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- Chapter 40 -
We'll be Okay for Now

Sitting in the Relax Records office headquarters in Manhattan, I count out money rubber banding the amount when it's correct. I lick my thumb to count each $100 bill better counting the amount under my breath. This past couple of days I quickly realized how big of a part Athena plays in my record label since she's gone on her honeymoon with Glock. I was a little spoiled because she does everything as far as planning. With Saweetie's EP, High Maintenance, releasing in a couple of days it's crunch time to finish the last minute details.

I put one rubber banded stack on the table as my employee of my record label stands in front of me. "That's the $1,000 for the release party venue. This one's for the release party catering. Lastly, this one's for Saweetie's wardrobe budget for the release party. Tell her it's a performance outfit and one for the party." The young lady looks at each large stack of money grabbing them. "Next time it'll be a check, but just take the cash," I clarify. She nods her head leaving my office.

I know I shouldn't be paying with cash because there's no way to trace it in case something goes wrong, but it's what I had on hand. I've been so busy working I've been all over the place. At this point I'm basically working three jobs and wearing three different hats.

Warner Bros. was handling everything else cost wise, but it's my job to make sure the release party happens. On a personal note, I didn't think it was needed, but business wise I know it is. People in the industry have to be invited, so they can hear it first. Saweetie has to mingle with her peers whether it's other artists or important people in the music industry, so they can open doors for her. Connections... this whole industry is about connections truthfully.

I look at the one stack of money left moving it from my lap to the coffee table. My office was just like I wanted. A desk, a sitting area with couches, and a tv. I grab the tv remote pushing the power button watching as the flatscreen hanging on the wall turns on. The tv happens to turn on with the channel on the news.

I smack my lips unintentionally when they're talking about the club shooting that happened the other night. Not because I don't care about the innocent people that were hurt, but because it's partially my fault and it could've been avoided. I was under the influence and ready to fuck my girl when I gave Gunz the green light. I didn't think he was just going to wildly shoot up the club hitting everybody, but Casanova... at least from my knowledge.

Casanova wasn't one of the people documented to be harmed that night. Either he came out untouched or he didn't get medical help or report it. I shake my head as they talk about the two victims. Luckily, nobody died even though no one should've been hurt unless it was Casanova. I have a bone to pick with Gunz and I know when Apollo finds out it was him, he'll have a bone to pick with me.

I kick my feet up on the table changing the channel. Don't get me wrong, I like being able to say I'm a businessman... Having legit money I can put in the bank and pay taxes with is much better than having to have a complete other business just to clean illegal money, but the shit is boring. Sitting in an office completing duties off of a checklist is very anticlimactic.

Now I'm not saying I rather be some where cutting up drugs, on a corner, or getting shot at. I like being hands on with my businesses, but I also can't wait for the day my shit is so big I don't have to come check on it if I don't want to because I have employees for that.

Right now the focus is Saweetie putting out this EP then the rest of my artists doing the same, so they can go on tour together. As far as my clothing line it's doing better than I could've expected. Hood Rich Attire was sold out online and has added more streetwear clothing stores to the list of sellers. Lindo is more of a slow seller since it's 'designer' and more expensive, but it's doing well especially in Barney's. My next goal is to get it in stores like Nordstrom, Saks, and Neiman Marcus. Right now I'm just working on creating the next collection.

Concerning the drugs, Mrs. Ambani wasn't happy about the deal we made with Casanova. It's one more person we have to share money with. In my eyes, it's one more person to sell the drugs. It's not an ideal situation, but it's less shit for us to have to move. But after Gunz did that shooting at the club the other day Casanova didn't show up to pick his shipment up. He didn't send anyone to do it for him either. I don't know if he's shook or actually somewhere dead.

I doubt he's dead though...

Mrs. Ambani's only concern was feeding her children. As long as the drugs were sold and she got her cut she doesn't care who does it. It was a different tune from the one she sang at first when we made the deal. At first she only wanted the De Carlo organization touching her product. It's more work for us, but less stressful. The only other crew we're bringing in on this is Dayanara's. She's going to help us sell down south in Florida and Georgia.

Once I get everything in order, which I hope is soon, I want to start my next business venture. I already had a couple ideas in mind that I wanted to bring Glock in on, so I can help him find something to do post-drug dealing.

I grab my phone unlocking it then going to Instagram. After beginning to work with Desdemona my social media platform has probably tripled in followers. I went from 500k followers to 1.5 million in a matter of months. If I had to tell someone else I would say that $100,000 I spent to be her client in the first place was well worth it. Aside from the relationship we built, she's beneficial to have on your team. I've most definitely made that money back three times over. When you're able to pay your rent with the money you make on Instagram through sponsorships, promotions, and ads that's some next level shit.

I've seen people say they don't exactly know what Desdemona does. It's simple, she makes people money. Some might say she just throws fancy events, is a socialite, or a clout connoisseur as if it's not a real job or it's easy to do, but it's not. Not everybody can look at the numbers from followers, viewers, and likes to determine how to make a profit that doesn't stop if social media dies one day.

Shit, just the other day we went viral because of the wedding pictures. Everybody was reposting our pictures simply based on liking our outfits; that I picked, might I add. Glock and Athena went viral as well for their reception entrance video, which is crazy because Glock doesn't even have social media. Both him and Apollo don't believe in it. Not when you're involved in illegal activities. The real street dudes aren't posting their drugs and guns online.

At first Glock was upset his face and name were all over the internet stemming from his paranoia, but when he saw the numbers it was doing it went to his head a little. Apollo was mad like always, but I can't blame him. Everyone saw the pictures of the wedding, put two and two together, then figured out they're my brothers. Now there's articles on the blogs asking who the De Carlo brothers are because of our looks.

When there's a knock at my office door I look up from my phone to see someone standing by the doorway. I look trying to see who it is. All I knew was that it's a female. It had to be someone who comes here often and is known if they're not being escorted by the secretary at the front desk. "Come in," I say anyway. The door was propped open, but I guess they're trying to be polite by knocking before just entering.

"Hii," a bright voice drags out followed by heels clicking upon the entrance of Desdemona. I greet her back looking her up and down taking note of her outfit consisting of a black dress and boots that stop right below the dress. In her hand is a bag from some store. "I brought you food," she says holding it up seeing that I'm looking at it. She closes the door behind her walking towards me.

