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Season 2: Winter, 2017

- Chapter 17 -
The Sixth Sense

In the NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital parking garage in Lower Manhattan, I sat parked in my Maserati talking on the phone. I look around the dark parking garage as if someone's looking at me or they can hear my conversation. "That wasn't a part of the fucking plan!" I yell through the receiver as me and Chaos argue. "It was a simple task. Have your dudes kidnap her, make a deal with Mr. Ambani then we're both off. No, you couldn't do that!"

"I fucking told you this was better," he argues back.

"How? HOW?! If you were gonna shoot the bitch, you shoot to kill stupid mutha fucka! Now she's laid up in a hospital bed in a coma, Sanjay and his family went into hiding, and I'm stuck with her when I've been trying to get rid of her. Get some niggas with better aim. How did they kill the driver who's innocent, but not her?!"

"I don't know who the fuck you're talking to. I'm not ya son! You wildin' the fuck out right now. Why we still arguing bout this? Are we not doing this shit together?"

"Yeah, but you need to act like it and follow instructions. Stick to the plans I make. Now what the fuck are we supposed to do? No one can get in contact with Sanjay and we don't know where the fuck he's at. The man just left his daughter in this hospital for me to take care of her." Sanjay literally visited Saanvi once on the sneak when I wasn't at the hospital and that was it. "What happens when she wakes up? The police are going to be asking questions to see if she remembers anything from that night. I'm gonna look crazy cuz I wasn't in the car."

"Yo, chill out. IF she wakes up and I mean if. I'ma handle this. Since Sanjay wanna act like he don't care about his own daughters well-being, we'll make him care."

"Aiight, cuz we need to do somethin'. You got my brothers look at me crazy cuz they think I called the shots on that bullshit. Speaking of brothers, I know Casanova's out of jail. This shit got him written all over it." The line is quiet as Chaos says nothing. "If you're going to get him involved tell him to sit the fuck down and shut up. He jumps the gun too much. Aiight?" I don't even wait for a response before hanging up. I sigh heavily unbuckling my seatbelt getting out of my car. I lock the doors then make my way through the garage to the hospital.

When I get inside I go to the gift shop in the hospitals lobby called The Gift Box. I grab all of the snacks I want with a drink and two of these little bracelets I see. I then go to the checkout standing behind the people already waiting. As I wait on my turn I see a rack of magazines. When I see Desdemona on the cover of one, I pick it up. I look at the cover of the Cosmopolitan magazine seeing she's 2017 most eligible bachelorette. I scoff to myself mumbling, "There's a reason she's single."

It's been nearly a month since I've seen her. Most of November had past by as we were nearing the end of the month a few days shy of Thanksgiving. As mad as I got when Desdemona ignored me, I was doing the same thing but taking it to the extreme. I was pissed and disappointed with her all at the same time. At the least I thought we were business partners building a rapport if not a friendship, yet she did that to me of all people. I don't know what I would've done if she had the decency to tell me straight up before rather than after, to be honest. I don't think I would've judged her so harshly the way I did finding out after.

For the past month I've only been communicating with Desdemona through email, text messages or her new assistant. No talking on the phone or in person meetings. Call me dramatic, but I didn't want to see her right now. She was lucky I got a hold of my anger a couple of years ago. If it was teenager Dray who didn't give a fuck I would've put my hands on her and that's just being honest.

Because of this a lot of things that needed to be done have been delayed. I was supposed to have had my photoshoot for my clothing lines done and potential buyers ready in order to drop my lines by the end of next month. It just wasn't going to happen.

I don't know if Desdemona is trying to get back in my good graces or give me my money's worth, but she continued to work on my stuff without me. She's had the websites for both of my lines created, came up with the marketing plan including commercials and ads for magazines and billboards, locked in Rihanna and ASAP Rocky as the celebrity endorsers, and she's also gone to fashion trade shows looking for buyers to put my lines in store. I let her handle that while I focused on my record label.

In the past month I've made a lot of progress. Me and Athena have been organizing a showcase for my artists that's coming up soon. My main focus was getting my four artist to where I wanted them to be. I wanted two male and two female acts, but somehow I ended up with three females and one male. Before I knew it I had 1 female singer, 2 female rappers, and 1 male rapper. There was Paloma, Nya Lee who's straight out of Bronx, New York, Saweetie from California, and Jinsu from Rhode Island. I felt like I had a solid team.

I open the magazine flipping through pages finally getting to the spread. I don't even bother to read the interview just looking at the pictures. One catches my eye in particular as I look at it for awhile...

"Sir!" I hear shouted loudly making me look up. "You're up next," the cashier says with a friendly smile. I clear my throat putting my stuff up on the counter including the magazine. The lady scans the stuff for me as I stuff my hands in my pockets looking around the shop. "She's so pretty," the woman says making me look at her. My face must've read who? because she says, "Desdemona Garnet. She's literally perfect. If I could wish to be anybody it would be her," the young girl who looks to be in high school says.

"You shouldn't want to be anybody, but yourself. Nobody's perfect. Not even her," I say thinking to myself. It was in that moment it finally hit me that I went about this all wrong. My reaction is one Desdemona probably gets a lot, so she's scared to tell her truth. I had a right to be mad, but should I stay mad? Maybe I was being harsh..

"I guess you're right." She tells me my total then I give her a fifty. She gives me my change and receipt then I leave with my bag going up to Saanvi's hospital room. When I get there I walk in seeing Saanvi laid up in that bed. It was said that it was a miracle that she was still alive she got hit so many times. It was a bullet hitting her in the head that caused her to be in a coma even though they got it out through surgery.

I honestly did feel bad. As terrible as our relationship was lately, I didn't hate her and I didn't want to see her hurt or even dead. She was simply someone who got dragged into her father's shady lifestyle. Even if she knew about it and used it to her advantage to get her way with me, shooting her wasn't right.

I sit the bag of stuff I bought at the gift store down on a table. I rummage through the bag pulling out the box for the bracelet then opening it. I take the bracelet out of it. It's just a simple bracelet with heart charms on it, but I put it on her wrist. I look at her as she's hooked up to the machines. It's crazy how she was literally a model walking down runways and posing in Vogue. There was no sign of that as she laid there pale and still.

I sigh then sit down in the chair next to the bed. Because the Ambani's went into hiding it seemed I was the only one who visited her with the exception of a few friends. I came here every morning and spent at least an hour with her before I started my day. She's been in this coma for almost a month with honestly no progress, but because her parents disappeared they were the only ones who could make the decision on whether or not to pull the plug or keep her alive.

I pull my snacks out of the bag staring at the tv on the wall as it had Judge Mathis on. I shake my head at a mother suing her daughter. Never say never, but I could never see myself suing my family. There's just some family members that you give money to knowing they won't pay you back. That's when you tell them no anytime they ask to 'borrow.' Either give it or don't expect to ever get it back.

