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- Chapter 14 -
Chaotic Fever

I ride the elevator up to the floor for the Love, Garnet office. It wasn't even 10a.m. and I was already pissed for one reason and one reason only...Desdemona hasn't been answering my calls or texts for the past couple of days. I get it, we kissed and maybe she thinks we shouldn't have, but at the end of the day we have work to do.

The elevator finally reached her floor coming to a stop. The doors opened and as I stepped off I furrowed up my eyebrows in confusion. There were a bunch of police officers all over her office floor. I took in the broken glass from the tables in the waiting room, the couches, large potted plants and vases were flipped over, and her Love, Garnet neon sign of her logo was smashed as it blinked erratically. "Sir, you can't be up here right now," A police officer said holding his hand up as he made strides towards me.

I finally see Desdemona talking to another cop as she stood there in a black pantsuit and heels as her hair was in a topknot bun. She turns around looking towards me as our eyes connect. "No, it's fine," Desdemona says coming towards us as the cop gives me a look head to toe. I cut my eyes at him as Desdemona says, "He's my client."

"Well, if he's going to be up here he can't touch anything and he needs to stay out of the way. Go to an area that isn't a crime scene," he says motioning his hand towards Desdemona's office. Crime scene? She nods her head then motions her head for me to follow her. As we walked glass could be heard crunching underneath her Louboutin's and my Vans. The glass wall that separated a room for meetings and the hallway was completely broken. Anything that could be broken..was.

What the hell happened?

Once we got to Desdemona's office I shut the door as she leaned up against her desk. "What's up?" She asked nonchalantly.

I glanced to the side then looked back at her. "Sooo, you gonna act like we didn't just walk past a whole fucking battle field? What the fuck happened?"

Desdemona sighs harshly scratching her head. "Someone got up to my floor after hours and ransacked it. I don't know why, they didn't take anything." Draco's mind was doing a mile a minute as he began to think.

"Who did you piss off?" He asks slightly jokingly as he put two and two together in his head. He was wondering if his theory was correct.

"That guy you were asking if I was going to work with him. I think it was him. At least the guy on the tapes from the security cameras was built like him." Chaos. That's who I was thinking. That's why he came here to talk to Desdemona. He was getting familiar with the place. Why would they destroy it, but not take anything though? What was the point? "My assistant, Courtney, I had to fire her," she says shaking her head. "She's the one who let him up here and they probably paid the security for the night not to say anything. On the video tape you can see them making out on her desk. He ties her up then three guys in all black come up and they start destroying the place."

I shake my head as she sighs deeply. I was contemplating on if I should tell her, but instead I asked, "So, what are you gonna do?"

"The police are working on it. I'm just going to have to work from one of my other offices until this place gets cleaned up and back to the way it was." She sighs once again running her hand over her hair letting me know she was stressed out about this.

I look at her for a second then finally say, "I know him." I didn't want to say it, but I had to. It wasn't fair to her to act like I don't.

"Who?" She asks immediately raising her head looking at me. "You know who?"

"The guy who came into your office that one day. Cassius Jean-Pierre, but I know him as Chaos." As soon as I said that I could see Desdemona thinking by the way her eyes shifted directions.

"How do you know him?" She was asking, but I knew she knew.

"You know...street shit," I say quietly seeing as there are police lurking around. "Rival." I could see the fury immediately grow in her eyes.

She crosses her arms over her chest as she narrows her eyes at me. "You know I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt when you were boohooing about how you need me and you have nobody else, but now I'm second guessing this shit. How many times are you going to sit up and lie in my face, Draco? Huh?!" Just like last time I didn't know if the question was  rhetorical or not, so I kept my mouth shut tight.

"You made me a promise or an agreement, whatever you want to call it. I said when I get your businesses up and running to do what? Quit! Did you do that? No! You said you would make sure your two worlds would never cross and that my businesses would be safe. Did that happen? No, because my fucking office floor is destroyed! Now I have to find somewhere for all my employees to go and somewhere to hold meetings because you want to keep fucking lying and now I have to worry about my own safety. How did I get dragged into this?"