Her cheeky smile makes me end up smile. I think it's obvious I have a soft spot for her. I could come off hard, cold, and emotionless but it was hard too around her. For lack of a better word, she's adorable. "See, this why you're my shorty."

"Your shorty," she mimics trying to do my New York accent. I wouldn't say Desdemona has an accent, but she does say certain words different than I would. I don't know if that has anything to do with where she's from. She puts the bag down on the table leaning down kissing me before sitting on the couch next to me.

"What'd you get?" I ask changing the channel to something other than the news.

"I went to Quatorze Bis. I got you a grilled sirloin sandwich and some other sides. I also got you grilled salmon for later considering you're working all day and you eat out for every meal. That's ridiculous," she says as I go through the bag.

"I don't cook. I'm never at home to cook. My refrigerator is empty. Why do you think I come to your place every night?"

"So, you're bumming food off of me? You just come over for the free meals," she says laughing.

"And pussy, don't forget that. I eat three meals a day faithfully," I say smirking making her hit my arm.

"Whatever." She looks around my office probably looking at all the changes I made to it.  Her eyes stare at the wall covers in graffiti for a good second. "I kinda snuck out of my office to do this. All of my employees are totally freaking out and having melt downs about my upcoming fashion show, but I was hungry," she says shrugging her shoulders.

"And you left them to hang? Naw, you trippin' trippin'. They're going to fuck it all the way up," I say digging through the bag and opening a takeout container looking at the food.

"That's mine," Desdemona says quickly snatching the container. "And I trust they'll get it together. If not, somebody's getting fired."

"Damn! It looked good. I can't taste it?" I ask watching as she closes it and puts it on the table.

"No," she says sternly.

"You a stingy mutha fucka. I'm realizing that," I say grabbing the next container in the bag.

"With my food I am. I brought you lunch and dinner. What more do you want? That's three whole meals." I look at her confused because that's only two then it clicks.

"Oh, you're the third meal. I get it," I say snapping my fingers and nodding my head as we both laugh.

"Your slow ass never gets my jokes. Can you just pretend you get it and laugh like it's hilarious from the jump?"

"I'm sorry. I don't fake shit. The only reason I'm ever fake laughing is to get the draws and we're past that. He he ha ha, if that makes you feel better." I look at the food seeing it looks good because Desdemona always gets that expensive, fancy shit that looks nasty. I close it again deciding I'll eat it later.

"You're just–" she starts not being able to find the word. "Whose money is that?" She asks grabbing the stack of money on the table.

"It was just left over money from paying for everything for Saweetie's release party. You can have it," I say making her look at me.

She smiles and with no hesitation or turning it down she says, "Thank you!" I chuckle watching her stick it in her Chanel purse. "You shouldn't pay for things in cash though. In case there's a problem and you need to trace it. Checks are better. For example if someone says you didn't pay them," she adds not missing the chance to school me.

"I know. I just had it on hand."

"You just keep this much money laying around? How much was that?" She asks pulling it out of her purse looking at it again.

"$5,000. Do you want it or not?" I ask jokingly but prepared to snatch it back.

"No, I want it. I can use this to pay some bills or even make an investment, shit," she says quickly putting it back in her purse.

"At least you're not going to use it to get your nails done or go shopping."

"I can use my own money for that. You could give me a million and I'll start an athletic wear company and give you back like 4 million in 24 months. Just saying," she says throwing up her hands.

I look at her licking my bottom lip. "You know I like that cash talk."

She looks at me with a smile. "You want to hear real cash talk? Guess who just got a deal with Spotify to help with their marketing to bring in artists on the rise? And guess who might be able to help your label and artists?" She immediately points at herself not even giving me time to guess.

"Yo, deadass? You serious?" I ask kind of surprised. Spotify is a big deal.

"Deadass," her proper voice when saying it makes me laugh.

"So, what does that mean? You can get my artists music on Spotify?"

"That and I can help them get advertisements sponsored by Spotify. Basically, get them more exposure. And like you asked I have one of my employees coming in this week to talk to your artists about how to optimize their social media usage."

"Damn, that's wassup. You stay getting to the bag, deal after deal."

"Flip it, never fumble it," she says as we both stick our hands out. I laugh a little as we do a quick fold up. That was Desdemona's new thing. I'm clearly rubbing off on her. I lift her hand that's still in mine kissing it causing her to do this goofy giggle as she bashfully looks at me.

"We gonna celebrate?" I ask her letting go of her hand. I stretch my arms across the back of the couch looking at her.

She shrugs. "Yeah, we can go to dinner or something?"

"Is a fancy dinner the only way you know how to celebrate? Naw, we're doin' somethin' different.. fun."

"Like what?" She asks with raised eyebrows.

"I don't know yet, but you'll see tonight. I'll think of something."

"Okayy, don't have me doing anything crazy," she says looking at me skeptically.

"I won't. And I mean, since we're sharing news... Mine isn't a big money move like your Spotify deal, but I have some good news too." She looks at me as if saying to spit it out. "I signed up for my G.E.D prep classes. I'm taking the night classes that start next month." Throwing me off guard she throws her arm up with a squeal jumping in my lap. "Damn, you actin' like I asked you to marry me? It's just a little G.E.D."

"No accomplishment is little," she says wrapping her arms around my neck kissing me as I rest my hands on her thighs. "To be honest... I didn't think you were going to do it. Not the way you were saying there's no need or point."

"You think I'ma turn down a free car? If I said I'ma do it, I'ma do it. It shouldn't be that hard."

"Alright, we'll see. When you're stressing over that Pre-Calculus don't ask for my help. My little two degrees can't help you," She says jokingly.

"Aiight, don't be a smart ass."

"I'm not, but I am proud of you," she says kissing me again. "Look at us accomplishing our goals."

"Anything is possible headass," I tease her knowing one of her motivational speeches was coming. She smacks her lips as I chuckle.

"Anything really is possible," she says matter of factually readjusting herself in my lap so that she's now straddling me. "Everything has just been so good these past couple of weeks." The problem is will it stay that way... "I'm ready to go to Atlanta even if it's only for a little while. I'm just ready to find out if I got the house."