I just sit here quietly doing my thing. I usually use these visits as time to get some work done on my iPad. Thanksgiving is only a couple of days away and we still needed to finish arranging the annual Turkey giveaway we do every year in Brooklyn the day before the holiday. We've been doing it for the past 5 years along with serving food to the homeless at the shelter Thanksgiving day in the morning before all going to Apollo's and Rhea's for dinner.

I knew we destroyed the community by pumping drugs into it. That was a fact. So anyway we could also help the community we tried to do that. Whether it's giving away Turkeys, serving food to the homeless, buying presents for kids on Christmas and giving them away, helping some mothers or elderly people pay their rent, re-doing playgrounds, building a community center, whatever it is. We had to do something to get on not only the people's side, but God's.

My grandmother told us we were saints and sinners. Killers with good hearts.

We had soft spots because we knew what drugs could do to a family. It will tear it apart into pieces. Drugs can make you rich in money and poor in spirit. Drugs took our fathers to jail or death and our mother to addiction and the grave. We knew all these things, but still got in the game as if sitting in a crowd saying eagerly, "Ooh, pick me! I wanna die or go to jail next! Pleaseee, pick me!"

When I hear a knock at the hospital room door I look up from my iPad towards it. "Come in," I say loud enough so they can hear me. I was expecting it to be a nurse. The door opens and the familiar man in a suit steps in making me slightly roll my eyes. It's the detective on the case for Saanvi. I talked to him the day after this all went down and he left me alone after that.

When I left the party in that taxi, I went to my grandmothers. Ares called me several times then I finally answered and he told me what happened like I didn't already know. I played it off and pretended to be shocked. I had two options: Stay away and make myself look suspicious or come to the hospital in distress because my 'girlfriend' just got shot. I picked the second option showing up to the hospital getting my best Denzel Washington on.

"Here like always," the detective says walking into the room.

"Just being a good boyfriend," I say fake smiling.

"Family still nowhere to be found?" He asks standing there sticking his hands in his pockets. I don't know why, but I felt like he knew where they are. I even think he's the one who told them to leave because who just leaves their family member in the hospital while they're in a coma.

"Still," I state simply.

"Well, at least she has you," he says smiling. "Can we talk out in the hall?" He says nodding towards the door. I don't know why we couldn't just talk in here. It's not like Saanvi can hear us..

"Sure," I say getting up. I follow him into the hallway shutting the door to her hospital room behind me. "What's going on?"

"I just have some more questions for you." I nod my head then he goes on, "Why exactly didn't Saanvi and you leave in the same car that night? You know, considering you two came together."

He already asked me this, so I say, "I told you. We got into an argument that night."

"Is that why a person I interviewed said you came over sounding very irate grabbing her then demanding you two leave?"

I sigh, "Yeah."

"They also said you had a towel with blood on it wrapped around your hand. What was that about?"

I look at him pursing my lips. That was the wrong night to be acting like that, but I was pissed about Desdemona. I should've walked out of that bathroom acting like nothing happened. "I punched a mirror."

"Hm," he says continuing to write on some little notepad. "What did you and Saanvi argue about that night?"

"Infidelity," I lie.

"Can you elaborate?"

"That night at the event a girl I cheated on her with was there. Saanvi confronted me about it and I brought up the fact I knew she had been cheating as well." I was lying my ass off with the thought that if and when Saanvi wakes up from this coma she won't remember anything from that night.

"So, if you had argued why tell her lets go only for you to leave in two different vehicles? Why not just leave on your own without talking to her? Witnesses say you put her in your Uber then you walked off and got a taxi."

"I thought I wanted to leave together so we could talk about it in private, but I changed my mind at the last minute. I needed space and time to clear my head. Plus, she's still my girl. I wouldn't leave her at an event I brought her to. I wanted to make sure she got home safely because she had been drinking that night," I explain telling lies on lies.

"Alright, that's all I wanna know."

"Am I being investigated or something? You already asked me all this stuff." They probably wanted to see if I would change my story, but I'm stickin' to it.

"Nope," he says with a smile. "Just trying to find answers as to why this happened and who did it. Enjoy the rest of your day." He walks off and I stand there for a second. I sigh then go back into the room.

After leaving the hospital, I head to Brooklyn to my grandmothers apartment. We've been trying to get her to move to a better neighborhood for awhile now, but she's not having it. She rather die here and she even said it. Once I go up, I knock on the door waiting. Soon after the door is being opened by Ares who looks like he just woke up.

I shake my head stepping in saying, "Rise and grind, lazy boy! It's after 10a.m."

"A.m. meaning morning. I prefer to wake up at noon seeing as we work all fucking night to sunrise," he grumbles with an attitude. I can hear his feet in slides scoot across the floor behind me as I walk towards the living room.

"What– Why–" I say looking in confusion at the stripper pole in the middle of my grandmother's living room. I shake my head knowing Ares put it there.

"Why are you here? To see Granny?"

"Why else? I didn't come to see you. Of course. Go get her for me," I say sitting on the couch. He leaves the living room going down the hall as I look at the flat screen tv on the wall playing the news.

Ares comes back saying, "She said she'll be out in a minute," as he sits on the other couch. It's quiet then he says, "Desdemona has been asking about you."

I smack my lips looking at him with a glare. He knew exactly why I wasn't fucking with her, so I didn't even know why he was bringing her up. "And?" I say staring straight forward at the tv screen.

"And? Nigga, it's been nearly a month. Don't you think it's time you talk to her in person? At the end of the day, it's about the business. Fuck all'at other shit. You're partly to blame too. We were taught from youngin's to always wrap it up. You wouldn't even have to be worried if you woulda wore a jimmy, stupid!" I didn't intend on telling anyone about the Desdemona situation cause I don't tell my business, but I did tell Ares. He was the closest person to me, plus I knew he could keep his mouth shut to others.

"It's still the principal of the matter. That's something you tell someone first, condom or not. I don't know why you caping for her just because she got you signed to a modeling agency and making you some money. You're supposed to be on my side. She hoe'd me, period."

"Maybe she did, but you're dragging this shit. Yo ass hasn't even went to go get tested yet after she told you all those weeks ago."

"Cuz I know I ain't got shit. Did a little research. HIV is actually harder to get through sex than people think in comparison to if it's a needle or something. You get it from blood, semen, and vagina juices. It's also harder to get from a woman with the virus. I'm good."

"Shit, you sound for sure. You should still get tested. When ya dick fall off don't say shit to me."

"Alright, then you come with me to the clinic then."

"Fuck no! For them to think I got that shit too? We walk in their together they're going to assume we're a couple with my pretty ass." I shake my head as he adds, "If you're so sure you don't have it, why are you still mad at her?"

