Chapter 15

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Crowler POV

[I sat in my office. I can't get the loss to JP Yuki out of my head. Don't get me wrong it was a great duel and he's very talented, but I was embarrassed in front of the school. I guess you could say that I have a score to settle with him. I can't duel with him again and lose. I would probably lose. I have to beat him another way. I heard that there was a new package of cards coming in today. I will grab those and find a student to beat him in my place]

Chazz POV

[Chazz I went to the cafeteria to try to get one of the new card packs but when I arrives there were none. They had all been taken. I started to walk away in disappointment. I was then approached by Crowler]

3rd Person POV

Crowler: Chazz, I have proposition for you. I want you to beat JP Yuki with some new cards.

Chazz: Why do you want me to do that?

Crowler: I know that you want to duel him and now I'm giving you a chance. What do you say. Let's just say that if you beat him he'll be demoted to Slifer Red and you'll be the top student again. (Thoughts) That last part was a lie.

Chazz: Fine. I'll do duel him, but I don't want any consequences if I lose to him.

Crowler: Fine. Just get the job done. Tommorow is the duel exams. That will be your chance. You'll probably have an audience thanks to his popularity, so you can embarrass him in front of the whole school.

[Later, JP is hanging out with Jaden and Celina]

JP: Are you guys ready for the exams?

Celina: I feel very confident. I don't know who I'm dueling yet though.

Jaden: I'll be okay.

JP: I heard that I'll be the "main event."

Celina: Well, you're the top duelist so why wouldn't you be the highlight?

JP: I just hate all the attention and the pressure.

Celina: You don't have to worry about being alone. I'll be there every step of the way.

JP: Thanks, I'm glad I can always count on you.

[Celina starts to turn red and tries to hide her blush. Jaden saw this and smiled. He kept silent, but he knew exactly what was going on.

The next day arrived and the duel arena was full of duelists and their exams. These exams were important because it was possible that you could be promoted but it was also possible to be demoted. Out of the three, Celina was the first to duel. JP and Jaden sat in the stands ready to cheer her on. JP had just come back from talking to Celina before her exam]

Jaden: How is she?

JP: She's nervous but I told her that she'll be okay.

Jaden: She really means a lot to you, doesn't she?

JP: Yeah, she's someone who keeps me going.


Jaden: You like her or something?

JP: No, Jaden. Now be silent. Her duel is about to start.

[Celina stood ready to take on her opponent, but he hadn't arrived yet. Her opponent then arrived, and it was the last person that she wanted to duel. She was to duel Alexis. The two stood facing each other while glaring at the other]

Alexis: So, you're my opponent. You do know that if you lose you could possibly be kicked out, Slifer. Then I'll have JP all to myself.

Celina: Like hell I'll let that happen. I'm taking you down and I'll look good doing it so I'll be promoted.

Alexis: I won't let that happen.

[The crowd hearing this conversation all paid attention. This duel was going to be epic. JP was completely oblivious to what was going on]

Celina: Let's get this show on the road. The quicker I beat you the quicker JP can shower me with praises.

Alexis: Well, I'll be there to comfort him when his friend is forced to leave.

[Celina and Alexis activated their duel disks]

Celina/Alexis: Get your game on!

Turn 1-Celina

Celina-8000 LP/Alexis-8000 LP

Celina: I'll go first! I'll start by activating the special ability of my King of the Swamp. By sending it to the Graveyard I can add a Polymerzation to my hand. I now place two cards face down. I now activate the spell Polymerization! I fuse together Lunalight Purple Butterfly and Lunalight White Rabbit. By combining the powers of these two magnificent monsters, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Lunalight Cat Dancer!

Celina: I end my turn.

Turn 2-Alexis

Celina-8000 LP/Alexis-8000 LP

Alexis: My turn. I draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Fusion Sage! This allows to me to add a Polymerzation to my hand. I now summon Cyber Gymnast.

Cyber Gymnast: Level 4- 800 ATK/ 1800 DEF

Alexis: I activate the special ability of my Cyber Gymnast. I can send a card to the Graveyard and destroy your monster!

[Lunalight Cat Dancer is destroyed]

Celina: Urk.

Alexis: You're defenseless.

Celina: That might be true but that will change next turn. I activate my trap card: Lunalight Reincarnation Dance! I can add 2 Lunalight monsters from my deck to my hand.

Alexis: You're still defenseless. I will attack you directly!

Celina: Urk.

Celina-8000 LP - - - 7200 LP

Alexis: I end my turn with a face down.

