Chapter 87

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3rd Person POV

[The Battle Royal continues. Lulu and Rin arrive in the Standard Dimension but not knowing where they are. JP (XYZ) sees Rin standing by herself]

JP (XYZ): Lulu, is that you?

Rin: Huh? No. Sorry. My name is Rin.

JP (XYZ): Wow. You look just like Lulu.

Rin: Lulu? I think I heard that name was I captured in Duel Academy.

JP (XYZ): Is she okay?

Rin: I escaped with the help of someone who looked like you. Are you JP (Synchro)?

JP (XYZ): That's my name but I'm different then your JP.

Rin: Well, where are we?

JP (XYZ): We're in the middle of a Battle Royal. This is a tournament. Stick close to me. I can help you find your friends.

Rin: Okay. I trust you.

[Meanwhile, JP (Synchro) finds Lulu]

Lulu: JP (XYZ), is that you?

JP (Synchro): Rin, I finally found you!

Lulu: I'm sorry but you got the wrong girl.

JP (Synchro): Seriously! Well, I honestly don't know what's going on. I just got here.

Lulu: Can you help me find my friends?

JP (Synchro): Sure. Just hope on my bike.

[JP (Synchro) and Lulu drive away. JP (Fusion) is walking with Celina. They are stopped by Zuzu and Dennis]

Dennis: Are you going to introduce me to you twin sister?

Zuzu: You must be Lulu. I'm Zuzu. Why do you look like JP (Original)?

JP (Original): There's another person who looks like me. I'm not surprised.

Celina: I don't care who you are! I have business with this XYZ Fugitive!

Zuzu: XYZ Fugitive?

Dennis: What is that?

Celina: Don't play dumb! I'm taking you down! Arm yourself!

Zuzu: Take it easy Lulu. I don't know how you do things in the XYZ Dimension but we don't go around attacking each other!

OBF: Just then the Obelisk Force arrives. All of you are turning into cards and are coming with us!

JP (Fusion): Not if I have anything to say about it!

[Just then JP (XYZ) arrives with Rin]

JP (XYX): Fusion, scum. I'll rid the world of all you!

[Then JP (Synchro) arrives with Lulu]

JP (Synchro): Sorry but people hurting people for no reason is something that I can't tolerate!

[JP (Original) walks over with the rest of the counterparts]

JP (Original): It's good to see you three again. I wish it was under special circumstances. Let's show these idiots why they shouldn't mess with us!

[Everyone else who remains in the Battle Royal all watch the current events. Each JP counterpart activates their duel disks. All their eyes begin to glow]

JP (Original): It's time to duel!

JP (XYZ): Get set to get your game on!

JP (Synchro): Let's rev it up!

JP (XYZ): It's time to feel the flow!

[The Obelisk Force gets very nervous]

OBF #1: Guys, are you seeing four too?

OBF #2: Definitely! But it won't matter! We can still defeat them! This is 4 vs 4!

All Duelists: Let's duel!

JP (Original): Let's each take one!

Turn 1-4 - Obelisk Force

Obelisk Force #1-4: 8000 LP/JP (Original)-8000 LP/JP (Fusion)-8000 LP/JP (Synchro)-8000 LP/JP (XYZ)-8000 LP

Obelisk Force #1-4: We'll start. We place 5 cards face down. We use the spell Polymerization to fuse together our three Ancient Gear Hunting Hounds in our hands! Watch as the fury of the pack takes the shape of a single raging beast! We Fusion Summon! 4 Triple Ancient Gear Hunting Hounds!

Triple Ancient Gear Hunting Hound: Level 7- 1800 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Obelisk Force: I end my turn.

Turn 5-JP (Fusion)

Obelisk Force #1- 8000 LP/Obelisk Force- #2-4: 8000 LP/JP (Original)-8000 LP/JP (Fusion)-8000 LP/JP (Synchro)-8000 LP/JP (XYZ)-8000 LP

JP (Fusion): My turn! I draw. I place one card face down. Since you have a monster and I don't, I can special summon Cyber Dragon From my hand!

