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We all tense up at his words, the door closing behind him almost bringing an ominous feel to the room as he lifts the documents high enough so we can see them, the small stack of papers feeling like they hold the world's greatest secret for some reason.

Hoseok, too nervous to stay away from me after hearing that this concerns me, gets out of bed and comes join Yoongi and I on the couch before making me sit on his lap, his arms closing around my waist as if to protect me from what is going to be said, something I'm more than glad for because I'm already nervous, my heart not getting much respite today.

"So I had an ability scan done on both Kim Seokjin and Kang Y/N and after analyzing the results, I've found that sir would have indeed opened a sort of... portal, to bring miss over. Now, that's going to be helpful in explaining her presence here and will definitely be used to her advantage so you can rest easy" he informs us first and a collective relieved sigh resounds in the room, Hoseok's arms squeezing me as his forehead hits the surface of my shoulder.

"But" he continues more seriously and I hold my breath, unsure of what to expect from this whole thing. "I found something weird coming from her test" he mumbles before showing the documents he's carrying to Namjoon who steps closer to grab them with a frown, a brief look sent my way before he's turning the first page to see what's inside.

His eyebrows furrow as he reads, a sight that does nothing to reassure me as we watch him flip through the pages.

"What am I looking at, doctor?" he eventually asks the older man, his eyes confused as if what he's seeing doesn't make any sense.

"The former is sir's scan, the second miss'" is the only reply he gets, but it seems enough to explain a lot because our soulmate bites on his bottom lip before releasing it, eyes falling on Jin, then on me before looking through the scans again.

"They're almost the same" he says in disbelief, words that have Jin standing up quickly to take a look too, his face telling me that this shouldn't be possible. He grabs the documents that Namjoon hands him and looks through them quickly, eyes widening when he sees the same things too.

"They really are..." he murmurs before looking up at me as if I'm going to start glowing anytime now.

The doctors asks for the documents back so he can show them something.

"See that here? That's the core of sir's ability. To carry her over to this dimension, its energy had to create a portal to her dimension at a precise time and location, meaning it was expecting her arrival. What I don't understand is that its energy is still within her, as if she absorbed it. My theory would be that his ability gave up a part of itself to allow her through the portal, like setting a lock and then giving the key to open said lock, although she wouldn't be able to use the ability as it's not hers. Tomorrow, we shall do a second blood test, I want to see how she's reacting to the ability's energy" he explains, words that baffle all of us, but especially me.

Jin takes a moment to take a seat next to Jungkook on the bed, the latter cuddling him to help him calm down while I remain still on Hoseok, not knowing what to think of this. His ability is still in me?

"It's not just... a remnant? The doctor who had the scan done on me said that it would leave a trace, residual energy" I ask, lips curling downwards when Doctor Cho shakes his head with a sigh you would have to a stupid question, a behavior that is quickly condoned by my soulmates when they narrow their eyes at him.

The doctor clears his throat and tries to compose himself before answering my question.

"If it was a remnant of its energy, it would already be fading, it would be pale and dissipating but in this case, it remains strong and very present, which means it has taken root within you. These documents will be very important in making sure that you can stay here legally, so what we've found is actually really good. The government will be able to explain your appearance here and you will be added into the system" he explains and I nod lightly, glad to have Yoongi holding my hands because I would probably be pinching my skin in an anxious reflex if not for him.

"Something that will be taken care of very soon, thank you doctor" Namjoon states before bowing, one we all mimic as best we can from our different positions in the room.

The man clears his throat again and nods. "Right. On that note, I will take my leave. Please don't hesitate to ask for anything you might need, I'm thinking the seven of you are going to stay the night here with her so I'm sure we can give extra mattresses so you can be comfortable. Tomorrow before breakfast, a nurse will come to fetch miss for the blood test, then I'm sure she's going to be free to go" he says before bowing lowly to my soulmates and then leaves the room.

As soon as the door closes, the tension dissipates and I relax against Hoseok's chest, a long sigh leaving me, as does my energy.

Today is mentally, emotionally and physically draining. Not only did I go through a lot of stress in my original dimension, it's been continuing here as well and it feels like it won't ever end.

