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- Chapter 46 -
Street Dreams or Nightmares?

I sit in my office at my Relax Records studios going through emails on my Mac desktop. After going to Atlanta for a few days, I was right back in New York City and back to work. I needed to get as much done because in a couple weeks time I would be heading to Atlanta with Desdemona to stay for a few months. I was against going to Atlanta at first, but I think it's the best thing right now. There's so much drama and tension that I think separation will do some good.

There's a knock at my office door and when I say come in the door opens. Glock walks in coming over to my desk dapping me. "What's good, baby bro?" He says before sitting down on the couch.

"Nothing much. How you?" I ask looking back at the computer screen.

"Shit, livin'. How was Atlanta? I haven't been there in a minute."

"It was coo. Des just bought this big ass crib out there, so I was helping her get the house together." I look from the computer screen at Glock to see him looking through the snacks in my snack bar. "In a couple of weeks I'm going to Atlanta with Des. I'm going to stay a couple of months."

Glock slowly turns around looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What for?"

"You know I can't stay in one place too long... not in New York. This is the longest I've stayed in years."

"Nigga, it's not the time for that. Yeah, you could leave before and go to Miami, Atlanta, California, or Japan but it's different now. It's crunch time. We gotta hustle ten times harder before we leave. We have 6, almost 5 months and you want to leave for a couple of months?"

"A couple means two. I'm not going to be gone long and I'll come back to New York if need be. It's nothing to catch a flight. Plus, you actin' like we don't have our operations running through Atlanta as well."

Glock shakes his head. "This was your idea, right? To quit? I haven't agreed with this bullshit from the beginning. Everybody's trying to convince me that this is what's best for the family and I don't see it. What am I supposed to do? You and Apollo have the label," Glock says motioning his hand towards Relax Records painted on the wall in graffiti. "You have your clothing lines, Ares has modeling, and what do I have?"

"I've been trying to get you on board with everything we're doing for months, but you were being mad stubborn. I've asked what you want to do and you've given me ideas. I've already started the process of getting into jewelry making. You're problem is you're always too busy running the streets to sit down and seriously start this process. You need to slow down."

He knew exactly what I was saying without saying it. Glock has always been the most hands on with the drug business. He'll deliver a pack himself, kill someone himself, and the list goes on. "I need the money to start this jewelry company."

He looks as if he's thinking. "You sure you can get it started in 6 months and making decent money? I can't be putting money into something for it not to work. Then I'm out of that money, have nothing to fall back on, AND no drugs."

"Yes, Glock. Look around you," I say looking around my office. The only plaques on my wall were from Saweetie, but at least I had that. I also had a couple of awards for my clothing lines. "We did this within a matter of months. Never seen before. It takes people years."

"Those niggas at Pristine jewelers are making bank. I've dropped a couple of bags on jewelry," he says stroking his beard beginning to think.

"Exactly, it's smart. All of these things go hand in hand for a successful empire that make sense. A hip hop record label, fashion, and jewelry. Those three things are all linked," I say listing them on my fingers. "Befriend all the rappers in the industry and have them wearing our clothes and jewelry."

"Drugs too, but that's another conversation."

"Drugs too," I say nodding my head. "That's why I'm trying to get this dispensary poppin' off in Cali or Colorado next. That legal shit bringing in money now after they done gave people years in prison."

"You ain't lyin'. How much money are you talking to start this?"

"From you? A cool million then the rest I can get from investors."

Glock doesn't even blink or flinch at the number. He has always been the smartest when it comes to saving his money. Some would say he's cheap despite him being rich. While we had several cars, he only kept one or two. While Apollo had a mansion in a gated community, Glock had a regular house in New Jersey. "Aiight, I can have that for you at the end of the week. How do you even become a jeweler?"

"I've been doing research. Rajan put me on with some people in the jewelry game from India. You know India has the most diamond cutters in the world. The less places a diamond has been, the less the price. Therefore, we can buy diamonds that are mined in bulk from Africa then have them sent to India to be cut then send them right to America. I already have a diamond cutting company and a trader we can work with."

"And then where do we go from there?"

"Sign contracts, pay the people, so then we can start getting the diamond supply. Once we have a decent supply, we find a manufacturer who can make pieces. We just have to build a team."

"Aiight, sounds like a plan. I heard you finally got Saweetie in check..." Glock says laughing like he has something stuck in the back of his throat.

"I take it Athena told you."

"Hell yeah! My baby spills all the tea. I passed by shorty in the hallway on my way to your office and she looked like a sad ass puppy. You did a number on her. You ain't done with her though," Glock says sitting on the couch.

"With Diamonté? I am done with her as far as friendship and whatever that other shit was. She's my artist and that's it."

"But she isn't nothing. She's something therefore she's still in your life. I know you. It's not going to be that simple, but I'm proud of you. You semi put your foot down," he says clapping obnoxiously.

"Man, whatever," I say brushing off what he's saying. His phone starts ringing and when he answers I hear Athena's voice letting me know it's a Facetime. Not even a second into the call I can hear Athena going in on Glock making me chuckle to myself.

"Okay, honey. I love you!" Glock says in a proper voice. "She hung up. She's mean as fuck during this pregnancy. I think we're only going to have one kid cause this ain't it."

I laugh. "I thought you said you want two. A boy and a girl."

"Shit, I was hoping for twins to knock it out in one sitting. Guess my sperm wasn't potent enough," I look at Glock with a disgusted voice. "If it's a girl, I don't care about having another. I thought I wanted a son, but then I remembered how bad and disrespectful I was. I'm not tryna be like Kanan and kill my own damn son because I will."

"You were bad as hell. Had a mouth full of silver caps and disrespect. You stayed getting yo ass beat!" I say recalling the countless whoopings he received.

"Boy, I used to disrespect the hell out of Ar'mon. You're not my Dad!" He mimics the popular video making me laugh. "Blood, did you hear? Ar'mon might be getting out early. He's up for parole or he's appealing his case, I can't remember. All I know is if the judge approves he could be out by next month. That's what Ares told me."