"Nigga, what don't you get?! We had unprotected sex and she fucking forgot to tell me she is HIV positive. You telling me you would just be okay with that?" I say as low as possible, so my grandmother can't potentially hear.

He shrugs saying, "You were still wrong for calling her a hoe."

"Man, quit worrying about me. Worry about ya self, especially when you were supposed to break up with Jordy a long ass time ago and you haven't!"

"About that..." he says scratching the back of his neck. I look over at him raising my eyebrow. "She's pregnant."

I do a double take looking at him sideways. "Who?!"

"Jordan. Ain't that who we're talkin' about?"

I put the palm of my hand to my forehead rubbing in a circle. "Are you fucking kidding me, Ares? You talkin' about me wrapping my dick up, but you got someone pregnant. And Jordan of all people. What the fuck bruh?!"

"The shit just happened. She was on birth control, but apparently the shit failed us. I mean, I think Jordan would be a good Mom and she got her own money. Her family is wealthy. I think I lucked up in the baby mama department."

"No, no, the fuck you didn't. It's one thing if you got a chick like Rhea or Athena pregnant, but not Jordan. She doesn't even know what we actually do. What happens when she finds out? Her ass gonna go to the police or keep your child away from you. She's not built to be in this life let alone bringing a child into the equation. Does no one around here think? Apollo had no business having kids his damn self. We do not need children involved into our bullshit ass life."

Ares waves me off. "You stay being dramatic. You're acting like our parents didn't do it. It was a lot worse back in the day. We used to be playing in the other room while they bagged the shit up. We came out fine."

"That's my fucking point. Do I need to outline everything we saw and went through? The police knocking down our door and arresting your Dad. Our Mom being high off her ass not giving a fuck about us. Whether we ate or did our homework. My Dad being killed. I guess I'm the only one who fucking remembers."

"Look, you're trippin'. This isn't even close to the same thing. We're about to get out of the game anyway. My baby is going to be good."

"Alright. You gonna stay with Jordy just because she's having your child? Especially when you've been cheating on her ass." Ares looks off to the side. "Exactly. You really tryna be stuck with her because of a baby?"

"Whatchu tryna say? Me and her already discussed not having the baby because she felt like it would ruin her career. She changed her mind. I can't press the issue or make her do anything she don't wanna do."

"I don't know. I'm not saying all of that. That's not my place to say that anyway. Never mind, I guess it's too late now."

"Yeah, never mind is right. You think you're slick changing the subject off of Desdemona. I don't know why you won't just admit you started having feelings for the woman and she hurt you. You feel played."

I groan running my hand over my low-cut hair. I thought we were off of this topic. "I barely even knew the damn woman if I'm being real. Shit, I really didn't know her once I find out she was HIV positive. How Ima have feelings for her?" I only felt played for letting her get in my head and telling her things I shouldn't have.

"You barely knew her, but you went bare back in her? Makes complete sense. Let me ask this...Face to face or hitting it from the back the whole time?"

"Son, what?" I say looking at him confused.

"Face to face or from the back? Slow and sweet or fast and hard? Love making or fucking? It's not hard to comprehend, my boy."

"Why does it matter?" I ask screwing up my lip. I lick over my bottom lip honestly starting to think back on that night. I tilt my head to the side then look over at Ares who's staring at me with his hand on his face as he stares at me with a creepy smirk.

"You made love to her. You had feelings for her. You feel played. It's okay."

Before I can say anything I hear that Jamaican accent, "Ah dat fi mi Draco?" I look over to see my grandmother emerging from the hallway entrance in her colorful MuuMuu, house shoes, and a bonnet on her head. A slight smile crosses my lips as I get up going over to hug her. After my mother died I was sent to live with her. We were all spread apart because not a single person could take all 4 of us and why should they have to? She quickly became my mother figure. She tried her hardest for me to turn out right, but I have always been hardheaded. "Mi miss yuh. How yuh duh?" She asks looking up at me rubbing my arm.

I respond telling her I'm fine then asking her the same before kissing her on the cheek. My grandmother could have anything she wanted from me, but she was the type to act like she never needed anything. She could care less about money and expensive things because she's had it all and lost it all. Of course she would rather us go down different paths in our lives seeing as her and my grandfather lived the same life, but she also told us if we're going to do it to be the best and be smarter than them.

I've heard many stories about my grandparents; my grandmother included. Most times the kingpins wife was in the house taking care of the kids or spending all of their man's money. My grandmother on the other hand was right there with my grandpa and the other De Carlo men. She would walk up with an ankle length fur coat on with her diamonds around her neck and Prada heels on her feet then pull the pistol out leaving you laid out in broad daylight.

Both her and my grandfather got jail time. She was up for some serious time, but my grandfather took the fall for some of the things she did in order for her to get out earlier. She served 10 years, but by the time she got out her two kids were adults including my father. She said her biggest regret was letting greed and power take her away from her children. To her, raising me was a second chance at motherhood. Too bad I still didn't turn out that great. When I was 13, I swore I was grown and was tired of her telling me what to do. That resulted in me moving in with Apollo who was 19 at the time and rising in the drug world. It had nothing to do with her, but me. She is now 70 living in her little Brooklyn apartment minding her business.

"Yuh want sumting?" She asks as I sit back down and she heads for the kitchen. "Wata?" She offers. I tell her no, so she keeps going. From the living room I could see into the small kitchen as she put a teapot on the stove.

When she comes back sitting on her arm chair I say, "Why won't you let me get you a new place in a better neighborhood? It looks bad that we're living in nice places like Manhattan and New Jersey, but you live here. I can get you a little condominium or something."

"Wah mek yuh ah chat mi bout condoms? Mi don't ave sex. I'm too ole fah dat. Mi pum pum don't tun up." Ares immediately busts out laughing as I chuckle. Even though he had no Jamaican blood he could understand patois after living with my grandmother for a year now and from our Trini family on our mother's side.

"Not condoms, Granny. Condo. It's like a fancier apartment. They have some near my place here in Brooklyn for rent. I can get you one. You'll still be in Brooklyn, but a better block."

"Mi no know bout dat. I'm fine here." Like always it was the same answer. I knew she wasn't going to budge, but I still asked every time. "Yuh can get mi ah ouse in Jamaica."

I nod my head. "I've actually been thinkin' bout that. Like a vacation house for the whole family in Jamaica we can go to whenever we want." When there's a knock on the door we all look. "Somebody supposed to be coming over?" I ask looking at my grandma and Ares.

"Rhea ah bringing de pickney." As she says that Ares gets up to go open the door. He lets Rhea in who has both Ravi and Sól. My grandmother always complained about me and Glock not having any kids yet for her to watch as if being a grandmother to us wasn't enough. Sól and Ravi run over to my grandmother letting her give them kisses. They soon run to me as Rhea greets my grandmother. "Dat a mi gyal," she says as they hug.

