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- Chapter 51 -
Are You Still Down?

I walk around the large room that's being decorated for my HIV/AIDS awareness dinner making sure everything is running smoothly checking on the people setting up. I look at all the tables, chairs, and decorations that have been put out so far liking what I see. I haven't thrown an event that I'm hosting myself in months, so I want it to be perfect.

I never would've thought Tru of all people would not give me the idea, but the push to do this. After he told me he attends these meetings for people with HIV, it gave me the extra boost I needed to finally do this after I've thought about it for months. I've been so wrapped up in work and the drama with the De Carlo family, I've been living in a whirlwind.

Trey has been trying his hardest to convince me why we should try our relationship again and I'm just not convinced... and probably never will be. But I am going to follow my father's advice and keep him around until my trial is over because he has some connections I need.

I haven't heard anything from the judge on my case after dinner, so it's all a waiting game. I can only hope that when I walk into the courtroom in few days that I'll walk right back out with my case thrown out and all my charges dropped.

I look at my phone checking text messages when my assistant come up to me saying, "People are starting to arrive."

"Great. Are all the speakers here?" She nods her head. "Do you know if Tru is here yet?"

"I believe he just arrived."

"Good. Make sure he sits in the seat next to mine." She nods her head then walks away as Desdemona sees people coming through the doors. She greets several people and when she turns she does a double take seeing Paloma.

"Paloma? What are you doing here?"

"I saw that you were having this event on your Instagram. I know this event isn't exactly for me..." She looks around the room and there's an awkward silence as we both didn't know what to say or do. We used to be best friends who got excited anytime we saw each other even if it's only been one day, but now we don't even know whether to hug or not.

Paloma clears her throat adding, "I was going to reach out sooner. You know, to check on you with everything going on. I saw in the news everything that happened." The night I was almost kidnapped was the last time I spoke to or seen Paloma and it didn't end well.

I was too busy trying to keep her out of the De Carlo's business I was a terrible friend to her. If I'm being honest I chose Draco and his family over her. I got too wrapped up in what they had going on trying to prove my loyalty so that they would trust me. Another instance of me being stupid.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for what I said that night. There have been several occasions that I should've defended you and been a better friend."

"We both made mistakes. I'm sorry for the time I knew something happened between Draco and Saweetie, but I didn't tell you. Shit is just crazy. I was shot, you almost got kidnapped. Stuff like this never happened before."

"Yeah, it's crazy," I respond knowing she's insinuating it's Draco and his brother's fault all this is happening.

"I'm actually thinking about getting out of my contract with Relax Records. I just don't think it's for me."

"Really? And what's not for you? The label?"

"Everything they have going on, but especially the label. You know they put Porsha's music out before mine? And I've been signed to the label since day one," she says blowing out air and shaking her head. "I'm gonna go on the tour this summer for the exposure then I'm out. I'm getting out of my deal. Fuck them."

"I'm sorry things didn't work out. If I would've known I would've never told you to sign."

"It's cool. I'll figure it out. I always do. Maybe me, music, and labels aren't meant to be. I make a good living doing celebrities makeup, so maybe I'll stick to that."

"Yeah, you'll figure it out. If you want to come back as my main makeup artist the job is yours again. I'm going to need some courthouse glam for my court dates," I say making us both laugh.

"I gotchu," Paloma pauses. "Have you talked to or seen Apollo lately?"

I squint wondering why she's asking about him. "Not really," I lie. "I haven't tried to or want to see any of the De Carlo's. I've been keeping my distance. Why?"

"No reason. He just disappeared. He doesn't come to the Relax Records studios or anything."

"Well, good. You need to be staying far away from him after Rhea read you for your life and threatened you. Leave that woman's husband alone."

She waves her hand off. "I'm not worried about that woman. I just want to talk to Apollo before I actually leave the label. Maybe he can help me because he was the only one who seemed to care about me at that label," she breathes out deeply. "Draco is just so ugh-" she scoffs. "He only cares about getting Saweetie the big performances, brand deals, and promotions. All because she's fucking him." Paloma pauses then looks at me. "I'm sorry. I forgot you two-" She stops  talking realizing she's putting her foot in her mouth.

"It's okay." Deep down I wanted to roll my eyes hearing about Draco and Diamonte.

"I'm so glad you and Draco broke up," Paloma says with relief.


"Because he was good as a boy toy. You know, to get some good dick. He's ten years younger than you. It wasn't going to work."

"Interesting. Did you always feel that way?"

"No, you guys were cute at first. I was glad to see you happy then all this shit started happening. I thought it was life, but then I realized it started after you started working with Draco and his brothers. Your office getting destroyed, me getting shot at your birthday party, the kidnapping. That type of stuff doesn't happen to you, but I can see it happening to him and his brothers. Then it made sense. They're some street niggas who decided to start a record label and that's why I want out. I can't get caught up in whatever they have going on when it comes crashing down. I have a son to think about."


"I'm glad you got away too. I hope you don't have anymore business ties with them."

She's right. I think for a second remembering I own a percent of Draco's clothing line. I need to sell it or talk to him about taking my name off his company. "Anyway, have a seat anywhere. The event should be starting soon," I say to end the conversation.

When I turn around I see Tru entering the room wearing a suit. I wave at him and he smiles at me. He hugs me then he looks around the room saying, "Looks nice for you pulling this off in so little time."

