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Season 2: Finale

- Chapter 26 -
Make a Toast

I stand in the bathroom of my Brooklyn condo getting dressed. Tonight is the night. This is what I had been working so hard for the past couple of months and it was finally here. Tonight is not just New Year's Eve, but also the fashion show for my clothing lines. Then when the clock hits midnight to mark the start of 2018, both websites will launch for Lindo and Hood Rich Attire to be available for purchase online.

They won't be sold in stores for two more weeks, but this was still big. If we sell a decent amount online that means we're on the road to something good...great. I was definitely nervous because I didn't want anything to go wrong tonight. I didn't want any wardrobe malfunctions, problems with models or the venue, or technical difficulties. I wanted it to be smooth sailing considering the guest list was loaded and a lot of people including celebrities would be in attendance tonight.

This wasn't the only obstacle I had to tackle tonight. Tonight was the night I finally get Mr. Ambani off of my back. It meant people would get hurt, but it's the price I have to pay for freedom. Once I do this, it's a wrap. No more looking over my shoulder or worrying about the fact I owe him money.

I wouldn't be completely done with the drug game though. This was just a stepping stone to reaching the gate with a new life on the other side. Once Ambani and all his people are dead, my crew will take over for him. The De Carlo's will become the source who supplies the drugs to all of Ambani's clients. We've always been the sellers under somebody, but now it's time to be the distributor. Ambani was our international connect, but now we'll be everyone else's connect. That way we'll make double the profit, so we can walk away for good with more money.

My only problem is Apollo. Since Christmas night I haven't talked to any of my brothers. I didn't need them talking me out of it, changing my mind, or wanting to be involved when it comes to killing Ambani. I was going to prove them wrong, especially Apollo. I got us into this bullshit, so it's my job to get us out.

After tucking my black polo into my pants I grab a Louis Vuitton belt pulling it through the loops. I look in the mirror at myself as if something was just going to jump out and make me see what's special about me. My mom always use to say, "You're special..I hope you know that. My star child, star boy." I never understood it. There's nothing extraordinarily different about me in comparison to Ares, Glock, or Apollo. We all do the same thing. We all have the same blood running through our veins.

I put my chain around my neck adjusting the buttons on my polo so it sits right. I'm still getting used to this having to dress up thing. I know it's my night, but this was the most they're getting. I'm not wearing a three piece suit and Stacy Adams to appeal to the rich or white people. We weren't like the drugs dealers in the movies and tv shows. We weren't wearing designer suits to make it seem like we're more important than we really are. What you see is what you get. From the street wear to the tattoos, we are who we are.

Until I was completely out I would still be Draco De Carlo the drug dealer. Eventually I'll be Draco Lindo the entrepreneur who's the CEO of a record label and clothing line designer. They just seemed to be two entirely different people. Different last name, career, job title, goals, and way different dreams.

I grab the Rolex watch Desdemona gave me at my first photoshoot with her when we barely even knew a thing about each other. I look at the black face then flip it over realizing for the first time something is engraved on the back. "Time is money," I read aloud. I immediately chuckle because I can hear her voice now saying it. I put it on my wrist then look at the time.

I needed to hurry up because the car that's taking me to the venue arrived 5 minutes ago and is waiting outside of my building. I hurry up and put on my shoes and a jacket for the cold weather, grab my phone, and keys then leave my condo.

When I get outside I see a Chevrolet Suburban waiting for me. The driver didn't even bother to get out to open the door for me and I didn't care because I already kept him waiting. When I get it in he greets me then asks, "Where are you headed to?"

"Midtown Manhattan. 157 West 57th street," I say moving all the way over by the window settling into the leather seat. He puts the address into the GPS then pulls off. It's quiet except for the music playing on the radio when my phone starts ringing. I raise it up seeing it's Diamonté. I slide to answer then put my phone to my ear saying, "Wassup!"

"Happy New Year!" She squeals making me smile. "Well, we still have a couple of hours until the ball drops, but you get the point. I'm so excited for you. Fashion show and your clothing is dropping all in one night. I'm so proud. I wish I could be there," I can hear the pout through the receiver at the fact she's in California and not here.

"It's coo. You calling is all that matters. You deserve some time with your family with all the hard work you've been putting in for your EP. Take all the time you need and come back to New York when you're ready," I say looking out of the window.

This was a weird position for me. I've never been stuck between two women. I don't even want to say I'm stuck – I'm in and out of two different women's beds, I guess. I've never been the player type, none of that. I have a friendship and business relationship with both Diamonté and Desdemona. I don't want to mess either of those up.

I was just glad Diamonté wasn't showing signs of being overly attached and jumping the gun. She wasn't giving signs that she assumed we would be together because we slept with each other one time. From the vibes she's been giving off we're just two friends that fucked. It didn't need to be discussed or made deeper than it was. It was probably never going to happen again, it was one night.

"Well, I just wanted to say good luck tonight. You deserve everything you're getting. Everything we talked about is coming true." I bite my lip thinking about everything I did to get to this point.

"It is, huh?" I sigh then I chuckle when I think of a memory from back in the day with me and Diamonté.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Remember the first time you rapped in front of me? How that shit go? The black Selena, pullin' up in a black beamer. Black & Filipina, I'ma rapper not a singa," I recite the rap busting out laughing.

"Alpacina to these cheenas. Yeah, they feen for that white kilo like white girls to cappuccinos," she goes on. "Why do you remember that?" She says laughing making me shrug as if she can see me.

"I just do. You were so serious too. With the gun fingers and all. Thought you were a G."

"I am a G." I can just see her popping her collar now. "I lowkey had bars, don't lie."

"Ehhh, you were doing a little somethin'. Your pen game is better now. That's why I signed you. Ay, Diamonté..."

"Yeah?" She says to show she's listening.

"Don't ever change. Always be that girl I met in The Bay..."

It's like I could hear her smile. "I won't. You don't change either when you're a big time entrepreneur making the Forbes List with guap like Diddy or Jay-Z." She pauses as I chuckle. "And Dray, after tonight you don't have to worry again. Don't regret it because it had to be done," I know she's talking about Ambani now.

I sigh. "I know. When you get back to NY, I got a surprise for you."

"Surprise? For me? You might as well tell me what it is now."

"Nope, you gotta wait. It's a thank you for helping me with this little problem."

"I told you it's no biggie, but I like surprises so I'll take it."

I laugh. "Aiight, I gotta go. See you when you get back." We hang up then I drop my phone into my lap thinking. I was just hoping when she gets back it isn't weird and we can just be two friends like we always have been. I damn sure don't want to hurt her feelings.