"Honestly, I am too." At first, I wasn't really feeling the idea of going to Atlanta, not right now at least. I only agreed because Desdemona asked me. I have too much going on here to just leave. But what reason is there to stick around in New York? I'm just waiting for something fucked up to happen.

"Really?" Des asks a little surprised. "I know you don't want to leave because your family is here. Have you told your brothers?"

"No, but I'm grown. If I wanna go for a couple of months they can't stop me. This is the longest I've stayed in New York for years. Usually I'm on the move switching locations every month. I only stayed this long to work with you. I didn't see all this shit happening in these past months, but I can't be too mad because I met you." She slightly smiles leaning in kissing me as my hands grip her thighs.

When the door bust opens I pull away from Desdemona looking to see Apollo storming in. "You can't knock, nigga?" I ask moving my hands as Desdemona moves from on top of me.

"Ain't nobody worried about the two of you. Actually, you can get out," he says looking at Desdemona sharply.

"You need to chill the fuck out coming in my office making demands. Have some manners, dude. If you wanna talk, politely ask her to step out."

Apollo does a fake smile saying, "Can you please get the fuck out?"

I was about to get in his ass until Desdemona touches my knee. "I'm just going to step out. I wanted to go talk to Paloma anyway." I watch as Desdemona gets up walking past Apollo who  gives her a side eye before she leaves the room.

"Quit fixing your mouth to disrespect her. This is my last time fucking telling you!" I say getting up from the couch grabbing my food.

"Or what? Fuck outta here," he says as I go over to the little bar area in the corner that has a microwave. "Instead of running your mouth trying to defend her, you need to tell me who in the hell authorized for Gunz to shoot up that club? I coulda swore I told you to tell him to hold off awhile."

I sigh as my shoulders slump while I put the time on the microwave starting it. "I told Gunz that. He called me the night of the wedding saying he's at the club and sees Casanova. He's all riled up wanting to get him while he has the chance and–" I stop and hesitate.

"And what, nigga?" Apollo asks stretching his neck forward waiting for me to continue.

"I told him to do what he wants," I mumble.

"What?" He shouts looking at me like I'm stupid. "For what reason!?"

"I was drunk and–"

He cuts me off. "Drunk and stupid! We agreed not now. Not when we just got Chaos. And why the fuck did Gunz do that shit so sloppy? He's supposed to be a trained shooter, a hitman, and he just wildly lets bullets go in a club hitting random people."

"It was a fucked up move. I understand that!" I argue back.

"I don't think you fucking do," Apollo says through gritted teeth coming towards me. "Now the police are investigating trying to figure out if there's a gang war going on in the city because the common denominator in this shooting and Chaos' murder is C.A.S. I told you hold off until things cool down. There's too many C.A.S. bodies dropping, so now the police are looking into it. Then you got our face all over the Internet with those wedding pictures so people can know our name. You don't fucking understand!" Apollo says stopping right in front of me.

"Why are you tripping?! We're protected by New York government officials. We're good as long as we continue to give them a cut of our drug money."

"Why am I tripping?!" He asks poking my shoulder, but I move back. "They're protecting us from going to jail for drugs, not fucking murder! If they start linking and tying bodies back to us and they see these high ass numbers we're done. The government cares more about people getting killed than some drugs. You're smart, but irrational. You telling Gunz to do what he wants doesn't even sound like you.."

I scratch my head. It wasn't me. I'm pretty sure while people were getting shot, I was clapping Desdemona's cheeks. "Look, I take responsibility for my actions. I said that. It can't be taken back now."

"You realize multiple innocent people got hurt behind that? Civilians minding their fucking business trying to live their best life and we don't even have a body we actually want to show for it!" Apollo says angrily slamming his left fist into his right hand. "If Casanova isn't dead there was no reason for that shit. Now the mutha fucka is probably gonna go back into hiding."

"I'ma talk to Gunz today and figure out what he  was thinkin'. And is it really that bad if Casanova disappears again? We didn't want to work with him anyway."

"The only time a quiet man is good is if they're dead... And Casanova isn't dead. I can guarantee that." He backs up from me heading towards the door. "And if it isn't clear, you're done making decisions. I tried to let you step up, but you keep fucking up. Fall back until we're out. And I want a reimbursement of my money from Gunz since he can't do shit the right way," Apollo says before leaving my office.

I sigh running my hand over my head before taking my food out of the microwave. I leave my office with my food in hand going down the hall to the vending machines that are by the studio rooms. Using my one free hand I reach into the pocket of my jeans getting a dollar to buy a drink.

I look at the choices of drinks when I hear voices that seem to be nearby. "Why are you lying for him?!" I hear a voice say loudly. I look to my right to see one of the studio room doors cracked open a little. Through the small space I can see Paloma. Whispers follow her statement as she continues loudly, "You're keeping something from me, Des. You never used to keep secrets. We're becoming more and more distant ever since that nigga came in the picture."

"No, we became distant when you kept doing shady shit. The whole Apollo thing. Then I hear about you threatening Draco with something you knew that you should've told me ANYWAY as my best friend," I hear Desdemona respond.

"Because no one is telling me anything. I got shot! Not any of you, me, but no one can tell me why it happened. Do I look like boo boo the fool?! These niggas got some whole other shit going on outside of this record label and I deserve to know. I have a son to think about!" I furrow my eyebrows not knowing she even had a kid.

"I need you to calm down, Paloma," Desdemona says calmly. I was hoping Desdemona kept her mouth shut and doesn't tell Paloma what we have going on. It's not her business. Yes, her life was in danger that one night but she's alive. I paid her medical bills and that should be that. I stick the dollar into the machine still listening. "You're being paranoid. It was a random club shooting. Draco and his brothers are just businessmen. They run a label your signed to... A label willing to sign you when no one else would."

I give a satisfied grin to myself taking a sigh of relief that she didn't fold. I hit the right buttons for the drink I want waiting for it to be dispensed. "Wow, you're going to lie right to my face," I hear Paloma say with what sounded like hurt in her voice. Yes, she is.

"I'm not lying. Were you just not going to tell me Saweetie slept with Draco?" Desdemona shoots back as the drink drops with a thud. I can see Paloma look towards the hallway through the crack of the door, so I quickly grab the Strawberry Fanta going down the hallway.