I turn my face up. "I doubt they're gonna let his ass out."

"Who knows. He served half his time without getting in trouble for anything. As long as he ain't like he used to be he's coo by me."

"I doubt he changed too. That man used to treat us grimy as fuck. I'll never be coo with him. He stayed singling us out when we didn't do shit. All because he was mad at Ma for cheating on him like we asked to be here. On top of that he stayed beating on Ma too. I'll never respect that man," I say honestly.

Glock shrugs what I say off beginning to tell a story of the time Ar'mon punched a police officer in front of us. I look at Glock in confusion on how he can tell the story with a smile on his face...

It was like nothing that happened in our childhood registered as trauma to any of my brothers. They laughed everything off as if it was normal. I definitely don't constitute our step-father punching a police officer and almost causing a shootout as funny. I considered that reckless that a man was willing to put his family in harms way for the sake of his pride and ego. That's why I never liked Ar'mon. Everything he did was to preserve his image as a 'gangsta' even if that meant his whole family had to suffer. I was glad when he got locked up the last time.

"That nigga Ar'mon was crazy," Glock says laughing lightly to end his story that I tuned out of.

"Since we're remembering shit...Was Ma really a prostitute?" I ask scooting back from my desk a little.

I was expecting the smile on his face to fade, but it didn't. When I hear Glock laughing I look at him sideways. "Took you long enough to find out. I understand Ares not knowing, but I don't know how you didn't. We never knew Ma to work, so how do you think she had money for drugs especially when we had to move to the projects?"

I stare at him blankly. "So everyone knew?"

"Yes, Draco. She was a junky and did whatever to get her fix. She blew through the money Ar'mon left her in charge of while he was in prison. She blew through the money our Dad left to us after he was killed. We were broke and back in the projects. We lived in a 2 bedroom apartment where all four of us slept in one bed. You think money was falling from the sky?"

"What about Apollo?"

"What about him?" Glock shoots back.

"Granny said Ma was letting older women have sex with Apollo for money..."

"And?" Glock asks as if that was a stupid statement. "Ma was selling ass, but using all of it for drugs. We never saw a dime of it for food or clothes. Apollo did what he had to do. He sold weed, robbery, fraud, selling food stamps, you name it. He hustled anyway he could. The older ladies were always in his face saying he's going to grow up to be handsome, so he made it work in his favor."

"His favor? He was underage. That's molestation. They were pedophiles."

"Apollo was a big ass pre-teen. He was already almost six feet. He looked grown. Shit, he was damn near a grown man the way he ran the house. You feelin' sorry for him or somethin'? He was fuckin' some of the baddest older hoes AND getting paid for it. That's a young niggas dream!"

"That ain't right," I say shaking my head. "That man is walking around everyday mad at the world and you expect me to believe he's okay? That dude hates our mother and he carries that. The hatred he has for some women ain't regula'."

"Because our mother wasn't no fucking angel. Nobody in our life was angels. We don't come from white picket fences. We come from losing everything. A two story house to pissy hallways, broken elevators, and housing projects. We come from drug dealers and drug users. Why are you surprised?"

"I'm not surprised at what happened to us, but everyone's reaction. No one cares."

"Nobody gave a damn about us. Nobody cares about us, so why should we? It's life. AP didn't sit in that shit and feel sorry for himself. He pulled himself up by his Timb boots and now we're fuckin' rich, Draco."

"Rich with a whole bunch of mutha fuckin' problems that no one wants to solve."

"They are solved. We have money and a new life. We got out of the projects, so now our kids will never go through what we went through. My son or daughter will never see their mother high or wish they had a father who's around. Why are you complaining? All the shit you've done lately and you're still dwelling..."

"We're still drug dealers," I say under my breath.

"Biggest mutha fuckin' drug dealers of this generation," Glock says confidently. "Don't look down on what we do now. Not when you were begging to be beside me and Apollo. You were going to an art school. You dropped out to do this shit. You made your choice."

"That's easy for you to say. Art school didn't mean I would end up going to college. You had a way out. Both you and Ares. When we got separated, you got sent to Atlanta. That was the best option out of everybody. Instead you threw away potentially going to college on a football scholarship to come back to New York. Ares too. He threw away basketball to do the same."

"Are you fucking dumb? How was Atlanta a better option? I went from the projects to another hood where I knew nobody." I could tell he was mad because he was stuttering. Glock has had a speech impediment since a kid, but it got better as he got older. Now it only came out when he's mad and speaking with more emotion, so his words rush out. "I was in a gang, trappin' in high school while at the same time being the star of the football team. Caught a bogus ass charge, so football was done and I came back to New York. Atlanta wasn't no fucking way out, boy."

Glock blows out air shaking his head. He continues saying, "That's you and Ares' problem. Y'all live in LaLa Land because you ain't never had to work for shit. It was all handed to you as a De Carlo or as Apollo's little brothers. Apollo didn't have time to be sad, upset, or victimized. He stood tall at all times like a soldier to make sure we were good. And when he was weak, I held him up even if that meant killing anybody who played on his weaknesses. Ask me how many people I've hurt..." he says leaning forward looking straight at me.

I clench my jaw. This was one of those don't argue with your big brother and just listen moments. "How many?" I ask as he stares into me.

"Not even enough to amount to the people who have hurt us," he says as his words hit. "Hurt people, hurt people. We have been failed by people too many times to let failure be an option. If we have to steal, deal, kill, and sell to never fail then so be it. I'll be a soulless, cold mutha fucka before I let us get split up again or poor. We're in this together. Whether the road leads to succes, jail, or in the ground."

When my office phone rings I break the stare from Glock looking at it. I hit the button for speaker hearing my assistant say, "Mr. De Carlo?" I say yes for her to continue. "Your brother wanted me to check if you're in your office. He's coming in." I tell her okay ending the call.

"And I dare you to mention the shit about him having sex with those older women to him," Glock says in a threatening manner.