The car stops and I look out of the window seeing we're in front of Desdemona's building, One57. It's a skyscraper that shoots into the sky for a thousand feet. At one point it was one of the tallest residential buildings in the city. It was dubbed the "the billionaire building" and you had to have serious bank to live here.

I pull my phone out calling Desdemona to let her know I'm here. When the driver's about to get out of the car to open the door whenever she gets out here I stop him by saying, "I got it." He nods his head relaxing back in the driver's seat as I get out. I lean against the car sticking my hands in the pockets of my jacket to warm them up. It's so cold you can see my breath. I was just glad it didn't snow today.

I watch a white couple go into the entrance of the building. The man stops to hold the door open for someone who's coming out and that's when I see it's Desdemona. She thanks the man as I look at her from head to toe. She wears a black coat that goes to her mid calf over whatever her outfit is, open toe heels, and her hair is in a slicked back, curly ponytail as she holds a small clutch in her hand.

When I look back up at her face she's smiling. She rushes over to me engulfing me in a hug. "You did it. Today's the day," she says with excitement laced in her voice. I wrap my arms around her waist as we hug. It seemed like everyone was more excited than me. I was excited too, but I just didn't outwardly show it.

"We did it," I correct her as we pull apart. "I wouldn't have been able to do any of this shit without you. Not in a couple of months. You work fast."

"I told you I get the job done. I hope your satisfied with my work. Was the $100,000 worth it?"

"Dropping that bag was nothing. You're worth more than that, to be honest."

"Don't say that or I might send you the invoice for more money," she says jokingly. "I'm so proud," she says hugging me again. "My star boy!" I furrow my eyebrows thinking of my mother.

"Star boy? Where'd you get that from?" I ask pulling away from her to look at her.

"Yeah, you're a star," she says motioning her hand across the sky. She looks up where stars twinkle in the sky along with the city lights from tall buildings. "Somewhere up there is the Draco constellation and that represents you. You're a star. It's time you realize that," she says shaking my shoulders giggling.

I stare into the sky looking at each shiny dot wishing I could capture each one. "My mother used to call me that... Star boy. I get it now. She called me that because my name Draco comes from the constellation and constellations are made from a group of stars. A group though...I'm only one person though."

"Maybe because you can't do it alone?" Desdemona says shrugging. "You need a team, friends..family," she says nudging me because I told her what happened on Christmas.

"You're right, but a persons team can also be their downfall, especially family. You know that firsthand when you've dealt with people like the ones in my family. Everybody's out for self. At this point I'm out for self as well. I have to start thinking about myself."

When I hear Desdemona sniffle I realize we've been standing out in the cold when we need to be in the car on the way to the fashion show. "Don't dwell on that tonight. It's all about your accomplishments," she says as I open the car door for her. She leans up kissing my cheek then gets in the car. I shut the door behind her then walk around getting in on the other side. I give the driver the address to the venue then he pulls off.

"How was your week with your brother?" I ask Desdemona for conversation.

"It was good. He's really smart, nice, and funny. He had me rolling." I could tell that was a genuine happiness she had talking about him. "He's supposed to be coming back to spend his Spring Break with me. He seems like a good kid with his head on his shoulders. The only problem is my Dad and his Mom."

"Why do you say that?"

"After his Mom went to the media my Dad cut the Mom off financially, which is cutting my brother off financially. She needs the tuition money for the spring semester of Lennox's school year, but my Dad refuses to pay because she outed his secret child causing problems in his marriage. My Dad just needs to take responsibility. He should've told my Mom a decade ago and she would've never had anything to tell. I don't know if I should give her the money or not."

"How much is the tuition?"


I bug my eyes looking at her like she's crazy. "That for high school? That's college tuition."

"It's the cost wealthy people pay for the best schools. $40,000 and up a year is nothing if it ensures them going to a good college or getting a good job. I went to a private school that cost the same or more."

"Naw, he's just gonna have to take his ass to free, public school until they solve this money thing in court. You don't know what she's going to do with that money. Does she work?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't make enough to pay that all at once. She used to be my Dad's secretary when I was in high school. I remember seeing her when I would go to his office. I was a teen and she had to be in her twenties. She was really young from what I remember. She can't be that much older than me."

"Damn, the secretary fucking the boss situation," I say shaking my head.

"I know this sounds like a weird question...But how is it you and Glock have the same father while Apollo and Ares have the same father? Seeing as Apollo is the oldest, Ares is the youngest, and y'all are the middle kids."

"My Mom was married to Apollo's father and had him. He got locked up for some years and she cheated on him with his adopted brother, my Dad. Apollo's Dad got out of jail for a bit and she got pregnant with Ares."

"So, Apollo's Dad forgave her for cheating and having two kids with someone else?"

"I wouldn't say forgave." More like killed, I thought to myself. "He let it go once he knew she was done with my Dad for good. Plus, Apollo's Pops stayed cheating on my Mom. They had a fucked up relationship. Toxic."

"I just don't get it.." Desdemona says shaking her head. "How can anyone stay with someone they know is so unloyal and unfaithful? It's one thing to cheat once and be forgiving, but having kids on someone is just unforgivable. If I was my Mom I would've left my Dad with no hesitation."

"Some people are just different. They don't know their self-worth. Yes, marriage is sacred and you have to work hard at it. At the same time people use the excuse of marriage for the reason they should continue to get mistreated. Just because you're married with kids doesn't mean you should get cheated on and stay. It was a mistake, nobody's perfect," I say sarcastically. "Bullshit to me. I would never want a relationship like the one I saw my mother endure when I was growing up."

"Me either," Desdemona says agreeing as it grows quiet.

"Since we're talking about loyalty and fidelity...Jacobi..." I say making her groan.

She basically ignores me not responding to my statement. She begins taking off her jacket saying, "When we get there I'll get out first then you get out. We don't want them thinking we came together then it's all in the blogs, yadda yadda."

"But we are coming together?" I ask looking at her like she's dumb.

"But they don't need to know that. Not until I break up with Jacobi. If I even just walk down the carpet with you or take a picture with you they'll say we're together." She sits her jacket in the middle spot and for the first time I can see the dress she's wearing tonight.

"Damn," I mumble almost forgetting what we're talking about. She's wearing a sleeveless dress that only had ties going up the sides letting sideboob, thigh, and leg be on clear display. I stop staring at her saying, "Remind me again why you can't breakup with Jacobi?"

