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Jungkook: "You look amazing."

He said softly, while we were dancing.

Eunji: "You look handsome."

I said and smiled. While we were dancing, we were moving towards the entrance.

Jungkook: "Let's go."

He said. We both stopped dancing and walked out. There was a horse tied to a trailer. Jungkook untied it and helped my get on the horse. After he got on, we started riding towards the forest.

It was dark. The only thing I heard was the nightlife in the forest and the sound of the gallop under the hooves of the horse. The wind blew through my hair as I felt his hot breath behind me. When we came to the portal, we quickly got of the horse and went through the portal. I instantly froze in my spot when we came to the other side. I could also feel his body tense up behind me. Here, where the beautiful part of the forest was once, are now the remains of all the plants, which used to be beautiful with many colours. Everything was destroyed. Every creature was gone. It felt like we were in a dead forest. There was no sign of any living creature.

I turned around and saw Jungkook letting a single tear fall down as he looked around the dead forest. Humans can be so cruel.

Eunji: "Jungkook..."

I whispered softly. I quickly hugged him after I saw the despair and fear in his eyes. Slowly he put his arms around me and hugged me tighter while he buried his head in my shoulder. I heard a soft sob while I was playing with his hair. And soon a tear also escaped my eyes. This was his home since he was a kid and the king destroyed everything just because he wanted the water. How cruel can someone be?

After a while he stopped crying and let go of me. He then walked passed me, towards his home without saying anything. I understood how he felt, so I stayed quiet and followed him. When we were near his house, we noticed the presence of some guards. They were all around the house, they had also built tents, to stay overnight. I looked at Jungkook and saw anger in his eyes.

Eunji: "Jungkook, don't!"

I whispered quickly as I noticed what he was going to do next. He looked into my eyes with the same angry look and I could see his eyes turn yellow.

Eunji: "Jung-"

He transformed into his black form and disappeared.

Then suddenly he appeared in front of the guards.

Guard: "HEY! GET HIM!"

They all started running towards Jungkook. From behind a tree I looked at them fighting. Thankfully, Jungkook was able to fight against all of them. He could easily win against them. But then suddenly, out of nowhere, there came more guards. Surprisingly the king was also there. Is the ball over? They were all attacking Jungkook at once which caused him to be completely distracted. I watched as the king pulled out a small knife. It was out of a strange material. Somehow it looked familiar. Then I remembered. It looked like the same material like the necklace. Wearing that necklace made sure that he couldn't use his powers. What will happen if he would me stabbed by that material? C-Could it kill him? I have to do something. How can I help him? I wouldn't be a big match for the guards... Think Eunji!


After that I made the forest near the house look creepy so that everyone would not go near it. I even did that in your world. That's why the way there is a dark forest. Nobody dares to go there. There is also a guardian living in that forest. He normally scares everyone off. I wonder how you passed him...

(flashback over)

The guardian! I quickly left go find out where the guardian is. I was running through the forest. Suddenly I stopped walking because I saw something. Between all those dead plants was flying




It flew in front of me and then towards a direction which seemed not to be the way I had to go. They lead you to your destination... I started following it. The place seemed familiar. Then I finally found out that it was taking me into the cave where Jungkook took me. The cave under the waterfall, where the magical water was. I was about to get to the cliff, when I suddenly heard leaves rustle from behind me. Quickly, I turned around to see who was there. But there was no one. Strangely, I could feel, like someone was watching me. Then suddenly out of nowhere he came out. He was big. Really big. And his red eyes were fixed on me. I think I've found the guardian...


HEY GUYS! Here is anoter part! I hope you like it. ^-^

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