Chapter 17

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3rd Person POV

[JP sat in the classroom. He was very distracted and wasn't really himself. Ever since that mysterious Masked Boy came and went he had been very distracted. He had so many questions but none of them were answered. The bell rings and Yuma runs out of the classroom because he's excited to eat something. He is approached by Shark]

Shark: Still thinking about that masked duelist?

JP: Yeah. I have so many questions.

Shark: I saw the whole thing. I have many questions as well. But we must move on. From the look of things, he isn't coming back. How about you and I duel to get your mind off of things.

JP: Thanks, Shark, but I'm not in the mood to duel today.

[JP starts to walk away]

Shark: She's been asking about you.

JP: Tell her I'll come by later.

Shark: I will.

[JP walks outside to see Tori, Yuma, and Bronk having a discussion. Tori is blushing deeply but isn't about him this time]

JP: What's going on?

Tori: You know that actor Nelson Andrews?

JP: Yeah. He's from a television show where he plays a hero. What about him?

Tori: They've made a movie set down town and he's going to be there! He's so dreamy!

[JP starts to feel a little annoyed about how Tori is talking about Nelson but he chooses not to bring it up]

JP: So I guess you guys want to check it out?

Bronk: Yeah! It will be fun!

Tori: I'm going to meet a celebrity! I'm so excited!

[JP grows more annoyed]

JP: (Annoyed) Let's just go and get this over with. I don't see why he's such a big deal. He's just another person.

[The group look at each other]

Yuma: What's up with him?

Bronk: Beats me. He's been acting different ever since we met that masked duelist.

Tori: I'll find out what's wrong. He always tells me what's going on.

[JP is walking to the movie set]

JP: Nelson Andrews. He's just a normal guy. Nothing special about him.

[JP gets a text from his phone. It's from Kite]

Kite: (Text) We need to talk about the masked duelist.

JP: (Text) Later.

Kite: (Text) If you say so.

[JP puts away his phone and waits for the rest of the group]

JP: Nelson Andrews. Whatever.

[Tori, Yuma, and Bronk arrive at the movie set. Tori walks over to JP]

Tori: Hey, so what's been bugging you lately?

JP: I'm fine, Tori.

Tori: No, you're not. Now tell me what's wrong!

JP: Why don't you ask Nelson Andrews then?

Tori: This has to do with Nelson Andrews? He's just a celebrity!

JP: Apparently he's the center of your whole world. Just leave me alone, Tori.

[JP walks away. Tori starts to follow him but stops]

Tori: Why would he be upset about me liking Nelson Andrews? Is he jealous? No, that's ridiculous.

[Tori walks onto the movie set to meet Nelson Andrews. Yuma and Bronk are already talking to him. JP sits on the sidewalk waiting for the others. Astral appears]

Astral: What's wrong, JP?

JP: What's so great about that Nelson guy anyway?

Astral: It seems that your jealous.

JP: I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous?

Astral: Are you afraid that Nelson will take Tori from you?

[JP just looks away and says nothing. Meanwhile, the other three are enjoying themselves]

Yuma: Wow, Nelson, you're a great guy.

Nelson: Thanks. Thank you to you especially Tori.

Tori: Huh? Why is that?

Nelson: It's nice to have a number one fan.

Tori: I am fan, but I wouldn't say I'm number one.

Nelson: Nonsense. How would you like to be on the show with me? I can get my manager to arrange everything!

Tori: That's nice, Nelson, but I can't.

[Nelson starts to get angry]

Nelson: Why not?

Tori: I have school. I have friends.

Nelson: Acting is better than school and all you need is me.

Tori: I'm sorry, Nelson, but the answer is no.

Nelson: (Sigh) I see. So that's how it's going to be.

[Nelson signals for his guards]

Nelson: Kick the two boys outside but keep the girl here until she decides to become my co-star!

[Yuma and Bronk are dragged away]

Yuma: Hey, what's the big idea?

Bronk: I guess he won't take "no" for an answer!

Nelson: Right you are! Bye now!

Tori: Yuma, go get JP!

[Bronk and Yuma go and get JP]

Yuma: JP, we need your help!

JP: What's wrong?

Bronk: Tori is in trouble!

[Without responding or even asking what the situation was, JP ran to the set. He quickly runs past the guards and into the room where Nelson is keeping Tori]

JP: Hey, leave her alone!

Nelson: Oh, so you're going to be the hero of this story! Sorry, but I'm the hero and I'm saving this girl from her terrible life.

Tori: JP, please help me!

[JP's eyes start to glow]

JP: You let her go right now or I'll make you.

Nelson: Please, there is nothing you can do.

JP: I challenge you to a duel!

Nelson: A duel, huh? Well, let's make things more interesting. This will be a public duel with spectators. If you win you can have her back. If I win she stays and you'll have to stay away forever.

[JP looks at Tori who has tears in her eyes]

JP: I accept.

[The stage is set for the duel between JP and Nelson. Tons of people come to watch the event]

Nelson: You ready for your big performance, JP? Too bad it will be your last.

JP: Keep those words sweet because you'll soon be eating them. Let's do this!

[The two activate their duel disks]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

JP: Duel disk, go! Duel gazer, let's roll! Duel interface, set! Time to feel the flow!

Computer: Augmented Reality Link established.