"Look, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I know that. I know I fucked up, but I honestly don't know why they're dragging you into this."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she mocked me making a stank face beginning to pace back and forth. She begins to mumble things under her breath angrily. "This is what the fuck I get for not listening to my conscious. Nooo, I decide to give the lil nigga a chance." Desdemona stops in her tracks to give me a dirty look while shaking her head. It was one of those I'm disgusted and disappointed in you head shakes that your mother gives you. Those made you feel a type of way more than an ass whooping.

"I know you're upset, but I'll handle it. I gotta go, but I'll be over your place later," I say quickly trying to get to her office door.

"Oh, no!" I hear her say as she's right on my heels as hers click with each quick step. I reach for the door handle and open it a crack only for her to reach over me and push the door closed. "I don't think so. Where are you going? To handle it how?" I just glance back at her as she says, "I don't need you doing anything stupid. Anything else that is.."

I turn around fully with my back now to the door as she stands less than an inch from me. "It's one thing for me to be in some shit, but nobody should be bringing you in my bullshit. You have nothing to do with anything. You're innocent in this. I'm just going to make sure your safety is ensured. Now if I gotta do something stupid–" I say shrugging my shoulders leaving the rest for imagination. "So be it."

I was about to turn and try and leave again, but once more she pushed the door shut with her hand. With the quickest motion she turned my head towards her by my chin. "You listen to me!" She had a tight grip on my face as her long red nails slightly pushed into my skin. Once again I had to calm myself down because I was the type to not accept anyone putting their hands on me in any capacity. I had to remind himself who was in front of me because if it was anyone else I would have pried their hands off of me with the quickness.

Her grip was so tight, I had no choice but to look her in the eyes and listen to the scolding I was about to get. "We don't have time for this foolishness. You want to start businesses, but you're still running the streets. It's not going to work. When you live two lives you eventually have to pick one. Whatever it is you're doing it needs to stop before you get yourself or those around you hurt. If they're showing up at my office destroying shit, that's clearly a message for you that they don't give a fuck about the fact that I'm innocent in all this. I'm trying to help, but it's so hard when things like this keep happening. Get this shit in check and FAST! Or I'm done for good!"

Her words were clear and slightly harsh as she released my face from her grip. I rub my jawline looking down at her. I hated to be stubborn, but it was in my nature. "I still gotta handle this."

"Did you hear a single word I just said?! Whatever, do what you want just don't call asking me for no fucking alibi when it's all said and done," she grumbles annoyed as she looks off to the side putting her hands on her hips.

"Hey," I say to get her attention. She still stared off into space ignoring me as I snake my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me finally getting her to look at me. I could see the nervous expression on her face as I said, "Get security as soon as you can or ask an officer to follow you everywhere. Get someone to be outside of your building and at your personal elevator." Desdemona's face contorted in worry and fear. I know she was wondering why she needed all that. "Precautionary measures."

She nods her head not saying a word. "From here go straight home and stay there. I'll be over later to check on you." She still said nothing. Not even okay. I scanned my eyes over her face as she looked stone cold. She was clearly pissed off and no one was to blame, but me. I was waiting for her to say anything, but she never did, so I leaned in kissing her forehead. I could feel her tense up, but then she eased a bit.

She looked up at me saying dryly, "Bye, Draco." In other words she wanted me to just leave. I bite my bottom lip sucking in making a noise  then lick over my lip as a sign of irritation. There was clearly an elephant in the room neither of us wanted to talk about. Honestly it didn't even need to brought up right now...if ever. We now had bigger things on our plate to deal with then a little kiss. Although, it wasn't little to me because I didn't regret it. Desdemona might, but I don't.