The arms around me tighten and Hoseok nuzzles my cheek softly with his nose, the act pulling a sleepy smile out of me while Yoongi draws soothing circles on my hands with his thumbs, the others too trying to calm down as they keep processing all that was said.

Namjoon takes his phone out of his pocket and hums.

"I'll go and call a worker from the government to have them send someone over early tomorrow to complete her registration in the system before we leave the hospital. The sooner we do this, the better I'll feel, I don't want this unsolved matter to follow us any longer once we step foot out of here" he informs us before staring at me, a smile stretching his plush lips as his eyes soften.

"You look exhausted, kitten, don't try to stay awake for our sake. If you want to sleep, just say it, we'll be quiet and let you rest" he coos before leaving the room silently.

The remaining men turn in my direction, eyes creasing at the sight that I am and I blush at the sudden attention that fills me with love, my eyelids growing droopy as I muffle a yawn behind a hand, Hoseok's chuckle vibrating into his chest behind me.

"She looks like she could fall asleep any moment now" Taehyung muses, orbs shining at me, endeared.

I nod at that, eyes closing as I smile at him before I'm pointing at Yoongi and Hoseok with a chuckle.

"It's because I could. These two are so warm and gentle, like fluffy bears" I reply, my comment earning me many charmed grins while Hoseok hums from behind me, his chin going to rest on my shoulder happily as he rocks us softly in place.

"Fluffy bears" Yoongi echoes softly, as if he's really liking the sound of that. "We're fluffy bears" he continues, still not over it, stars in his eyes and Jimin can't help himself, his hyung getting too cute for him to handle as he gets off the bed to hug the man, soft words about him being the softest fluffy bear in the world making it to my ears and making my heart melt.

"We should free the bed, Kookie. Hobi, can you bring her over please?" Jin asks, his groan sounding painful when he tries to push himself out of Jungkook's tight hold and off of the bed.

The latter pouts at having to let go of his eldest soulmate but when he sees my face, he loses his fighting spirit and eventually relents before listening to Jin.

"I know I look exhausted but I don't want to fall asleep just yet" I mumble through another yawn. "We just found each other after years of believing it impossible, I'm not ready to let that go just yet" I add, meaning every words I just said.

I can't help that little gnawing fear that if I fall asleep now, I'm going to wake up alone, but at the same time, the explanation we just got from the doctor makes too much sense for it to be a simple dream, so my mind is quite a mix of different worries and facts pushing each other around.

A soft hand gently takes hold of my forearm with the marks and a soothing sensation of comfort washes over me once a finger connects with a heart, soft and peaceful, loving.

I turn my head to the side to see Jimin smiling at me as he rubs small circles on his heart, his body cradled in Yoongi's arms and looking so small and delicate that I can't help but smile back, every worries in the world dissipating at the lovely display offered to my eyes along with the warm feeling that is spreading within me.

Yoongi peppers tiny kisses along our soulmate's cheek and into his hair and my heart tingles and flutters, they're so cute together, I can't believe that I'm finally getting to see my soulmates like this, we're truly spending time together now.

Hoseok's hand carefully pushes my head against his shoulder before his soft lips start to give me the same treatment, small reassuring butterfly kisses to my temples and hair while his arms close around me in a strong embrace, something that has me closing my eyes immediately, Jimin's bonding touch and Hoseok's loving attention sending me to sleep much faster than I wanted.

"We will be here when you wake up, I promise" is whispered into my ear right before I fall asleep, once again in the comfort of a soulmate's arms.

Hoseok's POV

It's with a satisfied hum that I feel her become soft against me, a long exhale leaving her parted lips before being followed by the softest of snores, a sound that has Taehyung and Jungkook giggling in surprise.

"So we have one more snoring soulmate then" Jin muses with an endeared smile, one I easily share with him until a suddenly louder snore startles me, my eyes turning round in surprise as I look down at her and chuckles resound in the room as I feel my cheeks heat up a little.

"Got scared a little, hyung?" Taehyung asks with a grin, the others also staring with a similar expression on their face, although they also can't help but observe her petite form on me.