"Thank you. I'm glad you came. It's nice to see so many people like us. This is going to be good," I say looking around the room before looking at him. I motion my assistant over and when she comes I say, "She's going to show you to your seat."

Once everyone is seated I take the microphone and go to the front of the room. I take in all the people before saying, "If you all do not know who I am, my name is Desdemona Garnet. Let's do a quick rundown of myself... I am the daughter of Desmond Garnet, a billionaire tech businessman. I have a bachelor's and master's degree from the private Ivy league, Princeton University. I am a millionaire from being the CEO of several companies and businesses. I am not married nor do I have any children at 33 years old, but I am supposedly the bachelorette of the year and a very desirable woman. None of this could have protected me from HIV/AIDS."

The room is completely quiet as I speak. Even after doing that interview with ABC News after Jacobi outed my status, there were some things people didn't know. That was the last interview I did where I was willing to even talk about her status.

"For many years I lived in secret. I lived in fear of everyone knowing my status. I had a fear of stigma that often comes with this disease. We're often judged and assumptions are made of how you acquired the disease. A disease that's associated with homosexuality, drug use, unprotected sex, and poverty. For those that don't know my story, I came to be positive because I simply loved and trusted a man..." I look into the crowd connecting eyes with Tru who looks uncomfortable for a second.

That's all I could say. Despite Tru and I being on speaking terms now I still signed an NDA that prevents me from saying who gave me HIV. While I walk around with everyone knowing, he still gets to hide like he doesn't have it or that he's the one who gave it me. That was my choice the second I signed my name on that contract and took the money.

"This is a disease that anyone can get. It's time people stop thinking it can't be them. I was outed by a man that I once again trusted. A man that I was in a relationship with that I had no business being with in the first place," I say referring to Jacobi. I hadn't seen him in months and didn't want to even though we're both still suing each other. "I went from no one but the closest to me knowing about my status to millions of people knowing. Instead of running and hiding I decided to live with it."

"Tonight we'll have speakers, experts, and survivors. For anyone in the audience who has HIV or AIDS, this is a safe place. For anyone here to learn or support, I hope you learn more than you do about this often misunderstood and stigmatized disease. Also, we are open to donations through my charity, Giving Garnet. Any money donated will be used to help those who can't afford their medication so they can be able to buy it. Medication is what keeps us alive."

People clap then I add, "Also, I would like to thank my friend, Tru Slator, for telling me about the group who puts together these meetings or else this wouldn't have happened." I look at him in the crowd to see him looking at me with a smile.

"Actually, Tru, come up here. Say something," I say motioning for him to come. He looks at me awkwardly then hesitantly rises from his chair making his way to the front. I didn't tell him I wanted him to speak and there's a reason for that.

He touches my waist leaning into me. "What are you doing?" He whispers in my ear.

"You want me back you need to finally admit you have this disease to the public. Tell the truth of how you acquired it and how you gave it to me. Tell your story, your truth." I can't say he gave it to me, but he can..

He looks at the crowd of people who are staring and waiting before whispering to me, "I can't do this, Desda. Not to a room full of people. I don't even know these people. None of my friends or co-workers even know I'm positive."

"Then this is a start," I say handing him the microphone. He looks at it then at me. I step back giving him the floor.

"Um, I didn't expect to be speaking but I guess I am." I decide to give him the full floor sitting down in a seat behind him. As he awkwardly tries to figure out something to say I cross my arms over my chest wearing a smirk...

I sit behind the driver's seat of my Rolls Royce driving to the address on the flyer that Desdemona posted to Instagram. Diamonté is right that I need to pay her a little visit to talk. I look over at Diamonte who's in the passenger seat looking out of the window.

I haven't seen Desdemona in a few months, so this can only go one way...Awkwardly. The last time we saw each other we argued and things that were said can't be taken back. There's no going back after that. Now it's a matter of wrapping up our ties with each other, which includes her upcoming court case.

My thoughts are interrupted when Diamonte speaks saying, "If they do start digging into this whole kidnapping it'll point back to C.A.S., right? Desdemona could just snitch on them and make this a lot easier for everyone? It's obvious they were involved with it."

"It could be that simple, but we all know it won't be good out here for Desdemona in the streets. Regardless if she's not street, having ya name on paperwork is a no go. She'll be a dead woman walking or someone will try and start extorting her."

"I mean... At that point she won't be you or your brother's problem," she says shrugging making me look at her.

"I'm not telling her to snitch on C.A.S. Regardless if I'm not with her she's still my responsibility as far as her safety. I brought this shit into her life."

"I guess," she says in a whatever matter as soon as pull up to the address. I get in the line for valet and when they get to me, I get out of my car.

I walk into the building with Diamonte on my side looking for the event hall where this thing is being held. "I like this outfit though," I say complimenting her getting a view...

"You knoww," she says giving me a wink making me laugh. "Thank you, baby. I think it's this room," she says pointing where two doors are open with a sign in front of it.

We walk into the event obviously late, so we try not to bring attention to ourselves by sitting in the closest empty seats we can find by the door. When I see it's Desdemona's ex, Tru, who's speaking I furrow my eyebrows. I twist my lip up a little with the thought she's still fucking with dude. She made me out to be such a terrible match for her because of my lifestyle yet she's entertaining the man who gave her an incurable disease. Go figures..

