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Season 4: Finale

- Chapter 48 -
Out on Bail

A guard walks me through the corridor of the county jail passing by cells occupied by inmates. I was just glad to be off of Riker's Island after five long days there. I was finally being released after the judge deemed it was safe. It also took some convincing from my new lawyer that my ex, Tru, helped me get. "Bye Miss Prissy," an inmate says from a cell blowing a kiss at me.

I just roll my eyes ready to get home to my family. The guard takes me to change out of the jumpsuit into the clothes I came here in. I put the White T-shirt, Black jeans, and Louboutin booties on ready to see the outside world. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but I was in there damn near a week. I'm not cut out for jail let alone prison, so imagine me actually being found guilty. Being at Rikers Island alone felt like I did a five year bid.

Once they process me out I walk out of the gate being hit by the sunlight. I immediately squint my eyes walking the distance from the exit to the gate and when I come out I see a familiar face making me smile...

"Free at last, free at last," Tru says with a chuckle as they hug each other tightly. I sigh while still in the hug not thinking I would ever see the day where I would be relieved to see him.

"Thank you," I say as we pull apart.

"Don't thank me. Thank my criminal lawyer friend. She got you out because the judge intended to keep you for another week before offering you bail."

"Does that judge have something against me? I had to pay a $10,000 bail too. I thought I was the victim..."

"Innocent until proven guilty and guilty until proven innocent. NYC just wants to get as much money as they can out of every person who walks through here, so they do that through bonds and bails. At least you can afford it unlike some unfortunate individuals and you're out. You're blessed."

"I definitely am."

"But also your release has conditions. You agreed that you would go to your house in Atlanta and stay there until the court date. Before you go home we have to go get a tracking bracelet placed on your ankle."

"Well, I guess eating can wait. I'm starving."

"Then let's get a move on," Tru says opening the passenger door of his Maybach as I get in. He shuts the door for me then comes around getting in the driver's seat. When he pulls off I take my cellphone out of the plastic bag they put it in. I turn it on and it's immediately flooded with notifications ranging from texts, missed calls, emails, and social media.

I didn't even know if I wanted to deal with all of that right now. I did send a text in a group message to my sisters that I'm out and I'll be home later. I could've asked one of them to pick me up, but I knew they would just annoy me with their questions and comments.

As I scroll through my texts I see several from Draco, I look out of the window chewing on my bottom lip. Did I feel bad about breaking up with him while in jail? Yes. Did that mean I wanted to get back with him? No. I was dead serious. I didn't just do that because I was being emotional. I did it for a reason...

"You good?" Tru asks stopping the car at a red light.

I clear my throat saying, "Y-Yeah. You know me and my family are going out to dinner tonight... Just to celebrate me getting out and one last get together before I have to go to Atlanta. You should come."

Tru looks at me in surprise. "I would love to, but I don't think that's a good idea. I'm sure your family hates me if they know I'm the reason–" He stops and clears his throat. "I think it's best I don't. You should enjoy your family."

"If I can forgive you, they can forgive you. Shit, my family is the reason we were together in the first place. I just wanted to extend the invite. A thank you for helping me with no hesitation when I called."

"I'll stop by," he agrees licking over his lips. I nod my head looking back down at my phone. Draco sent several messages while I was in jail for me to read when I got out. I just skimmed through them then blocked his number.


After I got my ankle monitor put on, Tru dropped me off at my place. I went up to my penthouse ready to get something in my stomach and take a nice, long bubble bath to get ready for tonight. I wanted to scrub all the filth of jail off my body and get something in my stomach besides jail food.

Once the elevator stops and the doors open I'm scared half to death by my sisters screaming before they pulled me into a tight two way hug. "Please, I cannot breathe. You little bitches a re strong," I push out while they still hold on to me.

"Little bitches? You done went to jail for a couple of days and changed," Miranda says pulling away from me first.

"You look..." Cordelia starts looking at her sister. "–Tired and raggedy," she says honestly. "At least you don't look touched."

"Touched?" I ask in confusion.

