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- Chapter 37 -
Laissez les bons temps rouler

I sit in my suite of a hotel in the French Quarter of New Orleans getting ready to go out. We're in day two of the festivities of Athena's bachelorette party weekend in her home state of Louisiana. The first day was spent getting pampered at the spa and going to a parade. Tonight was the real party apparently because we're going clubbing and to explore the Mardi Gras nightlife activities.

After putting my hair in sleek ponytail I start on my makeup. The trip consisted of Athena's 4 bridesmaids, me, and some women she knows here in Louisiana. Despite Athena being pregnant she was determined to have fun. I set everything I need to do my makeup on the hotel desk then dial the number given to me so I can call my sister, Miranda. I called earlier, but she didn't answer.

From what Miranda told me she's in Connecticut. I was iffy about her involving herself in all this chaos, but she had her mind set. She wanted her ex dead. If she could live with her decision I couldn't bare the brunt of any regret she should have. When the phone rings and rings going to voicemail I stare at my phone screen.

I sigh wondering why she's not answering. She's not supposed to go anywhere and she's there alone. What could she be doing? Maybe she's asleep. "Miranda, call me back. I just want to check on you," I say before hanging up. I furrow my eyebrows not being able to help the feeling that something bad could've happened to her.

Since she's not answering I decide to FaceTime Cordelia to check on her as well. Once again she was staying with our father while I'm out of town, so she's not alone. I prop my phone up on the lamp that's on the desk right as she answers. "I can't believe you left me here with him again," she immediately says with attitude. "I'm 18, Des. I don't need to be babysat."

"Would you quit your complaining? Just enjoy spending some time with your father."

"Easy for you to say since you don't even spend time with him yourself. You used to go on trips and leave me in the penthouse alone before I was even 18. What's different?"

"Uhh, you being threatened and your tires being slashed," I say in an obvious tone. "Did you go get your car from the shop?" I ask putting concealer under my eyes to my cover bags.

"Yeah," She says sighing heavily.

"Is that Desdemona?" I hear a male voice say. It's deep, but still youthful so I know it's not my father.

"Who is that?" I ask squinting my eyes as if that will make me know who it is. I get my answer when someone else's face pops up on the screen. "Lennox," I say smiling at the sight of my little brother.

"Hey," He says smiling back.

"You're visiting Dad for the weekend?" I ask patting powder on my face.

"No, I guess you didn't hear. I'm staying with Dad.."

"Permanently?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah. Dad and my Mom came to a decision. They said it would be the best thing to do since I'm a young man. They think it will be better if I live with him for that daily male figure in my life. I think they said it's best financially as well."

"Really?" I ask thinking for a second. "How's that going to work? Are you going to move to Florida with him and my mom?" I knew my Mom accepted the fact Lennox is my Dad's son, but I didn't think she was that accepting. She hasn't even met the boy yet.

"Uh uh," he says shaking his head. "Here in New York. I think Dad moved here permanently." What? I think to myself. That makes no sense. Him and my Mom live in Florida. He just visits New York City for business trips. It makes sense though because my Dad has been in New York going on weeks now allowing for Cordelia to stay with him whenever I go out of town.

Knowing my parents they were probably arguing and having problems like always. He's probably staying there to give them some space. I was too busy thinking to say anything until Lennox speaks again. "I try to stay out of grown folks business, but I think your parents are separated or getting a divorce?"

My eyebrows immediately raise. "Really? What makes you think that?" I ask starting on my eyeshadow. I just wanted to do something simple, so I was putting on some brown shadow.

"I heard him on the phone with my Mom. He was talking about if I live with him it will cut expenses. You know having to fly or ride the train to New York every weekend, child support... He said he needs as much money as he can until a settlement is over. Don't they have settlements in divorce?"

"They do, but they also have them in any court case. He could be getting sued by someone... Who knows," I say as if reassuring myself. As much as I've wanted my Mom to divorce my Dad for years I really never saw it happening. It's weird because now I almost feel hurt by the possibility. "Well, I have to go. You two have fun this weekend."

"Easy for you to say. You're at a bachelorette party. Strippers and drinking is way more fun than boring ass Dad," Cordelia grumbles.

I laugh then say, "Love ya, bye!" I hang up finishing up my eyebrows before deciding to FaceTime Draco next. He was out in Miami with his brothers for Glock's bachelor party.