"If it wasn't molestation and it was consensual, why can't I?" I ask in a patronizing tone.

Glock glares at me. "That's not something you just ask someone, especially not him. Apollo is naturally defensive. You wanna talk to him about the past and our mother, you have to approach it the right way." When the door to my office opens Glock stops talking.

"I've been calling ya niggas," Apollo says as soon as he walks in. Both Glock and I look at our phones at the same time. "I need somewhere to stay. I'm not about to keep wasting money on hotels. Rhea changed the pass-code to the gate," Apollo explains sitting on the couch.

I furrow my eyebrows. "What the fuck happened?"

"Man, I was feeling guilty and tried clearing my conscience. You know, trying to be a good husband and it backfired. When I was in Miami I hung out with Paloma cause she was out there too. Just dinner and the strip club on some regular shit. At the end of the night P was drunk and she tried to kiss me before she got out of the car. I dodged that shit."

"Did you really?" Glock asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes!" Apollo says adamantly. "Curved her. I told Rhea and her phony ass acted like she appreciated my honesty. I came home last night and the code wasn't working. When I called her she cussed my ass out and told me find somewhere else to sleep." Glock and I both connect eyes and in unison we start laughing. "This shit ain't funny. That's y'all sister, right?Tell her let me come home."

I stop laughing and say, "This is bigger than whether you kissed her or not. Rhea has warned and threatened you several times about Paloma. You were mad at Rhea and went to Miami just to link up with her? Rhea thinks you were on some funny shit probably. Probably thinks this 'honesty' is to cover up something bigger you did."

"I didn't do nothing though." Apollo smacks his lips. "I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. I should've just kissed the bitch."

"See, no," Glock says shaking his head. "Stuff like that is what got you kicked out on your ass. How you get kicked out of the multimillion dollar house you pay the mortgage and bills for?!" When Glock laughs I do too.

"Fuck y'all niggas! Who's gonna let me stay with them?" Apollo says rubbing his head clearly stressed.

"You know I have a one bedroom condo. There's my couch, but your big ass can't be wearing my shit out."

Apollo glares at me then looks at Glock waiting for an answer. They have a stare off for a minute then Glock finally says, "Fine, you can stay with me. Just don't eat all my food up. Also, my wife isn't being the nicest lately. I advice you to tread lightly. Don't eat her food either or turn the air up."

"Coo, I'll check out of my hotel tomorrow morning. Any of y'all talk to Ares?" Apollo asks.

"Ever since Ares started modeling, he acts like he too good to hang with us," Glock replies.

"Naw, he's just pre-occupied with Jordy. He's really trying to make it work with her." I shrug. I just don't trust that Jordyn is the one he needs to be with. Maybe he just plans on keeping his double life a secret until we quit. I don't know. If Jordyn ever finds out we sell drugs I doubt she'll be okay with it like Rhea, Athena, or even Desdemona. "Anymore information on C.A.S.?"

I ask. When Apollo came back from Miami he told us about what Julito told him. We don't know if it's true that they're trying to have someone in connection to us kidnapped, but we couldn't take any chances. We informed all of our people and Franco who beefed up security. Gunz increased the number of men he had following us including one security guard for every important person. This meant at all times there was someone with or watching me, my brothers, and our women.

"Nothing," Apollo says shaking his head. "These niggas went underground. I haven't even seen any of his people selling on the corners. He cleaned the streets of his crew and drugs. They've went incognito."

I shake my head. "What about the Dayanara situation and her setting them up in Miami?"

"If she wants to make the move, I'm going to let her. At this point we have to pull all stops if they keep playing cat and mouse here in NY. Next week Dayanara and her boyfriend are coming in town to talk him potentially selling our product for us in Canada. That's if I like him when I meet him."

"Dayanara is right though," I admit. "We might as well just take C.A.S. out because Casanova will never let go of us killing his brother. He'll always be a problem unless we solve it. We already eliminated the major players in C.A.S. We just have to get rid of the little niggas and Casanova then they're done."

"You know I'm for taking those niggas out. Extinct like dinosaurs," Glock says eagerly.

"It's either that or we can avoid them until we're out. How hard is to keep peace for a couple more months then just let them take over New York when we're done?" Apollo asks.

"That option was taken off of the table when we killed Chaos and you know it. Casanova isn't going to want peace. Even if we offer and he accepts everybody in the streets will think he's weak and won't respect him. He'll never be able to run New York if doesn't bring harm to at least one of us."

"So, we have no choice but to go to war?" Glock asks already knowing the answer.

"Then we better strap up and prepare. We're getting out alive no matter what. Our organization outnumbers C.A.S. by hundreds."

"Not unless he tries to turn our people against us," I clarify. "We need to finally tell our crew we're leaving the game that way Casanova can't use it against us. We have to promise them that if they decide to keep selling drugs that we'll make sure they're good. Promise them a connect to product, our warehouses, something."

They both nod their heads. I look at my watch. "I gotta go. Desdemona is having an event and I said I would pop in. Plus, I need to make sure the building is secure with security. Y'all tryna slide wit me?" I ask.

"Will there be food?" Glock immediately asks.

"Yes, Glock," I say getting up from my desk. Glock stands up excitedly letting me know that was a yes to him coming.

"Shit, fuck that...Is my wife going to be there?"

"I'm sure Des invited her. There's just no guarantee she'll be there."

"Well, I'm going to see either way. She really think I'ma let her kick me out. Naw, you gon' talk to my ass even if I have to pop up everywhere she's at," Apollo says getting up from the couch.

We all leave in my car and I drive to the address Desdemona gave me located in SoHo, Manhattan. I didn't even know what this event is for. Honestly, I didn't know what half the events Desdemona hosts are for. If she tells me to pull up I try my best to make it if I can. Half the time the events are just for networking. People dress up just to stand in a nicely decorated room and talk while sipping champagne.

Me and my brothers get out of the car letting valet take my car to park it. I walk up to the front door being manned by security. "Name?" The man with the guest list asks not even bothering to look up.