"Like you got turned out to be a girl's jail wife."

I just shake my head. "I was too isolated from everyone for that to happen. Can I please get some breathing room so I can take a shower and eat?" I ask in annoyance.

"Oop, you would think you would be a little happier to see us, jail bird! I like your anklet though. It's cute. It compliments your tired ass hair real nice," Cordelia teases.

I just flick her off heading for the kitchen. Miranda clearly didn't get the memo because she followed me. "Okay, for dinner tonight I invited only a select few people. Mom, Dad, and Lennox, of course. This will be the first time our parents are in the same room since they filed for divorce, so this can go left. Also my first time seeing them in years so this can go double left and not make a right. Paloma, your publicist, Rhea, Athena, and there's one more I want to run by you... One person I need your approval to invite."

"Who?" I ask too busy looking in the refrigerator for something to eat. Because I've been gone all my favorites are nowhere in site.


"No," I say quickly not even looking back at her.

"You were dead serious about breaking up with him?" She asks with surprise in her voice.

"What? Did you think I did it for play play? I was deadass," I say mimicking a New York accent. "Didn't you give me a speech about men in that life being selfish? If this wasn't the prime example of that, I don't know what is. All I asked him to do was keep the two lives separate. Once I don't feel safe and protected by a man, I'm out," I say throwing up a peace sign with my fingers.

"I don't think Draco would intentionally let you get hurt–"

"The seat meant for Draco will now be for Tru. I'm done discussing this," I say sternly. I didn't feel like arguing about it nor talking about Draco in the first place.

"Tru? Are you crazy Desdemona?! The man gave you HIV."

I close the refrigerator turning towards her. "The guy who is the reason I almost got kidnapped and now I'm facing serious jail time or the guy who gave me an STD?" I ask holding my hands up weighing the options. "Both shitty options, but one got me out of jail. I rather go with the devil I know because like you said, you don't really know the men in this life. They only show you what they want to show you."

Miranda looks at me as if stuck. "I'm going to go take a bath," I say leaving the kitchen. As soon as I'm out of Miranda's sight I let out a big sigh. This is going to be hard...

I sit in my car parked on a Brooklyn street trying to be as low key as possible as I watch a building. I've been watching it for an hour just waiting on one specific person. When my phone starts ringing I keep my eyes on the building while answering it and putting it to my ear. "Hello? Who dis?" I ask due to me not reading the caller i.d.

"It's me, Miranda, again."

"Oh, what's up? Thanks for getting me the information I needed," I say referring to her giving me Dazmon's address.

"No problem. I'm actually calling because Desdemona got out today."

I immediately raise an eyebrow. I couldn't even be relieved or excited for her after that bullshit she pulled ending it with me. She knows I didn't deserve the way she went about it. I tap on the steering wheel before saying, "Word? That's good for her."

"I know she broke up with you, but I don't think she actually meant it. I'm sure she was just emotional while having to be in there. We're having a dinner with family and some friends tonight and you should come."

"I don't think that's a good idea. Who all is going to be there?"

"Our parents, Cordelia, Lennox–"

I cut her off. "Then I definitely don't think that's a good idea. Come over there uninvited and unwanted to look crazy in front of y'all folks when I've never even met the people before? They didn't even know about me. I'm good. The tattooed, hood nigga barging his way in is a recipe for disaster and the police being called."

"My sister loves you, I know that much. She was just scared. I know she was. I'm sure now that she's out she has a clear head and time to think she'll realize she misses you."

"Is that why I saw her on the news walking out of jail with her ex, Tru, right by her side? I don't think so. She made her decision."

Miranda sighs. "Tru is a lawyer. He just helped her get out faster."

I laugh under my breath. "I appreciate the effort. I fuck with you. You've been a big help to me on multiple occasions, but this is something you can't help with. I don't come anywhere I'm unwanted."

"If you change your mind dinner will be at the restaurant in Desdemona's penthouse building at 8p.m. I hope to see you there and I'm sure she will too." She hangs up and I throw my phone to the passenger seat.