I removed my hand from her waist then backed up two steps never taking my eyes off of her. I turned around grabbing the door handle then leaving. As I walked out passing police officers on my way to the elevator I thought of where Chaos could be right at this moment and I knew where...

I left Desdemona's office going to a gym in Brooklyn. I used to work out there everyday, but lately I've been too busy to. It's been about a month, but usually when I went, I would see Chaos coming in while I was on my way out. I park my car making my way in going to the front desk to check in using my membership card. I go upstairs to the area where all the gym equipment is. As soon as I step into the room I can hear the clanging of weights, feet hitting treadmills, and a tv that plays SportsCenter. I finally spot Chaos sitting on a bench press. I knew it was him by his curly hair and his beard. It made him stick out.

I made my way across the room as Chaos began to lift weights with a spotter behind him. I walk up to the guy spotting him saying, "I got this." He looks at me confused as I nod my head. He moves to the side as I stand over Chaos who's lifting the heavy weight. He looks up and when he sees it's me he nearly drops it on himself as his arms become wobbly. "Weren't expecting me, huh?" I say with a smirk. I grab the weight helping him put it back on the mount.

He sits up then turns towards me asking, "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

"We don't really have anything to talk about," he says standing up. He takes a towel he has tucked into his shorts wiping sweat off of himself as he stands their shirtless. "If you wanted to talk you should've came to the meeting you set up with me. Remember that? The one you were a no show for?"

"That was how long ago? And if I remember correctly in that meeting you agreed to a truce in exchange for something. Yet it seems you don't keep your word. If that's the case I shouldn't either and I should go back on mine. You know...Either we talk or I walk out of here and shit gets all bad."

He looks at me with a glare then says, "Fine."

"Great!" I say smiling to irritate him. "Let's go to the cafe. I'm feeling in the mood for a smoothie. How about you?" I ask, but he says nothing walking in front of me. We go downstairs to the cafe sitting at a table after I get a drink.

"What's up?" Chaos says leaning back in his chair.

"Why were you at the Love, Garnet office?" I ask resting my elbow on the table. 

"Same reason you were there," he says shrugging his shoulders.

"Quit playing with me, Chaos. I know it was you who destroyed her floor."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he says as a sly smirk comes across his lips.

"I don't have time for you to play dumb. We have an agreement. It's peace right now yet you're pulling bullshit like this and quite frankly I don't understand it. What does Desdemona Garnet have to do with this...us. If we have a problem, take it up with me and not anyone else."

"Honestly, I don't have a problem with you, but you should know Mr. Ambani has a major problem with you. Usually I would keep my mouth shut considering I got paid. I did it because he paid me to. I don't have any beef with you or that lady, but he does. I don't bring harm to civilians or women, but seems to me he doesn't have the same code. I'd tell your lady friend to watch out."

I look at him furrowing my brows. "He paid you to do that?"

"Yup, he said maybe this will make you think twice about quitting the game." Chaos pauses then asks, "You really quitting?" I say nothing because I wasn't going to tell my competition that. It'll eventually come out that I am quitting, but now is too soon. "No need to say anything. I feel you on quitting. I'm trying to myself," he admits.

I narrow my eyes surprised he told me that. "You went off to college, right? Why come back?" I ask out of curiosity.

"No choice," he says keeping it simple. Chaos leans forward then says, "What people don't realize is this isn't something you do forever. Dead, jail, broke, or retire to some beach. Only options and the last one is if you're lucky. If you want out, don't let anyone stop you. Mr. Ambani has a whole oil and gas empire yet he's trying to keep you from your greatness. He doesn't have to do the shit we're doing."

"You don't have to do this either," I say sipping from my smoothie. "From what I know, you had a good life. Why chase this street shit when you have a good family, a nice home, money, degree..."

"We wanted to fit in. Acceptance. It's stupid, but we were young," he admits once again looking off to the side. "Now its become a necessity because what else can we do at this point?"