I go to the studio space where Diamonté is supposed to be recording. I push the door open walking in to see her in the booth while an engineer is behind the boards. He gives me a head nod as I sit on the couch listening and eating my food. I listen to the song until it suddenly stops making me look up. Diamonté is standing in the door of the booth with her hand on her hip. "It's a closed studio session," she says seriously but I know she's joking.

"If the head of the label can't sit-in on your session then I guess the music isn't getting put out."

"You always take shit too far," she says playfully rolling her eyes walking across the room. "What do you want?" She asks sitting on the table in the middle of the room across from me.

"To listen to the music. Have you picked the songs you want on the EP? They need to be finalized."

"Yeah, I have 8 songs and an intro. I played them for Warner the other day."

"What did they think?"

"They liked it. It's still coming out, soo," she says shrugging. It was clearly still awkward between us no matter how hard we tried not to be. I was just trying to keep it business.

"They cleared all the songs, right? All samples and beats? Especially that Khia beat, so it can be sold for purchase on streaming services? And the Too Short beat?" I ask looking down at my plate putting sauce on my food.

"Yup," She says popping the p. It's quiet again.
"You didn't answer my calls..." she says in the middle of me biting into my sandwich making me look at her. I continue chewing as she just stares at me. "You couldn't call me back?"

I wipe my hand over my mouth sighing. "For what? I talked to your manager. You know I was busy last week with my brothers wedding. I'm not going to be readily available every time you think I should be."

"I'm not talking about my manager. You can't talk to me?"

"Look, I'm trying to keep some type of normalcy between us, but you keep trippin' over shit like you my girl or something. Last time I checked I only have to answer to myself, God, and my actual girl. What do you want me to say?"

"Your girl?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows. On the inside I cringe a little because I didn't mean to say that. "Wow. So you're with her now?" I could see the engineer was feeling out of place catching on to what type of conversation this is. He excuses himself out of the room leaving Diamonté and I alone.

"I'm not tryna rub it in your face or hurt ya feelings, but yes, I am. You're the one who initiated the whole thing that night saying we're grown. Why you buggin' out now like there's deeper feelings? We're friends. It was one night," I stress. I don't need this shit right now.

"We're friends, but it's obvious–" she stops mid sentence just looking at me. "I'm not even going to explain shit because you clearly don't get it with your oblivious ass. You're right. We're friends," she says says the two Wales's I just used with sarcasm laced in her voice.

I look at her as it gets quiet. "Uh, did you get your schedule?" I ask trying to go back to regular, business conversation like I planned when I came in here.

"Yeah," She says dryly.

"Alright, cause you have the performance for Pandora and South by southwest coming up, music videos that have to drop, your shoot with Sprayground for the sponsorship, that meet and greet. It's a lot so you need to be ready. Don't miss rehearsals, flights, nothing."

"I know what I need to do," she says giving me a stank look. "Is that it, bossman?" She asks sarcastically.

Before I can answer the studio door is opening. Diamonté and I both look towards the door where I see Desdemona. "Uh, I just wanted to let you know I'm about to go," Desdemona says looking at me then at Diamonté. "Hi, how are you doing?" Desdemona says to Saweetie to be polite, but I knew she was thinking something else.

"Fine. I'm sure you're doing better than me," Diamonté says harshly making Desdemona look confused. "Draco, when you leave tell Rasheed to come back," Diamonté says referring to the engineer. Diamonté looks at both Desdemona and I as if waiting for us to get out. I grab my drink and trash from my food then get up from the couch following Desdemona into the hallway.

"Someone's not having a good day," Desdemona says with raised eyebrows.

"She's just stressed. You know, with her EP coming out this week and the release party," I say throwing my trash into a trash can in the hallway.

"Sure," is all Desdemona says entering my office first as I hold the door open. I watch as she grabs her purse from the couch and her food. She walks up to me as I still stand close to the door. She looks up at me and with this weird grin she says, "I hope you had that conversation with her. Business, strictly business." I look at her oddly confused by the seriousness yet calm demeanor she currently has. "You should go talk to Paloma," she adds making me narrow my eyes. "I have to go."

Desdemona leans up kissing me then walks out of my office. I stand there for a second then go right back down the hall to the studio space where Paloma usually records. I push the door open entering the room where music can be heard. I look at Paloma who doesn't even noticed I entered the room...

She gets through recording the verse then takes her headphones finally looking at me. "It sounds good," I compliment. I wouldn't say that Paloma and I are good after the last time we talked. I really haven't talked to her. I was just trying to keep the peace not only because she's my artist, but because she's my girls best friend because I really could've violated her for that shit she pulled. "Desdemona said I should come talk to you..."

"Yeah," she pauses turning towards me fully. I just sit and wait for what she's going to say. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior the last time we talked." That completely threw me off guard. I wasn't expecting that. What did Desdemona say to her?

"Oh, word?" Is the first thing I can think to say.

"I had no business trying to blackmail my boss," she says doing this nervous laugh. "Especially with something in your personal life. It was not my place or my business just because you date my friend."

"Well, I accept your apology." I'm sure I could apologize too, but I don't think I did anything wrong... I told her EP was pushback after she threatened me. Every action has a reaction, everybody knows that.

"I know me and you have been having problems. I just want to thank you," Paloma says genuinely surprising me even more. "You gave me a chance when no one else would. Yeah, I'm still mad that you pushed my EP to the end of the list, but I have to thank you for getting me that placement on Tory Lanez album." I was somehow able to get Paloma a feature on one of the songs on his album Memories Don't Die that came out a couple of weeks ago. Friendships in the industry pay off.

"I told you I got you. You piss me off most of the time, but you're still my artist. It business and let's keep it that... all around. Stop going behind my back and telling my brother, Apollo, when you don't get your way."

"Sorry for that too. I just want to be heard. Sometimes it feels like you only care about Saweetie and her music," she says doing a slight shrug.

"I just need you guys to understand that's not the case. We care about all of you, but there's an order. As a new and independent label we're going to focus on developing you one by one. What I'm doing for Saweetie will trickle down to each of you. It's creating more money and putting more eyes on the label. You will each get your turn."

"Okay, I understand that," she says nodding her head.

"This label is supposed to be a family, not competing against each other. Everything has a plan. Trust the process. I would hope you guys trust me if you signed to me."

"I do," she says smiling. "We good?" She says extending her hand.