"I won't," I mumble under my breath. When I see a Black guy walking across the street who looks to be the same height and build as Dazmon, I zero in on him. It's him, so I waste no time putting black gloves on my hands. I grab my gun from my glove compartment then tuck it before getting out of the car.

I look before jogging across the street going in the direction he just went. I go down an alleyway that turns. I look around the corner making sure it's not a trap and he's waiting on me. The coast is clear, so I proceed. I only take a couple steps before I see Dazmon is at the end waiting on me...

"I knew you were coming. What's up? You came to kill me to avenge your girlfriend?" He asks crossing his arms over his chest with no fear.

"You had something to do with her getting kidnapped. I know you did," I respond stepping towards him. I didn't feel threatened a bit.

"You're correct. You figured out the case, detective," he says clapping sarcastically. "But I fucked up. I led a man into his death. I guess Desdemona isn't as green as I thought she is. I take it you're the reason she has a gun and can shoot that bitch. You got one too?" He asks looking at me up and down.

"What are your ties to C.A.S.?"

"Casanova is in too deep," he says not answering the question. "He's just going to end up like his brother...and me."

"You want me to kill you. You've been waiting..." I say looking at him in confusion as he puts his hands in his lap locking his fingers.

"It wasn't supposed to go down like that," Dazmon admits. "Nobody was supposed to get hurt or killed... not even Mona. She was just supposed to be a pawn in this game. I've done a lot, but I can't live with that on my conscious. I've sold drugs, stolen, and lied but I've never been a killer."

"Tell me everything you know about Casanova's plan."

"I rather die. Casanova is still my cousin."

"And your cousin is about to get you killed. You might as well tell me before I do it."

He sighs before thinking. "All I can say is that one of your brother's is next."

"An attempt on their life?"

"No, a setup. Casanova's so desperate he's willing to involve the police to see one of you in jail. That's all I'm saying." I immediately start thinking what he could possibly have on us with enough substantial evidence to get one of us serious jail time.

"Do a clean shot to the chest. I want my people to still be able to open my casket," Dazmon says making me look at him in the eyes. He held his head high and ready like a man with dignity. He stood up from sitting on the dog house motioning for me to come on and do it.

I raise the gun pulling the trigger three times as they all hit him in the chest. His body falls back hitting the doghouse before dropping to the ground as blood seeps out. I pull my phone out calling for backup so we can get rid of the body. One down...

After getting rid of Dazmon's body I showered and changed clothes before going out once again. This time it's night time and I drive to a bar in Manhattan where I'm supposed to be linking up with Dayanara who's in town. She arranged for me to meet her drug dealing boyfriend for the first time, so I can determine if our crew wants to do business with his in Canada.

As I'm walking to the entrance I see Dayanara coming from the other way...

When she sees me she smiles. "What's up, bitch ass nigga?" She extends her hand towards me.

"You only got one more of those bitches towards me," I say giving her the fold up she wants. She swears she's a nigga.

"Stop acting like a bitch and I won't call you one. You know how I'm comin'... I spit facts, no fallacies."

"Yeah, yeah," I say ignoring her as I pull the door open motioning for her to go in first. "Ladies first," I say to remind her of what's in between her legs. Sometimes she acts like she has big balls.

"Then you might wanna go," She says making herself laugh before stepping into the upscale bar.

"Where's this new boyfriend of yours?" I ask looking around at men in suits and women in dresses.

"My man's already here." I follow behind her because she looks like she knows where she's going. When she goes to a section and a guy who's 5'7" stands up, I'm thrown aback. He didn't look like the guys she usually dates. Daya always went for the tall Hispanic guys who are built. The Rico Suave types. The ones who looked like they ran a cartel.

Because she has heels on and is taller than him, she leans down kissing him passionately while he grips her ass. Was this necessary? I ask myself looking away.

Daya turns towards me as her boyfriend looks at me. "Primo, Draco. Draco, Primo," Daya introduces us. "Draco is one of the brothers apart of the De Carlo organization that runs most of New York. They got me the product from India."