"A lot of things," I slightly whisper. I look at him thinking about the plan I devised in order to get Mr. Ambani out of my life. "Since you were nice enough to tell me about Mr. Ambani, I have something to tell you about him too."

Chaos furrows his brows waiting on me to say something. "Well, what is it nigga? Taking a long, suspenseful ass breath and shit."

"Mr. Ambani, he's been giving you the raw end of the stick. I wasn't lying when I said he has the best product around, but he hasn't been giving you the same stuff he gives me. It's not as good. Basically, you're not getting what you're paying for. It's not worth as much as you're paying. He told me not to say anything, but I thought I should," I lie.

I could see Chaos thinking as his index finger was placed on his temple. Before he can say anything I say, "I've been thinking...Why should we be at each other's neck? We're all black men trying to get it. We should be trying to get at greedy mutha fucka's like Mr. Ambani. He already had billions yet he's stiffing you out of your money and trying to make sure I don't succeed in anything other than wrong."

"What are you thinking?" Chaos asks.

"Take him out. Take everything he has for ourselves. Think about it...He's so lowkey no one will even really know about it. Shit, all we have to do is threaten the man that we'll snitch on him. We really don't have to do much. In the end your crew will get half and mine will get half. For once work together."

"Sounds like a plan." I was honestly so surprised he would agree that easily.

"I fuck with it," I say standing up. I extend my hand then he stands up and daps me. "I'll be in contact," I say grabbing my drink then leaving.

I knew I shouldn't be making anymore decisions without consulting my brothers.That's what got me in the mess I am now with Sanjay, but I had to get this done.

After running some errands and taking care of some business, I finally found my way to Desdemona's building in Manhattan. From earlier I didn't even know if she was going to let me up when they called to say I'm here, but she did. Like I suggested she had a security guard at her private elevator as extra protection. I ride up the dozens of floors then it stops and the doors open to her penthouse. I step off and some seconds later Desdemona is coming down the stairs. She walks up to me glancing over me and I can tell she's examining me.

"Hm," is all she says letting me know she still has an attitude. I look at her seeing she has changed out of the clothes she had on earlier to something more laid back. Instead of the pantsuit she now has on a white bralette top, sweatpants, and just socks. "I didn't think you were going to actually come over. Where did you go?"

"To talk to someone," I say vaguely. I wasn't lying this time since she thinks I lie so much to her.

It's after 7p.m. causing me to ask, "Is your sister here?"

"No, I told her to go home with a friend after school and spend the night. Just in case."

"Good idea," I say walking past her seeing as she never really invited me in or to go to the living room to sit down or anything.

"Okay. You disappear for hours saying you're going to 'handle it' then you just prance in here like it's all normal. Did you at least find out if it was really that guy? And why do you have a backpack?"

I look over my shoulder at the Givenchy backpack slung over my shoulder like I didn't know it was there. I ignore everything else she said saying, "Because I'm sleeping over."

"Uh uh, no you're not. Who said all that?" She asks picking up her pace to walk beside me.

"You need protection."

"I have plenty of that. There's a security in front of my elevator and the building has security. I'll be just fine."

I stop in my tracks looking down at her. "Yeah, just like your office building had security yet they let 4 guys in all black get up to your floor and destroy it for a price. You'll be just fine, huh? I don't think so."

"Clearly there's something you're not telling me if you're doing all this. Is it really necessary. Either you tell me what's going on or you can leave because it seems I'm not safe alone, so I'm damn sure not going to be safe around you...You know, seeing as you're the reason this is all happening." I look at her, but saying nothing heading for the stairs. "I don't think so. Talk or leave." I hear say from behind me as I begin to rush up the stairs. "Oh, hell no!" I hear her yell as she runs behind me.

She grabs onto my backpack pulling me down a step. I couldn't help, but laugh as I struggled to get out of her grip. I couldn't lie she was strong. "Move! I'm staying the night!"