My grandmother liked both Rhea and Athena surprisingly considering she doesn't like many females. She says Rhea reminds her of herself, but with more sense. I could see that since Rhea wasn't always the woman who was a mother and a stylist to the stars known for her style and grace. She grew up in the Bronx rough, didn't go to college, and was working at a bar when she met Apollo at 19. I knew Apollo was in love with her when he told her he was a drug dealer and I knew she was in love with him when she stayed and didn't care.

Rhea is quiet and calm, but she'll pop shit. Before the kids she was right there with us helping. She played a big part back when we used to rob niggas. She put truth in the statement don't trust a big butt and a smile. She would bat those lashes making dudes fall at her feet. Before they knew it they were tied up getting all their shit took by us. After the breakup with Apollo and she had her son while Apollo had his daughter, they rewrote the script. No one knew they got back together, let alone got married. There was no more incorporating her in plans. It's been like that since.

"Hey, Draco. I didn't know you were here," she says hugging me. "You've been missing in action lately," she add as she sits on the couch next to me. Ravi wastes no time rushing to me and jumping in my lap. I touch his ginger colored curly hair kissing his cheek. "What were y'all talking about?" She asks as Ares sits back down as well.

"Moving my grandmother from this neighborhood. You know she's stubborn."

"Don't I know it. I've been trying to convince her to move into our house out in Jersey. There's plenty of room for you. And I can get rid of the nanny like she says I should."

"Who lets a stranger watch their chile? For them to do anything to dem like beat or molest dem," my grandmother mumbles.

"All this talk about her moving. If she moves, where Ima go?" Ares chimes in.

"Dude, you grown. It's time you get your own place, especially considering things will be expanding soon..." I say in code as my grandma and Rhea look confused.

"Dere ah nuttin wrong wid dis area. Dey just lick shot sometimes. A nuh nuttin," my grandmother says nonchalantly about the fact there's always some shooting and fighting happening around here. "Mi fear nuh mon or cyattie. Mi used to run di road!" She says hitting her chest making us laugh. "Ef anyone touch mi, murda dem all straight."

I simply nod my head because I most definitely would. I knew that wouldn't happen because our family had too much respect in this community. Everyone knew don't mess with Cedella Lindo on the third floor. Don't disrespect her, if she asks for help you gotta do it, and definitely don't rob her or break into her apartment. She kept a gat in her purse along with her diabetes medication and had grandsons willing to comb the whole city to bury you.

It wasn't before long after my grandmother playing with Sól that she started to ask when I would have some 'pickneys' and get a wife as if I'm not only 23. When she rambles on about why both me and Ares shouldn't date girls from well-off families who are spoiled and uppity, I just listen not saying anything. She had a point. She talked about how she had never met either of our girlfriends because she thinks that they think they're too good. The truth was we just didn't like them enough to let them meet her.

"You need to marry someone like Rhea or Athena. Not a dutty stinking gyal like fi yuh bloodclaat madda," she says harshly talking about our mother. My grandma didn't give a fuck that she was deceased.

My grandmother hated my mother and I'm pretty sure she always did. She feels like her son was killed because of our Mom. Was my mother wrong for sleeping with and having two kids by my father while her husband was in jail knowing he was like his brother? Absolutely. But my father knew what he was getting himself into by sleeping with her too. And maybe Ar'mon took it too far by having my father murdered. They all played a role in it in my eyes.

My grandmother said my mother was a guttersnipe willing to get under whoever, so she could get out of the hood. If you go based off of documentaries, my mother was always in love with my father and it was a love triangle from the start. My father was more soft spoken and humble while Ar'mon was a flashy, loudmouth. Ar'mon knew my father and my mother had some type of connection, but he wooed my mother with expensive gifts and sold her dreams stealing her right from under my father. My mom wanted to get out of her mother's house and the Dominican, fast talker could do that for her and more. She wanted the real deal, not the one just a De Carlo by association. She wanted the high roller.

She married Ar'mon despite still having feelings for my father, Ajax. When Ar'mon got some jail time, my mother was honestly happy. Things hadn't been all that great once she had Apollo. Ar'mon was constantly cheating and too busy chasing money to care about her. Ar'mon practically threw my mother in my father's arms when he told him to watch over her and Apollo. My father felt like he was just taking back what was rightfully his.

Everybody on the outside knew what was going on, but said nothing to Ar'mon. My Mom made Ar'mon think both Glock and I were his by claiming we were conceived during conjugal visits. Everybody could see we were Ajax's children by our eyes. The shape of them. And there was just something different about the way we looked in comparison to Apollo. Eventually Ar'mon figured it out and my father was a dead man walking.

Rhea steered the conversation away from my mother knowing it was a touchy subject. More so for Ares than me. He was so young when our mother died that his memories were deeply rooted in fantasies and not reality. He remembered the good in her, while I only saw the bad. She was a junkie who stopped caring about herself and her children. She was also a victim of a drug that flooded the streets because of her husband and the father of her children. She was a victim to her circumstances something I said I would never become...which turned out to be a lie.

"I have to get going. I have work to do," Rhea says standing up from the couch putting her Chanel purse on her shoulder. "I'll be back later tonight to pick them up. And Cidella, have your overnight bag packed because you're staying over for Thanksgiving, remember?" She reminds my grandmother. Rhea hugs my grandma then says to me, "Can I talk to you real quick?" I nod my head. Ravi fell asleep in my lap, so I pick him up laying him on the couch as gentle as possible then follow Rhea out to the hallway.

"Whats up?" I ask closing my grandmother's apartment door behind me.

"Nothing much. I just want to know what's up with your situation with Desdemona. Everything seemed to be on a good track for your businesses and you quitting like you wanted. The past month it seems to be stagnant. You're nowhere to be found and Desdemona is doing all the work for your businesses. Does this have something to do with Saanvi getting shot? Like what is it? You were doing so good and now I feel like you're back sliding back into the streets, Draco."

I scratch my head sighing. "It's not that."

"Then what is it? You can talk to me and I won't go back and tell Desdemona. I mean, unless she's wasting her time trying to help you."

"I'm not wasting her time. I paid for her services," I say getting an attitude on accident making Rhea stretch her neck back.

"Okay. What's really going on?" A woman passes by us down the hallway giving a stank look most likely towards Rhea in envy. Rhea pauses then says, "Did something happen between you and Desdemona?" I chew on the inside of my cheek saying nothing. "Draco.." she says running her hand through her hair that's loosely curled like always. "What happened exactly? Was it the shooting at her event? Did you get her involved in something you shouldn't have? What?"

"I mean, those are some factors amongst another." Rhea raises her brow and leans in waiting for me to just say it. "We fucked," I say blatantly. Rhea turns her head with wide eyes. I wasn't expecting her to be speechless.