We exchange a dap before all sitting down. "I've heard a lot about you," Primo says grabbing a liquor bottle from the ice bucket on the table opening it. "Heard you're a smart kid." Kid? That was disrespectful in my eyes, but I let it slide. He pours some in his glass asking, "You want a glass?"

I nod my head, so he gets a glass from a stack flipping it over and pouring some in it. He hands it to me as I say, "And I've heard nothing about you until Daya. I know a couple people up in Canada, but I've never heard of you and your crew. Are you new?"

"Naw, I've put in my work from the very bottom. I like to be low key...the underdog. I slowly built my way up and now I run most of T dot. I heard you want Daya to move double and I can help with that. I can also help with your little problem down here..." he says taking a sip from his drink.

"If you give him the connect from India we can take out these Haitian niggas for you," Daya clarifies.

"So, what's the plan? How long are you both in New York?"

"As long as it takes to get rid of Casanova and C.A.S. for good," Daya says sitting back and extending her arms across the back of the couch. "Which won't take me long," she adds confidently. "I don't tiptoe round no hoes. I stomp mutha fuckas out, so they'll be done in two weeks tops."

"And how are you going to do that?"

Primo speaks up saying, "I got word of Casanova trying to get some product from some niggas I know in Ontario. They plan on trying to cross the border tonight and I'm going to have some of my men interfere the trade and get his men. At this point what can C.A.S. do? She got rid of the Haitians in Miami, the deal with you and the Indian product didn't work, and this isn't either. No product so his men will see it's a wrap for their money making days."

"And Casanova, I'm going to handle him myself," Daya says sucking her teeth while trying to get something out of them with the end of her nail. She pauses then says, "I heard you handled the dude who made that plot against your girl."

He didn't know how she found out so fast, but didn't question it. While she's been out here she's been working closely with members in our organization. I nod my head. "Casanova's cousin."

"So, is Miss America still down and riding or did she abandon the whip?" Daya asks with a chuckle.

"It's over."

Daya laughs even heartier. "I told you so," she says arrogantly. "I hope that bitch don't tell the police nothin' during her case or that's you and your brother's ass. Imagine working so hard to get out only for a hoe who parties for a living to throw you under the bus." Primo and Daya both share a laugh.

I take a deep breath before saying, "Des ain't snitching or sayin' shit. She's not that dumb or disloyal. She knows what me and my brothers are capable of."

"Ohhh, don't act like you would hurt a hair on that ol' ladies greying head. You were in love with her. I can see it all in yo eyes," she says pointing at her own eyes. "You wanna cry right now. If you were smart you would try and get her back. She might come in handy later on. Use that tongue or that little thing you got in yo pants to win her back." Daya stands up and Primo follows suit. "Anyway, we got things to do tonight. I'll call you later to update you."

I watch as they grab hands then leave. I shake my head before grabbing my drink on the table throwing it back drinking it all down. Placing the glass back on the table, I get up to leave too.

As I'm driving through Manhattan I look at the time seeing it's a little after 8p.m. As I sit at a red light I notice that I'm close to Desdemona's building. As much as I wanted to stick to not going to the dinner, I also wanted to go. I needed to talk to her.

Dayanara wasn't the only person who told me to try and get her back. My brothers, Rhea, and Athena did as well. They said I need to at least make sure she doesn't tell any detectives or police anything. She could easily do it to ensure she doesn't get jail time and that would be bad for all of us. On top of that, Desdemona and I still have business ties at the end of the day.

When the light turns green I put on my turn signal then hit a right heading to her place. I was extremely underdressed in a plain white T-shirt, grey sweatpants, and a pair of Fendi sneakers because I had no plans of going but I don't care. After parking I go into the restaurant located in the lower level of her building talking to a waiter.

He shows me to a private area reserved for the dinner leaving me as I stood in the entrance. Between the attempt on my grandmother's life with the drive-by, Desdemona's kidnapping and arrest, and having to deal with this C.A.S. situation the last thing I needed was a breakup. Shit, we should be coming together not at odds with all this bullshit.