"No, you're not!" She shoots back pushing me into the wall of the stairs then running up the steps. I turn looking at the nice view...

It almost made me forget for a second what I was supposed to be trying to do. I keep running up the stairs getting to the top only to see her standing there with her arms and legs spread apart as she blocked the way. "You might as well turn back around and go back down those stairs. You're not staying."

"I am," I say casually as I duck and squeeze under her legs. I immediately take off running down the long hallway. From that night she got drunk and I brought her home I knew her room was at the end of the hall. I can her running behind me, but I just laughed as she screamed hey. I reach her bedroom throwing my backpack down hopping in her bed as her tv was already on playing an episode of Greenleaf. Right as I kick my shoes off and stretch my legs out Desdemona rushes into the room. She's breathing hard putting her hand on her knee trying to catch her breath. "Looks like we need to run in the park more often. You have no type of stamina," I tease.

She glares then points backwards saying, "Get out!"

"What? You wanna watch it? They put it on HBO Go finally," I say to piss her off even more as I put my arms behind my head getting more comfortable.

"Draco, seriously? If you're going to spend the night, you're staying in one of the guest rooms."

"Now why would I do that? Let's say someone really gets in here and I'm asleep in the other room. They're beating your ass trying to kill or kidnap you, but I can't hear your screams in this big ass billion dollar, luxurious penthouse. Now you're dead or got a price on your head cuz you wanted to be hardheaded."

She rolls her eyes then says, "The couch." She points at the white couch where she has a little sitting area with a table.

"I'm not sleeping on that little ass couch. It looks uncomfortable. I'm not gonna touch you, girl. Put a pillow in between us."

"I really don't like you. At least get off my side of the bed." I smile seeing she gave in.

"That's no problem for me," I say scooting over to the other side. "So, you still tryna watch Get Out orrr?" I ask to annoy her even more. When she looks at me with daggers and swords in her eyes I laugh.

"You're so irritating. You're on your last strike with me. One more and I'm really going to be done with you."

"You just talking," I say waving her off.

I walk back in from the balcony of my room after an important phone call to see Draco still laying in my bed. He laid comfortably as if he belonged there when he damn sure didn't. It was weird having a man in my bed and that was clear on how antsy I was. I kept finding reasons to leave the room whether it was to take a call, go to the kitchen for a snack or even go to my closet pretending to organize things. The man had even taken a whole shower and changed clothes making me realize he really planned on staying.

I slide the door closed then lock it behind me. I lock my phone then look at the Draco who has one of my pillows propped up behind his head while wrapped up in my snow white covers as he stared at his phone deeply. The light of his phone screen reflected off of his face then he looked up as I quickly looked away. "What?" He asks as I walk up the step to the platform my bed is on.

I walk over to my side of the bed plugging my phone into the charger sitting it on the nightstand shaking my head. "I was serious when I said you need to tell me what's going on. It's one thing if you don't want me to know too much, so I don't dragged into any illegal stuff if it comes down to the law getting involved. Don't you think I at least deserve to know, so I know how to move for my safety? For my younger sister? Should I be scared of someone bringing harm to me?" I ask standing beside my bed looking at him.

He's typing away on his phone and without looking at me he says, "Naw, I'm handling it."

Growing pissed I reach across the bed snatching his phone out of his hand. "That's what you always say. You say you're handling it, but it doesn't seem like you are. What the hell are you up against? Who, actually... You need to tell me something!"

I see him glare at me then his expression softens as he says, "I made a deal with someone...My girlfriend's father. The one I "work" for," he says putting it in air quotes. "I got a little too comfortable with him and I started taking things that weren't mine."

"You were stealing," I correct him seeing as he's trying to sugar coat it.

"Basically. He found out and now I owe him some money. I'm doing some things to pay him back."

"What things?" He gives me a look and I take it as him saying drugs without saying it. "How much do you owe?" I ask grabbing my Chanel purse that's sitting on my nightstand.