Cyber Dragon: Level 5- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

JP (Fusion): Now I summon, Cyber Dragon Core in ATK Mode! This monster's name becomes Cyber Dragon while on the field or in the Graveyard.

Cyber Dragon Core: Level 2- 400 ATK/ 1500 DEF

JP (Fusion): It's special ability allows me to add Cyber Repair Plant to my hand. From my hand I activate a spell: Power Bond!

OBF #2: I'm screwed.

JP (Fusion): You've seen my deck. You know what I'm about to do! I fuse together my two Cyber Dragons! I Fusion Summon! Come forth! Level 8! Cyber Twin Dragon!

Cyber Twin Dragon: Level 8- 2800 ATK/ 2100 DEF

JP (Fusion): Thanks to Power Bond, my monster's ATK doubles!

Cyber Twin Dragon: 2800 ATK - - - 5600 LP

JP (Fusion): This monster can attack twice! Cyber Twin Dragon, attack Triple Ancient Gear Hunting Hound! Double Strident Blast!

Obelisk Force #2: Ahh!

Obelisk Force #2- 8000 LP - - - 4200 LP

[JP's (Fusion) eyes quickly turn red and green. Yubel appears behind him]

JP (Fusion): Now, Cyber Twin Dragon, finish him! Double Strident Blast!

Obelisk Force #2: 4200 LP - - - 0 LP

Celina: Now that is my boyfriend! Along two other girls.

JP (Fusion): You talked to Blair?

Celina: Yep.

JP (Fusion): Thanks, babe! I finished mine off. Unfortunately when I use Power Bond, I take damage equal to the original ATK of my monster. I'm taking 2800 LP of damage. Ahh!

JP (Fusion)-8000 LP - - - 5200 LP

JP (Fusion): Turn end. Your guys turn!

Turn 6-JP (Synchro)

Obelisk Force #1- 8000 LP/Obelisk Force #2- 0 LP/ JP (Original)-8000 LP/JP (Fusion)-5200 LP/JP (Synchro)-8000 LP/JP (XYZ)-8000 LP

JP (Synchro): Hmph. I'll show you! My turn! I draw! From my hand I activate a spell: Lightning Vortex! By discarding a card, I can destroy the rest of your monsters!

Obelisk Force #1-4: What!

JP (Synchro): I summon Goblinbergh in ATK Mode!

Goblinbergh: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 0 DEF

JP (Synchro): This monster allows me to summon Flamvell Magician in ATK Mode!

Flamvell Magician: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 200 DEF

JP (Synchro): I tune my Level 4 Flamvell Magician with my Level 4 Goblinbergh! Clustering wishes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!

Stardust Dragon: Level 8- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

JP (Synchro): From my hand I activate a spell: Pot of Greed! This allows me to draw two cards giving me a total 3 cards! From my hand I activate a spell: One for One. This card allows me to discard a monster from my hand to special summon 1 Level 1 monster from my deck! I choose Flamvell Guard.

Flamvell Guard: Level 1- 100 ATK/ 2000 DEF

JP (Synchro): I now activate the special ability of my Level Eater from my Graveyard. By lowering my Stardust Dragon to Level 7, I can special summon this monster from my Graveyard.

Stardust Dragon: Level 8 - - - Level 7

Level Eater: Level 1- 600 ATK/ 0 DEF

JP (Synchro): I tune my Level 1 Level Eater and my Level 1 Flamvell Guard. Gathering wishes will call out a new speed's horizon! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! The power of hope, Synchro Tuner, Formula Synchron!

Formula Synchron: Level 2- 200 ATK/ 1500 DEF

JP (Synchro): I now activate the last card in my hand. From my hand I activate a spell: Star Changer. This card allows me to increase or decrease the Level of 1 monster on the field. I choose to make Stardust Dragon Level 8 again!