"Draco De Carlo," I say before licking my lips. He looks up from the list at me then my brothers. From peaking at the list I could see my name at the top with a star by it. He tells me I can go in not even bothering to check if my brother's names are on the list. I'm sure if was anyone else they wouldn't have been allowed in.

I walk into the dimly light room as music can be heard playing in the background of people's voices. The room is pretty full considering the even just started. One thing about celebrities and public figures is that they'll make sure to show up to these events and on time. I don't know if it's to be seen, the food, the goodie bags, or if they genuinely are interested in what the events about.

"Where the food? You said there would be food?" Glock says stretching his neck to look around the room.

You try not to laugh at Glock, but seemingly everything he does ends up being funny. "Over there," I say pointing at a long table filled with food. Not even hesitating he walks away from me and Apollo. I look around the room for Desdemona as Apollo looks around for Rhea.

When I spot Desdemona's assistant coming my way, I stop her and ask, "Where's Desdemona?" She points across the room where I see her talking to someone. I thank her and nod my head. I tap Apollo saying, "I'll be back." He's too busy looking every which way for his wife, so I walk away from him. As I get closer to Desdemona, I realize she's talking to her ex. I walk up to them standing there as they talked...

Her ex stops talking looking over at me causing Desdemona to look too. "Oh, hey, babe!" She says with a smile hugging me. She leans up kissing me as her ex stands there watching like a weirdo. "When did you get here?" She asks.

"Just now."

It gets awkward then Desdemona looks towards her ex. "You guys have met before," she says looking at both of us as if we're supposed to make a big scene of excitement before dapping like old friends. I just look at him. I've never been an overly friendly ass nigga, especially towards someone I met once. Something isn't right about this dude anyway.

"I feel like we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Dazmon," he says extending his hand. I guess he was saying that because the day I met him I was pissed off, so I didn't care who he was in that moment.

"I know," I state simply.

"Draco, right?" He asks pointing as if he's trying to remember.

You know my name, nigga. "Draco," I repeat as confirmation. Dazmon nods his head awkwardly. "What is this event for?" I ask turning to Desdemona.

"It's a seminar for actors and actresses. I wanted you to meet some of the bigger names to network with them for when they need outfits for red carpets. I already know someone who wants you to design her next award show dress."

I nod my head. "Coo." I look at Dazmon honestly wondering why he's still standing here. "I heard you're working with my girl. What you tryna do?" I ask him since he insists on not moving around.

"Oh, she's helping me get into acting and modeling."

"That's wassup. It's coo you're still trying to chase your dreams despite your age. Never too old to start a new career," I say nodding my head. I scan the room with my eyes looking down at Desdemona who's already looking up at me. 'Be nice' she mouths to me. I discreetly shake my head making her roll her eyes.

"I'ma go check out the bar," Dazmon says finally leaving

"You didn't have to make it weird," Desdemona says once he leaves.

"I wasn't the one making it weird, that was his weird ass. Just standing there staring and shit. I don't like dude," I say as I see someone coming in our direction holding a tray of drinks. I quickly grab a glass taking a gulp of the champagne.

"You don't even know him, Draco."

"Don't have to. His mannerisms are off...all the way off. Like he's on some sneaky shit."

"Sneaky as in?" Desdemona asks looking confused.

"I don't know. Probably trying to sneak his way back into your life. I don't know, but I don't want to find out for you or me. Keep him at a distance. By a distance, I mean keep it strictly business. Don't go mixing that personal shit because you feel bad for him."

"Look who's talking about mixing business and personal," Des says doing a shocked laugh. "I saw that interview Saweetie gave at South by Southwest. Was that before or after you talked to her?"

I roll my neck as if its in pain. I'm tired of talking about this. It's stressing me out for no damn reason. "Before. I told you I handled it. She won't be a problem anymore."

"That's nice to know now that everyone thinks you two are in a relationship," she says with an attitude. When my phone starts ringing I get a little happy hoping that will end this conversation. I pull my phone out of my pocket seeing it's my grandmother. I answer saying, "Hello?"

Instead of hearing my grandmother's voice it's a man. "Yo, this Hollywood. Ya Grandmother's neighbor. Somebody just shot up her house. You needa get here!"

"Wait, what?" I ask trying to make sure I heard him right.

"Did a drive-by and shot the whole house up. They told me to call you."

"Aiight, I'm coming," I say hanging my phone up.

"What's wrong?" Desdemona asks in worry touching my arm to get my attention.

"I have to go. Something happened with my grandmother." In that moment I realized I should've asked if my grandmother is okay. I didn't even know if she was hurt or not.

"What's going on?" Desdemona asks still lost. I was just as lost as her.

"I'll tell you later," is all I say. I didn't want her to freak out. "My security is here on top of the building's security. Make sure when you leave that you have at least one of them with you." When I started having security follow Desdemona and her sisters, I knew she was worried but she didn't ask questions. With her fame, Desdemona needed to have security at all times anyway. I never understand why she didn't.

"What's going on, Draco?" She asks with more concern in her voice.

"Just do what I say, Des. I'll call you later," I say kissing her before walking away. I could feel her following, so I turn around holding my hand up. "Just hold tight. Aiight? Finish your event." She stares at me for a second then nods her head. I look around the room for both of my brothers.

I find Glock and Apollo at the bar. I walk up to them saying, "We have to go."

"Why?" Apollo asks first. "We just got here and I'm trying to see if Rhea is gonna come through."

"I just got a call about a situation," I say not wanting to say it and someone around us hear. They both look at me waiting for me to further explain. "Granny," is all I say.

"She safe?" Glock asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't know. That's why we need to leave and see." They both don't hesitate to get up. When Glock stands up that's when I realize Dazmon was sitting on the other side of him at the bar drinking a beer.

Apollo drops a wad of cash on the bar telling the bar tender to keep the change. "You leaving?" Dazmon asks looking at me. I just nod my head. "Well, I don't know if you know...Me and Mona used to date wayyyy back in the day," he says laughing like it's funny. "I'm glad to see she has someone who makes her happy. She deserves it," he holds his hand out and I look at it. I just decide to dap him up.