Even though Athena invited me, I still felt weird on this trip. Maybe because I'm not brides maid and that's who usually gets invited to bachelorette parties. It wasn't that they didn't make me feel welcomed. I had Athena and Rhea to talk to, but I'm obviously different from them and the other people she invited. Maybe it was me just being weird, but I felt out of place.

"Yoooo," Draco drags out saying his usual greeting.

The more I got to know Draco I realized he participated in the act of code switching. I'm not saying he tried to come off as someone else when he met me, but his language and vernacular was more relaxed and comfortable after months of knowing each other. He doesn't feel like he has to talk proper around me or restrict his slang. I didn't understand half the stuff he says, especially when around his brothers being that I'm not a New Yorker. It was like another language.

Like what the hell is deadass? How can an ass be dead?

I wait three seconds for his face to appear on the screen, but instead the camera is on the ceiling. "Uhh, you can't show your face?"

"Hold on," He says as I hear loud noises in the background making me furrow my eyebrows.

"What the fuck are you doing? Are you with somebody? Where are you at?" I ask shooting each question like a gun.

His face pops into the screen as he wears an amused smile. "I'ma need you to chill. I was just in the middle of something."

"Like what? Show me the room," I say poking out my lips.

"You have trust issues, Ma. The room is empty, see," he says flipping the camera and scanning the room.

He flips it back to himself as I reply, "I don't have trust issues. Not with you at least... I don't trust your brothers. They don't exactly strike me as the faithful type. I don't know what kind of mess they could get you in this weekend."

"Damn, you basically called my brothers fuck boys. Ares definitely ain't faithful, but he's single now. Glock is too scared of Athena to cheat, especially right before the wedding. Apollo, his ass is too mean and unfriendly. I don't think you have anything to worry about. It's just my brothers and some of our boys having fun."

"What are you guys going to do?" I ask not looking at the phone, but the mirror to make sure I didn't fuck my eye liner up.

"Little party here at my house here in Miami and then probably the club later. Nothing major. I know y'all going crazy tonight. You're doing your makeup, so I assume you're getting ready.."

"Yeah. I'm kind of scared..." I say in a lower tone making Draco laugh.

"Why? They're probably just going to get you drunk and shit. Just loosen you up for the one time. I'm sure it won't be nothing to crazy since Athena is with child."

"True. You know it's just hard for me to completely let go and have fun because I'm scared I'll end up in the blogs. Right now it's quiet after all the commotion in my life and I'm just trying to keep it that way," I say wiping the baking powder from underneath my eyes. I'm not the type of girl into heavy makeup, but I wanted to make sure it lasts the entire night. I'm sure I'm going to be sweating a little or I might get oily. I don't want to look too crazy by the end of the night.

"I mean, I get it. Somebody's always watching. As long as you don't do nothing too crazy like get in a fight or kiss another nigga it won't matter. What they gonna do? Put you in the blogs for dancing and drinking with your friends like a normal people?"

"That's the thing. I'm not 'normal' to them," I say sighing. "Anyway, I called my sister, Miranda, earlier. I called twice actually and she didn't answer both times. I'm a little worried. Maybe you could send someone to check on her and make sure she's okay." After spraying my setting spray I use some pamphlet on the desk to fan my face to make it dry faster.

Draco's eyebrows furrow then he licks over his lips responding. "I got you. I'll have my brother send someone out there. Don't worry, she's probably just sleeping or something. Probably bored out of her mind and that's all she can do."

"Thank you," I say smiling a little. Hopefully it's really nothing and she's just sleeping or was in the bathroom when I called. A part of me is hoping Miranda got tired of being there alone and decided she wanted to just go back to New York City. She does stuff like that.

"What are you wearing tonight?" Draco asks as I put on a Dior gloss that's a pinky nude.

I rub my lips together then stand up from the desk since I'm done with my makeup. I still have on the hotel robe because I haven't changed into my outfit yet. "Hold on," I say holding up my finger going to the wardrobe opening it. I grab the black long sleeve dress that is knee-length that's hanging up walking back over to where my phone is. I hold the dress up and Draco laughs. "What's funny? I like it," I say putting it against my body.

"It's nice, but they're not going to let you wear that... Not tonight at least. They're going to expect something more..." He pauses as if trying to find the word. "Thottish."

"Thottish?" I ask in surprise making him nod his head.

"Yup, this is there night to dress as thotty as they want and they're going to take that chance. Better get on board the thot train tonight or you're getting left behind."

"They might have to leave me because I'm not a thot. Never been one. I don't even know what that means," I say making Draco laugh as I sit the dress on the bed.