"We're straight," I say as she daps me making me laugh. I shake my head then ask, "You got some songs you wanna play me? Something single worthy?"

"I think I have something," she says with a grin. She tells the engineer what song to play and he does.

I walk into the restaurant in Manhattan where I'm supposed to be meeting with Franco. I was already walking into this with an attitude. I honestly wanted to lay my hands on him, but that's not how I can go about this. I walk in looking around for him when I spot him sitting at a table towards the back...

I sit at the table almost throwing my phone and keys onto it I was so pissed at him. "You want a drink? On me.. I can get the waiter." He says like everything is all good.

"No. You know I don't want no damn drink, Gunz. What the fuck is up? Why did you do that bullshit? We paid you all that money for that sloppy ass bullshit you pulled. Granted I gave you the green light, but you zoomed through that bitch and forgot you had brakes, my nigga! Wassup?!"

"I know and that's my bad. I was a little geeked up off a pill and my trigger finger was itching. I had to get him while I had the chance."

"So that's what we're doing? Popping pills and shooting up clubs?" I ask lowering my voice. "What kind of hitman are you? You didn't even hit the damn target?"

"I would've, but that dude used a girl that was in front of him as a shield. Who does that?"

"Casanova does that. That's the type of dude he is. He doesn't give a fuck about anybody but himself. Male, female, grown or a kid, he doesn't care as long as he comes out clean."

"I see that now. Look, I fucked up. I damn sure didn't deserve that $100,000 for the work I provided."

"Speaking of that, my brother Apollo wants his cut back.. A refund."

"That's no problem, but let me make it up to you."

I narrow my eyes at him. "How? I guarantee Casanova won't be anywhere in sight for awhile. We just need to let things cool down right now like Apollo said."

"I agree, but I don't think Casanova and his crew will. Your organization is going to need protection for when they do make a move. Let me do that for you guys. My family has a security company. It's our version of a Laundry Mat."

"To clean money?" I say nodding my head.

"Exactly. Moretti Security Services. More than 50 trained employees and they're mostly families. You can use as many as you need for your family and organization free of charge to make up for my fuck up."

I look at him contemplating. "I need at least one person for my girl, her sisters, my sisters-in-law, and my grandmother."

"That's no problem. What about you and your brothers?"

"We can handle ourselves."

"I don't think your understanding, Draco. My family has seen a lot of shit and I know when it's about to get ugly. You guys are going to need as much protection as possible."

"Fine, if you're willing to provide it I'll take it. They just can't follow us everywhere. They need to be at a distance."

"I think they'll be if better use if they're right by your side at all times."

"Then people will think we're pussies and can't go anywhere without security. We're good. We'll be okay for now. I'll hit you up," I say standing up from the table. "Get that $50k back to Apollo as soon as possible because he's a whole other beast than me. The worst thing you can do is owe him some money." He nods his head then I leave the restaurant.

As I walk down the block I saw. I just needed to get through these next couple of weeks so I can go to Atlanta with Desdemona. I need a break.

When my phone starts ringing I look at my phone in my hand. When I see Riku's name I stare at it awhile. The last time I saw him I vowed I would stay away from him like Apollo told me. I let it ring until it stops ignoring the call. I felt bad because I know Riku was alone and needed somebody. But I also I need to keep my distance and not get attached to him when I know Apollo killed his brother.

After a days work at my Manhattan office, I found myself in New Jersey. I recently closed on my house there and just out of happiness and excitement I sometimes went to look at it. I was going to get some renovations done to it since I can't move out of my penthouse until the years lease is up. I was still waiting to hear about the house I put an offer on in Atlanta, Georgia. I already had my office location for my new headquarters, so I want to be out there putting everything together by April.

Even though the beginning of this year wasn't the greatest, I feel like I'm getting a new start that's much needed. New house(s), new friends, new business ventures, a new man, and a new me.

I park my car in the driveway of my new Fort Lee, New Jersey home looking up at it. It was between this house and one in Edgewater, but Rhea talked me into getting this one because she lives nearby. I don't see myself going to her place often if Apollo is there, but she's free to come to my home. I don't see Apollo ever liking me and at this point, I don't care.

I get out of my Bentley Flying Spur locking the doors. I look around my new neighborhood that's in a gated community and home to some very elite and wealthy people. I look at the yard that's cut envisioning a gardener coming and planting some flowers. I walk up to the front door moving keys on my keychain looking for the right one. When I find it I unlock the door pushing it open. Of course it's dead silent as my heels click on the wooden floor causing an echo. I close and lock the door behind me walking down the hall.

I scan my eyes across the foyer of the home taking note of everything I wanted to change. I honestly don't know how long I'm going to live here. Am I going to stay here until I'm old and grey or is it just a starter home? If I had to raise a family here, I wouldn't be opposed to it. I think I picked this house because it reminds me of the house I spent my teen years in before my parents moved again.

I walk towards the back of the first floor where the kitchen is. I breathe in letting it out feeling satisfied. I had a feeling of pride in myself. I didn't need a man to do this. The house isn't too big and isn't too small.

My thoughts are broken when my phone rings. In the silent and empty house, my phone sounded ten times louder than it probably is. I open the flap on my Classic Chanel bag digging through it grabbing my phone. When I see it's Jordan, I answer saying, "Hello?"

"I have good news, Ms. Garnet," she says sounding excited.

"What is it?" I ask walking in a circle in my empty dining room area.

"I just got word they accepted your offer on that Buckhead house you really wanted. All you have to do is sign the papers and the house is yours."

"Thank God," I say sighing. "I mean I wasn't worried. My credit is immaculate and I have the money.."

"You definitely have that old and wealthy white man credit score," Jordan says chuckling. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you," I say smiling. "All thanks to you for being a fantastic real estate agent. When can I sign?"

"Whenever you have time. Just come to my office or I can fax it to you then you send it back when you're done."

"I can just come in tomorrow. Is noon a good time?"

"Perfectly fine," she responds. After that we hang up. I sigh smiling to myself as I stick my phone back in my purse. I look around the house smiling wider not even being able to help the scream I let out with a happy dance. I look around the house as if anyone can see me then smooth out my dress. I clear my throat walking down the hall deciding to go upstairs.