"Enjoy the rest of your night," I say letting go and walking away with my brothers. When I spot one of the security guys who works for Gunz I stop in front of him. "You work for Gunz, right?" He nods his head stiffly as he wears a suit. "You see the dude at the bar in the blue shirt and blue hat?" I ask pointing at him as his back is turned. The security nods his head again. "Watch him, especially around Desdemona.

"Am I watching for anything in particular?"

"No, just watch him." He says okay then I leave with my brothers. I drive from Manhattan to Ditmas Park in Flatbush, Brooklyn as fast as I can in this congested city. Once we get to the neighborhood there's police cars, an ambulance, a fire truck, and a crowd of people at the corner of the street at my grandmother's house. I didn't care about actually parking, so I just pull up in the middle of the street stopping the car.

When I see Gunz is here talking to his security that were supposed to be watching my grandmother's house, I scrunch up my face. "I thought they were supposed to be watching her house? How did this happen?!" I ask approaching the group of Italian men.

Gunz motions his hands for me to calm down pulling me to the side glancing at the police. "They must've been watching her house for awhile and figured out I have security on schedule. They did it when my guys were switching shifts. Ya granny held hers and was shooting back. She's okay." He motions towards my grandmother who's on the curb being attended to by EMT's.

"Your men need to tighten up. They shouldn't have even been able to get close to her house. And my grandmother shouldn't have to hold her own when there's security," I say pointing at Franco before pushing through people trying to get to my grandmother. "Move!" I say to some of the nosy people who just won't get out of the way. They just wanted to be seen by the news cameras that are here. I smack my lips because I know they're only here because this is a nice neighborhood and because my grandmother's name is known in Brooklyn.

"Is she okay?" I ask the EMT who's helping my grandmother.

"She's fine, just a bit shaken up."

"Mi nuh shaken up, mi fine," My grandmother says rolling her eyes looking at the woman. "An nuh put mi pan dat ambulance, mi nuh paying fi dat," she adds sternly. Ambulance rides are expensive as hell for no reason. I look at the house seeing most of the front windows are broken.

"You just bought this fuckin' house back," Glock comments from behind me. I look at him to see him clenching his jaw and rubbing his hands together while staring at the house. I knew he's plotting and his trigger finger is itching. Mine is too.

"The house doesn't matter as long as granny is okay," I say looking down at her.

"Excuse me," I hear making me look over my shoulder. The man wasn't a cop, but I could tell he's an investigator from his outfit. "Ms. Lindo, can I have the gun you used?" He asks seeing my grandmother quickly grab the gun in her lap.

"Mi ave a right to protect myself!" My grandmother shouts adamantly holding onto the gun tightly. I look at the gun wondering and hoping to God it's registered and not an illegal firearm.

I tap my chest discreetly making her look up at me. I make an L with my index finger and thumb to ask her if it's licensed. She nods her head making me breathe in relief. "Did you hit anybody? Do you think you shot anyone in the car?"

"I don't know. I just bust back," my grandmother says looking off to the side.

"If she didn't shoot anybody, why do you need to take her gun? She's the victim," I ask looking at the investigator.

"We know, but we need the gun if we're going to do an investigation to catch who did this. If she did hit one of them and they go to the hospital the ballistics of the removed bullet can be ran. Then we can potentially match the bullet to your gun and have a suspect."

I look at my grandmother sighing. "Give them the gun," I say doing the gimme motion with my hand to her.

My grandmother looks at me as if she wants to slap the hell out of me, but she does what I say. "Bloodclaat eediat," she mumbles before kissing her teeth loudly. The cop takes the gun wrapping it up before walking away. "Now mi nuh ave a gun. Wah if dem come back to finish mi off? Yuh wa fi si mi dead?!" She asks dramatically pointing at herself.

"If they come back you won't be here. You're going to stay at Glock's house," I tell her. "Is she okay to leave? Anymore questions?" I ask the EMT who's close by. He says yes, so I help my grandmother up.

"Dem just mash up mi yaad!" She drags out motioning towards her house that's blocked off by tape. She has barely been living here, so how did someone find out where she lives?

"I know. The house doesn't matter. We'll get it fixed," I reassure her. As we're walking by the camera crew I hold my hand up letting them know she's not talking to the news. I help her into my car then walk over to Apollo and Glock who are talking to Gunz.

"What the fuck kinda shit you running, dude?" I ask pointing two fingers at Gunz. "You haven't done anything we paid you for. You and your people can't protect a baby from a cold if you tried to."

"Cool it," Apollo says motioning his hands down.

I stop in front of Gunz lowering my voice. "We asked you to get rid of Casanova. Did you do it? No, you missed. You said you would let us utilize your security company for our people, but yet we're here," I say waving my hand around the scene.

"Look, C.A.S. is playing it tactical. At this point they're outsmarting all of us," Gunz says shrugging. "I know you guys are playing it safe, but it's time to make a move. Your people combined with mine, we have to make something shake."

"We don't need your people. We...I'll handle it myself," I say about to walk away but Apollo grabs my arm pulling me back.

"Use your head," Apollo says pointing his own temple. "No more doing stuff ourselves. Keep our hands clean, remember?"

"That's my grandmother. The woman who raised me...Who took me in," I say unmoved.

"I understand. She's not my blood, but she always treated me as such. When I needed money, she would try her best to help. I'm just as angry. Angry like Cas when his brother was killed," Apollo says as if we didn't do it. That was Apollo's way of saying it was rightful revenge and it should be expected and accepted. "Granny made it out alive. Blood for blood, bone for bone. No blood was drawn."

"No blood spilled, but the intention was there. Blood for blood, Apollo."

"If you wanna see niggas bleed, I respect it. It's your call, but let someone answer the call for you and carry it out," Apollo says close to my ear.

