll see you in the morning. Behave for Grandma, alright."

Ethan takes me hand. "Are you ready for this date?"

I look into his eyes. "I'm ready for anything when it comes to you, Ethan Miller."


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