"I thought her snores were all going to be small, it just surprised me, I'm not scared" I mumble shyly, not wanting them to think that I'm a scaredy-cat, I might not be extremely brave, but I'm not that bad!

Yoongi hums, a hand running through her hair to feel her under his fingers, always needing that contact to continually process her presence among us now.

"She didn't snore earlier when she slept on me, I guess it depends on how exhausted she is, I find that cute. She can't be worse than Namjoon or Jungkook" he states as his hand goes to cup her cheek softly, thumb caressing the skin under her eyes and just admiring her.

"I don't snore that bad" the youngest blurts out and we all stare at him, eyes observing as his resolve crumbles as fast as it appeared and after a while, he looks down at his hands with a pout until Taehyung cuddles closer to him to comfort him.

"Or, it could be her position, sometimes it doesn't take much, how about you make her sit across your lap? Her head is leaning backwards, anyone would snore like that" Jimin suggests, his observant eyes falling on me in curiosity as he snuggles deeper into Yoongi's warm embrace.

I nod, willing to try and with their help, we shift her around in my arms until I'm cradling her like a baby, a sight that has my heart stuttering in my chest from how adorable she is, especially when her fingers grip onto my shirt tightly like she needs to make sure that I'm not letting go of her.

How could I ever? Not when I finally have her in my arms after so many years of dreaming such a thing.

As Jimin had said, after a few seconds of listening, her snoring effectively comes to a stop and we all gaze down at her, unsure of how to feel about it. Although sporadic, they really were cute.

"Now that's kind of sad" Jin murmurs and we nod, just as torn about the matter. Jimin makes a move to shift her head again to get them back but Yoongi stops him before he can reach her with a sigh.

"Now now, no snoring means she's breathing fine, let's leave it at that, shall we? We can find something else to gush over, all of her is cute anyway" he says and we all perk up because he's right, it's not like we have to choose a single thing, we get to love and adore all of her now.

Namjoon eventually comes back inside the room, eyes focused on his phone as he types in something and closes the door loudly behind him, enough to have me wincing at the strength of it. He really doesn't know how to be soft with non-living things.

"I had to pull some strings but someone will come over tomorrow morning. Y/N will officially be a resident of this dimension, she'll get everything necessary to remain in Korea legally and no one will be able to do anything against her" he informs us before tucking his phone in his pocket but then freezes when he sees Y/N asleep in my arms.

"Not so loud, Joonie!" Jin whispers in warning and our darling giant's eyes widen before he presses his lips tightly as we all await any signs of waking up, but thankfully, she doesn't even budge.

Exhausted as she is, I doubt a nuclear bomb would ever reach her dreams.

"Sorry, I didn't know, I thought she'd be struggling before managing to fall asleep, how long did it take her?" he asks quietly while making his way over to tuck some of her hair behind her ear, a tiny proud smile forming on his face when she pushes slightly into the touch of his hand on her cheek.

"Not that long, to be honest. It took some bonding from Jimin and sweet caresses and she was out like a light" Yoongi answers with a silent chuckle leaving him when the giant man nearly falls on his butt when trying to step away from her too quickly.

He'll trip over invisible objects so often that I'm starting to wonder if there are really invisible obstacles following him anywhere he goes. He smiles sheepishly before heading to where the bags we brought are resting, not yet opened, which honestly surprises me.

I'd thought Jin or Jungkook's noses would've smelled the snacks by now, or that their advanced sixth senses when it comes to food would've acted up, but I guess not.

Namjoon opens one of the bags and hums as he searches through it to get something.

"Hyungs and I managed to bring some snacks, books and our phone chargers to make sure we can survive the night, and don't worry Jungkook, I thought of you and brought your switch along with an additional pair of controllers so you can play, as long as you don't make too much noise" he enumerates some of the things we brought and takes the game console out to prove his point, something he had insisted upon because he knew that Jungkook would love him even more for that, the big man always eager to please, but also eager to be thanked with kisses and hugs.

Our younger soulmate silently cheers, a wide bunny smile plastered over his face as he runs to Namjoon to hug him tight, kisses greeting his skin over and over again and causing the giant to preen with pride, chest puffed out, the cutest sight that only us get to see from him before he's grabbing the game console to sit in a corner of the bed with Taehyung, the two of them turning quiet as they start setting up their game.