Draco's head turns quickly and I can hear someone enter his room. "Ay, bruh, they're on the way!" It takes me a minute, but I realize it's Apollo's voice.

"Who?" Draco asks looking at the person who can't be seen in the camera view.

"Our homies. They're bringing the bitches, liqour, and weed too! It's about to be a movie tonight!" Apollo says excitedly as Draco's head quickly snaps back towards me.

"Uh uh," he says shaking his head. "There are no bitches coming to my house."

"Yuh huh!" Apollo replies back sounding like a little kid. "They're on their way right now, so I hope you're ready."

"Nigga, you can't see I'm on the phone with Desdemona," Draco says nodding his head towards his phone. "There are no bitches or any women of the sort coming to my house," Draco says trying to reassure me as I chuckle.

"What we gotta lie for? The strippers are coming through. They're probably going to see some big dick, oiled up, buff strippers too. Get their Magic Mike on. That's what you do at a bachelor and bachelorette party." The voice gets louder, so I assume he's coming closer to Draco. "Let me see the phone."

"No," Draco says before the screen is black and I here arguing and tussling. I guess he tried to grab it.

Before I know it Apollo is popping up on the phone with his big ass face in the screen. "Wassup, Desdemona!" Apollo says chuckling. When I see a Hennessy bottle in his free hand it makes sense now. "Ay, do me a favor, Mona Scott. Make sure Rhea isn't all over any brown skin or dark skin niggas tonight. She has a thing for them. That's her type. She just settled for my honey, golden graham cracker looking ass," he slurs.

Draco snatches the phone back saying, "As you can see he's already been drinking."

"Whatever, nigga. I'm going back downstairs," I hear Apollo say in background before a door slams.

"I hope you guys are going to take an Uber when you go out later or have a designated driver."

"The D.D. would be Ares. Too young to drink," he explains.

"I know you are not talking to Draco again? This is a no nigga weekend!" Rhea says coming into my room since our suites are connected by a shared bathroom. Before I know it she's snatching my phone out of my hand. "Bye, Draco!" She says looking into the screen hanging up. 

"Wait, w- I," I say trying to grab my phone but it's too late.

"Girl, you will see him when we get back to New York. Why aren't you dressed yet?" She asks looking me up and down.

"I was about to change."

"Well, what are you wearing?" Rhea asks. I point at the dress laying on my bed.

"Oh my goodness!" She gasps making me wonder what's wrong with her. "No funny shit, you're really wearing this tonight?" She asks grabbing it and holding it up.

"Yeah. What's wrong with it?"

"Everything! Are you going to meet someone's wholesome parents or to party? There's no skin showing. No cleavage, not even side, lower back, or arms. This is what you wear for a girls night out," she says spinning. She gives me a view of her dress that's long sleeve and stops right above her knees, but it has little cut outs in the chest area and it's form fitting showing her curves. "I know you brought something else?"

"I mean, maybe.." I say walking over the wardrobe. I open it as Rhea comes over too. She pushes through the small selection of clothes I brought for the weekend. She pulls out a dress I brought and thought about wearing, but changed my mind. "This is way better."

"Isn't it a little cold for that?" I ask thinking about the length, the fact it has no sleeves, and cutouts on the side of the dress.

"I have the perfect little coat you can wear over it when we are outside. Also, wear these booties," she says grabbing one of the Louboutin ankle boots I had sitting on the bottom shelf of the wardrobe. "Boom! A look! Put this on so we can go."

"I'm going to get pneumonia messing around with you," I joke taking my robe off. I had no problem changing in front of Rhea because I've done it a thousand times at photo shoots since she's my stylist.

"I'm going to go get the jacket," Rhea says leaving my room going to hers. While she gets the jacket I shimmy into the tight dress then step into the Christian Louboutin snakeskin ankle boots sitting on the bed to zip them up. I go over to my suitcase using the key to unlock it and get a small bag that I keep my jewelry in. I put in a pair of diamond hoop earrings and put on my iced out silver Rolex.

As I get the clasp shut Rhea struts back in the room wearing her 6 inch Aquazzura heels holding a teal fur coat. She stops in front of me extending it to me. "Oh, lord. You're about to have me looking like Gonzo from the muppets or Cooke Monster. Is this faux fur? I don't PETA chasing me down throwing red pain on me."

Rhea laughs. "Girl, fuck PETA. I want them to run up on me or one of my clients just once yelling and shit. They can catch these hands. White people care more about animals than they do people of color!" Rhea says snapping her finger sitting on my bed while I put the jacket on.