He sucks his teeth then reluctantly says, "3 millions dollars."

I look up from digging in my purse looking at him. I put my hand on my hip then ask, "You don't have that? With the designer clothes and jewelry you wear and the foreign cars you drive. Shit, you don't have that from selling some Coke. I watched a documentary on drugs and they were making that in a week," I say lowering my voice as if someone was listening.

He screws up his lip not finding it funny. "I have it, but I don't. My money is tied up trying to start these businesses. Plus, I'm trying to quit if you don't remember. I can't just be giving my money away when my income is about to decrease. I'm trying to wait on some money to come in and I have these businesses off the ground. I already have $1 million of it."

"Well, clearly this person isn't trying to wait. You can't ask your brothers for some money? You have 3 brothers. Get $1 million from each one of them."

"And never hear the end of it? I don't think so. I'm already supposed to be the smart one, but I made a dumb ass decision like this. I fucked this up by myself, so I need to fix it myself." I sigh then pull my checkbook out that has a plain black Louis Vuitton checkbook cover on it. "What are you doing?" He asks as I pull the pen out and hit the clicker.

"Writing a check for 2 million dollars," I say beginning to write in the spaces.

"Uhh, no the fuck you're not. I'm not about to let you do that."

"I'm not doing anything. The money is from my account, but I'll just pay myself back from that $50 million business loan you got. You're not going to use all of that for the first launch anyway. You'll make it back once you release. I don't have time to be looking over my shoulder when I go out. Pay the man his money back and quit stealing."

Draco looks at me like I have two heads as I rip the check out of the book. I extend it to him and he just looks at it. "I'm not taking that."

"Don't let your pride be too big for your britches. I'm trying to help you when I shouldn't. Take it." He grabs it, but in a split second he rips it up as my mouth falls open.

"Alright, be stupid if you want," I say sticking my checkbook back in my purse. I put my purse back on the nightstand sitting on the bed throwing his phone back to him. "Stubborn, ungrateful mutha fucka," I mumble under my breath when my phone starts ringing. I look at it to see Jacobi is calling me. I get settled in the bed then answer.

Not even a minute into the conversation Draco starts coughing obnoxiously and clearly on purpose making me glare at him. I guess he figured out it was Jacobi. "Is someone with you?" Jacobi asks.

I mumble curses at Draco pushing his head forcefully. "Yeah, my little sister," I lie.

"That's a manly ass cough. She might wanna get that checked out," he jokes causing me to fake laugh out of nervousness.

"Yeah, I think she's getting Bronchitis. You know how it is going to school with the weather changing. People getting sick and coughing without covering their nasty ass mouth." Germs everywhere," I say causing Jacobi to chuckle and agree. "Speaking of that. I need to go to the pharmacy and get her some medicine. Can I call you back later?"

"It's no problem. Help ya sister." With that we hang up. I throw my phone onto the bed sighing before slapping Draco's arm.

"Why are you playing?"

"Let's talk about the fact black people always lyin' to get off the phone sayin' they'll call you back, but never do." Draco cracks up laughing thinking this is funny as hell.

"Fuck you, alright," I say grabbing a pillow hitting him in the face.

"Got damn! What are your pillows made of? I think I got a black eye," he says dramatically holding his eye.

"That's what you get," I say being petty as I put the pillow back behind me.

"You tryna play? Aiight!" He says smacking me in the face with a pillow as hard as he can. He hit me so hard I thought my head was going to fly off. "Don't start none, won't be none." I could've just let it end after that seeing as I started it, but I couldn't. I hit him again turning it into a pillow brawl. It wasn't even a fight because we were both hitting as hard as we could.

I stood on my bed and out of nowhere he hit me knocking my ass off. I fell to the floor groaning in pain. It really didn't hurt that bad because I landed on my plush, furry rug. I was groaning in pain for dramatics and when Draco peaked over the edge of the bed asking, "You okay?" I smacked him in the face with a pillow. His head flew back out of my view as I got up from the floor.