Jin walks to the bag of snacks and I chuckle at the look of disinterest he tries to keep up as he tilts his head to look through it from a safe distance while also hugging Namjoon, our unsuspecting soulmate simply happy to bathe in their love at the moment as he hums out deeply, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Hyung, I gathered a few of your favorites, they're in a plastic bag with your name on it, I wanted to make sure you'd be the only one getting them" I tell him, watch as his lips discreetly stretch in badly hidden joy before he's patting Namjoon to stop the hug so he can reach the bag where he quickly finds what I mentioned.

"You're the best, Hobi, thank you" he muses before sending me a pretty kiss through the air, one I try to catch with my lips because my arms are busy.

I kiss the kiss before sending one back just for him and when he blushes slightly in delight, I let my soul enjoy the feeling of love that I always feel when a pink shade coats my soulmates' cheeks because of me.

"What about my banana milk?" Jungkook asks suddenly and Namjoon searches in the bag before getting two bottles out that he throws his way.

The young man gasps and throws his controller on a taken aback Taehyung before jumping up to catch the two drinks who fly in two different directions, one of them almost hitting the floor before Jungkook barely manages to catch it.

"Hyung!" he whisper-shouts with a frown, the idea that he could've lost one of his favorite drink before even getting a taste of it worse than a lot of things he can think of at the moment, but Namjoon simply shrugs it off before getting something for himself.

He then grabs a nearby chair and brings it to the couch to stay close with us and Jin does the same once he grabs a snack from his private bag that says - Don't touch unless your name is Worldwide Handsome.

"What about us? Are we not allowed snacks?" Jimin asks with a pout when he realizes that no one's thinking about us but Namjoon and Jin both eye him before taking a bite of theirs, apparently not moved all that much by the sweet pleading tone that was used on them.

"You have feet, use them" the eldest says and when his partner in crime nods, Jimin's pout deepens.

"I thought you loved me" Jimin tries again with the best puppy look he can manage but instead of moving the two men, it's Taehyung who jumps quite literally to the rescue as he rushes to the bag like his butt is on fire.

"I love you Jiminie, what do you want? Should I bring everything over?" he offers and Jimin's eyes light up with a quick nod of the head that has Yoongi grunting when his resting place gets disturbed, his dozing off brought to an end by the man he's holding against his chest.

"Hurry hyung, we're about to lose!" Jungkook whines but Taehyung seems more focused on making his hungry soulmate happy as he brings the whole bag over, a kiss left to his cheek before he goes back to a young man trying to express his anger in the quietest way possible, hands flailing around in the air because he lost already.

I rise my head to try and get a look of what's available in the bag, Yoongi also reaching out to grab something since sleeping isn't going to happen with a eating Jimin on top of him and when I do see something to my liking, I realize that I can't really make any moves to take it.

A pout forms on my lips and I look away in an attempt to ignore the tantalizing view, deciding that it is a small price to pay to be able to hold my baby soulmate in my arms like this.

A soulmate I had believed dead since the first time I got my marks when I was seven, seven years old for seven soulmates.

When I had turned two and still didn't have any soulmate marks, my parents started believing that something was wrong with me, that I wouldn't have soulmates at all since most people usually get theirs at one, sometimes two to represent the amount of soulmates they have.

They were truly saddened for me because the fate of someone without marks is a lonely one, but when five years later, seven of them appeared on my arm, we were all overjoyed, a joy that had soon turned into the most heartbreaking cry of my life when my mother had explained to me what a grey heart means, that there would be a soulmate I would never meet.

But now she's here and I can't wait to let them know about her, that she made her way to us thanks to Jin, that we can now be complete, the eight of us together as it was always meant to be instead of seven with a missing one.

I can already see how excited my sister is going to be for me, she will surely cry when she learns of her presence here before rushing over to meet her. I hope they could be close friends, Jiwoo is so caring, Y/N could use more of such people around her, no doubt.

Something salty suddenly reaches my lips and I part them on instinct, the crunchy treat making it to my tongue before I turn my eyes to see Yoongi smiling at me, the bag I had eyed earlier in his hands, fingers going to get another piece to bring to my lips.