"I can't even argue with that." I grab my YSL shoulder bag making sure I have everything I need in it in there. "Is everyone else ready?"

Rhea looks at her watch. "I don't know, but they need to be. I'm ready to turn the fuck up!" She says loudly showing her excitement. "Athena's in my room finishing up with her hair."

I nod my head going to the bathroom that connects me and Rhea's room. Making sure everything looks good I take a picture in the mirror real quick posting it on my Instagram story. I've had this weird relationship with social media lately ever since I was in the blogs back to back. Before I was using 24/7 considering it's my job and now I barely post. I've been more content being more lowkey and private, especially when it comes to Draco and I.

I might post the gifts he buys me, us going to dinner, or on vacation but no one knew it was with him. If you saw him posted on my page it was to promote him as a client and my business partner. After Jacobi, I learned my lesson about coming out so quickly claiming someone I've barely been in a relationship with. It's nobodies business until me and that person are ready.

I decide to wash my hands when I see someone come into the bathroom through my peripheral vision. It's Athena coming in from Rhea's room. "Ooh, you look cute!" She compliments me.

"You do too!" I say right back drying my hands on a towel looking at her...

"I try," she says doing a little pose. "This morning sickness has been kicking my ass, but I'ma still get cute. This baby ain't stoppin' nothing."

"How far along are you anyway?" I ask.

"Girl, I'm only like 6 weeks. I'd be rubbing air if I said I'm already showing," she says as we both laugh.


We finally leave the hotel taking a party van to some club. There's a long line outside of the club, but I follow behind Athena who walks straight to the front. She talks to the security even giving him a hug then he lets us in. The club is packed as some rap song I don't know plays loudly. Athena leads the way up some stairs that take you to the private section. Once again Athena talks to the security guarding the section.

They undo the rope letting us into the section and my eyes immediately land on one of the women already in it...

There was something about her presence that was so powerful. She had the aura of a respected woman. Especially looking at the large man standing at 6'5" standing nearby her. I could tell he wasn't club security from his attire. Her eyes connect with mine and instead of her looking away like a normal person she stares at me. Of course I felt awkward, so I backed down first by looking away.

Athena squeals loudly rushing up to the woman in the pink dress hugging her. "I missed you, cousin!" I can hear Athena say in the loud club.

"I missed you too," the woman replies as they release from the hug. The woman's eyes shift from looking at Athena to looking at me

"Oh, Desdemona!" She says grabbing me pulling me beside her. "This is my cousin, Dayanara. She's one of my bridesmaids. We grew up together. Daya, this is Desdemona. She's dating Glock's brother, Draco. You remember him?"

"Yeah, I remember him. How could I forget," she says doing a small smile looking me over before extending her hand.

"Dayanara?" I repeat to make sure I'm pronouncing it correctly as we shake hands. The first thing I notice is the tattoo on her shoulder that says Man Eater.

"Dayanara like sayonara. You can call me Daya though," her handshake was very firm.

"Desdemona. Nice to meet you," I say giving a short smile.

"Nice to meet you too. She's cute. You know I love a bad bitch," Athena's cousin says looking from Athena to me. She smiles showing her pearly white teeth finally letting go of my hand. "We're gonna have fun tonight if you're in my section. This is ONE of my cities," she says holding up a finger. "I can get what I want. Bottles, men, girls, if you're into that. Just tell me and I got you," she says tapping her own shoulders.

She definitely comes off as a boss. She also looked like she would beat your ass whether you're a man or woman. I might be reaching, but I feel like she sells drugs too. It was going to be hard trying to have fun when I'm thinking about my sister, but I'm going to try.

We left that club an hour after being there and ended up roaming the French Quarter streets. There was something every corner you turned whether it was a parade, a club, or bar. People filled the streets just having fun talking to strangers like we've known each other for years. We're now in some bar and everyone's chanting Do it! trying to get me to make out with some random ass girl after being dared to.

I already have HIV, I don't need Herpes too.

That's what I was thinking, but I still leaned in kissing the girl. Her long tongue that has a tongue ring immediately went into my mouth as we shared a short but very sloppy kiss being watched by a cheering crowd. The girl lets go of me biting her lip as Athena catches my attention because she's fanning herself. "Gon' get me pregnant again."

I take another shot holding up the empty glass with a smile as people look at me. By all the phones being held up I knew this was going to be on all the gossip sites by the end of night, but I didn't really care. I wasn't going to act like I didn't enjoy it or that I've never kissed a girl before. I could see the 'this isn't how a role model acts' comments already.