It's a six bedroom house, but now that Cordelia will be living with our father I don't know what I'm doing to go with all these bedrooms. Obviously I could fill them with my own kids, but the plan is to get married first. I'm 33, so I can probably push out at least three kids. I probably should've considered getting my eggs frozen or something. Then again I didn't expect to get an incurable disease and not be married by now. Before I used to dwell on that, but now I'm not worried. My validation isn't based on marriage and children.

I leave my house doing some exploring around the area to see what places and stores are nearby. I end up going to some coffee shop just to get a pick me up. I walk out of the small coffee shop holding my cup and looking at my phone while walking to my car across the parking lot. When I hear my name yelled I look up from my phone looking around. It wasn't abnormal for people to just randomly call my name to get my attention out in public. It's the life of a public figure.

When I spot a man looking directly at me, I figure it's someone wanting a picture with me. The man closes the door to his car then walks towards me. He's a black man with brown skin standing about 6 feet tall. Not wanting to just be standing in the middle of the parking lot I apprehensively walk towards him. "If it isn't the Desdemona Garnet aka Miss Princeton," I furrow my eyebrows because only people who went to college with me or knew me in my college days call me that.

I lift my sunglasses putting them on top of my head then squint my eyes trying to figure out who this person is as we get closer and closer. I didn't know that many black people at Princeton since our demographic was less than 10%. When you met a black person, you remembered them. "Dazmon Baptiste?" I finally realize in shock that I'm face to face with one my college exes and pretty much my first love.

He nods his head with a smile. A smile I remembered vividly. "I was about to say... I know I didn't change that much over 10 years that you can't recognize me. I didn't get fat and unattractive." When we reach each other he puts his arms out and we hug.

"Nope, you still look good," I say as we part. I look at the beard that made him look even better from when I knew him in my early twenties. He wears a crewneck sweater, but I can tell he put on weight in the muscle department. He looks older and more mature, which is a good look on him. Dazmon was about five years older than me when we dated, so he had to be knocking on forties door but he didn't look like it at all.

He smiles putting his hand on his chest. "I try." He blinks making his long lashes flutter. Men always get the prettiest thick and long eyelashes, meanwhile women get two strands and have to wear fake ones. "Shit, but look at you!" He says looking me up and down. "I was just thinking about you the other day, but I got my answer when I saw your face on a billboard. You're clearly doing well, but I expected that, Miss Princeton," he says giving me a head nod.

I do a small smile saying, "I'm doing alright," not wanting to brag.

"Alright?" He asks with an arched brow crossing his arms over his chest showing the true muscular shape of them. "I did a little stalking on the gram. You're doing wayyy better than alright. What is it that you do? I thought you were supposed to go work for your father after you graduated."

"I was supposed to, but I changed my mind. Uh, I do multiple things. I guess, I'm an entrepreneur," I say pushing my straightened hair behind my ear. "I'm in fashion, I'm a social media strategist with my own company, I have a talent agency, a charity, amongst other things."

"Damn, big money. I see you!" He says making me chuckle.

"You're clearly doing fine yourself," I say looking behind him at the White Maserati with red rims and two black stripes down the middle that he got out of. "What have you been up to?"

"Really just trying to adjust back to freedom and the outside world. Granted, I've been out of prison for almost a year, but it's been a process. I work with one of my cousins who has a business since it's not easy getting a job as a felon."

"You just got out this past year? Wow, that makes sense... You got ten years and it's definitely been ten years. I'm surprised you don't hate me. I literally abandoned you. I'm sorry for that."

"You don't have to be sorry. That was my choice. I had you in a fucked up situation in the first place. You're not that type of girl and I had you taking weed charges. I didn't expect you to wait ten years on my law breaking ass. Now that I'm older I'm just trying to be a productive citizen. It's kinda hard when you serve your time, but they still hold it over you for the rest of your life pretty much."

"That's the American judicial system." I pause then think on something. "Remember when you told me you wanted to be a model and actor?" I ask pointing at him as we both chuckle.

"You remember that? Clearly I chose being a criminal over that. I remember that. I was just talkin'," he says shrugging.

"I think you can do it. You have the look and personality. Nobody runs background checks for acting and modeling gigs." We both laugh. He nods his head in agreement. "If you're interested we can have lunch and talk about it more. Or even other possibilities to have your own business, so you don't have to rely on someone hiring you." I reach into my purse pulling out one of my business cards. I extend it to him and he grabs it looking at it.

"I'll fasho be calling you," he says looking at me smiling.

"What are you doing out here anyway? This definitely isn't Trenton," I joke.

He laughs responding, "It definitely ain't, but this also isn't Princeton. I live out here and commute to New York City for work."

"Really? I do too... Well, I will. I just bought a house nearby."

"Then I guess we might be seeing each other. We should have lunch one day, so we can have more time to catch up."

I smile saying, "We can do that. Just call that number." He nods his head then I wave turning around going to my car.

After driving from New Jersey back to New York City, I pick up my sister, Cordelia from our Dad's so she can eat dinner at my house. Of course she has an attitude about having to move in with him, but it's what's best for right now. I sit outside of my father's building when she finally comes down getting in my car. While I wait for traffic to pass, so I can pull out I ask, "You were there alone?"

"Yeah, Dad's at work and Lennox is at basketball practice. I don't know how you can possibly think me living with Dad is better. He's always working like usual. I'm just going to move out in a couple of months once I graduate anyway."

When you're a teenager you really think you know everything, but don't know anything at all. She'll realize being grown isn't all that fun. "We'll see if you'll still be singing that tune in 2 months. How much money do you have saved up?"

"A decent amount. I just have to keep booking work and I should have enough," She says confidently.

"Sure," I say sarcastically. "Dad is literally moving from that condo to a penthouse to accommodate for you and Lennox living with him."

"Accommodate? Is that the right word to use when he's our father? By law he has to make sure we have a roof over our head until we're 18," Cordelia says with an attitude.

"I think maybe you should be more open minded. Maybe you don't have respect and appreciation for your elders, especially your parents for a reason. Your whole life you were raised by nannies. For once in your life Dad is actually trying to be a hands on parent. Just be more open minded. He seems to want to better his relationships with his kids."

"It's kinda easy for you to say that seeing as you've had the best relationship with him out of all of us." I look over at Cordelia as we sit in traffic seeing she's looking out of the window.