"I guess I should introduce myself," Tru says clearing his throat. "My name is Tru Slator. I am a lawyer." He keeps it vague so no one can go back and tell anyone at his firm about this. "I am Desdemona's ex fiancé. Her and I were in a relationship for a couple of years. In those years I was not the best boyfriend or fiancé. I'm not going to make any excuses, but I was unfaithful on several occasions. I was reckless and had unprotected sex with women despite being in a serious relationship. I had no regard or care for what I could potentially be bringing home to the woman I planned to marry. As a result I'm the one who gave Desdemona HIV."

The room immediately erupts into gasps and whispers. Both me and Diamonté shake our head at the same time. Tru can see all the looks of disgust he's getting from people, but he goes on. "It didn't stop there. I got tested and found out I was positive. It was early on, so I was treated before it could really get bad. I found out a year into our relationship and kept it a secret. I never told her because I just got her back after being caught cheating on her. I didn't want to lose her. I spiraled out of control and started drinking which led to more women. I pretended I didn't have HIV."

By now some women in the audience were crying because the story was way too familiar to theirs. It hit very close to home for them. I simply look at Tru with a screwed up face. "I kept cheating and we eventually broke up. I still hadn't told her my status." He takes in a deep breath. With a shaky voice he goes on, "I went on about my life never calling her. Then one day she shows up at my place unannounced in a rage telling me she had AIDS. I still denied it until she found the proof, my HIV medication. I remember the way she looked at me when she realized I knew I had it and didn't tell her. Instead of apologizing I offered her money to keep quiet so my career doesn't get ruined."

One little tear squeezes out of Tru's eye and he wipes it away. This nigga so fake. Don't nobody feel sorry for his ass. I couldn't help but laugh causing some people sitting around me to give me glares to be quiet. "I gave her $10 million in exchange for her silence. We didn't speak for years. Both of us living in secret not wanting to ruin our images and careers from something we live with everyday."

"This shit is sad," Diamonté mumbles feeling bad. She remembers the remarks she made towards Desdemona at her release party all those months back. She definitely threw jabs at Desdemona's disease. Her exact words were 'Some nasty, dirty, diseased pussy'... It's something a lot of people do. They try to make people feel ashamed of a disease that a lot of times they had no control over getting.

I let out a sigh wishing Tru would hurry up with his sob story. "I stand here today taking responsibility for my poor actions. Not just because they affected me, but they have changed Desdemona's life forever. She's a phenomenal woman who should be loved and married with kids by now, but I'm sure it's hard to find someone all because of what I did. I'm truly sorry," Tru says turning towards Desdemona.

My eyes go from him to Desdemona who I haven't seen in what feels like forever. I blink watching her blank face. She looked so emotionless as she stood up walking over to Tru. She takes the microphone from him uttering, "Thank you." Tru sits down and she introduces the next speaker who's an HIV /AIDS expert.

I watch Desdemona's every movement as she sits back down. I shift in my seat clearing my throat. To say the love I had for her magically disappeared would be a lie. But when a person wants nothing to do with you, what can you do? I'm not one to beg or force myself on anybody.

Now it's a matter of making sure she keeps all of my secrets. The worst thing she could do is ever open her mouth about all the stuff she knows even if it saves her own ass.

. . .

After getting through all the speakers it's finally the portion of the event where they have food, drinks, and music. I scan my eyes around the room looking for Desdemona spotting her sitting on a couch amongst a group of women. I tap Diamonté saying, "I'm gonna go talk to her."

She nods her head then I walk away from her. When Desdemona sees me coming she gives me a scowl, but I don't care...

I walk up to the chattering women getting looks. When I notice Paloma she rolls her eyes at me. I already know I'm not her favorite person right now, but there's reasons she hasn't gotten everything she wants as an artist. She's definitely my most difficult artist on my label considering she hasn't been providing quality music. She's really close to getting dropped..

"Wassup, Paloma," I say only for her to turn up her lips and sip from a champagne glass. I look at Desdemona asking, "Can I chop it up with you real quick?"

"About?" She asks not budging.

"I think this is best as a private matter," I motion for her to come with me. She groans before excusing herself and coming with me off to a secluded corner.

"What are you doing here?" She asks with attitude looking at me with a piercing gaze.

"I came to support the event. You and Tru cute. That speech he gave was real heart felt," I say sarcastically.

She laughs saying, "You being jealous is cute. I heard through the grapevine you're already with Saweetie, so I advise you to mind your business."

"Jealous? No one's jealous, shorty. But I see you still checkin' for me. Where'd you hear that from? What grapevine?" I don't even know how we started off already bickering.

"Don't flatter yourself. I feel bad for the girl. She actually thinks you like her when really you just can't be with me, so you settled for her."

"Like you ain't settlin' for the nigga who got you taking pills for the rest of your life?" It comes out so quickly he doesn't realize how fucked up that is. How do you throw a jab at her disease at an even about HIV and AIDS. "Don't act like you don't keep someone on standby encase it doesn't work out. Sorta like you did with me after you were done with Jacobitch."

Desdemona turns up her lips nodding her head. "Too bad I'm not even back with Tru."

"That speech seemed like a public apology after getting back with someone."