"I want the niggas in the car who did this found and handled," I say stiffly. Apollo backs up nodding his head. He holds up his hand and we do our handshake.

"We need to get granny to my house," Glock says making me check back in. I look at Gunz who Apollo is telling to follow behind us in case someone tries to follow us to Glock's house.

As we're walking to my car, I can see the crowd dispersing and I tune everything out listening to the news woman who's talking in front of a camera. She stands on the sidewalk in front of my grandmother's house with a microphone saying, "The neighborhood of Ditmas Park turned into a crime scene when this house was involved in a driveby shooting. A car of 4 men shot up the house of Cedella Lindo in broad day light. If that name sounds familiar, it is. Cedella was the wife of notorious, Jamaican drug lord, Shaka Lindo. In the 90's she was convicted right along with her husband and went to jail for nearly ten years. She's now in her 60's, but clearly she still has enemies."

I shake my head. Once she detailed my grandmother's past I knew no one felt sorry for her anymore. Me, Glock, and Apollo get in my car where my granny is already in the backseat.

The car ride is quiet as I drive to Glock's house in New Jersey. As I drive into their neighborhood I hear Glock on the phone in the backseat. When I pull into his driveway I see Athena come out of the house opening the backseat door. "Is everything okay?" She immediately asks.

"Yeah, just run her a bath. I'm sure sure she just wants to eat and go to bed," Glock instructs. Athena nods her head helping our grandmother out of the backseat.

I look over the seats at my grandmother as she turns towards me. "Kill dem dead," is all she says before closing the door and going in the house with Athena.

"You heard her," I say more towards Apollo as I put the car in reverse to back out.

It's an hour into the event that I'm holding at a SoHo, Manhattan venue for actors and actresses. The first speaker just finished up his portion, but I couldn't focus because I was waiting for Draco to call or at least text me. I sit at the back of the event when the person I got to host tells everyone there will be a break before the next speaker.

I get up from my seat immediately being asked by one of the attendees to take a picture. I smile for the selfie as the woman walks off once it's taken. "Can I pleaseee get a picture, Desdemona Garnet?" I hear from behind me. When I slightly turn I see Dazmon behind me laughing.

"Funny," I say laughing a little.

"I was just teasing, but I'm kinda serious. We need a more recent picture together," he says making me think of the picture of us that Draco ripped up.

"That's fine," I agree. Dazmon taps a woman nearby asking if she can take our picture. She says yes, so he hands the woman his phone. He backs up standing next to me putting hand on my side as he stands close. Before I can even think to smile for the picture I see my assistant in my peripheral vision motioning to get my attention. The woman takes the picture handing the phone back to Dazmon.

I hold my finger up to my assistant as Dazmon looks at the pictures on his phone. "We still look good together," he comments showing me one of the pictures.

"We definitely had a glow up," I reply. "I'll be back," I say going to my assistant to see what she wants.

"Your sister, Miranda, is here. She brought the goodie bags." I can honestly say I'm glad my sister started working for my company as a brand ambassador. She knows so many people in the industry that I don't know. She has brought in Love, Garnet so many clients that I never would've thought to work with.

"Oh, great. Have a couple of people go out and help bring them in," I say beginning to already walk.

"Already done."

"Can I have my coat?" I ask the person at the coat check towards the entrance of the building. It only takes the man a minute to grab it. I put the tan pea coat over my dress pushing through the entrance door. As I walk out I'm hit by a slight wind as my nude Jimmy Choo stiletto's hit the pavement. When I see the car that's parked at the curb with the trunk open as people take boxes out of it.

I walk around the Mercedes Benz G-Wagon into the street where I see my sister sitting in the car. I call her name making her look up from her phone...

"Thank you for finishing these up and bringing  them. All the gifts that were supposed to go in the bags came a little late," I say hugging her.

"No problem. I hope you know I kept one for myself. When I saw they had Fenty Beauty in them, girl.." she says making me laugh. "How was Atlanta?"

"Good. Where have you been? I was expecting to see you when you got back, but you haven't been at the penthouse. Did you move out? Damn!" I say putting a hand on my hip.

She chuckles. "No, I've just been around," she says vaguely. "I've been working hard for you. Plus, I think you and Draco deserve some privacy."

"Lord, don't say that. Next Cordelia will be saying I kicked you out next to be up under him," I say rolling my eyes. Cordelia has been living with my father like planned right along with our brother, Lennox. Of course she still complains. The complaints have lessened, so that's good at least.

Miranda laughs shaking her head. "Teenagers. Let's not act like we weren't just as bad as her. Remember when you snuck out at 16 to see your little boyfriend. You asked me to sleep in your bed. I was running like a chicken with its head cut off between our connecting bathroom to your room before our handler could see you were gone," she says as we both laugh.

"Yeah, but we were different."

"Were we? Or did our parents just treat us differently for the same behavior?" Miranda asks bouncing her eyebrows up.

"What do you mean?"

"Mom found out you were having sex, she put you on birth control. She found out I was having sex I got grounded and forbidden from seeing the guy. Mom found out Cordelia was having sex from a boy leaking a video on social media, so she sends her to live with you. The age gaps resulted in different parenting styles," Miranda says shrugging.

"True, and I think it's time we resolve our issues with our parents. I talked to Dad and he's wondering if you would come over to his place for dinner. He wants to have all of his kids there, so he can talk to us."

"About what?" Miranda asks immediately seeming like she's not here for it.

I shrug. "I don't know. He just said he wants to talk over dinner and for me to extend the invite to you. He said he wants you there the most out of everyone because he hasn't seen you in years."

"That's his fault," Miranda says clearly getting upset.

"I think he knows that. Maybe he wants to apologize. You don't know unless you come," I say trying to entice her. "Just come. It will be the last family dinner before I go to Atlanta. Come on," I add to talk her into it.

"Fine! All I know is if he doesn't apologize and is on some fuck shit, I will let his ass have it. Not even food being there can save him." I chuckle hugging Miranda in hopes of calming her down. When I hear Miranda laugh lightly I pull away from her.

