Chapter 59.1

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JP (Fusion) POV

[Celina are on the run and trying to find a hiding place from our fans. How did this all start? Crowler wants to turn us into a Pop-singing couple who also double as a tag team for dueling. Don't get me wrong. The second part sounds amazing but I can go without the first part. Celina and I find a corner]

Celina: Are they gone?

JP: I think so. Why do people insist on us being a duo anyway?

Celina: Well you have fangirls and I have fanboys. Girls love you and guys love me. Ever since I beat Aster Phoenix I'm been the talk of the school along with you. Also our relationship isn't exactly private anymore.

JP: How's Alexis handling this?

Celina: Not well. She likes the idea and wants be our agent.

[The two hear Chazz off in the distance]

Chazz: Celina is amazing right, boys? She deserves to be pop singer! If JP doesn't the job it could be one of us!

Celina: Oh please.

JP: Where did his crush on Alexis go?

[We decided to run again but should of stayed put because we got cornered by all our fans and there was nowhere left to fun. Crowler walks forward]

Crowler: Can't you see that many people want this? How can you deny something like this?

JP: I told you, Professor, but we aren't interested.

Crowler: Clearly. Let's settle this with two duels. If one of you loses than one of you have to join the group. The other member will be chosen by me.

JP: I love to duel but this is when I wished we didn't.

Celina: It's okay, JP. We can take them.

JP: You have a deal, Professor.

[Later that day, everyone is in the duel arena watching the show. Celina's duel was first. Who our opponents are we don't know]

Celina POV

[I stood there waiting for my opponent with my duel disk on my arm. I was having second thoughts. Maybe being a duo won't be so bad. JP could hang out more. But he says he isn't interested so I'll support him. Still, though, it's quite a dream. I hear all my fanboys calling my name. They're really annoying. It was only to get worse. My opponent shows up and it's the biggest fanboy of them all. I'm facing off against Chazz]

Chazz: What's wrong, Celina? After I win, you and I will become a dueling duo! I'll treat you better than JP would've.

[This got under my skin. No one insults JP when I'm around]

Celina: Whatever happened to your crush on Alexis anyway?

Chazz: The Chazz deserves the best: you're the best. Simple.

[I was going to enjoy crushing him. I've wanted to for a while now]

Celina: Let's get this over with, Chazz.

Chazz: Eager to lose are we?

Celina: Oh please. I could beat you with a copy of your deck but I won't stoop so low.

Chazz: You'll regret what you just said!

[I activate my duel disk]

Celina: Get your game on!

Turn 1-Celina

Celina-8000 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

Celina: Ladies first! My turn! I place three cards face down and a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

[Knowing him he'll attack and when he does his fate is sealed]

Turn 2-Chazz

Celina-8000 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

Chazz: Trying to lose on purpose?

Celina: Oh please. Just take your turn!

Chazz: My turn. I draw. I summon Lancer Lindwurm in ATK Mode!

Lancer Lindurm: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Chazz: Now it will destroy your face down monster! Even though it was in DEF Mode, you still take damage!

Celina: Urk.

Celina-8000 LP - - - 7000 LP

Celina: I activate my trap: Lunalight Reincarnation Dance! This card allows me to add two Lunalight monsters to my hand.

Chazz: Hmph. I place one card face down and end my turn.

Turn 3-Celina

Celina-7000 LP/Chazz-8000 LP

Celina: It's my turn! I draw! I place Lunalight Wolf in my Pendulum Zone! I now activate the spell: Polymerization! I fuse together my Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight White Rabbit! By combining the powers of these two Magnificent monsters, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Lunalight Cat Dancer!

Lunalight Cat Dancer: Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Chazz: Sorry! I activate my trap: Raigeki Break! By discarding one card I can destroy your monster!

Celina: I activate my own trap: Wiretap! It negates your trap and shuffles it back into your deck!

Chazz: Urk!

Celina: I'm not finished. I now activate the Pendulum Ability of my Lunalight Wolf. Once per turn, she allows me to fusion summon a new monster by banishing the fusion materials! I banish Cat Dancer and White Rabbit!

[I'm outplaying him on every level! Next turn his fate is sealed]

Celina: By combining the reflexes of a fierce feline with the power of another magnificent monster, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Now appear, sleek creature of the night, and ready those razor-sharp claws! Lunalight Panther Dancer is on the prowl!

Lunalight Panther Dancer: Level 8- 2800 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Celina: This monster can't be destroyed by your card effects. It gets even better. For me anyway. I activate her special ability show she can attack your monster twice!

Chazz: What? Twice?

Celina: That's right! Get ready for the first attack! Blast them!

Chazz: Urk.

Chazz-8000 LP - - - 7000 LP

Celina: It's not all bad. Your monster survives the first attack. But not the second one! Here comes the second attack!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz-7000 LP - - - 6000 LP

Celina: With that I'll end my turn.

[He's rattled. I got him exactly where I want him]

Celina: I'll finish you off my next turn!

Turn 4-Chazz

Celina-7000 LP/Chazz-6000 LP

Chazz: Don't think you'll win that easily! I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and another card face down and end my turn.

Turn 5-Celina

Celina-7000 LP/Chazz-6000 LP

Celina: Remember when I said things would be over my next turn? Well it's my next turn now. My turn. I draw! I summon Lunalight Blue Cat in ATK Mode!

Lunalight Blue Cat: Level 4- 1600 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Celina: I now activate the Pendulum Ability of my Lunalight Wolf in my Pendulum Zone once again! You already know what's going to happen! I banish Panther Warrior, the White Rabbit in my Graveyard, and the Blue Cat in my Graveyard! By combining the precision of a panther and two other magnificent monsters, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! The majestic, the mighty, the masterful Lunalight Leo Dancer!

Lunalight Leo Dancer: Level 10- 3500 ATK/ 3000 DEF

Celina: Battle. Blue Cat, destroy his face down!

Chazz: Urk!

Celina: My Leo Dancer can attack twice! So, here's two straight attacks!

Chazz: Ahh!

Chazz-6000 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: Celina

[Chazz flies backwards after I defeat him]

Celina: Much to easy. Better luck next time, Chazz.

Crowler: Celina wins the first duel! JP's duel will follow but first let's take a break!

[I immedliately walk over to JP and he gives me a hug. I feel so safe in his arms and never want to let go]

JP: Good job, Celina. Never doubted your for a second.

Celina: Even if I did lose, I'd wouldn't do the duo thing with anyone but you.

[I love him so much. He's the love of my life. I now he'll always protect me]

Celina: Now go win your duel.

JP: No problem.

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