"Nope, just a little something to satisfy the petty in me," she says laughing to herself.

"I'm confused," I say scrunching my face up.

"No need to be. Tru got me out of jail and that's why he's still around considering I have an open case. I don't know how you didn't realize that."

"So you're using him?"

"Don't look at me like that. Why are you so shocked? You used to use and lie to people for your benefit all the time."

"You did that whole speech thing to embarrass him?"

"Embarrass? No, but if I have to live with my status out to the world he should too. Maybe it was a little pay back." She crosses her arms over her chest before going on, "I'm sure you didn't come to talk about Tru. What do you want?"

"Yo, I don't even know you anymore," I say shaking my head. I blow out air looking at her. She doesn't even carry herself the same. It's like the naiveté and purity she had when she met him was long gone. It was like she spent a couple nights on Rikers Island and reality hit her about all the shit that's gone down in the passing months since she met me. It was real and it only gets realer..

"What. Do. You. Want?" She asks again with more attitude.

"I'm only here to talk about your upcoming court date. I don't know what you and your new lawyer discussed, but I hope you keep me and my brother's name out of it. Go the kidnapping an heiress for ransom route. That's-" Before I can finish she's cutting me off.

"Ohhh myyyy goshh," she says rolling her eyes. "Let me stop you right there. I've heard all this before from Apollo literally a few nights ago. I don't need to hear it again."

"Apollo? When did you see him?" I haven't even seen or talked to my own brother in weeks.

"He didn't tell you he saw me at a dinner hosted by Judge Domingo?"

No, because I haven't talked to Apollo in who knows how long. "Judge Domingo? What were you doing at a dinner with him? What was Apollo doing there?" I had a million questions.

"I was there because he's the judge on my case. You know, a little persuasion to drop my case maybe. I'm still trying to figure out why your brother and Rhea were there, but they were."

I furrow my eyebrows. What the hell is Apollo up to? "Rhea was there too?"

"Yes. Anyway, I don't need to talk to you. I already know you're going to tell me to keep my mouth shut and blah, blah, blah. You might as well turn around and leave. I'm good on these little threats your family is dishing out. I'm not talking, so you all have nothing to worry about."

She's about to walk away, but I grab her arm. She looks at my hand like I better let go, so I do. "Your defense is self-defense, right? On the stand they're going to grill you in the hopes you'll slip up and reveal you knew the people involved or to prove it was no coincidence."

"Of course. What else would it be? It was self-defense." She looks at me for a second then leans in whispering, "You didn't make my case any better or easier by killing Dazmon. I hope you know that. It was too soon after I almost got kidnapped. You couldn't wait a month or something?" She didn't even ask if I did it. She's assuming, but she's right.

I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. "I had to get my get back. He deserved it."

"You couldn't be that steadfast when it came to Casanova? He's been walking around alive for how long and y'all haven't got him yet. If you would've done that this never would've happened," she says slapping one hand into the other.

"You talk like you know so much."

"I know you didn't do what you were supposed to. I remember months ago Rhea said a real man will make sure his woman and family never gets put in a situation like this. Guess you aren't a real man.."

I let out a laugh rubbing my nose. I already felt bad about this whole situation now she's rubbing it in my face trying to make me feel even worse. "I tried to protect you."

She tilts her head to the side asking, "Did you? Draco, I know you. Anybody can tell you're not cut out for this life, but you won't let it go. You aren't a stone cold killer. If you were Casanova and C.A.S. would've been a thing of the past a longgg time ago."

I narrow my eyes at her. In my eyes she's basically calling me a bitch. "Chill the fuck out like you know who I am. I showed you what I wanted you to see. Even then you know my body. You know how I give it up so stop running that pretty, wide mouth of yours."

Desdemona smiles while nodding her head. "Finally you admit you only showed me what you wanted to. You never showed me the real you. My sister told me that's how men like you move and I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I thought you could change when that wasn't going to happen as long as you're Apollo's bitch," she says aggressively.

"Chill the fuck out!" I spit out once that bitch word fully comes out of her mouth. I take a second to calm down. "I'm not even mad at this new bold you. Shit kinda sexy. You catch one unintentional body and think you hard body. You ain't seen shit yet."

"That's coming from the person who single handedly brought this shit into my world and ruined my life."

"I ruined your life?" I ask in shock. "You got somebody else to blame for that and he's in this fuckin' room," I say pointing.

"Yes, you're one of the people who ruined my life. You're stupid ass came walking into my office talking about you want to work with me and only me, not one of my employees with a duffel bag of money," she says mimicking my walk.

"Who walks like that? Am I Smurf?" I ask screwing up my face. "I don't walk like that." She screws up her face probably thinking that's all I took from that.

"Then you did all that crying and boohooing when I was ready to drop your ass as a client. Typical nigga crying how I'm leaving you like everybody else left you. Class A narcissistic manipulators. That's what you and your brothers are. I really wish all you mutha fuckas would leave me the hell alone, so I can move on with my life."

"You doin' all this talking, but you're no different from me. You're just as greedy because I walked in with that duffel bag and you knew from jump what I was about and still told me to come back. You still signed me as a client and took my money, so you ain't a victim. You could've turned my ass down immediately and never worked with me."