Stardust Dragon: Level 7 - - - Level 8

JP (Synchro): I now tune my Level 2 Formula Synchron with my Level 8 Stardust Dragon! Clustering crystal dreams, open the door to a new evolution! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro! Be born, Shooting Star Dragon!

Shooting Star Dragon: Level 10- 3300 ATK/ 2500 DEF

[JP's (Synchro) signer mark begins to glow and the Crimson Dragon symbol appears on his back]

JP (Synchro): I activate the special ability of my Shooting Star Dragon. I draw the top 5 cards of my deck and the number of tuner monsters I draw dictates how many times my monster can attack! I drew 3 tuners so my monster can attack 3 times! Battle. Shooting Star Dragon, attack 3 times! Stardust Mirage!

Obelisk Force #3- 8000 LP - - - 0 LP

Rin: Now that is my boyfriend! Along with four other girls.

Turn 7- JP (XYZ)

Obelisk Force #1- 8000 LP/ Obelisk Force #2- 0 LP/Obelisk Force #3- 0 LP/Obelisk Force #4- 8000 LP/ JP (Original)-8000 LP/JP (Fusion)-5200 LP/JP (Synchro)-8000 LP/JP (XYZ)-8000 LP

JP (XYZ): I build the Overlay Network with my friend Astral!

JP (XYZ)/Astral: When two hearts beat as one, the power of Zexal is revealed!

Zexal: Now for our draw! My turn. A truly powerful duelist can shape the outcome of a duel. He can even generate the very card that he needs to draw! Go Shining Draw! I summon Goblinbergh in ATK Mode! This monster allows me to special summon Gogogo Giant in ATK Mode!

Gogogo Giant: Level 4- 2000 ATK/ 0 DEF

Zexal: I overlay my Level 4 Goblinbergh and Gogogo Giant to build the Overlay Network! I am feeling the flow like you would not believe! I'm high-fiving the sky baby! I'm not just in the zone, there's like, another zone inside the zone and that's the zone I'm in! Now check me out as I XYZ Summon Number 39: Utopia!

Number 39: Utopia: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Zexal: I'm not finished! From my hand I activate a spell: Rank Up Magic Barian's Force! This spell Ranks Up Utopia into a Chaos XYZ Monster! I rebuild the Overlay Network with Utopia! Appear, Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory!

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory: Rank 5- 2800 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Zexal: From my hand I activate a spell: Pot of Greed. This card allows me to draw two more cards giving me a total of 4 in my hand. I activate the special effect of my ZW Phoenix Bow! By attaching it to Utopia, my Utopia gains 1100 ATK.

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory- 2800 ATK - - - 3900 ATK

Zexal: I activate the special effect of my ZW Unicorn Spear. By attaching it to Utopia, it gains another 1900 ATK.

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory- 3900 ATK - - - 5800 ATK

Zexal: I activate the special effect of my ZW Lightning Blade. By attaching it to Utopia, it gains another 1200 ATK

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory- 5800 ATK - - - 7000 ATK

Zexal: Now I activate the last card in my hand. I activate the special effect of my ZW Tornado Bringer. By attaching it to Utopia, it gains another 1300 ATK

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory- 7000 ATK - - - 8300 ATK

Obelisk Force #4: That shouldn't be possible!

Zexal: Battle. Utopia Ray Victory, use your 8300 ATK to attack him directly! Rising Sun Double Victory Slash!

Obelisk Force #4- 8000 LP - - - 0 LP

Zexal: Turn end.

Lulu: Now that is my boyfriend! Along with 5 other girls.

Turn 8- JP (Original)

Obelisk Force #1- 8000 LP/Obelisk Force #2- 0 LP/ Obelisk Force #3-0 LP/Obelisk Force #4- 0 LP// JP (Original)-8000 LP/JP (Fusion)-5200 LP/JP (Synchro)-8000 LP/Zexal -8000 LP

JP (Original): Time to end this.

JP (XYZ): You get the easy part.

JP (Fusion): Yeah!

JP (Synchro): All you have to do is either attack with Utopia or Cyber Twin Dragon and it's over.