"Are you done because I'm tired?" I say breathing hard trying to catch my breath as I stood by my bed.

"Yeah, I'm done," he says waving his hand in defeat moving across the bed. I look at him skeptically coming towards the bed. "I'm not gonna hit your ass. Calm down," he says as I lay back down in the bed. Before I can even get comfortable I'm being wacked again. I didn't even grab a pillow, I just lunged at him in anger. "Chill, chill," he begged trying to get me off of him as I had him in a headlock.

"I said stop," I said angrily. He put his weight on me making me fall to the bed with him on top of me. He pried my arm from his neck pinning them to the bed as he hovered over me.

"I'm done. Chill out. Your ass done turned into a whole wrestler putting me in headlocks and shit," he says as I try to fight a laugh.

"Well, quit messing with me. Now get off of me," I say trying to get my wrists out of his grip, but he was too strong.

"Naw, now that I have you hear you can tell me why you kicked me out the last time I was here..."

"Because you kissed me," I knew I was lying, but I was sticking with it.

"I kissed you?!" He asked in shock cocking his neck to the side. I nod my head causing him to say, "Did I hit your ass with that pillow too hard cuz I clearly remember you kissing me first?"

"Well, I don't remember that. Regardless of who kissed who it shouldn't have happened. You have a girlfriend and I'm dating Jacobi."

"Me and Saanvi aren't actually together. We're just doing it for her father and appearances at this point and Jacobi isn't your boyfriend. What's next? What's the next excuse or lie?"

I was looking to the side the entire time because if I looked up I would have to look him in the eyes. Clearly my lower area wasn't getting the memo that it's not that type of party because she was salivating at the current position we were in.

I finally look up making sure to look past his head entirely. I stare up only to be met by my reflection. My bed is a mirrored canopy that you can see through the top. Through that you can see the mirror that covered my entire ceiling above my bed. To the average person this would seem like some freaky deaky shit used to stare at ones self while you got the nasty on. The truth was this mirror and this bed frame altogether hadn't seen any action since I bought it. Instead it saw me crying myself to sleep, working until all types of hours in the morning, laying in loneliness, and getting very acquainted with a good ol' dildo.

"Hello?" Draco says making me look at him.

"It was an accident. A mistake. Let's just forget it ever happened. You're my client and we're business partners. Let's keep it business, which includes you letting me go and getting from on top of me." He just stares at me holding it for a second. Growing awkward and just not wanting to do anything I shouldn't I closed my eyes saying, "Please, Draco."

"Alright," he says softly letting go then falling onto the bed beside me. "You're a terrible liar by the way." I scoot a little further to my side of the bed when he says, "I just want to ask one question..."

I didn't want him to ask anything else, but I still said, "What?"

"After I was taking my shower...I was looking for lotion." I glance over at him slightly knowing what he's going to say. "I found your, umm...this thing in your drawer." He didn't need to say anything else. I knew he was talking about the dildo with the full body Paloma bought me. She said she would and I don't know why I didn't believe her. She really bought me a nearly $200 sex toy. It was never that serious for me. That would still never be a real man.

"Paloma bought that. What about it?" I ask staring at the ceiling not even wanting him to say anything else. I made sure to clarify I didn't actually buy it myself.

"I don't know. I just always wondered if that was really like fucking a nigga. Like it can't be, can it? I need to know if we're really replaceable like that."

"No," I say trying to keep it as simple as possible.

It gets quiet then Draco says, "Sooo, when was the last time you had some dick? I mean, sexual intercourse," he corrected himself as if it made it anymore appropriate.

"Draco, just no-" I say shaking my head. I had my thighs clamped so tight together it wasn't even funny as I laid under the covers. Draco's scent alone from him taking a shower earlier had my mind thinking one thing as my body told the whole truth. "This is not the conversation you want to have unless you're trying to give me some dick." I clearly didn't think before I said that.