"Baby," I hear making me turn to see Diamonté approaching me and Desdemona. I look from her to Desdemona who does a short chuckle in disbelief that we're actually together. Seeing it in her face is different then just hearing about it. "You done? We need to go. We have to go to your brother's house, remember?"

"Yeah, I'm coming."

"Hello," Desdemona says to Diamonté with a little attitude. She always hates when people don't greet or acknowledge her. Am I invisible? Am I not standing here? I could hear her voice often complain in the past.

Diamonté slowly turns from looking at me to giving Desdemona a smirk. "Hello. How you doin'?"

"I'm great. I would ask how you're doing, but I think I already know," Mona says looking me up and down.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Diamonté asks putting a hand on her hip.

"Obviously you're doing great too. I know you're ecstatic to have finally gotten Draco after thirsting after him for so long. I think they call it a rebound?" Diamonté smiles seeing that Desdemona is clearly jealous. "There we go. The smile of a woman who's getting sloppy seconds dick."

"Let's not do that," I say before they can start arguing.

"You two be blessed and please don't pop up at my shit again. Not even my court date. I will have my lawyer email you about taking my name off your clothing lines as creditor and selling my percent," Desdemona says before turning to walk away.

"Let's go. That bitch is so salty." Diamonté waves her hand off before grabbing my hand into hers. She intertwines our fingers then we leave. "What were you even doing with that old bitty?" She asks and I just shake my head in response.

I drive to Apollo's house in New Jersey pulling into the gate once it opens. I take note of all the cars parked around the fountain in the center of the circular driveway. Apollo called and told me to come over, so I did. I don't know why, but we need to talk anyway. It's been too long. He has some explaining to do.

Diamonte and I get out of my car going to the front door. I already know it's unlocked, so I push the handle walking in. I'm immediately hit with loud music, loud voices, and the smell of food. My eyes land on red balloons decorating the foyer. I look up seeing red letter balloons spelling out Welcome home and I immediately shaking my head.

"What's this?" Diamonté asks from next to me as her heels click against their granite floors.

"Someone's fresh out the pin," I say dryly.

I knew right then and there what's going on. Nobody told me he was getting out this soon and there's probably a reason for that. They know I don't like the son of a bitch that would be called my brother's father. We had such a weird dynamic that I don't even think calling him my step-father would be right.

He was simply the man who was married to my mother, beat her ass, and brought havoc to our lives. Now he's free. He exchanged his inmate number for a name that carried a heavy weight in the streets of New York City... Ar'mon De Carlo aka El Don which means 'the gift'.

The product he was selling was so good people thought he was bringing a gift to feigns of NYC like Santa Claus or some shit. There was no chimneys, a red suit, a sleigh, or reindeer. There was only street corners, red bandannas for his affiliation to the Blood gang, blacked out Escalades on 24's, and his army of hustlers.

The title got to his head because he started thinking he was a gift from God when he was really the devil's enforcer. When Ar'mon took over the organization after his father Dante died it was never the same... The violence and greed reached a new level.

They were the only organization that the Hispanics worked closely with people who weren't Hispanic. Dante joined his all Dominican crew with the Jamaicans when he started working with my grandfather, Shaka Lindo. The ruthless of the ruthless. On top of that they affiliated with the street gangs for protection. The De Carlo organization was untouchable... until the 90's.

Things were already going crazy in the 80's with Ronald Reagan in office. Ar'mon had already been in and out of jail doing short stints. He got lucky compared to his counterparts getting minimum mandatories of ten years and more. It's not until after Apollo was born that he served a sentence longer than a year.

Then George H.W. Bush who was the Vice President at the time began pushing for the involvement of the CIA and U.S. military in drug interdiction efforts. Before they knew it an investigation on the De Carlo organization had started resulting in dozens of people getting arrested or killed in a government take down including Ar'mon.

He was never supposed to get out until they realized in the 21st century that the war on drugs actually failed. The sentences were excessive and drugs would never stop being sold no matter how harsh the sentences. Ar'mon is one of many whose sentence got overturned and released because all his charges were drug or federal related. They were never able to find him guilty for any murders. He was no longer considered a real threat to society.. so they think.

"Why the fuck did they invite me to this?" I mumble to myself walking to the right where the living room is. I had the right mind to turn around and go back out the door to get in my car and leave. I'm tired and ready to go home anyway, but I also want to eat and I know there's food.

Glock is the first to approach me happy as hell with a drink in his hand indicating he's already been drinking. "Wassup, nigga?" He says dapping me. "Heyy, Suh-weet-tea," He says slurring a bit. Diamonté just chuckles waving at him.

"Hey, Glock. I'm gonna go find the women," Diamonté says kissing my cheek before walking away.

"You keep you a bad one," Glock says giving her a glance as she leaves the room.

"Watch ya eyes nigga. You gotta whole wife and baby on the way," I remind him.

"I'm just saying. I can give you that. You keep a pretty bitch even if it don't last." Thanks for reminding me all my relationships fail, I think to myself.

"What's up?" I ask ignoring him. I hold my hand up then we dap pulling into a shoulder hug. "You good?"

"I'm straight. You go see Desdemona tonight?"

"Yeah, and I'll tell you about that later. I will say she said she was at a dinner with the judge over her case and Apollo was there too with Rhea. Did he tell you about that?"

"Naww. What the fuck is he doin' there?"

"That's what I wanna know. We'll find out later. Where is he?" I ask referring to Ar'mon.