"You and Miranda keep saying that, but that's not true. I was close to Dad when I was a kid before he even made his first million. I haven't been close to him since because all he cares about is working."

"He gave you all the attention. Desdemona had all A's. Desdemona played volleyball and ran track. Oh, Desdemona won this and that award. Desdemona was at the top of her class. Desdemona went to Princeton and got two degrees. Oh, Desdemona is so perfect!" Cordelia says trying to mimic our father's voice.

I slightly roll my eyes. "You get handed shit, but have a problem because I still work hard despite our father being a billionaire. You have never worked hard for anything. You're completely fine with being mediocre and lazy. You don't apply yourself in school and you do the minimum. The truth is you don't want to go to college because you know you won't get into a good one unless Dad persuades them with a donation. I'm sick of your shitty, spoiled brat attitude and you always complaining. You have every reason to be happy, but you have an I hate the world attitude," I say not holding back.

She looks at me for a second then says, "I swear you've changed so much. Ever since Jacobi exposed your ass!"

"I changed?! No, ever since you turned 18 and started hanging with Ares, you think you're so big and bad. That little bit of grown dick made you lose your everlasting mind!"

"What?!" She shouts sitting up forward in the passenger seat. "How can you say that?! I've never had sex with Ares, but you can't say the same for you and Draco!" She says pointing at me. "You get a little young dick, now you've got all this mouth! You're not even the same person. You talk different, walk different, act different, dress different."

I squint my eyes looking at Cordelia as we sit at a red light. Paloma said almost the same thing when I talked to her in the studio. Am I changing? I just scoff not feeling like arguing. The rest of the car ride to my penthouse building is quiet.

I park my car in my designated parking spots in the building's garage then we go inside riding the elevator. I respond to the text that Paloma sent me saying she apologized to him like I told her to. I just wanted everyone to get along. I was tired of fighting something or someone in my life. When I look up from my phone I see that Cordelia is looking at me...

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask putting my phone in my purse.

"I can't believe you're really just going to make me move in with Dad." I was not trying to have this conversation again.

I groan rolling my eyes. "What's the problem? You and Dad need to get closer anyway."

"Whatever," Cordelia says scoffing. "It's too late for that. Why can't I move to Atlanta with you? You can take a nigga you just met, but not me?"

"Don't make it seem like I'm choosing him over you or something. You need to stay in New York to finish school. You literally have 3 months left of school before you graduate. It's not time for you to be moving schools again."

"I don't get why you have to leave and you seem a little too happy to leave. Why do you want to get out of New York so bad?" She asks crossing her arms and pouting.

"It's a business move, Cordelia. I'm not even going to be gone that long and I'll be back and forth. It's not permanent. I just have to make sure I get everything set up for the new Love, Garnet headquarters so it's up and running smoothly," I explain to my sister.

"So why does Draco need to go? Ever since he came in the picture you stay up his ass. I know I wanted you to be happy in a relationship, but damn," she says with an attitude making me arch my eyebrow.

"Can you just say you're going to miss me already?" I say not being able to fight a cheesy smile. Everyone is just clearly scared to lose me to Draco or feel like they're going to be replaced. Mayans I have been neglecting my other relationships by spending a lot of time with Draco, but that's what you do when a relationship is new. Everyone just wants me all to themselves. I'm only one person.

"No," she says quickly.

"You're gonna miss me," I sing rushing towards her beginning to poke her.

She tries to fight my fingers as I find unguarded spots. "You're so childish.

"So you're not going to miss me?" I ask again wrapping my arms around her pulling her closer to me.

"Maybe a little," she admits making me smile wider. "I got a little used to living with you after this past year. It's been the happiest I've ever been. You know, it felt like someone actually cared about me."

"Aww," I say hugging her. I pull away from her adding, "And our parents care about you. They just don't show it like most parents do. I think this divorce will actually help us get closer as a family."

"You think so?" She asks as I let go of her.

"Yeah, everyone just has to be open to it. All of us being open to our parents, especially Dad. You being open to getting closer to Lennox."

She nods her head. "You're right. Also, I don't want you to think I don't like Draco. I mean, I thought it was a little weird because he's damn near my age–"

"He is not that young," I say as she laughs. He is young, but saying that made me feel better.

"Damn near! But he looks good and I know he's blowing that back ALL the way out. I just know he is. I can't even lie, I listened by the door one night," Cordelia says making my mouth open.

"That's weird!"

"I was coming down the hallway minding my business going to the kitchen for a midnight snack and you were loud. I was just making sure you were good. I thought you were being killed or something. Turns out it was just that cat getting killed," she says making herself die laughing. She slaps her thigh and everything.

I shake my head looking at the elevator floors go up because I wanted this ride to be over. "I feel like you're lying because I'm not even loud like that. Why am I even talking about this with you?" I ask catching myself.

"I'm 18 now, sis. We can talk about anything now. We can talk about sex. You took me to get on birth control, but we can't talk about sex?"

"It's just weird. Mom raised us not to talk about stuff like that," I say shrugging.

"She's also the same person that adamantly states giving fellatio keeps a man anytime she even gets one glass of wine in her system."

"Okay, since we're talking about it... You really haven't had sex with Ares, right?"

"No, Des." She pauses then adds, "You were right about Ares."

"Right about what?"

"He decided to try and make it work with his baby mother or whatever she is, to be a family. We're still cool and friends, it's just..." she stops and doesn't finish.

"I'm sorry. I hope you didn't catch feelings for him.."

"I think we just got really close since you introduced us. Maybe I was stupid because I kinda was, I don't know. We couldn't be together anyways if you're dating his brother."

I chuckle touching her shoulder. "Ares isn't the type of guy you need to be dating anyway. You need to be focused on these last couple couple months of school and working."

"Why do you say that?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows. "I thought you like Ares."

I shrug knowing I can't tell her the real reason I said that. "I do. He's a nice guy, but for you? I don't think so. He's a bit of a player," I throw in as the reason. The real reason I didn't want her dating him was because I know what him and his brothers do. I'm old enough to make the decision to involve myself in that, but my little sister didn't need to be dating a guy like him. That's why I used the age thing as a reason to keep them away from each other, but that didn't work.

"Speaking of work..." she says with a mischievous smile letting me know she's up to something. "I heard you're having an upcoming photo shoot for the next collection of your swim line."