JP/Nelson: Let's duel!

[Tori sits next to Bronk and Yuma]

Yuma: I can't believe this is happening!

Tori: Yeah, it's crazy!

Bronk: It sure is but Tori I thought you would be enjoying this?

Tori: Huh? Why?

Bronk: Well, you have two boys dueling over you!

[Tori sees JP who is set to duel]

Tori: (Blushes) I never thought of it that way.

Turn 1-JP

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

JP: I'll go first. My turn. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and another card face down. Turn end.

Turn 2- Nelson

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

Nelson: You'll have to do better than that! My turn. I draw. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode. From my hand I activate a spell: Swords of Revealing Light! Now you can't attack for three turns! I'll place another card face down and end my turn.

Turn 3-JP

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Mystical Space Typhoon! I will now destroy your other face down!

Nelson: No!

JP: The monster you revealed was Gogogo Golem.

Gogogo Golem: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 1500 DEF

JP: I summon Gagaga Magician.

Gagaga Magician: Level 4- 1500 ATK/ 1000 DEF

JP: I now overlay my Level 4 Gagaga Magician and Gogogo Golem! With these two monsters I build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Come forth! Rank 4! Number 39: Utopia!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Number 39: Utopia: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

JP: I'm not done. I rebuild the Overlay Network with Utopia! Go Chaos XYZ Evolution! Come on out! Rank 4! Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Nelson: That monster is the same as your first!

JP: I'm still not done. I equip Utopia with ZW Unicorn Spear! This raises the ATK of Utopia by 1900!

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray- 2500 ATK - - - 4400 ATK

JP: I can't attack because of your spell card. Turn end.

Turn 4-Nelson

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

Nelson: You think your scary because of your monster? Guess again! My turn. I draw! I can't do anything. I end my turn.

Turn 5- JP

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

JP: You're starting to bore me. My turn. Draw. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode. Turn end.

Turn 6-Nelson

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

Nelson: You're not impressing me. My turn. I draw. I place a card face down and end my turn.

Turn 7-JP

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

JP: I place a monster face down in DEF Mode. Your Swords disappear after this. Turn end.

Turn 8-Nelson

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

Nelson: Got to make this count then. My turn. I draw. There's nothing I can do. I end my turn.

Turn 9-JP

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

JP: Time for me to take control of this duel! I flip summon Gogogo Golem and Gagaga Child.

Gagaga Child: Level 2- 800 ATK/ 1200 DEF

JP: I sacrifice Gagaga Child to bring out this monster! Mighty king of the sky, dive to our aid and bring us victory! Presenting Zexal Weapon - Eagle Claw!

ZW- Eagle Claw: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 1200 DEF

JP: I equip Utopia with ZW- Eagle Claw! This raises Utopia's ATK by another 2000 ATK.

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray- 4400 ATK - - - 6400 ATK

Yuma: That is one powerful monster!

Bronk: You're telling me!

JP: Battle. Gogogo Golem, attack his face down monster! Gogogo Gust!

Nelson: Sorry, but our monsters are equal.

[The monster is Galaxy Wizard]

Galaxy Wizard: Level 4- 0 ATK/ 1800 DEF

JP: Utopia, attack his monster! Rising Sun Chaos Slash!

[Utopia destroys the monster]

JP: You better do something and quick, Nelson. Turn end.

Turn 10-Nelson

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

Nelson: My turn. I draw. I can't do anything. I end my turn.

Turn 11-JP

JP-8000 LP/Nelson-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. That was your last chance! Battle. Gogogo Golem, attack him directly! Gogogo Gust!

Nelson: Ahh!

Nelson-8000 LP - - - 6200 LP

Nelson: Oh, this attack is going to hurt!

JP: Yes, it will. This is what happens when someone tries to take Tori away from me! No one takes Tori from me! No one!

[Tori starts to blush]

JP: Utopia, attack him directly with your 6400 ATK and end this duel! Rising Sun Chaos Slash!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Nelson: Ahh!

Nelson-6200 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

[The crowd cheers at the spectacle. Nelson is so hurt by the attack that he is taken away on a stretcher. Everyone then goes back to what they were doing. JP walks over to Tori, Yuma, and Bronk]

Yuma: Looks like he won't be acting for a while.

Bronk: Yeah, but he had it coming. I wonder though why he was acting so weird.

[JP turns to Astral who has a number card in his hand]

JP: What is it, Astral?

Astral: I got this number card off Nelson. This was what was making him act strange: Number 83: Galaxy Queen.

JP: Huh. We found another one.

[Tori walks over to JP]

JP: I'm sorry, Tori.

Tori: What was the matter, JP?

JP: I was afraid of losing you Tori.

Tori: Losing me? Why would you be scared about that?

JP: I don't want to lose my number one fan!

[Tori hugs JP. They can't see the blush on each other's face]

Tori: You'll never have to worry about that. I'll always be your number one fan. I don't need a celebrity when I already got my own.

[Yuma and Bronk look at Tori and give her a thumb up. Tori then pushes JP out of embarrassment]

JP: What was that for?

Tori: Sorry.

JP: It's okay.

[JP starts to walk away]

Tori: Where you going?

JP: I have someone I have to visit. I'll catch you later.

[JP starts walking towards the hospital]

JP: I'm coming, Rio. Everything will be okay.

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