Last time I checked Rhea was on the dance floor dancing with random people, but she was now rushing over to us. I didn't know half the songs playing the bar, but it was hyping everyone up. "What are you doing?" I ask Rhea who's being helped up on the bar.

"Dancing on top of the bar. I've always wanted to do it. Come on!" She says extending her arm down to me. I look at it hesitantly then grab it climbing onto the bar too. My clumsy ass had no business doing this after drinking, but you only live once, I guess. It went from me and just Rhea dancing on the bar to all of Athena's bridesmaids and friends.

We somehow became the life of the party at the bar, but we decided to leave to try and find another place.

"Y'all are crazy!" I say laughing as we walk down a street hugging the fur coat to my body.

"Where are all the niggas at? I'm trying to meet my future baby daddy tonight!" One of Athena's friends who's from here in Louisiana says making us laugh. While walking down the sidewalk I see another group of women walking down it going the opposite way, so I move over to make more room.

"Fuck you, hoe!" One of the girls passing by us with the 4 other girls says harshly towards Athena.

"Excuse you?!" Athena asks stopping in her tracks. I just wanted her to ignore it and keep walking.

"I said fuck ya. Fuck all ya people, especially ya Paw!" The woman says in a thick New Orleans accent.

"Do I know you?" Athena asks putting a hand on her hip.

"You don't need to. Ya people ruined this city more than Katrina. Titan Davenport sold all those drugs then left Louisiana with millions and never came back. Your family hasn't done shit for this city or Baton Rouge and you got the nerve to come back here."

"My family doesn't owe Louisiana shit! This state been like this before my Daddy. If you gotta problem with my Daddy, you have a problem with me. I'm pregnant, but if you wanna fight I can come back in 9 months!"

"Your stomach is pregnant, not your face!" The woman shoots back stepping towards Athena. I didn't have any idea what to do.

"Nobody's fighting anybody," Rhea steps forward getting in between Athena and the random woman.

The woman spits in Rhea's face making me gasp in shock. Rhea doesn't even pause to react immediately swinging on the woman. Before we know it they're fighting. The woman's friends try to jump in, but Athena's sisters jump in fighting them. There was so much going on at once.

I rush over trying to break it up, but it's no use. When my hair is pulled from the back my only reaction is to try and hit the person, but it's hard because they're behind me. Finally whoever is pulling my ponytail lets go, so I swing on a girl who tries to hit me.

Athena's cousin, Dayanara, comes out of nowhere. She's holding a brick and before I know it she's swinging it and smashing it into the face of the girl who started the fight. Everything was in slow motion as I saw blood come out of her face. The woman falls to the ground as everyone looks at her in shock. "Let's go!" Dayanara yells beginning to run. I stand there stuck until Rhea grabs my arm dragging me.

We run down the block most of us struggling because we have heels on. Dayanara is leading the way running in her heels effortlessly like she's done this a million times. She throws me off guard when she goes into a restaurant, but we follow her. She asks one of the employees for a table, so they go look for one.

We're all breathing hard, but trying to act normal. I'm sure we looked a mess with our hair all over the place. The waiter leaves then comes back a minute later leading the way to a table. We all sit down not saying a word looking at the menus. Out of nowhere Rhea starts laughing making everyone join in one by one. "Girl, did y'all see Des fighting for her damn life? She was just windmilling her poor arms," Rhea says laughing more.

"Those bitches were connecting though," Athena's sister who looks just like her speaks up.

"Thank you. I was trying," I say high fiving her.

"It was self defense. We're all going to catch our flights in the morning like nothing ever happened. That punk bitch won't press charges," Dayanara says confidently.

"I think our best bet is to call it a night and go to the hotel after we eat. Y'all can keep drinking there. We can get in our pajamas and have a game night," Athena suggests. We all agree.

After changing clothes I walk out of the master bedroom closet of of my Miami home into the bathroom. I fix my t-shirt looking at myself in the mirror before grabbing one of my chains sitting on the bathroom sink counter putting it around my neck. I wouldn't describe myself as the club type, let alone a party person, but this was to celebrate my brother. He was taking a big step in his life and he would soon be a married man. That at least deserved a celebration and nothing but straight up fun with no stress for once. We've been in Miami the past couple of days just trying to enjoy the weather before we're back in New York in the cold. For once Apollo wasn't trying to ruin everyone's fun by making us work.