Turn 3-Celina

Celina-7200 LP/Alexis-8000 LP

Celina: My turn. I draw. I place Lunalight Wolf in Pendulum Zone.

Alexis: Pendulum Zone?

Celina: Did you see my first duel? If you didn't you're in trouble! I summon Lunalight White Rabbit in ATK Mode!

Lunalight White Rabbit: Level 2- 800 ATK/ 800 DEF

Alexis: What can that monster do?

Celina: You'll see. I can bring back a Lunalight monster in my Graveyard in DEF Mode. I choose Lunalight Cat Dancer! I activate her other special ability! I can send a spell or trap card back to your hand!

Alexis: Urk. There is still nothing you can do!

Celina: I'm not finished. I activate the special ability of my Lunalight Wolf in my Pendulum Zone. Once per turn, by banishing from my field or Graveyard I can fusion another monster! I fuse together Lunalight Cat Dancer and Lunalight White Rabbit! By combining the powers of these two magnificent monsters, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Now appear, sleek creature of the night, and ready those razor-sharp claws! Lunalight Panther Dancer is on the prowl!

Lunalight Panther Dancer: Level 8- 2800 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Celina: Now this is when it gets bad for you. I activate the special ability of my Lunalight Panther Dancer! She can now attack your monster twice!

Alexis: What?

Celina: Don't believe me? Look! Panther Dancer, attack Cyber Gymnast!

Alexis: Ahh!

Alexis-8000 LP - - - 6000 LP

Celina: That was the first attack. Now here's the second!

Alexis: Ahh!

Alexis-6000 LP - - - 4000 LP

Celina: If you don't do something this next turn then you're finished! I end my turn.

Turn 4-Alexis

Celina-7200 LP/Alexis-4000 LP

Alexis: (Thoughts) I'm scared but I can't show weakness. (Out loud) My turn. I draw. I place a card face down in DEF Mode. From my hand I activate a spell: Ground Collapse! Now you can't use two of your monster zones! I end my turn with a face down.

Turn 5-Celina

Celina-7200 LP/Alexis-4000 LP

Celina: That was your last chance. My turn. I draw. I summon Lunalight Blue Cat!

Lunalight Blue Cat: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Celina: I activate the special ability of my Lunalight Wolf in my Pendulum Zone. I banish Lunalight Panther Dancer, Lunalight White Rabbit, and Lunalight Purple Butterfly. By combining the precision of a panther and powers of two other magnificent monsters, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! The majestic, the mighty, the masterful Lunalight Leo Dancer!

Lunalight Leo Dancer: Level 10- 3500 ATK/ 3000 DEF

Celina: I should tell you about Leo Dancer's special effect. She can attack twice and also can't be destroyed or targeted by card effects! If I don't finish you this turn then I'll finish you next turn! Time to battle! Leo Dancer, attack her face down!

[Leo Dancer destroys the face down which was Etoile Cyber]

Etoile Cyber: Level 4- 1200 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Celina: Lunalight Blue Cat, attack her directly!

Alexis: Ahh!

Alexis-4000 LP - - - 2400 LP

Celina: Leo Dancer, attack again and end this duel!

Alexis: I activate my trap card: Limit Reverse! I can special summon a monster with 1000 ATK or less from my Graveyard! I bring back Cyber Gymnast!

Celina: What a foolish move! Leo Dancer, continue the attack!

Alexis: Ahh!

Alexis-2400 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: Celina

Celina: All too easy.

[Alexis struggled to her feet, so she had to be taken to the hospital wing on a stretcher. Celina walked over before Alexis was taken away]

Celina: No one gets between me and JP. Try it again and see what happens.

[Alexis just stared down Celina as she was taken away. Everyone in the arena was completely shocked at what just went down. Celina sat down next to JP and Jaden and pretended nothing had happened]

JP: Do you think you went overboard?

[Celina glared at JP. JP knew this meant to apologize, take back what he said, and shut up]

JP: Never mind.

[The duels then continued as usual. Jaden passed his exam. Now it was JP's turn. Everyone was very excited. JP stood up to walk to the arena. Celina grabbed his hand and squeezed it. They both shared a smile and JP walked away. He got into position and got set to duel. Chazz approached him]

JP: You're my opponent, Chazz?

Chazz: Yeah, I am, Newbie. Your little girlfriend put Alexis in the hospital. I can't let that go. So now I'm going to crush you! Get set to duel, Newbie!

[JP and Chazz activated their duel disks. Everyone watched in great anticipation. A pin drop could be heard]

JP: Get your game on!

JP/Chazz: Duel!