JP (Original): No. I'm doing it my way. Zexal, may I use your monster?

Zexal: You may.

JP (Original): Thank you. My turn. Draw. I use Scale 3 Xiangke Magician and Scale 8 Xiangsheng Magician to set the Pendulum Scale! I'm taking control of this duel starting now! Since you each all control at least one more card than I do, Xiangsheng Magician's Scale Number is 8. Swing far, Pendulum Carve the Arc of Victory! My monster is ready to swing into action! Turn up the heat, Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon!

Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon: Scale 4: Level 7- 2500 ATK - - - 2000 DEF

JP (Original): Time to activate the spell card that my Fusion Counterpart at the very beginning: DNA Surgery! This card allows me to declare one Type of Monster and then every card on the field becomes the type I declare. I say that every monster on the field is a DRAGON.

JP (Fusion): Oh yeah! Time to do this!

JP (Synchro): I've been waiting for this!

Zexal: Time to make something happen that people here have never seen!

Obelisk Force #1: How do you know what the others are thinking?

JP (Original)/JP (Fusion)/JP (Synchro)/Zexal: WE ARE ONE!

JP (Original): I now activate the special ability of my Xiangke Magician in my Pendulum Zone! This card allows me to turn Utopia's Rank into a Level. Antithesis Magician watching over contrast! With your sharp power make the different stars one!

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory- Rank 5 - - - Level 5

JP (Original): Now I activate the special ability of my Xiangsheng Magician in my Pendulum Zone! Since Utopia now has levels, I can make Utopia the same Level as Odd Eyes! Synthesis Magician watching over harmony! With your arcane power, raise the stars high in the heavens!

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory- Level 5 - - - Level 7

JP (Original): Now since Utopia is a Dragon Monster, I can now do this! I overlay my Level 7 Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory with my Level 7 Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon! By joining together two of the strongest dragons in the universe, I'll create a dragon that's all the rage! I XYZ Summon! Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon!

Odd Eyes Raging Dragon: Rank 7- 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

JP (Original): This is the monster that will end this!

Obelisk Force #1: Now it isn't! I will have a turn!

JP (Original): Now you won't! Just watch! I activate the special ability of my Odd Eyes Raging Dragon! Since an XYZ monster was used as XYZ material, I can use one overlay unit to destroy all of your cards!

Obelisk Force #1: Oh no!

JP (Original): Then my dragon will gain 200 ATK for each card! That was 5 cards so my dragon gains 1000 ATK.

Odd Eyes Raging Dragon- 3000 ATK - - - 4000 ATK

Obelisk Force #1: That still isn't enough to stop me!

JP (Original): Yes it will! Since my dragon had an XYZ monster as XYZ material, it can attack twice each turn!

Obelisk Force #1: No!

JP (Original): Odd Eyes Raging Dragon, attack him twice and end this duel! Inferno Fury Strike!

Obelisk Force #1: Ahh!

Obelisk Force #1- 8000 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP Counterparts

Zuzu: Date me, JP (Original)!

[All of the Obelisk Force disappears. JP (Synchro) grabs Zuzu thinking that she is Rin]

JP (Synchro): Let's go Rin. We don't need to bother these guys anymore.

Zuzu: But I'm not Rin!

[JP (Synchro) and Zuzu teleport away. JP (Original) sees Sora]

JP (Original): Sora, you have some explaining to do!

[Sora teleports away. Everyone cheers with each other]

JP (XYZ): Lulu, I'm so happy that you're back!

Lulu: I missed you too. I love you.

Celina: There are some things we need to talk about.

JP (Fusion): Can we do it on a date?

[JP (Original) and Rin notice that Zuzu and JP (Synchro) are gone]

Rin: Where is my JP (Synchro)?

JP: Where is Zuzu?

[JP starts to freak out. Declan walks over to the group]

Declan: Let me explain everything.

JP: Zuzu? Zuzu, where are you? Zuzu! ZUZU!

[JP (Original) falls to his knees and begins to cry]

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