Chapter 91

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3rd Person POV

[The bracelet girls are placed in the same cell]

Rin: Thanks a lot, Celina. You and your boyfriend just had to leave!

Celina: At least we are trying to make a difference. Where is your JP at again?

Rin: Why you!

Lulu: Enough! Us fighting will get us nowhere. We have to find a way to escape.

Rin: Don't you get it? There is no way out! When you're here no one escapes! My JP escaped once but that was by a miracle.

Lulu: How did he do it?

Rin: He never told me. I didn't press the issue because he's been through so much. He's more the man than both of your JPs.

Celina: My JP could beat your JP in a heartbeat.

Lulu: Didn't you see my JP duel? Your JPs could never boost his monsters ATK like him.

Rin/Lulu/Celina: Man, I'm so pissed off!


Celina: Wait, what about the Original?

Rin: Original?

Celina: Isn't his bracelet girl Zuzu?

Lulu: I owe a lot to the Original. He's the reason that I have my brother back.

Rin: Same for me. I don't remember how it all went but my JP told me that the Original saved me also. Many times.

Celina: I owe the Original myself as well. He helped me many times.

Lulu: All the JP counterparts are the same boy right?

Celina: Yeah.

Rin: Well, I'm comfortable knowing that our JP will get us out of here and keep us safe.

Celina: "Our JP"?

Rin: They are all the same person, right? So, we all share the same JP. He just is split into four but at the end of the day, it's the same one.

Celina: You're right. Our JP will come to save us. I have no doubt it.

Lulu: You're right.

[The JP counterparts are placed in a isolation cell]

JP (XYZ): We have to get out of here!

JP (Fusion): Way to state the obvious!

JP (Original): Now isn't the time for arguing.

JP (XYZ): Then what do you suppose we do?

[A guard walks over to the cell]

Guard: Exuse me but are any of you are JP Fudo?

[The JP counterparts look at each other]

JP (Original)/JP (Fusion)/JP (XYZ): I am!

Guard: Uh?

JP (Original): I'm the best duelist of us all. It should be me. Besides, both of you owe me.

JP (XYZ): You have a point.

JP (Fusion): You got us there.

JP (Original): I'm JP Fudo. Who's asking?

Guard: Bolt Tanner is asking for you. He's the head kingpin.

JP (Original): If I leave this cell then so do my...

[JP (XYZ) and JP (Fusion) look at JP (Original)]

JP (Original): ...brothers.

Guard: Very well. Follow us.

[All the JP counterparts are led to the duel arena]

Tanner: JP (Synchro)...wait...huh? Why are there three of you?

JP (Original): Long story, Bolt. What do you need?

Tanner: As you know, I'm the head kingpin. That role was once yours. Do you want it back?

JP (Original): I win and everyone follows me?

Tanner: Exactly.

JP (Original): Very well. Let's begin.

[Tanner bribes the guards to bring them their decks and some duel disks. They also found that Dennis, Gong, and Shay were in the facilily as well. Shay was in a different cell because he started a fight. JP (Original) and Tanner stood face to face]

Tanner: What are you waiting for? Give me your best shot!

JP (Original): Haven't said this in a while. Let's rev it up!

Turn 1-JP (Original)

JP (Original)-8000 LP/Tanner-8000 LP

JP (Original): I'll go first. My turn. I place two cards face down. I place Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon in my Pendulum Zone. Turn end. I activate my Odd Eyes's Pendulum effect! By sending it to the Extra Deck, I can add Timegazer Magician to my hand!

Turn 2-Tanner

JP (Original)-8000 LP/Tanner-8000 LP

Tanner: You learned some new tricks didn't you, JP (Synchro)! Well it will take more than new tricks to get your spot back. My turn. I draw. I activate the spell: Second Coin Toss. I obviously don't need to explain what it does. I now summon Goblin Attack Force in ATK Mode!

Goblin Attack Force: Level 4- 2300 ATK/ 0 DEF

Tanner: Now this monster will attack you directly!

JP (Original): Trap card, open: Scrap Iron Scarecrow! This card negates your attack and then goes back down to summoning position.

Tanner: Hmm. I end my turn.

Turn 3-JP (Original)

JP (Original)-8000 LP/Tanner-8000 LP

JP (Original): My turn. Draw. I use Scale 1 Dragonpulse Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician to set the Pendulum Scale! I'm taking control of this duel starting now! I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 2 through 7 all at the same time! Swing far, Pendulum! Carve the Arc of Victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action! Coming from my Extra Deck is Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon! From my hand is another Dragonpulse Magician!

Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon: Scale 4: Level 7- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Dragonpulse Magician: Scale 1: Level 4-1800 ATK/ 900 DEF

JP (Original): Battle. When I have Timegazer Magician in my Pendulum Zone and a Pendulum monster battles, you can't activate any trap cards! Odd Eyes, attack his Goblins! Spiral Flame Strike! When Odd Eyes deals damage involving a monster, it doubles! Reaction Force!

Tanner: Urk.

Tanner-8000 LP - - - 7600 LP

JP (Original): Dragonpulse Magician, attack him directly!

Tanner: Ahh!

Tanner-7600 LP - - - 5800 LP

JP (Original): Turn end.

Turn 4-Tanner

JP (Original)-8000 LP/Tanner-5800 LP

Tanner: Interesting. My turn. I draw. I summon Jirai Gumo in ATK Mode!

Jirai Gumo: Level 4- 2200 ATK/ 100 DEF

Tanner: Now this monster will attack your magician! When this monster attacks, I flip a coin!

JP (Original): Trap card, open: Mirror Force! Now your monster is destroyed!

Tanner: I still flip a coin. I call tails.

[The coin lands on heads]

Tanner: I activate my spell card: Second Coin Toss! I get to flip a coin again! I call tails!

[The coin lands on heads]

Tanner: Since I called it wrong, my LP are cut in half. Ahh!

Tanner-5800 LP - - - 2900 LP

Tanner: I end my turn.

Turn 5-JP (Original)

JP (Original)-8000 LP/Tanner-2900 LP

JP (Original): Time to end this. My turn. Draw. Battle. Dragonpulse Magician, attack him directly!

Tanner: Ahh!

Tanner-2900 LP - - - 1100 LP

JP (Original): Odd Eyes, attack him directly and end this duel! Spiral Flame Strike!

Tanner: Ahh!

Tanner-1100 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP (Original)

[The duel ends. Tanner smiles]

JP (XYZ): He really is the best duelist out of us all.

JP (Fusion): We are seriously indebted.

Tanner: You may look like JP (Synchro) but I don't think you're him. The JP I know would never summon that way.

JP (Original): That's right. Since I'm top dog again I have to ask a favor.

[JP (Original) goes over the plan]

JP (Original): Understood. Now we just need someone to rescue the girls.

Dennis: I volunteer!

JP (Fusion): No you don't! I'll get them. You're going nowhere near my girlfriend.

[Meanwhile, JP (Synchro) and Zuzu are at the hideout. JP (Synchro) hands Zuzu a key]

Zuzu: What's this?

JP (Synchro): It's the key to Rin's room. So make yourself at home.

Zuzu: Really?

JP (Synchro): Yeah. While you're in there, give her closet a whirl too. Rin loved to shop. Although you already look nice in what you're wearing, I think you look beautiful in no matter what you wear.

[Zuzu gets embarrassed and slaps JP (Synchro) with her fan]

Zuzu: Don't stay stuff like that! Don't you have a girlfriend? Or multiple girlfriends?

JP (Synchro): Sorry. I just say stuff like that.

[JP (Synchro) works on his duel runner. Zuzu walks out of a shower with Rin's clothes on]

Zuzu: Water pressure is pretty good in this dimension.

[JP (Synchro) attempts to hug Zuzu but she is waiting with her fan]

JP (Synchro): Right. You're Zuzu. Not Rin. Close call there.

Zuzu: So what you working on?

JP (Synchro): My duel runner for the Friendship Cup. It was always me and Rin's dream to compete there and beat Jack Atlas.

Zuzu: Jack Atlas?

JP (Synchro): He is the best duelist in this dimension. he is.

Zuzu: What do you mean?

JP (Synchro): I was once the champion but after the Original left, everything reset and I never won the title. Now I'm going back to win it again. Speaking of which, I entered both of us into the games.

Zuzu: What!

[Back in the facility, JP (Original) and his friends are working on a plan to escape. JP (Fusion) makes his way to the bracelet girls. He enters their cells]

JP (Fusion): Hello.

Celina: JP? What are you doing here?

Rin: Which JP is this?

Celina: It's my JP. I recognize his purple jacket.

JP (Fusion): You are correct. Lucky me. I get to rescue three...

[Celina glares at JP (Fusion)]

JP (Fusion): ...two damsels in distress!

[JP (Fusion) and the bracelet girls gather with the rest of the gang. They all try to escape but fail. The group is led before the council. Declan arrives and tries to reason with the council. The head of the Sector Security, Roget, disagrees with the council. The council believes Declan. The council then decides to send all the Lancers into the Friendship Cup and JP (Original) will duel Jack Atlas in a open ceremony duel. JP (Original) starts to disagree until Roget mentions Zuzu. JP (Original) agrees]

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