"Hyung..." I murmur with the most loving eyes I can muster until he shushes me with a shy smile, fingers pushing another piece in my mouth, one I await eagerly this time.

"Don't let crumbs fall in her hair" he warns, a hand going to get a small dust out of it before he takes a bite of his own snack, him feeding me in no way meaning that he will stop eating.

I hum and look down to see her face squished against my chest, lips into a pout that look so kissable and my heart melts into a puddle for her, my arms squeezing around her because I just can't get enough of her, I want to crush her in my hold and absorb her, as creepy as it sounds.

It's pure love, I swear.

"We just met today but I can assure you, I'm in love with her already" I muse, arms adjusting so I can slide my thumb over her lips, a boop to her nose before I run a hand through her hair, anything I can think of to show her that I care even if she's not aware of it.

My words are met by silence but I don't need to look up to know that all of them are gazing at her, the same feeling I'm experiencing right now flooding their soul without restraint.

"We've spent our whole life longing for her, we loved her from the first day we saw her heart, it's only right that we love her when we finally have her with us" Jimin murmurs, eyes shining with unshed tears and we all nod, knowing that he's right.

Taehyung shifts, his gaze on her a little sad, but soft with adoration.

"To be honest, I understand why she didn't want to fall asleep. There's that voice nagging at the back of my mind that if I close my eyes for only a minute, when I open them again, I'll wake up from a dream. What if my imagination is just on a whole new level of realism and I just haven't woken up for practice yet?" Taehyung says but Jimin quickly hums his denial.

"If that were true, why can I not make anything appear out of thin air? Why can't I change the environment or distort the setting? I promise you, I'm very conscious, I'm not a figment of your imagination. She is real and so are we. This is real" he says, words that easily put our younger soulmate at ease, a relieved sigh leaving his lips before he rests his head on Jungkook's shoulder, their game momentarily forgotten.

This is real, we were allowed a miracle, to have her in our life and now, she's even going to be our manager, something that will grant her a purpose, a sense of belonging in this new world and a reason to stay with us no matter where it is that we have to go.

I couldn't have asked for a better situation, I'm not letting her go out of reach, not ever, I'm going to need her close for a few years I think.

But then a thought comes to mind and I frown, concerned.

"Guys" I start, look up to see them all turning to me. "If she becomes our manager, people, especially ARMY will find out about her, it won't take too long. They'll start wondering why there's a woman always with us, not to mention our marks, they'll notice the last heart, that it's not grey anymore, they're not stupid, they'll make theories and link her to us" I tell them, wait as they process the information.

Namjoon makes an 'Oh' with his mouth. He hadn't thought about that yet.

"Should we tell them that we have found our last soulmate? That Jin hyung's ability took her to us, that she was alive, just not from this world?" Jungkook asks, large eyes taking in our expressions, all of us just as unsure because that means exposing her to the harshness that we know our fans are able to express.

Would they accept her? Would they get mad, jealous? Would they threaten her or would they be kind, understanding? It would be divided, that's for sure, but I do believe that a lot of our fans would welcome her warmly, they're family, they would be ecstatic for us.

"We'll talk about it with her during the coming days, the choices that are available to us, what each of them can cause, what we should expect from them, then she can make her decision. If she says she can handle it, then she can handle it. If she thinks it's better to keep quiet until she's grown more used to all of this, then we wait, we'll just wear long sleeves, it's no big deal.

Honestly, with everything that she's going through, I'm not going to force a decision on her, I want her to have that control for herself, she deserves to be able to decide what will happen for herself" Yoongi declares, his tone not open to negotiation, to countering, not that we want to, this is for her after all.

"Alright, let's proceed that way, we can adapt as we go. I think we should all get ready to get some sleep soon, tomorrow will be another long day and we need our rest, especially with the weekend coming our way, it's going to be two concerts back to back" Jin states next and we all hum, ready to go along with his suggestion as we can all feel pretty tired, the adrenaline that has been our ally all day starting to dim slowly.