Glock nods his head to the left and I look to see the man I haven't seen since I was a voiceless child...

Even though Ar'mon is in his early forties you can't even tell. He doesn't look bad compared to some people who come out of jail after serving twenty something years. He could look worse. He still wears his curly hair long, but he now has a beard and some white hairs can be seen shining.

There's no old FUBU in sight to indicate he's fresh out as he wears a brand new designer outfit. Someone clearly took him shopping to make sure he's up on the fashion of the time. It makes me wonder how long he's really been out because obviously this isn't the first night... Maybe he was in a halfway house or something.

"I'm gonna go holla at him real quick," I say dapping Glock again before walking away. The plan is speak to him real quick, get something in my stomach, talk to Apollo, then I'm out.

Ar'mon sees me approaching smiling a little when he realizes it's me. "If it ain't Dray," he says using my childhood nickname.

People rarely use it nowadays. When I was little people said my name was weird, so they came up with something they deemed cooler. When Harry Potter came out they always mentioned it after my name was said. Then Draco became popular in rap, so it was suddenly a hard name especially because it's my birth name.

"Wassup, Ar'mon," I say with no excitement or happiness.

Yeah, it's nice he's out for the sake of Apollo and Ares. They deserve to be able to get close to their father again. Shit, Ares never really got to experience his father being out of jail. I just don't know how him being back is going to affect what we have going on right now when we're trying to get out. I don't know Ar'mon's mindset, plans, or intentions.

"Shit, you'a grown man now. Last time I saw you you were this big," he says holding his hand up to his knee. "I guess that's because I been in so long and you didn't visit me not once," he slides out.

"Prison ain't really my environment," I give as an excuse.

"It's nobodies environment. Not even the hardest and coldest killers. I could've used the support. A phone call or a letter wouldn't have hurt. You could've did that."

"I could've." But I didn't want to, nigga.

"I'm not one to talk about what I did for people, but I did take care of you and Glock when your father moved on." His choice of words makes me raise an eyebrow. Moved on would be used for a father who left and never came back. My father was murdered. "Moved on to the afterlife, that is," he says to clarify.

"And I appreciated what you did do when you were around. Like I said prison isn't my environment and I've been busy with life. I think it was you who said time don't stop for anybody. Everything doesn't stop when someone goes inside."

"I guess I did tell you all that. That's clear cause you boys are definitely livin' life," he says looking around Apollo's mansion. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter anymore. I'm out now," he says patting my shoulder. "I'm glad you came anyway."

Even though I came not knowing there was a party going on for him, I nod my head. "I'm gonna get good. I'll see you around."

I walk away from him going to the dining room where they have a bunch of food in trays from a catering company. I grab a plate eying all of the assortment of food when I hear, "Wassup, bruh." When I turn around I see Ares entering the room.

"What's good. You good? Ain't heard from you in a minute," I say while piling food on my plate.

"Yeah, I know. Been busy," he says vaguely grabbing a plate too.

"With the baby? I got that baby shower invite by the way."

"Yeahh," he says dryly making me glance at him. I notice he's being awkward, but I brush it off. Ares is the quietest and most laid back out of us so it doesn't catch me off guard or cause concern.

Once I get my food I go to one of the living rooms where it's filled with men watching a basketball game. They're all Apollo and Ares' family on their Dad's side or guys a part of our crew. I speak to a few people sitting down so I can eat.

When someone bumps me after jumping up as a reaction to the game I smack my lips. "I know you see me eatin' nigga," I complain.

"My fault," the guy says with his eyes still glued to the 100-inch tv. When I look around I see my brother Apollo entering the room.

He looks around then when he sees me among all the people he walks over to me. I slap the hand he extends to me before we both snap our finger. "When did you get here?" He asks standing over me.

"Not too long ago. Already spoke to your Pops and everything," I say stuffing more Macaroni and cheese into my mouth. "This shit hittin'. Who catered the food?" I ask nonchalantly looking at Apollo to see him staring at me. He doesn't look to happy either.

"Let me holla at you." I know that serious tone anywhere.

I look at my plate of half eaten food when he nods his head for me to follow. I get up deciding to take my food with me following him to the formal living room where no one's allowed to sit. I put my plate down on a table outside the room then sit down on the couch across from the one Apollo is already sitting on.

"I heard you were at a dinner with Judge Domingo. What's up with that?"

"Did Desdemona tell you that?"


"You're still talking to her? What did I tell you? What did our lawyer tell you? Stay away from her until her case is over."

"I just wanted to make sure she's clear about not talking, but it looks like you got to her before me. Is that why you were there?"

"Yeah," he responds but I don't believe him. He's hiding something from me. "He also helped my father get out, so I had to pay him back." That means it came with a price.

"Is Ar'mon being out going to be a good thing or a bad thing?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Is he going to hinder us getting out of the game? I would hope after he spent all those years in jail he's a changed man."

"He is. Even if his sentence was overruled he still has rules he needs to follow. He has to live with me, come home at a certain time, and he has to get a regular job."

I laugh. "I can't even imagine that nigga working a 9 to 5. Will anyone hire him? He's in his forties with not a single job to a resume."

"I was going to have him work at one of our businesses. Maybe at Ares' pawn shop for now."