"I told you. I didn't make him sign a nondisclosure agreement about my status. I can't just break his heart after making him all these promises. That's the fastest way to make him run to the media out of spite. I need to ease out of the relationship. I at least need to finish helping him build his photography career, so he'll be less mad at the breakup. Then I'll do it."

"Why not just make him sign an NDA now saying you make anyone you seriously date sign one? He didn't know that's what you usually do in the beginning, so it won't seem out of the ordinary or random. Now he thinks the relationship is serious. It's in place. You start acting like the relationship isn't working then just breakup with him. Done."

"No," she says immediately shooting my idea down. "They're both going to take a while. It's not something I can do in one day. Just be patient. I thought we said we weren't rushing things anyway. We're not jumping into a relationship, we're dating and exploring one another."

"Basically you want me to keep fucking you while you go to events with this weak ass nigga and parade him around.." I say glaring at her.

"Seriously, can we not do this tonight? Can we not argue? You showed up at my house drunk on Christmas and I finally told you what you wanted to hear. I told you the truth. I have feelings for you and now we're working on that. Can we just stick to the plan of taking things slow? I just happen to have a boyfriend who really doesn't matter. At this point I'm just trying to protect myself and my brand. Okay?" I don't even respond. I just look out of the window. "Okayy. Did you take that necklace I gave you to see if it's real or not?"

"Yup, and it's fake. Tester didn't beep on not one of those stones in that necklace. Where'd you get that cheap ass necklace from anyway?"

When it's quiet because she hasn't said anything I look at her. "Jacobi," she says between tight lips as if she didn't want to tell me that. I immediately bust out laughing. "That's why I didn't want to tell you."

"He's a clown for that," I say still laughing. "That wasn't even good Cubic Zirconia that lasts awhile for the good fake it 'til you make it show. That was the shit that'll start turning colors after one shower. He's gotta do better."

"Not everyone can afford a $30,000 ring," she says flashing the ring I bought her that's on her right hand.

"Then he shouldn't have bought you jewelry, period. He coulda bought you a purse, shoes, a damn dress from Rainbow, something. My nigga is a dub for that. He deserves for you to not only breakup with him, but just show up on my arm like look at my new nigga who can afford REAL diamonds! Blindside his ass."

Desdemona laughs. "You can be so petty sometimes." The car comes to a stop and I see we're at the venue in East Midtown. By all the people standing outside you wouldn't even think it's below 20 degrees.

"Don't you think it's a little cold to be going outside without your jacket," I ask as she fixes herself in preparation to get out.

"It ruins the outfit. I've done this a million times. Walk down the carpet, take pictures for a couple of minutes then rush inside. If you do it right, you won't even shiver once."

"Alright, when you get sick don't say shit to me," I say as she opens the door getting out. If I was on my petty shit tonight, I would hop out right beside her and let all those blogs get pictures, so they can spread rumors that get back to Jacobi. I watch her walk down the carpet from inside the car. I see someone else walk down it behind her, so I decided I can get out now. "Come back after one a.m. or I'll call you," I tell the driver. He nods his head then I get out of the car next.

Flash from cameras nearly blind me as people in the crowd yell. Most of the people in the crowd are from different media outlets like blogs, magazines, and websites. They were going to be the ones to spread the word. I don't think some people realize how important they are. They can make or break people if they say something negative. I was hoping they all gave me and my clothing lines a good review.

"Can we ask you a couple of questions, Draco?" When I hear my name I look at the lady confused. She stands on the side holding a mic with a man holding a camera behind her. I look around seeing Desdemona talking to another woman who has a mic. It came natural to her. For a minute I was trying to figure out how this lady knows my name then I realize this is my fashion show. I see Desdemona walk off going to the backdrop where the important people are getting their pictures taken. The step and repeat banner is custom with my signature and the logos for all my businesses on it. Desdemona poses with poise not even phased by the bright lights, the cold weather, or people yelling at her to do certain poses.

I turn back to the woman who has her mic in my face with a big smile on hers. She waits on my answer then I say, "Yeah."

"Thank you." She signals her camera man to come closer. "Tonight we're at the fashion show for a young designer who has seemed to come out of nowhere with his first launch. A lot of people are wondering who in the world is Draco De Carlo.. You literally came out of nowhere for people who weren't already among your following of half a million people on social media. Clearly you're known in the industry because you have backing from Desdemona Garnet and celebrity endorsement from A$AP Rocky and Rihanna – all fashion trendsetters. What do you do? Who are you? How would you describe yourself?"

Technically, I would be what you call an industry plant. I wasn't what you describe as home grown and started from the bottom. I haven't been trying to do this for years. I didn't really have to hustle in a sense. I hustled to make the money by being a drug dealer. I took money I made from hustling and paid my way in. An average person who doesn't have the resources I have wouldn't have been able to do all of this within a couple of months. Stuff like this takes years, but money makes it a lot easier and faster.

"I guess I'm a young businessman. I do a lot of things. I'm just trying to be an entrepreneur. I own the record label, Relax Records, and I am now the creator of two clothing lines."

"Speaking of your label...Who do you have currently signed?"

"Right now we only have four artists to start. We're building. But right now the roster consists of Di–" I stop myself realizing I'm about to use her real name. "I mean Saweetie. She's pushing her single Icy Girl, so stream and purchase it. We also have Nya Lee, Paloma, and Jinsu."

"Okay, okay, Now you were first put in the spotlight when you were dating super model, Saanvi Ambani. You were fashions it couple and paparazzi loved you two together. She unfortunately passed away. I know rumors swirled that you moved on, but I hardly believe that. It hasn't even been two months and you don't strike me as that type of guy." I clear my throat. "How are you dealing with her death?"

"Uhh, it's a day by day thing. That was my girlfriend for over a year, so of course it's not easy. I don't really want to talk about it," I say bluntly while being nice. As crazy as it sounds, I actually miss Saanvi. She wasn't a terrible person. She was just who her father raised her to be. He used her like a pawn just like he used me. It seems like everyone uses everyone...

This was so weird to me. All my life I was told by my family that hood niggas don't answer strangers questions. You don't know nothin', didn't see nothin', and didn't hear nothin'. Now I see why hood dudes who become famous are so terrible at interviews. They don't like people all up in their business trying to gossip.

"Okay, last question... Why two different clothing lines? Why not just one?"

"I just wanted to separate them. They represent the two sides of me. Street, but also high fashion. We have stuff for the club and stuff for red carpets. We have stuff for the 9 to 5 folks who have to budget and people who want to break the bank. Just trying to have balance and appeal to everyone so no one's left out. Hood Rich Attire is for those who want to feel rich and Lindo is for those who are rich or at least pretending to be."