"Are you coming in?" I ask pointing towards the building.

"Nah, I just came to bring the gift bags. I have a meeting to bring you in some more clients," she says swinging her feet to sit straight forward in the seat.

"You're doing a good job. Keep working hard," I say grabbing the car door beginning to push it. I shut it and as I'm walking back onto the curb a man gets into the driver's seat. Of course I was wonder who he was, but I mind my business going back into the building. I walk through the entrance seeing someone familiar talking to the security to get in. "Paloma?" I ask making her turn around. "Hey, you came," I say in slight surprise. "She's on the list," I tell the man checking.

I motion for her to come with me. "Long time no see," Paloma says awkwardly as we walk into the busy room.

"Long time no see," I repeat. "What have you been up to?"

"I just came back from Miami. I finally finished my EP," she says with a relieved sigh. "I turned it into the label, now I'm just waiting for the meeting with label. Hopefully your boyfriend-" she emphasizes, "-puts mind out next since I finished mine next."

"I couldn't tell you if he will or won't. You just have to patiently wait your turn," I say looking around the room as people talk to one another.

We stop in an empty spot in the room turning towards each other. "You know I deserve to be next. Draco is the only one who doesn't see it because he's too busy trying to punish me. Even Apollo knows."

"Who are you trying to convince?" I ask bluntly. "I have nothing to do with Draco's label or his decisions. You threatened the CEO of your label."

"Your his woman, right? I'm sure you have ways to convince him."

"Not my business, place, and not doing it," I say with no hesitation.

"And we're supposed to be best friends..." she says scoffing. "I talked to Porsha who I magically find out is Apollo's baby mother... Draco and his brothers are involved in some shady shit. They're from a drug family. Apparently, everyone in Brooklyn knows it," she says looking directly in my eyes. I don't react or even blink twice.

"I didn't know just because your parents do something, you have to automatically do it too. My Dad's in the tech field, but I'm not. Just because Draco and his brothers have criminals in their family doesn't mean they're on that too," I say swiftly shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly.

"You've never wondered where all their money comes from? They all drive nice cars, wear designer everyday, and expensive jewelry. A couple of months ago no one even knew their name or face and now they're everywhere."

"Industry plants," I say grabbing a champagne glass when a lady comes by with a tray.

Paloma screws her face up. "Industry plants? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Not at all, P. Look, I found Draco and he was the perfect candidate. He had the look, the brain, and drive. He was the perfect mix of street and not so street. He happened to come with 3 brothers. I became business partners with Draco because I can't take over the industry by myself. I'm only one woman. Men get more respect and respect equals money. If you want in on the money I advice you to quit snooping, shut up, and sing." I lie right through my teeth hoping to get her off my back.

"Shut up and sing?!" She says with attitude.

"Yes, Paloma! It's one thing for me to work with artists at my company. It's a whole other thing for Draco to have a label with artists. He has the label, I have the connects. What label starts off as big as his? Before you or any of the other Relax Record artist blink your eyes you'll be stars and we'll be making bank. You've been grinding long enough. Aren't you ready to have some hits?"

"You're telling me you started working with Draco because you felt like you couldn't achieve what he has as a woman? You're telling me the label and clothing lines were your ideas, but he's the face? Why would people in the industry trust a random nigga with face tatts from Brooklyn over a Billionaire's daughter who went to Princeton?"

"As a woman, have you not been fucked by the industry?" I know the answers yes. We're best friends and she tells me everything. That includes how her son came about. "I'm no different. Women get taken advantage of.  Diddy, Jay Z, Dr. Dre, TI, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, QC... Have you seen a woman do what they have yet? No."

"So, then you do have power when it comes to the label?"

"I'm the money and the connects. Sometimes you have to give men some of the power for their ego. I try not to step on Draco or Apollo's toes." Paloma narrows her eyes at me. "What I can promise you is that when your EP comes out you'll get the best. The promotion, music videos, everything. Just be patient."

"Alright," she finally says making me do a small smile.

"Good, enjoy the event. Get a drink, a snack..." I say touching her shoulder. She walks away from me and I let out a breath of air. I run back all the lies in my head to make sure I can tell Draco, so he can tell Apollo. I know Paloma will be running to Apollo to ask him herself. At this point, Paloma might be a liability if we don't just tell her the truth.

I maneuver through the venue walking as fast as I can without making people stare. I go to the parking garage connected to the building dialing Draco's number. The phone rings and rings as I walk around the lot up parking lot like I have a destination. He finally answers saying, "I forgot to call. Everything is good with my grandmother. She's okay."

"Well, that's good," I say sighing. "Paloma is getting suspicious," I blurt out.

"Suspicious of what?"

"You, your brothers, your life. I just bold face told the biggest ass lie to someone I consider my best friend to protect you. I've been lying to her. Our friendship hasn't been the same since she got shot. You or Apollo needs to tell her something. I can't keep doing this."

"The problem is Apollo has told her too much. He's doing exactly what he told me not to do with you. He's trusting her and slowly telling her shit. We have to tell her the truth since she wants to know so bad."

"Are you crazy?! She clearly wants to know because it makes her uncomfortable being signed to your label. She's been paranoid since the night she got shot."

"Or she wants to know just to know. That way she knows what to expect. Tupac and Snoop Dogg knew about Suge Knight and he still signed to him."

"Paloma isn't Tupac, Draco. That's her favorite rapper and she has his name tattooed on her arm, but she's not him," I say touching my forehead. "Also, didn't they want to leave the label eventually?"

"That's not the point. Just keep omitting the truth a little to her. I know how to handle this."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Remember she's my best friend," I say sternly.

"Whatchu tryna say?" Draco asks as if offended. "I know that's ya friend. Why you think I haven't let her problematic ass have it?!"

"I was just saying." All you can hear are the echoes of my heels clicking in this quiet parking garage.