"You're not going to tell him that's one of the spots we clean our money through though, right?"

"Why wouldn't I? He's my Pops."

I lean forward whispering, "Yeah, but is that wise? This is Ar'mon we're talking about."

"Look, don't worry about what I'm tellin' my Pops and what I'm not."

I lean back. "Don't worry. This is our business too. We can't have the old Ar'mon making a come back. If he knows our operations, how much we're making, who we're working with...It's like dangling candy in front of a baby. He'll want back in. We had to rebuild everything he ruined and we don't need that right now. We want to get out smoothly."

Apollo laughs under his breath making me raise an eyebrow. "We? We ain't build shit. I did. Last time I checked I had the organization back up and running years before you joined the party. I think you're forgetting who the leader is. And if wasn't for my Pops and his Pops there wouldn't be a De Carlo name. I can tell him what I want seeing as you do it.."

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"Why did you tell that bitch my business?" Apollo asks.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw Desdemona and we get to going back and forth and she said some shit that got me thinking. She talkin' about I got demons like she knows me. Then she says something like, All this time I've been wondering why you hate me and now it makes sense. I didn't force Draco to be with me. He ain't a little boy. I didn't force myself on him..."

I lower my head knowing what she was getting at. She was hinting to me letting it slip out that my mother was prostituting herself and Apollo to older women.

"It slipped. I didn't think she heard it or would say it to you. My bad."

"That's ya fuckin' problem. Always pillow talking. If that bitch throws subliminal shots again I'll ruin her life. Give that bitch a gag order and tell her to shut her fuckin' mouth before I do it for her," he says standing up.

"So it's true? About Ma letting those older women..." I stop not wanting to say it. He looks at me coldly. "Are you not going to talk about that?"

"No. Maybe now you'll see Ma ain't no fuckin' saint. Far from it," he says walking out of the room. I sigh putting my head in my hands.

When I hear footsteps growing closer I turn to look and see Ar'mon coming my way. "Let me holla at you again, young blood," he says making my lips tighten.

"What's up?" I ask but think what now?

"It has come to my realization due to my own blindness throughout the years that you're upset with me because you think I had something to do with your father's murder."

"I mean, since you brought it up. Tell the truth. We all know the game and if you did something you stand on that shit like a man. Did you have my father murdered while you were in prison?"

"No," he says solidly with no hesitation or a blink of the eye. "Ajax was my young bull. I was his OG and taught him everything he knew. My parents took him in and adopted him. We were raised like brothers. If one us shed blood it was our job to payback through bloodshed for the other. We didn't have the same blood, but we were brought up like we were. I had too much love for him."

"Did you still feel that way when he betrayed you by sleeping with your wife and had two secret kids by her?" I ask in reference to my mother.

Ar'mon licks his lips with a chuckle. "Me and your Ma had a complex ass relationship. I wasn't mad about your mother having an affair with Ajax. I took her from him in the first damn place so it was a given when I got locked. I did my dirt too during our relationship. Karma, to be honest. Somebody had to satisfy her when I was locked up for those eight years."

"I'm not tryna hear that shit," I say in disgust making him laugh.

"I'm just being real. Ya Momma was... a pass around. Everybody knew she messed with both me and Ajax. Let's call a spade a spade. Any nigga with money could get her." I clench my jaw and he holds his hands up. "What I did have a problem with is the fact children came out of that affair and she had the audacity to lie and say they're mine when we only got a couple conjugal visits."

"So why not divorce her? Why stay with her once you got out and have another child with her. Why take out something that was her fault on me and Glock?"

"I apologize if I showed any difference between you and Glock compared to Apollo and Ares. But I can tell you I didn't have anything to do with your father's murder."

"Then who killed my father? Did anyone ever handle it once they found out?" He looks at me then looks around before moving to the empty spot next to me.

"Apollo," he says close to my ear.

"Apollo what?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"Figure it out."

"No. Apollo what? Did he kill my father or did he handle the person who did?"

He stands up saying, "It's better if you figure it out for yourself. Remember, Apollo is my son." He gives me one last look before walking away.

"What the fuck?" I mumble. This is exactly why I never liked Ar'mon's ass. Everything is a game to be played and a riddle to be solved. He gets off on shit like this.

He's right though. Apollo is his son, so sometimes it's hard to trust my own brother. Why? Because anyone brought up by the rules of the streets has the mentality that in the end you have to think about yourself. As long as you don't get killed, go to jail, or end up broke nobody else matters including family.

In my mind I feel like you shouldn't want your kids to follow in your footsteps when you're a drug dealer. Even though you've established a successful drug organization at the top of the ranks you shouldn't feel like you want to pass it down. It might be a "family business", but there's no family in this business. It's always you in the end...

If you ran the streets and your kids end up running the streets you did something wrong. I would even say you're a bad parent and you failed at your job. Now that Ar'mon is out I have to be extra cautious and aware. He can easily get in both Apollo and Ares' ear.

The Next Morning...

After Ar'mon's welcome home party I went home to sleep peacefully hoping I wouldn't have to see him for awhile. I was wrong because Apollo told all of us to meet him at an address he gave us. When I got here this morning with Glock, I found myself in an office waiting room with all my brothers and Ar'mon wondering what's going on.

The secretary of the office comes out saying, "Mr. De Carlo, Mr. Garnet is ready to see you." As soon as I heard that last name I furrow up my eyebrows.