"Yeah. What about it?" I ask pretending like I don't know what she's getting at.

"Can I be one of the models?" She asks with a bright smile batting her eyelashes.

"I'm not just going to give you the job because you're my sister? And do you expect me to pay you?"

"Uhh, yeah. That's why I'm asking because I want to make some money. You pay your other models, so why wouldn't you pay me?"

"Considering I'm the reason you're modeling and the person who orchestrated your deal with a modeling agency... You can either do it for the exposure and to put in your portfolio or you can go book a paying job."

Cordelia scoffs, but looks as if she's thinking on it. "Everything has to have an ultimatum with you. I'll do it for free."

"Smart decision," I say as the elevator comes to a stop.

Both Cordelia and I get off of the elevator. Cordelia immediately goes up the stairs and I go straight down the hall then turn left towards the living room. Like I expected my sister, Miranda, is doing what she's been doing everyday since she's been back...sitting on the couch watching tv..

"Have you been here all day?" I ask sitting on the couch next to her. I sit my purse next to me and begin taking off my boots.

"Here?" She asks pointing at the couch. "No. I went down to the cafe and got food then I came back up here and ate my food while watching tv." I could tell she was trying to be funny because everyday I'm telling her to get out of the house.

"Funny. I know you want some time to recuperate, but staying on the couch all day isn't going to help. All the paperwork for you to work for me is done, so just let me know when you're ready to work. I have to set up a photo shoot for you. We do it with all my employees to announce you're working for my company to get the attention of some potential clients and to add to the website."

"I'm ready now. I just needed some time."

"You sure?" I ask looking at her. She just nods her head up and down. "You still don't want to talk about what happened?" I ask turning towards her sitting my elbow on the top of the couch resting my head on my fist.

"Not really," She says briskly. "But I know you're going to keep asking until I do..."

"I just want to make sure you're okay. Clearly, something bad happened because your face was messed up when you came back and you haven't been talking to anybody or leaving the house. What happened, Miranda?"

She groans slightly turning towards me. "I'll tell you since you won't let it go and get off my back... I took Cassius back to the place they told me to. A whole bunch of guys in all black wearing masks come in. To make it look real and like I'm not in on it one of the guys pistol whipped me." I stiffen up imagining it. I could never do that. "That's where this came from," she says pointing at the healing scar on her face. It would most likely leave a mark for a good while. "I blacked out and don't know what happened after that. I don't know what they did to Cassius from that point. When I woke up I was in a car with Draco's brother on the highway to Connecticut."

"What happened in Connecticut?" I ask looking at her as she looks down playing with the pillow in her lap.

"I was at the house bored out of mind. Couldn't go anywhere or talk to anyone. All I could do was watch tv and sleep. Apollo told me not to turn on my phone, but I did anyway. All I did was post a picture on my Instagram story, that's it. I didn't add my location or anything. Not even 5 hours later I hear a loud noise and someone's breaking in. These two dudes grabbed me up, tied me up, and covered my mouth and eyes taking me. Some time later I'm in some grungy warehouse with this dark skin dude who looks like Bruh man from the 5th floor in Martin... Cassius's older brother."

"You saw..." I snap trying to remember the name I was told. "Casanova?" I ask.

She nods her head. "Saw him and talked to him. He was definitely going through it over his brother's death. I'm surprised he didn't kill me just for playing a part in it. He showed me his head..."

"What?" I ask looking at her confused.

"Cassius' head, his head..." She lowers her voice. "They cut his body up and sent the pieces to his brother, parents, and both his baby mothers." I felt sick to my stomach. I could see Miranda's eyes getting watery. "I didn't know they were going to do all that. I just wanted him killed quick and easy," she whispers. "I didn't even know Cassius had kids until I saw it on the news. I didn't want to leave some innocent ass kids fatherless." In a quick second she sucks it up becoming a little more composed.

"I tried to tell you that you would regret this.." I say lowly.

"I don't regret it. Feel bad? Yeah, but I don't regret it. Casanova said some stuff to some people around me while he thought I was asleep. He's been plotting on the De Carlo's for awhile, but Chaos didn't want to go through with it because he made agreements with Draco. Something about a truce until winter is over. Casanova is coming and we all need to be prepared."

I look at her not even believing this is my sister talking. "When you were dating Chaos how much did you know about his life?"

"I knew enough. It's hard to hide what they're doing. At first I thought he was just selling a little drugs, you know some weed, but no... This is some deep shit. They're whole drug organizations moving drugs by the boat load. I'm talking, they would get life if they were caught. Not just C.A.S., but the De Carlo's too. The De Carlo's are bigger than C.A.S. actually. How much do you know about Draco's life?"

"I-i-i," I stutter unintentionally. "I know what he's told me and what I could look up about the past generations of their family."

"So, you really know nothing. That's how guys like that are. They tell you a little making you think you know a lot to make you feel better. I don't get it... Why are you with him?"

I look at her blankly thinking of an answer. "Maybe in my mind I didn't think it was that big. I mean, all the signs are there... The houses and cars. Obviously it isn't small scale, but I just-" I pause. "I just believe him when he says this isn't the end all be all for him."

I can hear Miranda laugh under her breath. "These type of men don't give a fuck about women. All they care about is the money and power. You saw my face when I came back... They beat my ass and violated my body because I had a dude who wasn't shit just like them killed."

"Violated?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows. "Violated how? They touched you?"

"I was lucky it was only one of them. They were talking about turning me into an escort. I got lucky."

"How can you just talk about this like it's nothing? So cold.." I was on the verge of tears and she just nonchalantly shrugs.

"I've been through so much shit, Des, that's nothing. I'm numb. I went through a lot when I dropped out of college and Dad cut me off. Nothing surprises me. If you keep dating Draco you'll be the same exact way." What if I don't want to be that way? "It'll be okay. We'll be okay for now," she says giving me a half smile that wasn't even believable.

Before I can respond my phone goes off from a text. I look at Miranda who's staring at the tv like we didn't just have this crazy conversation then at my phone to see a text from an unknown number...

This is Dazmon it was nice seeing you after all these years😌

I look down at my phone smiling to myself before replying: You too😊 then I save his contact.

Dazmon in the mm. Any thoughts on Dazmon? Comment / Vote4️⃣❤️

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