She wraps up her questions finally letting me go inside. I need to get backstage to make sure everything is ready. I walk into the venue that's a loft space seeing it's fully decorated to the vision I wanted. The runway is built and ready for tonight as seats are lined up in rows along both side of the it. The front seats all have name cards on them reserved for the most important people. I look at the multiple seats in row that are reserved for my brothers, Athena, and Rhea. They were all empty.

I brush it off going backstage where everyone is in a frenzy. When I see Rhea back here fixing some models outfit I sigh walking up to her. She's too busy sowing something on the side of the dress to notice me. I tap her shoulder. "What are you doing, Rhea? I remember specifically telling you you're not styling. You're supposed to be in the crowd just watching and enjoying the night. You've helped enough with this process." Never in my life did I think she would become such a help. Even though I don't have Kohh, Rhea became like my co-designer helping me every step of the way. If I wanted a woman's opinion about clothes, I asked her.

She stands up straight with a needle held between her lips. She takes the needle out of her mouth saying, "Look, I couldn't help it. I got here early and I saw they needed help. You shoulda saw the shoes the style director you hired was trying to put with this dress. Tragic! It looked thrifty, I'm just saying." I chuckle as she holds her hands up.

"I appreciate it, but please go take your seat and wait for the fashion show to start," I say motioning towards the backstage exit. "You have on a tight dress that ya ass finna bust out of and heels on yet you want to work." She catches me off guard hugging me making me say, "oh," because I'm startled. When I realize she's hugging me I smile and hug her back.

"I'm so proud of you. All I can remember is the 12 year old Draco I met ten years ago and now you're 23. You're a man. You made it past 18 without getting killed or going to jail.."

"Are you crying?" I ask pulling away from her. She quickly wipes her eyes.

"No! Somebodies strong ass cologne is making my eyes water." I just laugh at her trying to lie. "I know I was against you doing this in the beginning. That was only because I didn't know if you were serious, but you were. You deserve to get out. You deserve something more for your life. None of us are bad people. Not you, me Apollo, Glock, Ares, Athena, your parents, or grandparents. Good people sometimes have to make bad decisions in order to live a 'good' life because we refuse to be stuck in the bad. Whether it's for material things, a better future, or the next generation. The good always shines through in the end."

I smile. "Thanks, Rhea." I pause then ask, "Is anyone else coming?"

She sighs. "I don't know. I called and asked. I know for a fact Apollo isn't coming. He's in Miami for a meeting with the cubanos." She says in Spanish. I can't even remember, but I think Rhea is Dominican and Puerto Rican. She could be just one, I don't know. I just know she's from Bushwick, she speaks Spanish, and she makes some good ass Mangú.

"Él todavía está haciendo eso?" I ask to be safe. I'm sure if someone's listening they don't know what we're talking about specifically. I only knew Spanish because of growing up in Bushwick around Apollo's side of his Dad's family who are Dominican. People always assumed I was part Hispanic because I was known as a De Carlo when I'm not, so I had to learn. Plus, there's a lot of Latinos in Mew York and especially the drug world. They practically run this shit.

"Apollo, él es muy terco. Tu tambien." I smack my lips. I'm definitely not as stubborn as Apollo.

"Well, after tonight he won't need to work with the Cubans."

"Por qué?" She asks looking confused.

"I'll tell you later. En la fiesta!" I say shaking her to get her excited about the New Year's Eve party I'm throwing right after this.

She laughs nodding her head. "I'm sure everyone else will be here. You only argued with Apollo. You and Apollo fight all the time. You two will get over it. Tus hermanos. Te amas el uno al otro."

"Sure. Lo que sea," I say with a little sarcasm. She hugs me again then leaves the backstage area as I sigh. Family will be the death of me.

The fashion show wrapped with no hiccups, but the night isn't over. It's only right since it's New Year's Eve to throw a party afterwards. People can't have bad reviews when you throw a dope party with food and alcohol. Everyone moves to the second floor of the venue where there's a lounge. A DJ plays music as everyone socializes. I was just happy everyone on the invitation list showed up whether they're celebrities or my friends. All I know is all the people I know from the hood better behave tonight. I don't need any fights or shootings. They knew if they acted crazy I would kill them myself.

I maneuver through the room stopping to talk to people, but I was really looking for Desdemona. Lantern lights hang from the ceiling as the room reflects blue. The furniture is white as well as the balloons that hang throughout the large room. I finally spot Desdemona sitting down, so I head over to her...

She looks up at me as I stop in front of her. "Hey," I say smiling as I stick my hands in my pockets.

"Hello?" She says chuckling probably wondering what I want.

I extend my hand to her saying, "Can you come with me?"

"Why?" She asks hesitantly.

"Just come."

She sighs putting her right hand in mine. "I hope you're not pulling any funny stuff." She stands up then I lead the way. "Seriously where are you taking me?" I knew she wouldn't let it go and would keep asking.

"I have to give a toast and I would like you with me."

"Me? Why? You better not say anything provocative." I laugh at her choice of words.

"Provocative? Nah." I say nothing else as I hold her hand trying to get through people. I look over my shoulder smirking at her as she has a worried look on her face. "Did I mention how good you look tonight?" I say changing the subject.

She smiles for a second then it fades. "Seriously, what are you going to say? I hope you're not going to tell everyone about us," she says with her face closer to my shoulder lowering her voice.

"Chill out, I'm not. You've been by my side this entire time, so why is this any different?" I ask, but she doesn't respond because she knows I have a point.

The music cuts then I hear Rhea's voice on the mic. "Alright, alright. Everybody quiet down for a minute and grab a glass if you don't already have one. I would like to propose a toast to the man of the night. My brother made history tonight. Who do you know who's able to pull off launching not one, but two clothing lines in the same night? No damn body! He put his mind to it and he did it. Give him a round of applause," she says right as we reach the front. I let go of Desdemona's hand as everyone claps for me.

"Yerrrr!" I hear yelled loudly. I look in the crowd to see Glock as everyone who's a true New Yorker yells it back. I just smile and point to him as he points back. I know Glock's happy for me, but I'm actually surprised he came. He hates stuff like this hence why he never showed up to any of the other events and fashion shows. He's too paranoid and doesn't like being in a room with a bunch of people. One person could look at him wrong and might just shoot.

Rhea hands the mic to me. I hated speaking in front of large crowds. "I just wanna thank everybody for coming out. This was a very important night for me... for us. And by us I mean anybody of color who comes from where I come from. I come from a father who was murdered and an addicted mother who died of an overdose. I come from the projects in Brooklyn. I come from me and my siblings being separated and being raised by my grandmother. I come from dropping out of high school and not knowing what I'm going to do next. All of those things are not who I am. I'm 23 and I've seen and done a lot. Now I can add being a designer to that list."

