Chapter 3- Of Spiders and Ghosts

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~Last time on Four Fallen Girls~

"...Since you ran out of room, we can move onto the next room," Angel said.

"Alright fine, but if Mum-" Megan began.

"Don't worry, I will take the fall," Amaril says.

"Let's go!" Angel said excitedly.

The walk into the next room to find a ghost lying on a pile of red leaves.

~On with the story!!~

"What is that?" Amaril asked.

Blaze answered Amaril's question with one of her own. "Are you just going to ask that every time we see something new?"

"Pretty much."

"Well, to answer your question, it looks like a ghost," Angel said.

"zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... (Are they gone yet?)" the ghost said.

Angel's mysterious voice comes back and happily says, "This ghost keeps saying 'z' repeatedly, pretending to be asleep."

Angel repeated what the voice said to her to the rest of the group.

Amaril's voice seemed a little less excited about the appearance of this ghost and asked, "Do you want to move it with force?"

"Do you guys want to move it with force?" Amaril asked the rest of the girls.

"If it's the only way, then yes," Megan replied.

The four souls once again get trapped in the white box and they see writing in front of them, "Here comes Napstablook."

Angel could tell that her friend that is unable to be seen was very happy which filled her with determination.

The girls open the Act option much to the dislike of Amaril's "friend".

"Okay, so we have Check, Flirt, Threat, and Cheer. What should we do?" Megan asked the group.

"Well, he seems kind sad, so I think we should cheer him up." Blaze suggested.

Amaril nodded her head, "I agree."

Angel gives Napstablook a patient smile.

"Heh," Is all that Napstablook and starts crying.

"He's crying!" Angel yells.

"Yeah, I can see that, mate."

They all move around the box, trying to dodge the tears. After the tears stop, the girls try to cheer him up again.

"Heh, heh."

The girls expect another attack but all that happens is that the box gets filled with words that said, "Really not feelin up to it right now. Sorry."

"So we get a break from dodging for now?" Amaril asked.

"Seems like it," Megan said.

They cheer him again.

"How many times do we have to do this?" Blaze asked.

Angel and Amaril's little voices started talking, each with a different tone of voice. "Napstablook wants to show you something."

Angel and Amaril both repeated the same thing and looked at each other with surprise.

Napstablook broke the awkward silence by saying, "Let me try..." and he cried again but instead of crying on the hearts, he cried up and his tears made a little hat on his head. Angel's voice skwealed in happiness. "I call it 'Dapperblook'... Do you like it?" Napstablook asked.

There was no hesitation between the girls, they all loved it and how cute it made Napstablook look, so they all pushed cheer.

Napstablook only said, "Oh gee..." before ending the fight and lying back down on the floor. "I usually come to the Ruins because there's nobody around... but today, I met some nice people... Oh, I'm rambling again. I'll get out of your way..." Then he disappeared.

The girls seemed kind of sad that the ghost was gone but they continued walking straight into a room with a sign and some spider webs. The sign read "Spider Bake Sale. All proceeds go to real spiders.

Blaze walked over to the smaller spider web and put some money on the web.

"What are you doing?" Angel asked.

"It's a bake sale. You have to pay."

Some spiders crawled down the spider web and took the money while some other spiders came down and gave Blaze a doughnut. The other three girls stood in amazement and one of them with fear. Angel and Amaril were excited to see it happen and wanted their own doughnut while Megan was... in the far corner of the room as far away from the spiders as she could.

*Timeskip provided by Spider Donuts*

"We've gotten so far in mates, wanna keep going?"

"With all the rooms you've filled, I wouldn't be shocked if Toriel is nearby," She looks around and sees a room, "Hey look, I'll go check that out, you guys stay here."

"Okay, I have these walls to fill up anyway."

"Stay safe!" Angel yells after Amaril.

Amaril goes into the room with the mysterious voice following suit.

"Let's see..." Amaril starts saying.

Suddenly, the voice starts talking again, "Over there, in the left corner."

"Um, you've almost gotten me killed many times, I don't trust you"

"I promise that it will save you and your friends in the future."

"Okay, fine," Amaril replies with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She walks over to the left corner of the room and sees something small on the ground by her feet. She bends down and picks it up. In her hands, she is hold a toy knife.

"That's it!" the voice said, happier than usual which made Amaril concerned. "Now, if your friends ask, you found nothing in here. Got it?

"Why can't I tell them?"

"Just don't, at least one of them won't like that you have that on you but it will save her in the end."

"Okay, fine, I won't."

Amaril and the voice leave the room and walk back to the group.

"Hey Amaril!" Blaze yelled when Amaril came back into sight.

"Did you find anything?" Megan asked.

"No," Amaril replied, simply.

Amaril looks around the group and notices that Angel has a look of suspicion on her face.

Megan starts talking before Amaril can say anything to Angel, "We are close to Mum's house anyway, come on mates."

"How do you know?" Blaze asked as the group starts walking.

"Trust me, mate."

They enter another room with a dead, black tree. "Um..." Amaril says in response.

"That's welcoming," Angel says.

"My children! How did you get here? Are any of you hurt?" Toriel asks when she sees the girls.

"I don't think so." Blaze answers for the group.

"Good, sorry for the mess around here. It's been awhile since anyone has been here."

"It's aight, mate."

"What did you do while we were coming over here?" Angel asked.

"I will answer that question with another question, do you prefer cinnamon, butterscotch, or both?"

The girls look at each other and back to Toriel and say at the same time, "Both!"

*More timeskips (because I'm lazy) brought to you by ButtsPie*

"Well... What now? Do we just sleep?"

Megan is already asleep on an orange bed in a small room.

"Well, that should answer our question. She has the orange bed, I call green!" Amaril yells.

"Yellow!" Blaze says.

"So, then I'll take the purple one."

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been very active lately. High school sucks. But I will try to post more often because school is kinda calming down a lot. So here is a kinda longer chapter, I think? So I hope you liked this chapter and I will see you soon. I hope.


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