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Banner by @Luna357 thank you for the beautiful graphic.

The next morning, the twins walk into the room with Mom and they jump on the bed. "Mommy, wake up."

I open my eyes and look at my girls. "Good morning, princesses."

Mom sits at the side of the bed and she looks at me. "Do you have any news for us?"

I lift my left hand out of the sheets and I tap my face. "I have no..."

Mom screams. "Oh my god! My little baby is getting married." She hugs me.

I shake my head. "You don't need to fake excitement about my engagement. You knew I was getting married since you helped plan the wedding with Ethan."

Mom laughs. "I knew that boy wouldn't be able to keep this a secret from you. Your father is looking forward to walking you down the aisle in two weeks. He's in the lounge room waiting for you."

The girls hug me.

Johnny walks into the room. He looks at me. "I'm still annoyed with you for not telling me Ethan was the guy that broke your heart and he never told me that you were the girl that he nearly got us killed on our first mission."

Mom looks at him. "You never told me that you nearly got killed on your first mission. If I knew that I would have..." she looks away from him. "I don't know what I would have done, but I'm glad you got your partner to get over his heartbreak."

Johnny moves over to the bed. "Ethan, never got over her, Mom. He tried to move on, but none of the girls made him as happy as Laken did. I never saw Laken truly happy before and I didn't know that it was my Best Friend that ruined her chances at loving someone new."

My heart belonged to Ethan, that's probably why I didn't enjoy dating much. I had true love that's hard to find. Sometimes, people don't find that kind of love and I was lucky to have found, lost it when the guy walked away and found it again when he returned to me.

I climb out bed. "I'm going to see Dad. He's going to love the idea of walking me down the aisle. I hope nothing happens between now and then."

Mom pulls me into her arms and I feel a tear drop my arm. "Sweetheart, we can't think like that. He's going to be here for you on that. Ethan, asked if we could look after the twins for three days."

I smile. "Thank you for taking them."

She kisses the top of my head. "You're welcome. The least I can do is give you two nights with your husband."

I look at the twins. "I'm going to show the twins there new house tomorrow. Mom, can you look after the twins this afternoon? Ethan and I have plans."

She smiles. "Your father is going to have fun looking after. He wants to pain with them."

I walk out of bedroom and head downstairs to Dad. I stop at the living room and watch Dad.

"Laken, I know your there. Do you have something to share with your old man?"

I walk over to the lounge and show him the ring.

He whistles. "That's a beautiful ring. I like that boy. He also told me recently that you eavesdropped on that conversation. I bet you waited a while for him propose."

Truth be told it didn't bother me how long it took Ethan to ask me to marry him, but I hoped that Dad was still around when it happened. I know Ethan thinks of my Dad as his and soon that will happen.

I can't wait for Ethan to officially be a part of the family.

I lie my head on Dad's shoulder. "We're getting married in two weeks, Dad. You get to give me away to the groom."

He smiles. "I don't want to give my baby away. I wish time would stay still and you didn't have to get any older.


Ethan walks into the house with Johnny. They are laughing and joking around when I enter the living room.

Johnny looks at me. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to compete against, Ethan?"

I shrug. "I didn't think you'd be interested in watching me kick your best friends arse."

Johnny pulls out some cash. "I bet you eighty that Ethan will kick your arse."

Dad looks him. "I'll take the bet, but I'm going with Laken to win. She's beaten an ex FBI Agent. What makes you think she can't win, against an active Agent?"

Johnny sits on the other lounge and he looks at Dad. "Ethan has to keep up with training three to four days a week. He shoots on the days that he doesn't work on his fighting. He partakes in extra training with the FBI, even though he doesn't need it. He believes if he misses a class it's a missed opportunity to learn what the recruits know. He doesn't want the guy younger than him to be better than him."

I wrap my arms around him. "No one can be better then, Ethan. Except maybe me."

Ethan shakes his head. "That's impossible, beautiful. I'll be better than you at everything."

I stand to my fullest height and whisper. "Can you produce another human?" I nip his ear before I pull away with a smirk.

Take that Ethan.

His Adams apple bobs as he swallows and his face pales.

Johnny looks between Ethan and I. "What did you say to him, sis?"

"Nothing," I walk out of the living and I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. I watch Ethan in the lounge room with my family. His back is stiff and he probably knows that I'm staring at him.

Ethan turns around. "Mason's expecting us." He take my hand. "I don't want Mason to give the ring away to someone else. Johnny are you coming?"

Johnny opens the front door and we exit the house.


Mason opens the door to the gym and he looks at me. "It's good to see you again, Laken. I wasn't expecting that you would challenge someone else to what we did."

I look at him. "Did you hear about the job offer?"

Mason shakes his head. "I don't know anything about a job offer. Who would offer me a job? It's not like I have the best skills set."

What he knows is exactly what we need in the workplace.

"Mason, I'll talk to you about it in a bit. I have to beat the hell out of my fiancé." I slip the ring off my finger and I put it around my necklace.

I don't want to lose the ring.

Ethan and I climb into the ring.

The guys gather around the ring and I hear them talking about the match I won against Mason. The guys don't think I'm much of a competition for Ethan.

I'm going to show them all what I'm capable of and I hope they choke on their words.

Ethan moves towards me and he throws a right hook.

I duck out of the way and I punch him the stomach.

Ethan makes his move next and he can't land a hit on me.

I keep moving my feet from side to side. I kick him in the stomach.


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