Turn 1-JP

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

JP: I'll go first. My turn. I place two cards face down and summon Cyber Valley in ATK Mode.

Cyber Valley: Level 1- 0 ATK/ 0 DEF

JP: Turn end.

Turn 2-Chazz

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

Chazz: My turn. I draw. I summon Flying Kamakiri in ATK Mode!

Flying Kamakiri: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 900 DEF

Chazz: I now attack your Cyber Valley!

JP: I activate the special effect of my Cyber Valley. I can banish it, end your Battle Phase and draw a card.

Chazz: I end my turn with a face down.

JP: Trap Card, open: Dust Tornado! I can destroy that face down!

Chazz: No! I place another face down and end my turn.

Turn 3-JP

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I summon Proto-Cyber Dragon in ATK Mode!

Proto-Cyber Dragon: Level 3- 1100 ATK/ 600 DEF

JP: This monster becomes Cyber Dragon while on the field. Turn end.

Turn 4-Chazz

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

Chazz: My turn. I draw. I summon Golem Dragon in ATK Mode!

Golem Dragon: Level 4- 200 ATK/2000 DEF

Chazz: When this monster is on the field you can't attack any other dragon monster. I now attack your Cyber Dragon with my Flying Kamakiri.

JP: Trap Card, open: Magic Cylinder! All that damage you sent me now goes your way!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz-8000 LP - - - 6600 LP

Chazz: I end my turn.

Turn 5-JP

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-6600 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I place a card face down. I summon Cyber Dragon Drei in ATK Mode!

Cyber Dragon Drei: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 800 DEF

JP: This monster's name becomes Cyber Dragon on the field. I now activate its special effect. All Cyber Dragons now become Level 5. Now time to get crazy! I overlay my two Level 5 Cyber Dragons to build the Overlay Network!

JP: I XYZ Summon! Come forth! Rank 5! Cyber Dragon Nova!

Cyber Dragon Nova: Rank 5- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

Chazz: What type of monster is that?

JP: (Smiles) The monster that will destroy you, but it won't stop there. I rebuild the Overlay Network with Cyber Dragon Nova! I XYZ Summon! Come forth! Rank 6! Cyber Dragon Infinity!

Cyber Dragon Infinity: Level 6- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

[Everyone except Celina and Jaden stared in amazement. First Celina did something no one had seen before and now JP did it]

JP: Cyber Dragon Infinity gains 200 ATK for each overlay unit.

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2100 ATK - - - 2700 ATK

JP: I activate the special ability of my Cyber Dragon Infinity! Once per turn, I can target one face up ATK monster and attach it to my monster. I choose Flying Kamakiri. Now it gains another 200 ATK.

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2700 ATK - - - 2900 ATK

JP: Battle. Cyber Dragon Infinity, attack his Golem Dragon!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz-6600 LP - - - 3900 LP

JP: Turn end.

Turn 6-Chazz

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-3900 LP

Chazz: I won't lose to you, Newbie! My turn. I draw! From my hand I activate the spell card: Swords of Revealing Light! Now you can't attack for three turns!

JP: I activate the special ability of my Cyber Dragon Infinity! Once per turn, by using one overlay when a card effect is activated I can negate it!

Chazz: No!

JP: Now my monster loses 200 ATK

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2900 ATK - - - 2700 ATK

Chazz: Urk. I end my turn.

Turn 7-JP

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-3900 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. Battle. Cyber Dragon Infinity, attack Chazz directly!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz-3900 LP - - - 1200 LP

JP: You better do something next turn, or I'll finish you next turn, Chazz. Tell me, Chazz. How does it feel to be beat by a "newbie"? Turn end.

Turn 8-Chazz

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-1200 LP

Chazz: Urk. My turn. I draw. I can't do anything but end my turn.

Turn 9-JP

JP-8000 LP/Chazz-1200 LP

JP: (Smiles) My turn. Draw. That was your last chance. From my hand I activate a spell: Double Cyclone! I can now destroy both of our face downs!

Chazz: My trap card activates: Ojama Trio!

JP: Sorry, Chazz! I activate the special ability of my Cyber Dragon Infinity!

Cyber Dragon Infinity- 2700 LP - - - 2500 LP

Chazz: No! This is going to hurt!

JP: Yes, it will! Cyber Dragon Infinity, attack Chazz directly and end this duel!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz-1200 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

[Everyone cheered. Today was a very exciting day. Crowler stood in the stands]

Crowler: You had one job, Chazz.

[The rest of the day continued but JP and Celina had many eyes on them]

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