I walk into the room looking for Miranda before anybody else seeing as she's the one who invited me. When I spot her across the room talking to Cordelia, I make strides towards her. When she sees me out of the corner of her eye she smiles.

"You came!" She says meeting me halfway.

"Yeah, but I'm not staying for dinner. I just wanted to talk to her and I'll be leaving."

"I think when she sees you she'll want you to stay," Miranda says bouncing her eyebrows up and down. "But don't be mad–" She starts.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"We're still waiting on our parents and a few others, but she's over there," Miranda says nodding to her right. When my eyes land on Desdemona then the person to her left I narrow my eyes looking at them...

"I don't know why she invited him," Miranda scoffs before drinking from her champagne glass. "I could just punch his dirty dick trifling ass in the face. I hope my Dad does it when he gets here," Miranda rambles on making me realize she's tipsy. "Granted I don't like that nigga either and could punch him too. I totally wouldn't be mad if you punched Tru for me."

"I'll be back," I say ignoring everything she said walking over to them. When Desdemona sees me coming her smile turns into a scold.

"I told Miranda not to invite you," she says standing up. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you, but you really got me fucked up, yo! It's been how many fucking days and you just couldn't wait to flaunt lawyer nigga off to your family?"

"You need to calm down and leave."

"Don't go using your white voice with me," I say pointing at her. Before I know it we're arguing and yelling over each other as everyone stares in confusion.

"What's going on in here?" I turn around to see an older brown skin man in a suit. From the billboards and commercials I've seen over the years I know it's Desdemona's father, the Desmond Garnet. He looks me over in judgement at my clothing and my tattoos.

"Nothing. He was just leaving," Desdemona speaks up.

"Who is this? Do we need to get security?" He asks still not satisfied with his daughter's response.

I chuckle under my breath. He got some nerve judging somebody, but now I see where Des gets it from. "You don't have to get a damn thing. You all can eat your fancy dinner and enjoy each other's fake ass company as soon as she talks to me," I say looking at Desdemona.

"Now I don't know who you are, but I–" her father starts until she holds her hand up.

"I will be back. This will only take a minute," she says looking at me bitterly. "Everyone be seated and look over the menus." She snaps at me pointing at the hallway before walking. I follow behind her with a grin on my face that I got my way.

"What is your damn problem?!" Des asks crossing her arms over her chest.

"I need answers."

"I gave you all the answers you needed when I ended things during that visitation. I'm done. I can't keep going through all this nonsense with you. At this point everything I have ever worked for is about to go down the drain at the account of you and I'm not having it. I worked too damn hard trying to be more than his daughter," she says pointing at her father in the other room. "And now I'm about to be reduced to inmate number da, da, da because you couldn't handle your shit!"

Just by the tone in her voice I could tell she was fed up. "Did Dalton tell you to do this?"

"Even if he did, I would've still made the decision for myself. I have to do what's best for me and that's not being with you. My life has been a roll-coaster ever since you came in it and I'm ready to get off." She pauses then adds, "He told me to break up with you until the case is over and get a new lawyer not connected to your family. In case they start investigating and the finger points back to the De Carlo clan."

"And you couldn't tell me that?"

"No, because he's right. I have to stay away from you. That could be for a couple of months or forever. All I know is I need time and space away from you. Part of my release conditions are that I have to go stay in Atlanta until the first trial date for my safety. Maybe I'll call you when I get back, maybe I won't," she says shrugging her shoulders.

"You deadass?" I ask rubbing my chin hair. "After all the shit we been through you're gonna dip out now? I accepted all your bullshit and now you can't accept mine? I'm not even tryna throw this shit in ya face, but you slept with me without telling me your status. I forgave you for that. When you was flip flopping between me and Jacobi, I still fucked with you."