I stand up softly with Y/N in my arms, careful to not wake her up and make my way to the bed where Jungkook and Taehyung make haste of getting off, bottles, console and controllers pulled away to make space, after which Jin gathers the blanket in his arms so I can lower her on the mattress, pillows propped under her head before we work together to cover her with the blanket properly, every corners tucked under her to avoid cold air from making it into her cocoon of warmth.

"I'll go ask if we can have some sleeping equipment for everyone, it won't be as comfortable as our beds, but I'm sure we can handle that for tonight" Jin informs me next with a pat to the shoulder before walking to the door where he stops a nurse whose eyes widen in shock.

He obviously was not expecting to see us here, or maybe it's only that he wasn't expecting to be talked to directly by one of us, but it's a fun sight to see either way as he nods his head quickly before running away, face flushed and red.

We don't miss the hushed scream that reaches our ears followed by a "Kim Seokjin talked to me! Oh my fucking gosh! I am blessed!" and we break into silent laughter, this type of reaction one that always amuses us so much.

"I'm not sure, but I think he's an ARMY" Namjoon muses with a chuckle before opening one of the bags to delicately pull out a small blanket, one I recognize instantly as he walks to the bed to cover Y/N's body with it, a sight that makes so many emotions rush through me.

I observe him in silence from where I stand, love for this man flooding my soul as he makes sure that it's going to keep her warm, that it won't slide off her during the night, a blanket he made himself in memory of her a few years ago, not gigantic, but of a size perfect for cuddling with someone.

It took him three years to finish it because we were always so busy, but he was very intent on seeing this project to the end, the meaning behind the blanket one that was very dear to him, and to be able to use it for her right now, I can't even begin to imagine how he must be feeling as he gazes down at her, shoulders rising up and down slowly, the kind of deep breathing that he does when he tries to keep his tears at bay.

When we first debuted our careers ten years ago, we used to accept and do everything we were offered in the hopes of making it to where we are now.

Every night, we would go to sleep at around one or two in the morning only to wake up a few hours later to keep practicing, skipping meals in order to focus on improving was a normalcy because we just had so much to prove to the world and not enough time to make it happen.

We wanted to make our last soulmate proud no matter what and that was our sole focus. Having the free time that we now allow ourselves wasn't something we thought possible in the beginning, not something we even thought of doing at all.

We were so busy trying to keep ourselves from drowning under the increasing surge of jobs piling up on top of one another while still working on more songs that would either fly or fall, we'd do our best to face the attacks of people who couldn't believe that a group of seven could succeed and achieve so much and often were the attacks directed towards our fans, yet ARMY never gave up on us.

They faced the world with us, they were our protection in a sea of alligators and snapping jaws that was growing out of control.

It's one night after Taehyung woke up bawling his eyes out, something about how he'd dreamed that all of his seven hearts had turned grey that we realized just what it is that we were missing - precious time and countless memories that we had yet to make.

We had started taking our beating heart for granted and were even starting to hurt it, to neglect it.

That was a big wake up call for us and we even took some time off work to talk, to weight our options with a clear mind. We had started to forget that we were doing this for her in the first place, we wanted to give her existence a place in the world through us and instead, what we had done was hurting ourselves.

We almost disbanded because of that, we thought maybe it would be for the best, it was a hard time but we got through it with the love of our fans, with their support and since then, after talking about it with Bang and Sejin, we figured that we had reached a point where we could allow ourselves to start going against the flow that the industry used to force on us.

Regular vacations, just to take a breather, be it staying at home for cuddles or doing an activity that was on our list, something we'd thought of while filming Run BTS videos or by scrolling on the internet, even going as far as traveling across the world, just a moment to be alive and to take care of our precious soulmate bonds.

Our fans and families were very encouraging when we let them know about our new vision of how to live life and it's been going for a few years already, wonderful years that we get to look back to fondly now.

It was probably the best decision we ever took up to this day.

We can easily see how our content has immensely improved since doing that and it has even opened the door to many new songs that sometimes need particular experiences to come to life. Even our Run BTS videos are funnier because we're more relaxed, ARMY was quick to point that out.

The way we treat ourselves has such an impact on what we make and now that we know, we try to make it our mission to show the world that it's okay to take it easy sometimes, no matter how busy your job makes you.

