Found & Taken [4]

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Nathan's P.O.V

I was shocked by her statement. She's my girlfriend? I'm her boyfriend? I tried recalling her as my girlfriend but I can't seem to remember anything. Heck, I don't even know what's my name. I was about asked her that, when she voiced out.

"I know it's gonna be a lot to take in right now. Why not, you just relax or have a nap first while I cook something for you, for lunch."

Oh, it's lunch time? When was the last time I ate? I shrugged it off, remembering that Bella -Bella right?- told me to relax while she got some food prepare for me. At that instant, my stomach growled shamefully. But Bella didn't laugh. She just got up from the floor and walked a few steps to a wardrobe before I saw her picking what it looks like vegetables.

"Err..Bella?" I called, but more like a question because I wasn't sure of her name.

"Yeah?" Okay, I got her name right.

"What's my name?" I asked her, doubtfully. She would think that I was crazy for not knowing my own name but that doesn't matter because I need to know my name.

"Your name's Nathan, love."

Isabella's P.O.V

I was shocked when the words came out from my mouth. I was intending to say but I doubted it all along. I was just trying to test him if he was really....amnesia? He looked really confused, but didn't say anything so I told him to just relax himself while I make him some food for lunch. I believed he hadn't eat anything since the day I found him.

I took out a few kind of vegetables that I had plucked from around the woods and placed it on top of the stove while I got the other ingredients ready. Then I heard him called me, "Err..Bella?"

"Yeah?" I answered.

"What's my name?" he asked me. Oh my god. He really did forget everything. Everything including his name. Should I tell him his real name or make up a new name? Wait! Why should I give him a fake name?

"Your name's Nathan, love," I told him and get back on task on preparing him lunch.

Had I really lied to him about me being his girlfriend? What kind of a fan am I? I had just lied to my idol. Oh wait! My idol was with me and he was amnesia and we're in Indonesia. How complicated can things be? I shrugged everything off my shoulder, knowing that the food will taste like garbage if I didn't put in full concentration in preparing it.

I had prepare him a bowl of soup mixed with herbs and vegetables, along with a cup of tea and toasts. I felt stupid and disabled for preparing only those for Nathan. That was so much of being a stone-headed daughter and ran away from home to a rural area and having very little cash with me.

I walked over to him and placed the food on the carpeted floor, next to the bed. Nathan was now back to lying on his back. I didn't know as to how was he supposed to eat? He was lying and even when he saw the food, he didn't get up. Well, obviously he wouldn't wanna get up after looking at the food. Those are probably not his kind of food.

"I can't get up, yet," he spoke up.

I looked at him in confusion, "Huh?" He don't wanna wake up or..?

"My back still hurts, I can't get up yet," he explained. Oh. I have gotten his message wrong. So, what am I supposed to do? Feed him? Yeah, duhh.

"Oh, I'll help you then. But before that, I'm sorry because this was all that I could afford to prepare for you," I told him, embarrassingly.

"It's fine," he stated plainly.

I nodded lightly. I went to grabbed a piece of tissue in my bag and placed it under his chin before starting to feed him with the soup and then proceeded with the butter toast and tea.


"Alright, it's time to sleep," I told Nathan, like I was a mom, telling her son to go to bed. It's only 8 in the evening but it was already really dark outside. There was nothing that could have been done other than sleep.

"Where are you going to sleep?" Nathan asked me. He had been lying down the whole day and I had refrain him from getting up due to his back.

"On the floor," I stated simply while tying my hair up.

"On the floor?" Nathan asked in disbelief. Why? I can't sleep on the floor? I didn't ask him that. I just nodded and prepared to sleep. I grabbed a bunch of my clothes and used it as a pillow before grabbing a towel as a comforter.

"I feel bad," Nathan told me as I lay down on my back.


"You told me this afternoon that this is your late grandparent's cabin. There's only one bed and I'm using it while you sleep on the floor. Firstly, if this is you late grandparent's cabin, then you have the right over this bed. Secondly, I'm a guy. Which guy would let a girl sleep on the floor?" he ranted. From their videos on youtube that I had watched before, Nathan was indeed really talkative but I wasn't expecting him to whine and rant about the little things such as bed. I smiled to myself.

"It's okay. You need it more than I do," I assured him.

"But...." he started but I cut him off.

"Nathan, I wanna sleep," I said, sleepily.

"Okay. But you gonna tell me the whole thing tomorrow? Because I can't seem to remember anything at all," he sighed at the end. Oh yes! About the lie. Everything. Shit! I'm supposed to make up story?

"I'll tell you tomorrow," I came up with that, knowing that could only be the way for him to stop pestering me.

"Goodnight, Bella," he greeted.

"Goodnight, Nathan."

Nathan's P.O.V

It wasn't long before I heard a heavy breathing and a light snore. Telling me that Barley has gone to sleep while I on the other side, couldn't sleep because I felt like I've been sleeping for so long. Did I say Barley? I mean, Bella.


Why couldn't I recall anything about her? I was even confuse about her name. And was she really my girlfriend? Why couldn't I remember anything? I should have known if she was my girlfriend or not. I should probably have her favorite color, favorite food, favorite song and all at the back of my hand. But I know nothing about her!

My name. She said, my name is Nathan. Nathan what? Nathan Edwards? Nathan Kyle? Oh my god! Nathaaan! I don't even know anything about myself apart from my name. When is my birthday? What is my favorite food? Where's my family? Do I even have one - seeing it's only Bella and me in this cabin?

I tilted my head, only to get a glance to a sleeping-sideways Bella. I couldn't remember being her boyfriend but from the way she treated me, no one can doubt that she was not. Her hands felt good when she placed it on my back and started stroking them. Even though I didn't relaxed instantly at her touch, I could feel that she was making an effort.

Then she cooked me lunch. It wasn't anything special. A bowl of soup, a cup of tea and toast. Who would eat that for lunch? Usually for breakfast, isn't? Not that I was complaining. I was grateful and appreciate with whatever that she had prepared because I was starving. She even apologized to me for serving only those. What? Who does that?

And this bed. She has all the rights to be up here sleeping instead of sleeping on the cold hard floor. Okay, I won't know if the floor is cold or hard but usually most floors are like that. Her pillow was a bunch of clothes and she had use a towel as a blanket while I'm covered with a thick and fluffy one. I rubbed my arms a little. It was really cold in the house. Wouldn't Bella feel cold too?

Then it made also think. If we were a couple, why are we living in this small house? I know some girlfriends might wanna moved in with their boyfriend but was I really poor to only provide her this small house?

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