Ar'mon stands up turning to all of us motioning for us to come too. We all get up and I whisper to Glock asking, "What's this?" He only shrugs not having any idea either.

When we walk into the office sure enough a man in a suit stands behind his desk. Of course it's Desdemona's father, Desmond Garnet. "If it isn't Ar'mon De Carlo," Desmond says clearly familiar with their father. How do they know each other?

While Desmond is in a hug with Ar'mon he gets a clear view of me and my brothers who stand here awkwardly. He connects eyes with me recognizing me from the night I crashed Desdemona's little going away dinner. He gives Apollo the same look as if he's seen him before too.

"Who are they?" Desmond asks when they part.

"I'm sure you don't mind if my son's join the meeting," Ar'mon says making me screw up my face. I'm not your son.

"Well, okay." He walks around the desk extending his hand to me first and I introduce myself. The last time I saw him I was cussing at him because he was trying to call security all because I wanted to talk to his daughter. We weren't formally introduced, so we act as if we've never met at all.

He shakes Ares' and Glocks hand next. When he gets to Apollo, Apollo says, "I told you you knew my father."

"I guess you were right. You all can have a seat," Desmond say walking back around his desk. Ar'mon sits in the seat right in front of his desk while we sit off to the side. "What brings you by, Ar'mon? I haven't seen or spoken to you in years."

"I think you know why," Ar'mon responds.

"I don't think I do," Desmond replies as if he doesn't know.

"I was in jail, but you knew that already."

"I really didn't." I can tell he's playing dumb right now.

"Bullshit, Dez. You owe me," Ar'mon says to Desmond with grit now in his voice.

I stroke my chin hair wondering what's going on. "I don't owe you shit," he spits back at Ar'mon. "I held up my end of the deal." That fake bourgeois accent Desmond was using a second ago was completely gone. Desdemona wasn't lying when she said her father is from Detroit..the hood at that.

"Do you remember who I am? Playing stupid is only going to irritate me more."

"And you playing smart is only going to irritate me more. You have 5 seconds to leave my office before I call security," he says picking up a phone. I guess that's his move.

Ar'mon stands up from the chair saying, "I'll be back. Play stupid if you want to, Dez. I will be back." He motions for us to come then we leave. It's quiet until we get on the elevator.

"What the hell was that about?" Glock asks before I can.

"Desmond used to be a drug dealer back in Detroit, Michigan, right along with his family. That's what," Ar'mon answers still irritated.

Me, Glock, and Ares all exchange shocked looks. Apollo is the only one who looks unphased as if he already knows this.

"When was this?" Ares asks wanting to know every detail.

"It started when he was in high school. His people had an organization called Mo City Mafia. He was always a smart mother fucker, so he still went to college. His Pops had the idea to expand to the area around his university in Pennsylvania. Before anybody knew it Desmond had his own crew working the streets of PA. Hadn't been seen before. Name a nigga in college moving mad weight who still manages to actually get their degree?"

"I assume he quit after college?" Ares asks.

"Hell nah! He only got better and smarter with way more resources. After college he still continued to move weight in PA, while at the same time working for these big tech corporations. Moving up the ranks and shit. At this point he's going from an apartment, to a house, then to bigger houses gradually. He's working a corporate job in New York so he's constantly back and forth. That's when he starts working with our family."

"Y'all started working with him?" Glock asks.

"Of course. We became his New York connect. We would give him product to sell in PA, especially Philly."

"He quit at some point, so what happened?" Ares asks. I'm such shock I don't know what to say. Desdemona's Dad used to be a drug dealer? A billionaire from technology?

"He gets a good job in New York City and decides he wants out. He didn't need to sell drugs anymore apparently because he was finally satisfied with his pay. A six figure white collar job is better than a six figure wheat timbs and glock toting job."

"Shit, my greedy ass would've done both. One by day, the other by night on some Bruce Wayne and Batman type shit," Glock says with a laugh.

"That's what we thought. All those rich white men in corporate do drugs anyway. We could've been selling to them. Instead he suddenly walks away. No explanation and he doesn't give anybody his organization to take over. Suddenly he's a family and business man who can't be bothered. He starts his own business making billions with his own tech company that was mostly funded by drug money. While he's enjoying his life I get knocked and sent to jail for thirty to life. It wasn't a coincidence and I'm gonna get my payback."

"You think he snitched?"

"I know that for a fact. He saved his own ass, while all of the De Carlo's in my generation got sent to prison or the graveyard. I let that shit go chucking it up to their being no loyalty in this life, but nahh. He livin' too good while I just got out and have to start my whole fuckin' life over."

I clear my throat saying, "When you say payback are you talking getting money from him or violence?"

"This can go any way he wants it to go, to be honest. With the response he gave me, he made his choice for me." I look at Ar'mon who stares straight ahead with that angry and cold look he always had when I was a child. A look that used to put fear in my heart.

All I can think about is the fact Desmond is still Desdemona's father. Now it's a matter of should I warn her, so she can tell her father or keep quiet? This is crazy...

Desdmona & Draco cutting all ties with one another? How do you think her first court date will go? Ar'mon out of jail? Good or bad? Ar'mon knows Desdemona's Dad? Hmm. Comment / Vote4️⃣❤️

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