I look over at him slightly taken aback that I actually said that. He's looking at me with raised eyebrows. If he wasn't looking at me that would be a forehead palm moment.


Uttering those words were a mistake, but it was more than the truth and Draco could tell as his head was now in between my thighs. I couldn't even tell you how or what was said to get to this point, but I wasn't mad at it. You would've thought I was a Popsicle the way his tongue twirled around like I was melting and his favorite flavor was dripping all over the place and he didn't want to waste a drop. Part of me couldn't tell if this was the best head I have ever received in my decade of sexual experience or if it had been awhile, so I didn't know how to act.

I stared up at the mirrored ceiling in a daze. I was remembering the guys his age in college and half of them didn't know what they were doing. They acted like they did, but they didn't. I honestly thought this was going to turn into a big mistake because guys in their early 20's either know what they're doing by now or they don't and need to be taught and usually...they don't, but he clearly did.

My hands landed on top of his head playing in his soft hair that he let grow out a little. He had a strong grip on my sizable thighs that I spent the most time on in the gym. He made sure to get a strong hold on them to have me right where he wanted me seeing as I tried to close my legs or scoot back a couple of times. When he pushed my legs back testing my flexibility I raised my head a little to watch. My eyes immediately went to his pink tongue at work. When he glanced up at me staring directly into my eyes it felt like heat was shooting from the depths of my belly to my face. I had never seen this look in his eyes before. "Shit," I breathed out laying my head back closing my eyes.

I could tell he was trying hard to make me orgasm the way he wasn't letting up. He lowers my legs putting them back down pulling me closer to him again. My hands move from playing in his hair to the bed. I needed something to grab onto, but the sheets were nowhere to be found. Instead Draco intertwined his fingers in mine as I moaned in pleasure.

My breathing started to pick up and I guess Draco could tell by how squirmish I had become that I was getting close. His hand flew up wrapping around my throat pushing me deeper into my plush California king mattress. When he was done there would be an impression of my body molded into this bed. It was a bold move on his part considering we had never done anything sexual before, so he didn't know what I was comfortable with. Luckily for him, that was the type of shit I liked...

His grip was loose, but his hand simply being placed there made my skin heat up ten more degrees. Like a mind reader his hand tightened around my throat right as I orgasmed. I grabbed his wrist not because his grip was too tight, but because it felt so damn good. "Fuck," is all I could push out breathily as he let go of my neck. My heart was about to thump out of my chest as his hand now went down to my chest.

I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath as Draco licked me clean. I could tell his mother taught him good table manners and to always clean his plate completely. When he placed his lips to my lips downstairs kissing it softly twice, I let out a long and much needed exhale. I place my hands on both sides of his face pulling him towards me kissing him. Under his large, muscular body it felt like this was where I was supposed to be even if it wasn't. I wasn't thinking about anybody except the person hovering over me. My thoughts were a jumble and I wasn't thinking clearly...at all.

Especially when I could feel how big he was as his body was pressed against me as we kissed. It was hard to ignore when I was naked and I could feel it rubbing against me. He had on basketball shorts and they weren't the thickest material, but he was thick...I knew that much. I tug at his tank top and he accommodates by pulling away from the kiss, so I can take it off. My eyes land on his chest that's covered in tattoos. I scan my eyes across the one that says Engineered to Destroy.

Engineered to Destroy this pussy....Too much? I think Paloma is rubbing off on me too much.

My dirty thoughts are ceased when he kisses my neck moving back to my lips. Deep in the kiss I move my hand from his face down his body pulling at his shorts.

Neither of us were thinking clearly. We were both in the moment. Neither one of us asked about protection. We were being irrational and acting off of lust... A lot of things should have been remembered this night, especially the most important thing, but it wasn't...

Like a fever the more our temperatures raised in the heat of the moment, the more dangerous it became...

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