"Wait.." she says holding her hand up. "You had sex with Desdemona Garnet? A 32 year old woman almost worth billions. Desdemona Garnet who's described as classy, sophisticated, high-class, smart and elegant aka boujee, uppity, and uptight? Youuu, who's a thug, street, hood nigga with tattoos all over the place from Brooklyn had sex with her? You?!"

I nearly break my neck giving her a stank look in offense. "Why you say it like that? I didn't know you gotta give resumes and be deemed qualified or unqualified for the job in order to fuck somebody?"

"No offense, but shit, I just thought Desdemona's standards were a little higher than that. You're pretty much a little boy compared to her."

I furrow up my eyebrows. People always wanna say no offense before they offend the fuck outta you. "Rhea, you ain't heard age ain't nothin', but a number? You have because I recall you being older than Apollo, your husband–"

"Skrrt, pump your breaks, sir! I'm only a year older than him. Thank you very much," she says cutting me off.

I ignore her continuing what I'm saying. "Men lie, numbers don't. By that I mean, the numbers added up and they were big," I say looking down towards my crotch.

"Ewww! I don't want to hear that," she says sounding disgusted.

"I'm just saying." I was really just catching an attitude about what she said and had to prove my point. "And since we're talking about this...Desdemona's your girl, right?"

"Yeah. I've known her for more than five years now. We've know each other since the beginning when we both got in the industry. She helped me get celeb clientele to style and I helped her look good."

"Well, that's dandy," I say sarcastically. "Did you know she's HIV positive? Because I sure would've like to have known. You could've given me that heads up since we're family." When I look at Rhea's face to see it has fallen I purse my lips. "You didn't know.."

"No, I didn't fucking know. What the hell?!"

I rub my goatee saying, "Don't tell nobody. I don't think anybody knows and I ain't tryna put her business out there like that. Not with something that serious."

"Wait, how did you find out?"

"She told me after we had sex."

"After? Not before? Who does that?" I nod my head to the side. "Oh hell no! She really put your health at risk like that?! Ima whoop her fucking ass!" Rhea says about to storm off, but I grab her arm stopping her.

I shake my head then say, "Naw, you can't do dat. This isn't some hood shit. You'll go to jail and be sued. I'm not tryna ruin ya friendship with her. You've both had some secrets. Just talk to her like she talked to you about your situation."

"Why are you defending her when she did that to you?" I honestly didn't know why. I just knew Desdemona wasn't a bad person. "Just chill, aiight. Be cool about it if you're going to talk to her about it." Rhea smacks her lips, but nods her head in compliance.

"I'll talk to you later," she says hugging me then leaving. I go back into my grandmother's apartment to see only Ares in the living room.

"Where's granny..the little ones?" I ask going to the living room.

"She went to lay them down for a nap. Ay, what you on for tonight?"

"Working probably."

"Nah, put the work aside. Come with me to Cordelia's birthday party. She asked me to invite you too."

"Cordelia? Desdemona's little sister," I say putting the emphasis on little.

Ares sucks his teeth. "Chill out. We're just cool. Desdemona books most of our shoots, go-see's and meetings together. She's having her 18th birthday party tonight. I really just need to drop off her gift."

"Why does she want me to come? I only met her like twice."

Ares shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe she thought you were coo."

"What I look like going to an 18 year olds birthday party? A bunch of high schoolers and no alcohol. I'm good on that," I say flopping back onto the couch.

"There's food, cake, they're rich so expensive goodie bags, oh, and fine moms. Also, there's this woman who's throwing the party who's going to be there. Her name is Desdemona Garnet. Have you heard of her?" I look up at the ceiling tired of hearing her fucking name. It's not even noon and I've heard it too much in one day.

"I'm not going," I say sternly,

"Nigga, you are. You need to talk to her. Quit acting like a pussy ass bitch. You really acting like a female about this. At the end of the day you paid her 100k. You really going to let that go to waste?" I say nothing. "Exactly. All you have to do is clear the air, finish the business agreement seeing as you signed a contract then go on about your life once it's over." I couldn't lie he had some points.

"Fine," I say dryly as he smiles. I shake my head. My sixth sense was telling me not to go, but my intuition and Ares was telling me I should..

I come out of my bedroom now dressed for my sister, Cordelia's birthday party. I didn't know why I was so excited like it was my birthday. My baby sister was finally 18. Her birthday is actually the day before Thanksgiving, but we decided to have her a small dinner and get together tonight because kids go out of town with their family.

I didn't exactly want to have it at my penthouse, but I didn't really have any other option. Hopefully no one breaks anything. Plus since I live above a hotel, they'll cater the whole thing. That was one less thing to worry about. All I had to do was decorate, get her gifts, and call it a day.

"Cordelia!" I yell walking down the upstairs hallway of my penthouse towards her room. Our rooms were on opposite ends of the second floor, so there's no telling what she's able to get away with. I'm pretty sure she has snuck out or snuck someone in once or twice without me knowing. As I walk you can hear the heels of my thigh high boots click on the tile floors. Finally I see Cordelia come up the couple of steps that lead down to her bedroom...

"Umm," I say walking up to her. "Why this outfit though? It's a little too much cleavage," I say seeing if I can pull it up, but it has no giving room.

Cordelia swats my hand away saying, "I'm 18 now, Des." She steps back then does a twirl stopping with her back to me putting a hand on her hip. "I look good though, right?"

"Ehhh, you look alright," I say not wanting to gas her head up making her think she's grown.

She glances over her shoulder lowering her sunglasses a little. "Don't hate."

"Yeah, don't hate," I hear as Paloma comes up the steps from behind Cordelia. She puts her arm around my sister's shoulder saying, "I helped her pick the outfit."

"Makes sense now," I mumble as Paloma playfully hits me making me laugh. I look at Cordelia again as she now stands face front to me. "I'm just playing. You look absolutely beautiful and I'm proud of the young woman you're becoming. You could've picked a nice, little dinner dress, but this works too."

"Oh, lord. Here comes the emotional speech," she says playfully rolling her eyes.

"No, seriously. I know we weren't that close growing up because of the age gap. I was going off to college before you were even in elementary school. I didn't know how I felt about you coming to live with me, but I think it's the best possible thing that could've happened at this point in my life. Like, look around my life, I don't have many people, so I'm glad we're close now."

She smiles and does a little sniffle making me chuckle. "Awww, hugs!" She says scooting her feet in her heels as she stretches her arms to me. We hug tightly as she says, "I love you. And if it's not clear, you're my favorite in this family."

I chuckle saying, "I love you too." We pull apart then I say, "Oh, I've been talking to the..other woman. Our brother's mother." It felt so weird saying that. At that, Paloma decided it was her cue to leave us alone.

Cordelia furrows her brows saying, "Really? What's his name anyway?"