"Aiight, I'll be over your place tonight. Be safe. I love you." I respond saying the same before before hanging up. When I hear a car door shut that echoes I look around. I hear heels then I see a woman coming around a white Bentley close by. It doesn't take me long to realize it's Rhea, especially with that butt. I walk towards the car as she walks around the back. She looks up from her feet stopping when she sees me...

When she realizes it's me, she smiles. "I'm late, but I'm here," she says before hugging me.

"I didn't even know you were coming," I say honestly. "But I'm glad you came out," I add.

"To be honest, I have no interest in a acting seminar. Is your friend, Paloma, here?"

"She is. Why? What's going on?" I ask.

"I need to have a conversation with her," Rhea says beginning to walk, so I follow suit.

"What's going on?"

"She put her hoe ass lips on my husband...Or at least she tried to," Rhea says so calmly as we walk across a ramp.

I bug my eyes a little. "Okay, that's a cause for concern. Can you guys not have the conversation tonight? I really just want one event to run smoothly with no drama. I'm tired of everything ending in a fight or with gun shots."

"Oh, I'm not going to do all that. I have more class than that, but I am going to have a conversation with her like two grown women. You're going to facilitate that conversation to make sure it doesn't escalate," Rhea says as if I have no choice in the matter. We walk back into the venue being immersed into a bunch of people. I can immediately see Rhea's neck swiveling as she looks around the room. "There she is," Rhea says pointing with a smile like she found a long lost friend.

I follow behind Rhea blowing out air. Rhea goes up to Paloma who's talking to some man. "Heyy," Paloma drags in a pitchy voice looking from me to Rhea.

"Can you excuse yourself and let us ladies chat," Rhea says in a fake voice smiling at the man. He nods his head walking away leaving us three.

"Did you see my husband in Miami?" Rhea asks straight out.

"Yes, we went to dinner and the strip club. Just two friends hanging out," Paloma responds. I wanted to say 'Girl, she knows!'

"Two friends. Okay. Since when do friends kiss or attempt to?" Rhea asks rhetorically. Rhea taps my arm with the side of her hand. "You go out with your friends and try to kiss them at the end of the night? I don't think so," Rhea says answering the question herself. "Did or did not Apollo tell you he's married to me in that same night?"

"He did," Paloma admits.

"And you still proceeded to put your groupie beef suckers on my man? That's craziness. Damn right bewildering," Rhea says making a hand motion like it blows her mind. I'ma say this once and only once," she says holding her finger up. "Stay away from my husband unless it has to do with the label."

"Your husband called me to hang out not the other way around," Paloma pipes up with more courage. Don't do it, I think to myself.

"Hang out!" Rhea emphasizes. "Not a date, not to fuck, none of dat. My husband can have female friends. He's damn near besties with her sister now," she says motioning towards me. "The difference is you have wanted my man from day one. I understand he's fine. I understand you didn't know he's married at first. Now you do, so act like you know."

"Or what?" Paloma asks looking around the room. I wanted to bury my head in my hand to not see what's going to happen next.

"Now you trying me, bitch!" Rhea says stepping even closer to Paloma. Rhea's New York accent was out in full effect. The finger she was pointing was now poked onto the tip of Paloma's nose. "I will slice ya coke sniffer off since you insist on poking ya nose in people's marriages. I'm not these industry bitches and you know dat. I know you've been asking questions about me, my husband, and my family. I hope you found whatcha looking for."

"Maybe tell your husband he needs to act married."

"And you needa act your position unless you wanna get dropped from the label you auto tune, talentless bird!" Rhea pushes her finger harder into Paloma's gnoses making her head go back forcefully. "This is a warning. Next time I'ma stomp ya ass out in my $1,000 shoes you bum ass bitch!" Rhea says waving before walking off.

"Why? Why? Why?" I say shaking my head that's in my hand. "You couldn't just say sorry?" I ask looking at Paloma.

"And let her think she pressed me. Just for that I'm going to fuck Apollo and get my EP put out next."

"No, you're not! He's married!" I say as if she didn't get the memo from Rhea.

"It took him how many months of me knowing him to finally admit it? I'm over them, you, everybody. Everybody lies and keeps secrets then wonders why bullshit happens. Des, you're one of them now. You might as well change your name to Desdemona De Carlo. None of you can be trusted, so I'm going to play the game my way for myself!" She throws her hand up walking around me to leave.

After the event I was more than tired, but I stayed to help clean up the venue and pack up with my team. Despite the hiccups of drama it was a success. I look at the large room that's almost empty except the things we need to put in cars that we brought ourselves. I turn to one of my employees saying, "I'm going go pull car to the front, so have them go ahead and take all this stuff outside."

She nods her head as I grab my purse putting it on my shoulder. As I walk towards the door I rummage through my purse for my car keys. I push the gun Draco made me get to the side pulling out my keys. I enter the parking garage looking down at my phone replying to texts. The garage is dead silent. I exchanged the heels I wore earlier for a pair of flat shoes, so I could comfortably help pack out.

I look up keeping my eyes on my black Bentley Flying Spur parked in the distance. When I feel something suddenly go over my mouth. I immediately begin to panic. I try to scream, but it's muffled. My hands fly to my mouth feeling it's a person's hand. I begin to kick my legs as the person is pulling me against their body.

I try to remember what I learned in self defense class, but it's like you forget everything in that moment. The person moves there hand from off of my mouth about to wrap their arm around my throat. I bite them before they can then spin to get out of their grip. For a second I'm face to face with a person in all black whose face I can't see.

Another person comes out of a black SUV trying to grab me, but I fight back. We end up on the floor and my purse drops to the ground with all its contents. I see my gun slide and I reach for it. "She has a fucking gun. Let's go." One of them says rushing back towards the car.

The other is still trying to fight me for the gun. "We're not leaving without her." The car screeches off leaving the guy to fend for himself. I claw my nails into his eyes making him scream. Not even thinking twice I get a good grip on the gun then point it at him pulling the trigger a couple of times. He falls flat to the ground as I look at his body surrounded by blood. His body was completely still as I look in shock...

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