"I tried to help you. I stayed loyal and solid for as long as I could. You made promises, broke them, kept secrets, lied. I accepted it all because I saw your potential. I tried to build you up to be a better man from the inside and outside with your businesses. I took you from a street dweller from Brooklyn projects to my penthouse in Manhattan and I almost get kidnapped and had to kill someone. I have to live with that on my conscious forever."

I stretch my neck back. "Don't act like you did me some charity. You didn't take me from shit. I took myself out the projects. You really gonna act like I didn't have a condo in Brooklyn, a house in Miami, apartments in Japan and Dubai, multiple foreign cars? Don't get it fucking twisted Desdemona," I say in offense.

"I don't have shit twisted. How did you get all those things?" I just look at her. "Exactly. You got all of that through illegal and immoral ways. I'm the reason you started making honest money," she says harshly pointing at herself. "You are a drug dealer, baby," she whispers with no fear.

"You might not understand, but what I was doing is honest. As honest as it gets for a nigga who don't come from shit. You wouldn't get that cause you've been handed everything you got from your billionaire daddy," I say pointing towards the room. "I don't know why I thought your saddity ass could ever really understand what the fuck I've been running from my entire life. Shit, I don't even know why I thought we could work," I say looking her up and down.

"We all have choices, Draco. You keep making wrong after wrong choice."

"We all have choices? Do we?! As humans we don't make our own choices until we get to a certain age. We don't choose our parents, where we grow up, what we're born into. You were born into a wealthy family from upper class. I was born into an illegally wealthy family with a criminal, dead father and a drug addicted mother who prostituted herself and my brother." The last part slips out. Desdemona's face falls in pity. "My choice was made for me. Fuck you, aiight! Have fun in Atlanta and DON'T hit my line when you get back. I'm making that choice for you," I say storming off.

As I'm walking out I hit the wall with the side of my fist letting out a groan. That's not how that was supposed to go.

Once I get in my car I sit there for a second before grabbing my phone. I dial a number I haven't used in awhile. When she answers I ask, "You busy? Can you meet me somewhere?"


I drive back to Brooklyn pulling up to a bar. When I walk inside I look around the room when I see exactly who I'm looking for waiting on me at the bar...

She turns her head slightly giving me a hesitant smile. "Thanks for meeting me, Diamonté," I say motions my hand for her to sit. She sits at the bar and I do too.

"No problem." It grows quiet and awkward between us. I order a shot from the bartender. I invited her, but I didn't know what to say.

She speaks first. "Look, I just don't wanna fight with you. We've been friends for years and you've given so many good opportunities only for me to disrespect you. I'm glad you called... I want to apologize."

"Really?" I ask stretching my neck back.

"Don't act shocked like I can't be the bigger person. I may be petty and a little emotional sometimes, but I'm never above anything. I was wrong in the situation. With you, Desdemona... I was childish and I can admit I was a jealous. I was hurt hurt," she says doing a soft chuckle. "She's your girl, so of course you were going to be on her side."

"Was," I say bitterly taking back my shot letting it sting my throat.

"Was what?" Diamonté asks in confusion.

"Was my girl. She was my girl. We're done."

"I guess you're gonna call me every time shit don't work out with these broads," she says rolling her eyes in disappointment.

"Look, I'm sorry too. I just try to be devils advocate. I stood up for you and I stood up for her. I gotta realize that I can't keep picking someone I've only been dating for a couple months over people I've known for years. Shit is just all bad." She scoots her full glass to me and I take it with no hesitation putting it to my lips.

She touches my arm sitting on the bar counter making me look at her. "It's not your fault. I know you're probably beating yourself up about what happened with her, but you can't blame yourself. Only the other parties because real niggas leave outsiders out of it. It'll be okay in the end..." She gives me a small smile.

All I can do is nod my head. I hope it's going to be okay.

Primo in mm. The song by Tish Hyman is what inspired this story along with a documentary. Also, there's going to be one more season of this story😏 Comment / Vote4️⃣❤️

Also, can you guys do me a favor & check out my new story. It's my first time writing about an athlete, so I'm excited. Once again I thought I would write about someone who isn't written about a lot...

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