"Lennox Garnet."

"Are you serious? Really? Dad named him that?" Lennox was a character from the Shakespeare play, MacBeth. My Mom named us all after Shakespeare characters. I didn't even know that was a character because I wasn't that interested in Shakespeare and didn't know the names off hand, especially if they weren't a big role. But looking at these gossip blogs, that was a detail that took the story over the edge. That was an added punch of disrespect.

"He didn't. The mom did. She saw all our names came from Shakespeare and decided to do the same not knowing it was Mom who named us.

"Dad wasn't at the birth to stop her? I hardly believe that," she says putting a hand on her hip.

"He actually wasn't. Lennox was born the day of my high school graduation. Turns out Dad picked me over his newborn child," I said feeling bad. Now that I think about it, after my graduation my Dad gave me my gift which was a new car then he left. He didn't even stay for dinner. He said he had a business trip then he rushed out. I was used to it, so I didn't think anything of it.

I just felt bad this boy was born into this situation. A serial cheater for a Daddy and a mistress, home wrecker for a mother seeing as the woman knew my father was married. I will give her the fact my Dad lied to her saying he would leave my mother, but he never did. She should've known by the tenth year he wasn't going to. I always wondered why my Dad never left my Mom, so he could just be single.

"And Mom hasn't killed him yet? I would've gutted him like a fish," Cordelia says angrily. "Did she at least file for divorce or separation." I just shake my head in disappointment. "What?! What will it take for Mom to leave his ass?!"

"I don't know. Cordelia, I know this isn't easy. Not on her or us." If I was my Mom I would divorce him and take him for everything he's worth, which is a lot. "I was talking to her the other day and she says she still wants us to have a relationship with our brother and I agree. I talked to the Mom and she said he could come visit us here in New York during Christmas break. I've been trying to get in contact with Miranda, so maybe she can come and meet him too."

"She texted me an early Happy Birthday and said she sent my gift in the mail. I tried to FaceTime her, but no answer."

"At least you could. She has my number blocked and she blocked me on all social media."

"What is the problem? What did you do to her?"

"Nothing that I know of. Can you just try to contact her and see if she wants to meet him?"

Cordelia nods her head then I hear, "Mona, Delia!" I turn around to see Paloma coming down the hallway. "Pretty much everyone is here. I think it's time for her entrance."

"Is the DJ setup and ready?" I ask.

"Ready to go and play her entrance song."

"Okay, let's go down the elevator," I say to Paloma. "Wait until you hear music before you start coming down the stairs."

"I got this," Cordelia says waving me off. Me and Paloma go get on the elevator to go downstairs. We walk down the downstairs hallway towards the foyer where a group has gathered by the stairs waiting on Cordelia to come down. The stairs are lit up and I changed the settings where they change colors once someone steps on the tread instead of the usual yellow lights. I wave to a couple of her friends mom's that I've met. There were about 40 teenagers here. I was trying to figure out how she made so many friends this fast because she hasn't been living in NY that long. She hasn't even been living here a year.

When the music starts and I hear, "One time for the birthday bitch." I look at the DJ like I just saw a ghost. This was not the song I picked.

"Ayyy!" All the kids yelled doing little dances. I immediately look at the few adults who are here, but most are unphased. That's when I remembered she doesn't go to a private school with wealthy kids anymore, so they're not so uptight.

"This isn't what I picked," I grumble as Cordelia finally makes the turn on the stairs. She stops on the landing as everyone claps.

"Girl, I know. I wasn't about to have my sis coming out to that corny shit you picked. Katy Perry, girl? Really?" Paloma says clapping and dancing. She leans on me pushing her shoulder into me still dancing. I look at Cordelia who's making the most of her grand entrance by posing. She twirls her little fur scarf dancing a little. Before I knew it I was giving in just laughing.

Fuck it up if it's your Birthday bitch
If you a bad bitch & it's your birthday
G'on head and fuck it up in the worst way

I shake my head putting my hand on my forehead when she drops it low into a squat like she's Lil Kim. She sticks her tongue out as she raises back up putting her hands on her knees doing a little booty pop before standing up straight. "Oh my gosh," I say looking in disbelief. She finally comes all the way down the stairs as the DJ starts talking over the mic.

I glare at a couple of the teenage boys who are eyeing her down like she's a piece of meat while she hugs and greets her female friends. "I'm going to go check on the food. Move everyone to either one of the living rooms," I say to Paloma. She nods her head then I walk through the dining room to my kitchen where the hotel staff is busy working. I ask the one in charge of cooking, "How is everything coming?" I usually have my personal chef, Geraldo for stuff like this, but he's out of town.

"Everything is coming along great. We should be done and ready for you guys to eat in 30 minutes." I nod my head because that was enough time for everyone who isn't here to arrive. I walk back through the dining room seeing someone is on the elevator by the light above the doors. The doors open then I see Rhea step off holding a big box that's wrapped with a bow on it.

I go up to her greeting her as she smiles at me. We hug then she says, "I just came to give Cordelia her gift and say Happy Birthday. I have to pick my kids up from their grandmothers."

"Oh, no problem. I can take you to the gift table and the birthday girl." I lead the way as Rhea follows behind me. I show her into the formal dining room that has a table for the cake and one for the gifts. The table was already piled with gifts, so she finds a spot. I then show her to the living room where everyone is. As she goes to talk to Cordelia I check on a couple of people, which included telling some boy to quit touching a sculpture before he breaks my shit.

As I walked away from him, I felt my arm being grabbed. I turn around to see Rhea. "Can we talk in private?" I nod my head wondering what this is about. I take her to my wine cellar because it's the only nearby room that's empty. "You might wanna shut the door so no one can hear," she says making me raise my eyebrow. I backtrack a couple of steps then close the door.

The room had a wall of different wine bottles ceiling to floor, a bar, a small dining table, and a chandelier. It wasn't a big room. I pull the curtains back just so it doesn't feel so closed in as Rhea sits her Chanel purse on the table standing next to it. "Can I offer you some wine since we're in here?" I say chuckling nervously because she looked so serious.

"No, I'm good. I'm just trying to figure out what to say to you. I want to be a concerned friend and not sound bitchy, but I am upset. I'm pissed actually.."

"About?" I ask looking at her in concern.

"Draco told me something very...What's the right word? Serious..today." I cross my arms over my chest as my heart beats fast wondering what she's going to say. "Do you have HIV?"

I sigh knowing that's what she's going to say. I lick over my teeth as I look off to the side towards the window. It's dark outside and you can only see the view of other buildings. "He told you that.."

"Yeah, so is it true?"

"Yeah," I finally say tapping my foot. I look over at Rhea as she looks at me with furrowed brows.

"Wow, I don't even know what to think. I want to be a good friend and ask is everything okay, but then I don't. How good of friends are we if you couldn't tell me? You complain about me keeping secrets when it comes to my marriage and kids, yet you have a secret just as big. Maybe even bigger!"