After putting on my watch I walk out of my bathroom, through my bedroom, and out to the upstairs living room. Loud music is already blasting in preparation for the get together that's about to start. You would've thought the room was dead silent how concentrated and still Ares and our cousin, Jinsu, sat on the couch playing a video game. The room was far form quiet as BILLY by 6ix9ine blasted through the stereo system that's wired through the entire two story home. Glock comes rushing down the hallway into the living room shouting along with the song, "Sending shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, nigga!"

I just sit on the couch looking at him as uses his hand like it's gun. I already knew he was going to be wildin' out the entire night. I guess he can because there's no telling when and if he'll be able to again. "Everybody get pop, pop, popped, nigga!" He yells getting in my face.

"Move, yo! Sit down somewhere," I say trying push him back.

"The thing go rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, rrrah, nigga! We send shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, nigga!" I could see his lips were ready to rap the next line, but I slyly change the song using my phone. I was hoping that would shut his ass up, but he started rapping the next song that came on which was Backwards by SOB x RBE.  "How you claimin' a hood you don't hang in? How you broke but you ain't tryna change it? I need less talk and mo' payments! One shot out this Glock make you famous!" He tries to sing loudly with his deep voice sounding like a dying elephant. I bust out laughing leaning on Ares' shoulder, but he pushes his shoulder trying to push me off.

"Move! You're gonna make me lose. Get outta here with that loud shit," he complains.

"Cool yuh self bredren,"I say in patois reaching to grab the lighter on the coffee table. I grab the blunt that's tucked behind my ear trying to debate on if I wanted to smoke already. Should I be high, get drunk, or both tonight? It's rare I get shit faced because I always have to be on ten and aware, but tonight might just be the night.

"This my part, this my part!" Glock says waving his hand down telling us to be quiet. "Bad bitch fell in love with a savage! Told her that I'm thuggin' and she told me that she trappin'!" Once again his ass was trying to sing knowing he can't. "U zimmi?" He says sticking his hand out to me.

I always laughed when Glock uses patois because it sounds funny. He won't admit that his accent is a mix of New York and Atlanta from living there as a teen. It's even funnier when he's talking to our grandmother because she either acts like she can't understand his patois or corrects him.

I give Glock his dap and he pulls into me patting my back hard as hell. "Zeen, mi haffi," I say stretching my back that's in pain. "Strong ass," I mumble.

When my phone dings I see it's Haze. I asked him if he could drive to Connecticut to check on Desdemona's sister, Miranda. He was just now texting me back saying that he would do it and that'd he will call me or one of my brother's when he gets there. Honestly, we should've had someone staying with Miranda the entire time, but that was our fuck up. Hopefully nothing actually happened to her.

"I'm ready for the strippers to get here. I'm tryna see ass and titties, ya feel me?" Glock says still standing in the middle of the living room. One thing I'll say is Glock has always been hyper. I look up from my phone after replying to Haze just now noticing the big stack of money in Glock's hand...

"Where'd you get that?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"Found it under the mattress in the room I'm staying in," he says just like I suspected.

"That's mine!" I say getting up from the couch.

"Duhh! It's your house, but it's mine now. Finders keeper, losers weepers, nigga!"

"I'ma let you keep that since it's your bachelor party," I say not feeling like arguing. When the doorbell rings I knew it was everyone that we invited. I look over the upstairs railing to see Apollo is downstairs. "Ay, get the door," I yell.

I watch as he gets up and opens the door letting people in. It had to be almost 15 people who showed up. Me, Glock, Ares, and Jinsu go downstairs to join everyone. Of course the first thing everyone wants to do is crack bottles open and start drinking.

After everyone gets comfortable I go to the kitchen to get more drinks. I go in the refrigerator grabbing as many bottles as I can hold. "Draco," I hear my name being called. I turn to see Apollo entering the kitchen with Glock behind him.

"What's up?" I say closing the refrigerator door behind me.

"It's Haze on the phone. He said he was supposed to be calling us, but you weren't answering. What's going on?"

"Miranda wasn't answering the house phone when Desdemona called, so I had Haze go to the house to check on her," I explain. "Did Haze go?"

"I don't know. What's the word?" Apollo asks rubbing his beard putting the phone back to his ear. It's quiet for a second. "Gone? What the fuck you mean she's gone?!" Apollo says loudly into his phone making my eyebrows raise. He pulls his phone away from his ear putting it on speaker.

"When I got there the door was wide open. I went inside and the house is empty. I looked in every room. Only thing I found was a cell phone with a smashed screen on the bedroom floor."