I pause as everyone is looking at me giving me all of their attention. "I also want to thank Desdemona Garnet," I say motioning towards her as she smiles. "She's the reason any of this even happened. This started as a business deal. I paid her the money to do her job and she exceeded everything I could've imagined. I am no longer just her client. We have built a friendship and a partnership. She's my business partner. She invested in my dream when other's made me feel like I should hop on one leg and rub my stomach to prove I'm worthy. She believed in me when no one else did. If you want a career go to her," I say as some people in the room laugh.

"Last of all, tonight is New Year's Eve. When that clock strikes 12 everyone is going to be screaming new year, new me but don't end up changing shit about themselves. Me on the other hand... When it's midnight and officially 2018, it's a new Draco. Draco season will be in session and I hope you're all ready because I'm taking over. Buy my shit at twelve too. Lets toast to a good year," I say as everyone raises their glass.

"I hear that!" Someone yells sounding like an auntie in church. 

"Everyone enjoy the rest of your night," I say putting the mic down as people cheer again. The DJ turns the music back on sending the party back in motion.

I walk back over to Desdemona who's clapping. "I didn't know where you were going with that when you said, I am no longer just her client. Had my heart beating fast as hell. I almost had an anxiety attack, but good speech."

"You thought I was going to tell them about you riding my dick while your siblings were downstairs on Christmas," I say in her ear. She pushes me back by my chest as I laugh at her facial expression. I spot my brother, Glock, dancing in the crowd acting a fool. "I'll be back. I'm going to talk to my brother." She says okay then I walk away from her.

"Look who showed up? You couldn't wear a dress shirt for one night? I know you didn't show up to my fashion show in an Adidas tracksuit, my nigga!" I say approaching Glock. As my hand is extended to him, he laughs letting me know he's happy and high...

We dap then pull into a hug. "Let me rock, baby boy. You're lucky I even showed up. You know white people make me itch." He pulls away from me scratching his neck like a crackhead making me laugh.

"Shit, I wouldn't have even been mad if you didn't come. I know you don't like places with a lot of people."

"The only reason I'm here is because security let me in with my special friend," Glock says raising his shirt flashing a gun.

"How'd you pull that off?" I say because security is strict as fuck about guns especially in New York the place of harsh gun laws.

"Slid them a couple of hundo's. I thought these stuffy events were safe until Saanvi got capped at the Bulgari event. One minute we're buying diamonds and eating finger foods next minute it's a drive-by. I'm not taking any chances, ju heard?"

"You don't have to worry, bruh. Nothing's going down tonight. At least not with us on the receiving end," I say touching his shoulder. Glock was too busy sipping on his cup of alcohol to realize what I said and ask what I meant by that. Glock is kinda slow and doesn't read between the lines anyway.

"Where's Athena and Ares?" I ask looking around.

"Ares is somewhere dancing with a female. Athena said she was gonna go talk to your girl, Desdemona. That was a cute speech you gave," he says turning up his lip lifting his head as I do the same making us laugh. "She believed in me when no one else did," he says making his voice pitch go higher as he puts his hand to his chest. "Real heartfelt and centennial, nigga."

"You mean sentimental?" I ask laughing. "Ayo, let me rock tonight. It's my night and you still tryna crack on me."

"This is an everyday thing, blood. You know that. Ay, but I'm proud of you. You're doing your thing, little brother. When you get a little fame don't get bougee. Remember I'm still your big homie." He playfully hits my chest.

"I'm ya little brother, but I'm still taller than you," I tease.

"Y'all gon quit cracking on my height like I'm 5'5" or some shit. You're barely taller than me why you talking."

"But at least I'm 6 feet," I shoot back.

He glares at me. "I'm almost there. Two more inches and I'll be at your level."

"You're done growing, my nigga," I laugh. "Why didn't you go to Miami with Apollo?" I ask changing the subject. Apollo and Glock were like two peas in a pod and a package deal when it came to the street business.

"He wanted to go solo dolo. Plus, I didn't want to miss this. This was important. Have you talked to him?" He asks as I shake my head.

"No, I'm waiting on my fucking apology first." I was clearly still salty about what went down not even a full 7 days ago. On Monday I'm pointing a gun at my brother and Sunday I'm having a fashion show.

"He does owe you one. He took it too far talking about Ma like that. He damn sure took it too far talking about our Pops. I told him that. It shouldn't have went that far. You were kinda wrong pulling a gun on him though."

I rub my hand down my face. "I know. You know how my temper go. Apollo knows how to push all my I will fuck you up buttons. The difference between him and I is that I know how to apologize when I'm wrong. He doesn't. I'm not apologizing until he does."

When I hear, Niggas iffy, uh, blicky got the stiffy, uh, all I can think is why did the DJ play this song. I knew all the hood niggas I invited were about to get hype and start acting a fool. 6ix9ine makes everyone get mad rowdy. When the gunshots go off in the song it's like Glock becomes alert reaching towards his waist. I quickly stop his hand from moving. "It's the song," I say laughing.

"Aiight, I was about to light this shit up like Fourth of July." There was no doubt Glock had ptsd from being in the streets so long like a soldier who's been at war for years.

"Yo, you gotta go home. You're too trained to go to be out here on New Years. What you gonna do when the fireworks go off?"

"I'ma chill," he says beginning to smoothly bob his head to the song making me die laughing. Something is wrong with him.

"Yo, I can't," I say pointing at Rhea making Glock look. The way she was dancing and swaying her hips you would've thought it was a slow song...

In the hood with them Billy niggas, and them Hoover niggas
You run up and they shooting niggas, we ain't hooping nigga

"Rhea, are we hearing the same song? Milly Rock or something. What is that?"

"I don't know how to milly rock. Let me do me," she says raising her cup in the air. "See, this fits the beat," she says still swaying as she begins to make noises to mimic the beat. I hold onto Glock's shoulder not being to contain my laughter. 

"What the fuck is you looking at?!" Glock says aggressively to a guy who's looking at Rhea's ass. "She's married with kids. Point ya eyes somewhere else." The dude mugs Glock, but keeps it moving.

"I think it's time for both of y'all to go home. Rhea, you need to leave before Apollo wants to kill someone if he finds out you here looking like this. Glock, you just need to leave before you end up getting arrested tonight."