"Look, no one really knows. People you call friends aren't really friends because they'll sell you out in a minute. I didn't want my business to end up on blogs, magazines, or TMZ. I didn't know who to trust with that information, so I limited it to my sister and Paloma."

"I guess you also limited it to not telling people you have sex with," she says with attitude laced in her voice as she makes steps towards me. This was the side of Rhea I was talking about that people didn't want to mess with. She stops a couple of inches in front of me looking up at me. Even though we're both wearing heels, I'm taller than her altogether. "Draco told me not to lay my hands on you, so I won't. Just know you're a fucked up person. You don't do that type of shit. I guess you're lucky. Pussy must've been too good and it saved you from an ass whooping."

She grabs her purse putting it back on her shoulder as she stared me down. "I'm starting to wonder if we're really even friends.." she says before walking around me.

"Rhea," I call after her. She ignores me continuing to leave the room. I stand in my wine cellar alone taking a deep sigh.

I didn't know why, but I just started crying. This is exactly why I didn't want people to know my status in the first place. If this was a small taste of people knowing then I never wanted to tell anyone else. Maybe things would be different if I just came out and said it in the beginning, but would it really be? It seemed like everyone had a problem with finding out as if this shit is so easy to tell people, let alone have it.

I get myself together then leave the wine cellar going back to the living room. Because Cordelia's party is Instagram themed she had photo booths and backdrops to take pictures all along one wall. Teens were either taking pictures or dancing. I made all the adults go to the other living room, so they wouldn't feel suffocated.

Some may say this is boring for a teen with wealthy parents, but I had to downscale it. My Dad wasn't with shelling out big money for her 18th birthday party after she told him, she's not going to college. Plus, Cordelia had a huge Sweet 16 party that cost a pretty penny. She was still getting a very expensive gift, so she couldn't really complain.

When I see Paloma coming into the room heading straight for me like a bat out of hell I furrow my eyebrows. She stops in front of me practically whispering, "Draco is here." I can hear the urgency in her voice because I told her what happened between him and I. I haven't seen or talked to him in so long, I figured I never would again. I don't know why because we did have a contract and I did invest in his clothing line.

My heart was beating so fast you would've thought I just got done running a marathon. "What is he doing here?"

"Apparently your sister invited him and his brother." Before I can even utter a word Ares and Draco are walking into the living room. It was like I was glued to the floor. I was stuck as I just looked at Draco who hadn't even noticed me yet.

The last time I saw him he had fire in his eyes. That whole night was a complete mess. Me telling Draco about my status then Saanvi and her driver getting shot in the hotel parking lot. I knew Draco had some crazy shit going on, but I never expected that to happen. Someone died that night and Saanvi is in the hospital in a coma according to the news.

Not only was I scared to be around Draco because the last time I saw him he was swinging inches away from my head punching a mirror, but that. In my mind Draco was selling a little weed or something because he had no other options being from a bad environment. I was clearly delusional. There was nothing little about what he was doing. I had a feeling he was involved in some serious shit if they're shooting innocent people in front of 5-star hotels in Times Square. I was starting to realize Draco wasn't that good of a guy despite me convincing myself that he was.

I watch as Ares hugs Cordelia and Draco stands there holding a gift bag. "What do you want to do?" Paloma asks me making me finally look back at her. "You want me to ask them to leave?"

"No, it's Cordelia's party and if she invited them so be it. I'm sure it'll be fine." I was hoping it would be. "Just let everyone know it's time to eat while I go check on the catering staff." Paloma nods her head as we go our separate ways.

I tried to walk past Cordelia who was talking to Ares and Draco without being seen, but I'm not invisible. "Des!" Cordelia calls making me stop in my tracks. I should've pretended not to hear her in this loud room, but my dumb self didn't.

"Hm," I say turning towards her. I look at her then at Ares who has his arm around her shoulder then Draco who's standing next to him. When me and Draco's eyes meet, I immediately look away. I couldn't help how awkward I was being.

"Look who came," she says with a smile. I wasn't stupid when it came to the fact Cordelia has been talking to Ares on the low. She's 18 now, so what can I do? I just didn't get why she invited Draco too. She barely knows him.

"I see." Ares smiles at me as Draco looked uninterested. I'm pretty sure they were waiting for me to say hello or something, but I never did. I just stood there nervously.

"Ohhhkay. Awkward," Ares whispers. Indeed it is. "We just came through to see the birthday girl, Corrie." I smile glancing over at Cordelia who looks away from me. They were close enough for little nicknames? I arch my brow as Ares moved his arm from around Cordelia clearing his throat.

"That was nice of you. Well, we're about to eat dinner, so if you want to stay you're welcome to."

"Coo," Ares says smoothly.

"Excuse me," I say excusing myself before quickly walking away. As soon as I'm a decent distance away I let out the breath I was holding in. Why in the hell did I just invite them to stay? I think to myself as I walk into my kitchen.

After eating dinner everyone is gathered around Cordelia and the cake. I stand on the other side of the table lighting the candles of the three tier cake that I had made for her. We all sing happy birthday to her as she waves her hands like a music conductor. "Make a wish!" I say once we're done. She leans over the cake with her eyes closed then she blows the sparkler candles out. "You ready to open your gifts?" I ask her as she lights up in a smile.

"Of course I am." I decide to hand her two of the presents I got her first. She pulls a chair from the dining room table then sits down placing the gifts in her lap. I watch as she rips the wrapping paper off of the first box as it reveals a Christian Louboutin box. She looks up at me smiling then lifts the top of the box off seeing the pair of black So Kate heels.

She relishes over them for a second then I say, "Open the other box." She moves the shoes to the side then takes the wrapping off of the next box. She pulls out the Chanel boy bag holding it up like Rafiki held Simba up in The Lion King. I laugh as she lowers it and it holds it to her chest hugging it. I smile seeing her so happy. On my 18th birthday our Mom bought me my first pair of Red Bottoms and a classic Chanel handbag saying they're essential to being a woman. Since my Mom isn't here, I thought I'd get it for her instead. Maybe now Cordelia will stop taking mine to stunt.

I lean into Paloma who's standing next to me whispering, "Keep passing her gifts. I'll be back."

I sneak away while she's opening a gift from her friend going to the kitchen. The crew that catered the dinner is still cleaning my kitchen as I go over to my house phone that's hanging on the wall. I dial the number for valet downstairs and when a man answers I say, "Hey, this is Desdemona Garnet. In about ten minutes can you pull the Bentley Continental GT in my parking space to the front? Put the bow in the backseat on the hood as well."

"No problem, ma'am," the man responds.

"Thank you," I say hanging up the phone. When I turn around I'm nearly scared to death when I see Draco standing in front of me. I hold my chest trying to catch my breath saying, "You scared the hell out of me."