Apollo blows out air. "I told her ass not to turn on that phone and use it. Someone must've tracked her location. I knew I should've took it." Apollo looks at me and I don't even know what to say.

"What the fuck am I supposed to tell Desdemona? If something happened to her sister that shit's on me! After all the bullshit that happened, she's fasho gonna be done after this!" I say tapping my fingers against the kitchen counter.

"You don't tell Desdemona shit. At least not yet.." Apollo says pausing as if to think. "Not until we know what happened to her don't tell Desdemona anything. Let her enjoy her night in Louisiana. If Casanova or C.A.S. had anything to do with this I'm sure we'll be hearing from them soon. Until then we'll send some people out to find some answers. I'll call you back later," Apollo says into the phone before hanging up.

"This is probably some ransom shit," Glock offers as an answer. "I highly doubt C.A.S. is stupid enough to kill her."

"Why wouldn't they kill her? She setup his brother to be murdered?!" I say loudly.

"Because this is a Garnet we're talking about. This isn't some random bitch out the projects. If he kills her everyone will be hunting him down to solve it. Desmond Garnet has all the money in the world to put behind finding her killer. Casanova is blood thirsty, but I'm sure he's not trying to go back to prison," Glock explains.

"Everybody just relax," Apollo says trying to calm down the tension. "It could be nothing. Until we actually knows what's going on relax and go on about the night normally."

"Shit," I grumble unscrewing the cap of a big Henny bottle. I take that shit right to the head swallowing as much as I can.

"That's the right idea," Apollo says looking at me. I don't need this shit, I think going back to the living room where everyone else is. I didn't even know the strippers were already here, but they are. There's about five of them dancing on guys who are throwing money at them.

"This is what the fuck I'm talking about!" Glock says entering the room too. Before I know it they're pushing both me and Glock in chairs.

When they push a girl into my lap I throw my hands up immediately feeling uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for fun. Strippers are cool. They're nice entertainment as a man, but I wasn't the type to be getting lap dances and going over board with the chicks. I stared and threw money, that's it. No touching. Imagine having a random man smacking your ass and touching on you all night? I know it's there job, but they get violated and objectified enough.

"Yo, why this nigga actin' scared?" Apollo says making a couple of them laugh.

The girl grinding all on my lap looks back at me smirking. "Don't be scared of all this ass." I look at it seeing a tattoo of a panther head on the left cheek. Ass tattoos are...interesting.

"I thought tonight is about Glock. He's the one getting married," I say looking at Glock who's flicking money from his hand like a pro as a stripper dances in front of him at a distance.

"I'ma get mine too. We can take turns," he says cheesing.

When I see a bright light from my peripheral I turn in that direction to see someone holding a phone up recording. "Oh, hell naw," I say using more force to push the girl off of me this time. When she falls on the floor everyone laughs.

"Damn, nigga!" The girl says looking at me with a glare as I get up.

"My fault," I say extending my hand to help her up but she smacks it away getting up herself.

"That AIDS coochie got you whipped!" Apollo says laughing loudly before drinking straight from a Henny bottle. I was going to equate that to him being drunk since he started drinking before everyone else. I already wasn't feeling tonight...


After having the strippers and some friends at the house everyone wasn't content in that. We were now at a nightclub. I was over tonight, so I sat in our private section while everyone else was having the time of their lives.

I look across the club seeing a group of dark skin guys. When I see Haitian flags hanging from their pants I know something is up. I know there's a lot of Haitians in Florida and I could be paranoid or I'm right. All I can think in my head is that Casanova is Haitian and I remember hearing he's been getting in good with the Haitians in Miami. Some people would argue between the Haitians and the Hispanics running South Florida. What I do know is that the Haitians aren't to messed with.

The way they're grouped together and looking around the club didn't look good. It's like they're looking for someone. We need to get out of here. I slowly get up from the couch leaving the section being emerged into a group of people. I find Ares in the crowd of the club dancing with some girl with Jinsu nearby. I grab both of them getting attitude from Ares.

"I know you see me dancing!" Ares says as the girl stands up straight for twerking.

"I don't care. We need to leave."


"I don't have a good feeling. Take Jinsu and go make valet pull all our cars up while I go get Glock and Apollo."


I cut Ares off because he tends to ask a lot of questions. "Don't ask questions. Just do it." He walks off with Jinsu and I start looking around for Apollo and Glock while trying not to be seen. I also keep my eyes on those same guys who are slowly moving further into the club.