"I actually am about to leave. Need to get home to my kids," Rhea says hugging me then Glock. "Goodnight, you guys," she says walking off. I look at my watch for the time. We still have another hour until midnight. The light show was about to be crazy...

The party still goes on in the East Midtown loft as the night progresses. People are having fun whether they're drunk or sober including me after having a few shots and a couple glasses of champagne. Athena was giving me a lesson on how to twerk as Back That Azz Up plays. Now I see why they say all girls run to the dance floor when this song comes on. It's a fun, little song. "Like this?" I ask looking back at Athena who's behind me like she's a guy.

"Yeah, you getting it. You definitely don't have that New Orleans bounce," she says and for the first time I hear she has a Louisiana accent. She could probably turn it on and off. "Now try isolating one cheek," she instructs. I do one cheek making her yell, "Yeahhhh! Go awf!" I normally don't dance like this, especially in public but Athena was the perfect hype girl. She was insistent on me letting loose and dancing with her when the song came on. She said I was what they call a 'waste of ass'. I had a big butt, but couldn't dance. That was that white girl rhythm from my mother.

"Uhh, what is going on here?" I hear a male voice say. I look up to see Draco standing over me.

"What it look? Des, is backing that ass up," Athena drags out as she rubs my ass. Athen definitely took me as the type to have threesomes with her man on a good night. I stand up straight as Draco looks completely puzzled.

"Every time she's around you, she ends up twerking," Draco says to Athena. He wasn't lying. She was the one who got me twerking in Miami on Draco's birthday.

"Because I'm a good influence. I had to teach my girl some more moves. We need to hang out more and in no time you'll be twerking while you get back shots from your boyfriend," she says nudging me. I bug my eyes looking at Draco's as he shakes his head.

"Everybody's is going to the rooftop for the countdown. Your fiancé is looking for you," Draco says pushing Athena's hand off of my waist. I try to fight a laugh. Athena walks off to look for him.

"So it's not only Jacobi you get jealous of? You're jealous of your own sister-in-law too?" I say teasingly.

"Ain't nobody jealous. I just don't want you out here looking crazy. Drinking and twerking with a female. Before you know it will be in the blogs. That ain't ya image."

"Now you care about my image?" I ask raising my eyebrow. "I know you think I'm uptight sometimes. Let me have fun tonight. It's New Year's Eve and a party. If someone tries to put it in the blogs I can just buy the pictures, so they don't," I say as I follow him to rooftop.

"That's how it works?" He asks looking down at me.

"With me it does. When you're responsible for many successful careers I can put a stop to a lot of things. Most people give me a call before it's put out when it concerns me. If I don't care because I know no one will believe it, I let it be. If it's something damaging I just pay to make sure it doesn't ever get out."

"The industry sounds like hell."

"It is," I say shrugging. "I'm used to it now." As soon as we step outside I shiver from the cold wind. Draco takes his jacket off extending it to me. Instead of the polo he had on earlier he has on the Black turtleneck he wore with a suit jacket from his clothing line down the runway for the designers last walk. I put his jacket on then we find a place. Everyone was packed up here so we were squeezed into the corner close to the rail of the building. I look down seeing cars on the road.

"How long until midnight?" I ask leaning closer to Draco because some woman was determined to be by the rail as if it was front row to Beyoncé  when it's just fireworks. She kept bumping into me and I wanted so badly to tell her to move around. By the way she had her phone lifted up I knew she was determined to get a good video for social media to show it was lit where she was bringing in the New Year.

"One minute," Draco says looking at his phone.

The woman bumps me again knocking me into Draco. Draco extends his hand touching the woman making her look at him. "Yo, shawty, chill. You keep bumping into her and not excusing yourself. We were here first and you act like you wanna bump us out of the way." The small gesture made me smile with a sense of feeling protected.

"I'm sorry," the woman says smirking. "I didn't mean to bump your older sister." I immediately roll my eyes. "I hope I don't come off as I don't have any manners. I always says please and thank you," she says flirtatiously.

"Can your good mannered ass just apologize and turn around?" I say getting a little irritated. I actually didn't mean for it to come out of my mouth, but the liquor had my inner self coming out.

"Oop! This must be your man or something," she says giving me a stank look before turning back straight.

I can hear Draco laugh under his breath then people start yelling the countdown. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" Everyone yells as fireworks begin to go off into the sky. I look up in amusement smiling then look at Draco. Our eyes connect and you could tell we both wanted to kiss each other, but we're in public. Then it was just like a fuck it moment as we pecked each other quickly figuring nobody was looking at us because they're too busy kissing themselves or looking at the fireworks.

It was about time for the party to be wrapping up and for people to go home or to another party. I was ready to go home and get out of these heels and this makeup myself. Draco had to help his brother, Glock, and Athena get a ride home because they drank too much, so he left me for a bit. Glock and Athena were a wild couple, but they're funny. I like Athena.

I walk through the room where the party was seeing all the streamers on the floor. I kick a balloon with my foot wearing a Giuseppe Zanotti heel watching it float across the floor. When I look up I spot Paloma who I haven't seen all night. "Damn, girl I haven't seen you in hours," I say approaching her as she's looking at her phone...

She looks from her phone to me. "Huh? Oh, I've just been networking. Talking to other artists and big people. Collecting names, business cards, and numbers. Plus, you looked like you were having fun time with Draco and his people." I sat by Paloma at the fashion show and that was the last time I saw her tonight.

"I guess. We could've had fun too. We always have fun at events together. Just because I was with them doesn't mean you couldn't be there too."

"It's coo," she says giving me this weird smile. I was starting to think she stayed away from me because I was around Rhea some of the night. She hasn't mentioned Apollo in awhile, so I figured she decided to let it go. I was hoping it was because he wasn't giving her any attention, so she moved on to the next guy like she always does. Apollo seemed like an ass, but he also seemed to not give other women the time of day.

For instance... The waitress we had at Draco's birthday dinner in Miami kept eye fucking him and subtly flirting. He asked for the manager, told him the waitress was making him uncomfortable, and we got a different server. He came off as loyal and faithful even if no one knows he's married to begin with.

"I'm actually about to leave. I have a flight to Miami in the morning," she says as I bounce my brows up.

"Miami? Why are you going there?"

"Just a little vacation and work," she says shrugging. "I also have some studio sessions with a producer out there." For some reason that part seemed like a lie.

"Well, okay. I'm going to Cabo with Jacobi. I guess we'll talk when we both get back."

"I'm only going for a couple of days. It was planned at the last minute."

"So do you mind checking on my place and Cordelia when you get back? I asked my sister to house sit, but we just became cool again. I just want to make sure everything is intact when I get back."