You matter, so you should love yourself, a simple sentence that Namjoon had said without thinking too much during one of our concerts, and now the world keeps screaming - Love yourself because that's what Joonie said and he's always right! - . He had laughed so much when he heard that the first time.

I make my way behind him and then wrap my arms around his torso in a back hug before his hands squeeze my arms lightly as he leans into me, and we keep gazing at her, content in our small warm bubble of love.

Could we teach her the same thing we had to learn the hard way now that she's with us? Could we help her learn to take it easy? Are we going to have to keep an eye on her all the time to make sure she doesn't overdo it? I hope she'll be willing to listen to our opinions when it comes to workload. She doesn't need to work for four anymore.

After a while of being silent and peaceful in the room, Namjoon sniffles softly and hums, the vibrations of his voice echoing through his back and to my chest as he tries to organize his thoughts.

"You know, when I was working on this blanket, the only thing I could think about at the time was how I would've loved to be able to give it to her so it could serve to keep her warm, it would feel as if I was the one hugging her so that even if we were busy, she wouldn't be so lonely, that was the emotion behind it. I knew it would never happen, but I couldn't get rid of this dream.

When we went back home earlier, when I saw it, it hit me like a brick that... now I can. All the emotions, all the love I poured into it, I hope she could feel them when using it, just so she can know how much we've been dreaming of this, how much it means to us that she's here now" he murmurs, his deep voice sounding as if it might break with how emotional he is at the moment.

"I'm sure she will love it, Joonie, she will be able to feel your love, because we can too and it wasn't even made for us. I'm sure it's going to be very precious to her once she learns of the story behind it" I promise him and he nods slowly before turning around to hug me properly, cheek going to rest on my head with thankful relief. "Thank you, hyung".

When someone takes that time to knock on the door, Jimin is first to jump to his feet to open it and finds on the other side the same nurse from earlier, a few colleagues behind him with their arms full of what we asked for, their faces ridiculously intent on not showing just how damned excited they are to be here.

I kiss Namjoon's shoulder and then cut the hug short to go help our other soulmates as they start bringing in the mattresses, pillows and blankets following behind until the floor becomes completely covered, thank goodness for its largeness.

Tired as we are, I'm thankful that none of the nurses try to push their boundaries, no requests for pictures, no forced conversations to push us into work mode, simply silence and stolen glances that we let them have because although part of us can never understand what it is about ourselves that they love so much, we know that to be meeting us from so close isn't an occurrence that happens often.

Still, to make it worthwhile for them, once we're all done, I take some time to shake their hands, a sincere smile making it to my lips when I see the happiness on their faces, like this is making their whole year better.

They bow and wish us a good night and to not hesitate if we need anything else before leaving the room, steps filled with giddiness until Jungkook closes the door after waving them goodbye.

"I'll be sleeping by the door, I'll go change first" our leader states after grabbing his pyjama from the bag and as I watch him head to the bathroom, I can't help but smile at the way he cares for us.

Of course he would want to be first in line to take care of whatever is stepping through the door during the night, our leader and soulmate protective to an unimaginable level. Anyone with ill intentions should be warned, they won't survive his wrath if they try anything.

"I'll be next to him then" Jungkook chirps as he drops himself on the mattress next to Namjoon's and we all grin, not surprised. Where Namjoon goes, Jungkook follows. The whole world knows that.

I wait a little, watch as Taehyung decides to sleep right by Y/N's bed, Jimin slipping onto the same mattress with him, the two of them inseparable even when there's no space. Sometimes it feels like they have a very physical rope linking them together and making them unable to stay apart for too long, which we find adorable.

Yoongi gets my attention by patting the one next to him, right in the middle of the group and I trot over while Jin takes the mattress at our feet while saying something about how smelling our smelly toes will surely give him nightmares.

One after the other, we take turns to get changed since the bathroom isn't big enough for more than one of us, and after a while, we all make ourselves comfortable on the mattresses with grunts of satisfaction once our heads hit the pillows.

But then, we all realize something at the same time. Something terrible.

"Who's going to turn off the light?".

Aw shit.

"Rock paper scissor!".

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