I look around the club for Apollo when I find him in the corner...

I push through the people excusing myself. "Yo, we gotta go!" I say motioning for him to get up.

"What? Why?" He asks slurring his words.

"Come on," I say grabbing him up. "The Haitians are here. I think some funny shit is going down."

"Haitians?" Apollo asks stumbling on his feet. I hold onto Apollo's arm to keep him stable as we walk. I finally spot Glock dancing in the middle of a crowd with his shirt off twirling his shirt above his head. I step into the middle of the circle as I eyes look at me. I grab Glock who's still trying to dance. I drag him, but he makes a commotion and I can see the group of those guys looking directly at me. It's like everything pauses as one of them taps the other.

"Let's go!" I say trying to drag both of them moving faster. I get through all the people in the club and outside in the front. When I see my Black Lamborghini lined up behind Apollo's orange Lambo and in front of a Rolls Royce I rush towards Ares. "Take Glock, I'll take Apollo, and Jinsu drive the Rolls Royce.

Ares hands us the keys and I grab Apollo. He was moving, but not fast enough. I open the passenger door pushing him in closing the door behind him. I rush around the car and as I'm opening the drivers side door I see those guys from earlier rush outside. I make eye contact with them then I hop in the car starting the engine. When I hear gunshots I quickly pull off at the same time as Ares and Jinsu. I hit the gas passing Jinsu who was in front of me. I switch lanes back and forth passing people in traffic.

When I get to a red light I stop figuring we left them in the dust at the club. In my rear view mirror I can see Ares is behind me. When he starts honking his horn multiple times I furrow my eyebrows. "Yo, chill, I'm not going," I say looking in the rear view mirror. When I look over a window rolls down on the car next to us, a gun sticks out, and they start shooting. Glass breaks from the window. Apollo ducks as I turn the wheel driving. I go through the red light hoping I don't get hit and I can see two cars doing the same. Ares is going so fast he passes me.

"I'm gonna throw up!" Apollo says holding on for his dear life as I speed.

"Don't do that. Are you good? Did you get hit?" I ask dodging cars on the road. I felt like I was in Need for Speed.

When a phone ringing sound goes off I look at the screen in the car seeing it's mine. It's unknown number, but I answer it. "Who is this?" I ask immediately ask after answering.

"I'm sure you niggas have figured out I have that little bitch you used to set my brother up." From the deep voice I knew it was Casanova making Apollo and I to look at each other.

"Where is she at? If you killed her I hope you know you fucked up. You'll be buried under the jail for killing a billionaires daughter."

"She's alive. You can chill out."

"Where is she? What do you want? Money?"

"Nope, some money would be nice, but no. You're the new source out of India, right? You took Ambani's spot and dropped us as connects. I want my crew back in, but I want a partnership. We split the product 50/50. I want a joint venture."

"You're out of your fuckin' mind. Mrs. Ambani isn't goin' for that."

"She better be because she doesn't really have a choice. Unless you want me to shove this bomb up this pretty bitches pussy and blow her to pieces..."

I breathe in deeply then take a deep breath. I look at Apollo who's nodding his head. "Deal.."

"Good choice. You don't get the girl back until you deliver half the shipment of your product to me. Until then we'll just take gooood care of her," he says sounding like a creep. "You have a week. Good night. I hope I didn't ruin the festivities too much," he laughs making me clench my jaw. "Just know it ain't over for what you did to my brother." At that he hangs up.

We finally get home once we know there's no one following us. It was clearly a warning. A warning that cost me my car window, but at least no one got hit. I was exhausted, so I dragged myself upstairs to my bedroom. I kick off my YSL sneakers falling back on my bed sighing.

I look up at the ceiling taking a deep sigh when my phone rings with a Facetime call. I pick my phone up seeing it's Desdemona answering. "What's up?" I ask like normal. This night was far from normal, but I wasn't going to tell Des everything that happened. I didn't need her worrying.

"Heyyy," she drags out clearly under the influence. I look at the clock on my nightstand seeing it's after 3a.m. and almost 4. I can see she's laying in her hotel bed still wearing all her makeup. "I miss you," she says sounding like a little kid.

"I miss you too. You clearly had fun tonight.." I swallow hard thinking about everything that happened to us. I could've been dead tonight.

"A lot of fun. It would be more fun if you were here. I want to suck your dick so bad." At this point nothing she said surprised me.

I laugh, but all I can think about is telling her about her sister, but Apollo told me not to.

Let the good times roll, I guess...

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