"I got you girl. I'll see you when you get back from your trip," she says hugging me and kissing my cheek.

"Get home safe," I say as we pull apart.

"You too. I love you," she says walking away.

"I love you too," I say under my breath as she disappears. I sigh then find Draco on the first floor so we can finally leave.

As the car service drives us home it's quiet except the radio. Tonight I drank the type of alcohol that makes me sleepy, so my energy was getting low. I was ready for bed seeing as I have to wake up early to catch a flight. I still haven't even packed.

I honestly didn't want to go on this trip, but it was already planned and I promised Jacobi. That was before I cheated on him, but that's besides the point. Now he's expecting us to go on this romantic trip I paid for and to finally get some ass. I was not trying to have sex with him...not anymore at least.

The music on the radio stops making me listen harder because I liked the song playing. "Indian oil and gas tycoon, Sanjay Ambani, pronounced dead among a dozen others after an explosion in a meat packing district warehouse at midnight. This is tragic for the Ambani family following the wake of his daughter's death not even two months ago. How and what caused the explosion are still being investigated. Updates coming as soon as more information is available."

I look over at Draco who's staring out of the window acting as if he didn't hear what was said on the radio. I push the button to roll the partition up for privacy. "What did you do?" I ask Draco staring into the side of his head as he still looked out of the window.

"What do you mean what did I do?" He asks not looking at me.

"What did you do, Draco?!" I shout throwing my clutch at his head.

"Are you crazy? This shit is heavy! The hell you got in here?!" He asks holding the side of his head. I didn't give a damn.

"What did you do? This isn't some coincidence that your ex-girlfriend was killed and now her father. Do you think I'm stupid?! I know you had something to do with it!" I say pushing his face. I couldn't even look at his face as tears started to cloud my eyes.

"You're supposed to be done with that. You promised me a long ass time ago. You said after I got one of your businesses up you would be done yet here you are and ALL of them are up and running yet you're still doing shit!" I say punching his arm. He doesn't even budge like I did anything. "You're a liar," I say windmilling my arms.

He grabs me up by my arm pushing me into the door of the car. "Chill the fuck out!" He yells in my face. He lowers his voice so darting his eyes towards the front of the car indicating the driver can hear even if he can't see. "I had to do this. It was the only option. It's done. I'm done now."

I snatch my arm out of his grip looking at him. "I don't believe you. You lie about everything," I say shaking my head. "More than ten people are dead," I whisper.

He grabs me by the chin pulling my face closer to his. "Listen to me... I'm done. This was my only way out. Now I can focus on my record label and the clothing lines. I'm legit, legal. You can trust that." He kisses me, but I move my face to the side. He let's go of my face and I scoot away from him. "I'm going away for two weeks for vacation just to go away until things cool down. Come with me..."

I shake my head no. "I can't. I'm going on vacation with Jacobi to Cabo for a week. I leave tomorrow morning."

"You serious?" He asks making me look at him. "You think I'ma let you go on vacation with that nigga?"

"Let me? I've had this planned for weeks. You're the side dude, remember? Technically you're supposed to come second."

Draco does a fake laugh. "How am I the side nigga when I met you first and I got the cheeks before him? You're mine. That nigga's your pet project and charity that's good for a tax write-off."

"I'm not yours. Not after tonight. I'm done. Who am I fooling? We can't do this. You can't let go of this life you're living. I don't even know who you really are. All you do is a lie and manipulate. The crying like you really give a fuck about the bad things you do. It's all one big show and I'm the dumb girl people say should leave before I get too involved. That's what I'm going to do.. Leave before I'm too involved and end up dead or in jail right along with you," I say looking at him as the car comes to a stop. I look out of the window seeing we're in front of my building. "Bye, Draco," I say grabbing my clutch and getting out of the SUV.

"Desdemona!" I hear not too long later to see him rushing behind me. I pick up my pace, but he's on my heels as I rush up the steps to my building. I was trying not to break my neck in my high heels. "Don't do this for the fucking millionth time!"

I ignore him when the door for the private entrance of my building swings open. "Hello, Ms. Garnet," Dennis the doorman says holding the door open for me. "How were the New Years Eve festivities?"

"Fine," I reply quickly walking in. I should've told him to slam the door in Draco's face but I didn't want to cause a scene.

"Hello, Ms. Garnet's male friend who's neither the main or side. I see you recovered from 'the jumping' well. Your eye healed nicely," Dennis says making me look back at him. The simple fact he didn't know better made me want to laugh. I knew he had no idea what a main or side really was let alone being jumped. "Did I say something wrong?" He asks looking at me puzzled.

"No, just – Maybe just open and close the door. Sometimes it's best you don't speak," I say honestly.

"Very well," he says acting like he's locking his lips and throwing away the key. I groan heading for my elevator pushing the button as Draco stands behind me pleading his case. I hold my hand up hoping that will make him be quiet, but it doesn't work.

"I really feel like you're making this a big deal and an excuse for us to fight, so you can go on vacation and fuck Jacobi without guilt." I give him the dirtiest look as the elevator doors open.

"Go fuck yourself!" I say aggressively as I step on. I try to quickly push the button to close the doors, but he steps in as the doors begin closing. "Leave me alone, Draco!" I say with a shaky voice trying not to cry. I turn around so he can't see my face.

As soon as the elevator doors closes and it starts moving up I started crying. "Why are you crying?" He asks coming closer to me.

I try wiping my eyes, but they keep falling as I can feel the heat of his body behind me. "I don't like feeling like this. I feel like nothing is in my control. How can I trust you? I don't know where you are all the time, who you're with, or what you're doing?"

"If you know everything – if you knew the real me you wouldn't want to even be in the same room as me. You would think I was some monster. Maybe I am. I'm not the best person, but I'm trying. In order for me to be the person I want to be, I have to get rid of everything about my current self and that includes people who won't set me free."

I turn around looking at him. "So, what? You just want me to ignore it all? Ignore the things I notice? Ignore fucking murder?" I whisper as if someone else is in here.

"Yes," he says nodding his head as if it's obvious. "It's called the art of plausible deniability and you need to master it. Play clueless and ignore it. Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to or conversations you can't handle. Simple. That's what Rhea and Athena do unless they really want to know and when they do, they're prepared to handle anything they're told."

"Maybe I can't and don't want to do that. I've never been able to play dumb or turn a blind eye. I'm observant by default and I speak on things when I know they're wrong."

"It's only wrong if you think it's wrong. Maybe we don't see what we're doing as something wrong, but necessary. We have to survive, Desdemona. You don't know nothing about that! That's why you don't get it."