"Sorry." He pauses as I look at him wondering why he's in here. "Can we talk?" He finally says. I look back towards the formal dining room where everyone is. Cordelia had a lot of gifts, so it should take awhile giving us some time to talk.

"Um, sure." I nod my head for him to follow as we go through the other door that goes out to the informal dining room where we actually eat often. I decide to go down the hall to a room with a door instead of the living room because I didn't know how this conversation would go. I also picked a room that's sound proof. I was just hoping this doesn't go like last time we talked..yelling and arguing. I push the door open for my in-home theatre walking in...

I look around making sure no teenagers snuck off and are in here making out or something. I sit in the middle seat as Draco shuts the door behind him sitting on the corner chair. "What's up?" I say looking down as I smooth my hand over the pink seat too scared to even look at him.

"Just thought it was about time we talk.."

"Yeah, it has been almost a month," I say looking over at him. "I meant it when I said it last time. I am sorry. I never should've let things go that far."

"It's coo. I know you didn't do the shit on purpose. Just got caught up in the moment. We let the lust get the best of us."

"Did you get tested?" I ask. I was assuming they came back negative if he was finally talking to me and being so calm.

"Iiiii–" he drags out before pausing. "I haven't exactly gone to go get tested yet."

I furrow my eyebrows looking at him like he's crazy. "Draco, it's been nearly a month. You could've had your results back by now. The longer you wait, the worse. You need to go get tested."

He shrugs. "I know I don't have nothin'."

"People with that attitude end up having something. Just get tested, so you know for a fact you don't have anything. If you're too scared or embarrassed to go to the clinic you can get tested by my HIV/AIDS counselor. She does tests in her apartment, so it's confidential and she gets the results back fast. The same exact tests as the clinics. I'll take you to her if I have to."

"Fine," he utters scratching his head.

"Fine," I repeat. "I'll make you an appointment and we can go together. I'm sorry I even put you in a situation like this–"

"It's good. Quit saying sorry." It gets quiet then he goes on, "I really wanted to talk to you more on a business tip. I needed some time to cool off, but we're still business partners. I paid you and I'm still owed services on top of you investing in my clothing line. Things have been on pause with that, but I'm ready to get it rollin' again."

"That's good to know," I say sighing. I don't know why I was slightly sad. Business was the only reason he should still want to talk to me after what I did, but I just thought it would be..different."

"I setup an audition to find models for my clothing line photoshoot. I was wondering if you wanted to come. I just need someone with some experience there. Someone to help me know what to look for."

"Just tell me when and I'll be there." I pick a string that's on my high waisted shorts off of them. It's weirdly quiet and when I look up Draco is just looking at me. "What?" I ask as he shakes his head.

"Nothing. Well, I mean something...A lot of things." I wanted to ask what, but I just kept quiet too uneasy to speak. "You know how we can get back on the same page?"

"How?" I ask looking at him.

"We can put this behind us if you do something for me.."

"By doing what?"

"Me and my brothers give turkeys out every year in Brooklyn before Thanksgiving. I want you to come help us. Bring some turkeys and give them out. Also, you can donate some money to our community center." I look at him slightly surprised that they gave back when what they do can be looked at as destroying the community.

"Okay," I say shrugging a little. "I can have some of my employees from my charity come help and I'll donate $5,000."


I finally look over at him saying, "And Draco, let's just move on."

"Move on from what? From having sex?" I nod my head and he starts laughing. "So you just want to act like it never happened?"

I nod my head again saying, "It's for the best. That's the only way we can continue to have a successful business relationship. You're with Saanvi and I'm with Jacobi."

He chuckles again then says, "I thought we went over this before we– I'm not with Saanvi forreal and you're not in a relationship with Jacobi."

I bite my bottom lip then say, "But I am. I'm in a relationship with Jacobi now. You may not be with Saanvi, but y'all have something and the girl is laid up in a hospital bed. What we did wasn't right. It was a mistake. Like you said, we let the lust get the best of us. We need to keep it strictly business."

Me and Jacobi getting into a relationship happened relatively fast to some. If someone wants to commit to you when no one else will, you don't turn it down. Jacobi is what I've been looking for for a long time.

"Strictly business?" He says laughing under his breath. "Sounds familiar," he mumbles. He rubs his chin hair then turns towards me just staring at me. I honestly couldn't read any of the looks he has been giving me since he got here. Him just giving me glances at the dinner table was mind fucking me. He could just look at me and it felt like I could feel every stroke from that night. "Aiight," he says standing up.

"I know you were mad before. I know it's not going to be the same. I know continuing to build a friendship is out of the question now, but I hope we can just be cordial. You know?"

"Yup, it was a mistake. Let's just forget allll about it," he repeats with this flat yet sarcastic tone. A smile spreads across his face then he motions towards the door. "Ladies first." I breathe out heavily then get up from the seat. I walk past him going out of the door first.

When I make it down the hall seeing Paloma by the elevators she says, "Girl, you know how hard it is to get 40 kids downstairs with only one elevator?"

"Where is Cordelia?" I ask as Draco walks by.

Paloma glances at him then says, "On this elevator going down now. I told them not to let her go outside until you get down there."

Before I can say anything Draco is coming up to us asking, "Where's my brother, Ares?"

"Elevator going down," Paloma says to answer his question. Draco huffs and stands there as Paloma looks at me with wide eyes knowing that we finally talked. I knew she wanted to know every detail, but there wasn't much to tell.

When the elevator comes back up the three of us get on going down to the lobby. I spot Cordelia then grab her putting on a smile. Tonight was about her and not my problems with Draco or anyone else. "You ready for your last gift? It's outside." Everyone knows there's only one possible gift that's outside. A car, of course.

I show her outside pushing through the crowd of teenagers that talked loudly. "Happy Birthday!" I say standing her in front of her new car, which is a Bentley Continental GT.

She screams jumping in my arms hugging me. Even though my Dad was pissed about her not going to college he was still willing to give me at least half of the money to get her this. He matched my $100,000 so I could buy her a car. Cordelia had her license and a car back in Florida, but when she moved out here that was something she had to leave behind. She's not perfect, but she's also a teenager. In my eyes she deserved something after the way my Dad belittled her.

I get the keys from the valet guy handing them over to Cordelia. "Thank you! I love you so much!" She says kissing my cheek multiple times. She runs over getting into the drivers seat as I smile.

I glance over at Draco who's standing next to his brother, Ares. Our eyes connect, but we both look away. My sixth sense was telling me I could be making the wrong decision, but I had convinced myself that I wasn't...

Draco & Saanvi in the mm. Comment / Vote.

Lol at y'all wondering if I would take a long time to update bcuz it said season finale. This story is so easy for me to write, so no long break😏

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