"That's because you're surviving and I'm living. Surviving is a victim mindset. Surviving is a negative connotation which breeds negative behavior and outcomes. Surviving means life is hard and it doesn't have to be. It means making it okay to do crazy things because you have to survive. Surviving is caring only about yourself and nobody else. You're not living. You don't try and make everyday count. Life can be a beautiful thing like a bed of roses minus the thorns. You rather have the thorns and lay in your own blood," I say as tears run down my face.

I take a deep breath as Draco walks in a circle. The elevator is still going up and I feel like I want to be sick. Draco steps closer to me holding my face in his hands. He leans his forehead against mine as I wonder what he's thinking. "You're right," he finally says. He kisses my forehead then steps back from me as I stare at him.

He stands there for a second then says, "Like you asked me to be patient with you, I'm asking for the same thing. Don't start ignoring me again or distancing yourself. I need you to keep me on the right track. I also need you to know I promised my family we would be out in a year. We still have about 9 more months left."

"So what does that mean?" I ask as I step back putting myself in one of the corners of the elevator, so I can hold onto the rail.

I begin to take off my heels because my feet were killing me as he says, "It means I won't be done done until 9 more months. Still moving weight." He says the last part quietly. I didn't know much drug terminology, but I knew what that meant. "If that's a problem, that's fine. We'll be done and you can even stay with Jacobi. We'll just be business partners. It's your decision."

I look at him beginning to think. I take off my last shoes throwing it to the floor of the elevator feeling relieved on my flat feet. "9 months?" I ask to clarify. I flex my jaw really thinking on this before I respond. I swallow hard then say, "I don't want to know anything. Don't tell me what's going on or get me involved. Make sure I'm safe and no one does anything to me or my family like that time my office got destroyed. If you can be patient with me, I can be patient with you."

His straight face turns into a smile as his eyes light up. He traps me into the corner hugging me tightly making me laugh like a little girl. He kisses my cheek then moves to my lips kissing me long and slow as I wrap my arms around his neck. It was like no matter what I couldn't let him go and I didn't want to. It's like after only a couple of months of knowing him, he became a want and need...A necessity.

When I feel the elevator jerk then it suddenly stops I pull away from him about to panic. My worst fear. "What happened?" I ask looking around.

"I pushed the emergency stop button," he says as if it's nothing still trying to kiss me.

"Why would you do that?" I say moving my lips away from his. "You know how I feel about elevators. How do we make it to go again?" I say looking at the buttons at the same I started to breathe harder.

"Calm down," he says turning my face towards his.

"Calm down? We're in an elevator mid-air 70 floors above the ground. How can I calm down?" I ask as he kisses my neck.

"Okay," is all he says sucking on my neck making me hum because I didn't want to moan.

"Draco, stop. There's a camera," I say looking over his shoulder directly up at it.

"You gotta loosen up. I'm not those uptight, white-collar, boring ass niggas you usually fuck with that's only going to give it to you in your bedroom."

"I know that, but that's still a camera. There's someone in the security room watching. If they realize it's me then they might sell it to the blogs-"

He cuts me off. "What did you say earlier? It's New Year's Eve. Let me have fun," he mocks using my own words against me. He kisses me deep, but at the same time short multiple times.

"I did say that," I mumble as he kisses me again.

I can feel him untying one of the strings on the side of my dress. "You did," he says against my lips as his fingers float across my thigh almost with a tickle.

"But what if-" Before I can even finish my sentence his hand is under my dress using the side as an entrance. Of course I couldn't wear underwear with a dress like this, so he had easy access. His hand hovers over me then it lands on my clit making me breathe in deeply as he began to rub. At that moment I didn't care about the camera. I figured the way he was standing in front of me with me trapped in the corner no one could really see me anyway. Then again it's my penthouse, so who else could it be? If anything else I'll lie and say it's not me if it gets out then I'll have the security guard fired.

I was starting to realize Draco and I were one in the same. We both feel trapped for different reasons and want to be free. For once I felt I could be myself around someone. I wasn't Desdemona Garnet who has a picture perfect life. Draco tapped into that side of me that just wanted to rebel when I was younger. He made me feel I could live again.

He turns me around making me face the wall like a bad kid put in time out. From the rummaging noises I knew what was about to happen. When I can hear the medal of his belt undoing I peak over my shoulder looking in excitement. I kept looking over my shoulder making him say, "Turn around." He sounded like a teacher scolding a student who kept looking at their best friend instead of doing their work.

"I can't look? I just wanna see it. I like looking at it," I say feeling anxious. He just repeats his self telling me to turn around. He was lucky I liked being told what to do in situations like this. He finally touches me again putting his strong hands on my hips as I spread my legs wider and I place my hands on the rail of the elevator for support. He uses one hand to make me bend over a little. I couldn't help the little butt shake I did like a dog wagging it's tail, I was so ready. I hated that lingering shit. Just give me what I want.

Inside I was giddy like a schoolgirl I was that excited. It was something about him that turned me on, but also made me very excited. I felt like a crackhead who was about to get her fix despite me not having enough money. It was bad considering I didn't really care about sex at this point in my life...until him.

He pushes my dress to the side, so it's not in the way. Catching me off guard his hand softly wraps around my throat pulling my head back, so it's closer to his face. I rest my head on his shoulder as he kisses me making my body even more hot. It felt like I was at the boiling point and I was about to explode in anticipation.

When he pushes into me from the back slow and with admirable patience I breathe out letting a moan escape my lips. It's like as soon as he's in me I wonder why I was fighting this in the first place. Me, the little miss goodie two shoes didn't give a fuck that I was having sex in an elevator with a camera because it felt so damn good.

"Come with me to London for week.." He whispers in my ear as the heat of his breath tickles my senses. It takes me a minute to even register what he's saying.

I couldn't and didn't want to speak. "Mhm," is all I can push out. At this point it was fuck going to Cabo with Jacobi. I was already thinking of lies and excuses to tell him why I can't go.

"Say it.."

"I will," I breathe out as he picks up the pace thrusting me harder. Every thrust confirmed I made the right decision not cutting him off. Draco does bad things, but does that make him a bad person? Am I just as bad of a person for accepting it? I could go to the police or stay away from him. Instead I draw him in. I didn't realize it, but in August I made a deal with the devil the day he signed my contract to work with me. I took that $100,000 knowing it came from something bad. Now January 1st, 2018, I didn't even care. It was about to be an interesting year...

Season 2 finale, whoop! Sanjay Ambani dead? Comment / Vote4️⃣❤️

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