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- Chapter 54 -

I drive down a Manhattan street with my sister, Miranda, sitting passenger side following the GPS. I pull into the designated parking lot for people attending the high school graduation driving around until I find a spot in the packed lot.

Once I park we both get out and Miranda grabs the balloons, while I get the flowers we got for Cordelia. My little sister will officially be a high school graduate today and I couldn't be more proud.

With everything that's been going on lately I thought about what she said.. I started to think I wouldn't be able to see this, but I'm here.

As we walk I call my Dad and when he answers I ask, "Where are you guys at?" He tells me where him, my little brother, and my mother are waiting before I hang up.

"I can't believe Dad has been damn near living a lie," Miranda starts. I told her about our father's past because I felt like I needed to encase Apollo's Dad decides to come for him or even us. Since my Dad acts like he doesn't care or he's not scared..

"It's crazy," I sigh. "But it's not hard to believe considering he hid a child for 14 years. Lying and secrecy aren't new traits to our father."

"He gave me all this shit about not going to college, did the same to Cordelia, then you with not taking over his business... Made us feel like nothing because we didn't want to follow his path. Only to find out this man was a whole drug dealer and snitch. Acting like his shit don't stink and he's better than everybody when his success was built on lies and blood," Miranda rants.

She still doesn't have the best relationship with our father and I see why. Our father's a selfish man. If he can watch all his other family go to jail or get killed while he moves on with his life imagine what else he's capable of?

When my phone rings again I expect it to be my Dad again, but I look at the screen seeing it's Tru. I immediately ignore his call. It's been two weeks since he showed up at my house...

That night I let him come into my house where he basically told me all that he could even though he wasn't supposed to tell me anything at all.

Basically, Tru has been undercover as a legal investigator for a couple years now. He's been working with federal prosecutors and attorneys on taking down criminal drug organizations in New York City.

That includes Cash and Success and the De Carlo family organization who they've been building cases on for a couple months. They've been collecting evidence and prospective witnesses. His aim as the legal investigator is to assemble a factual picture of a situation as much as he can. He told me he's an investigator because my name has been connected to both C.A.S. and the De Carlo's.

He's been on the case since the beginning of the year. When he came to my birthday party back in February that's when it really began. Now it made sense why he showed up randomly when I hadn't seen him in years.

With all that it made them start asking why? Who are Cash and Success' rival and what do they want with the people around me?

That's when Tru started getting suspicious of the De Carlo's who were in full effect at my birthday party. Draco, all his brothers, Rhea, Athena, and a few members were in attendance.

But Paloma and that C.A.S. member getting shot that night wasn't what made them start investigating both organizations...

It started as early as when Sanjay's business partner, Faiyaz Khan, went missing and his body was found, no hands and all. Someone I knew Draco killed.

Then when Sanjay Ambani was killed in that explosion and his double life of crime was exposed, they started looking into things more. They started looking to the closest people to Sanjay who weren't killed in that warehouse. The first person was his widow, Rajan, then that lead to Draco who's been distributing drugs through her.

Draco and the De Carlo's have been the best distributor and source of drugs in New York City for the past couple of months. Drugs they're getting from India where the Ambani's are from.

This whole time Draco thought he was being smart and got away with Sanjay's murder when really it made them start looking into his family.

But from what Tru told me they don't know 100% Draco or anybody in the De Carlo organization had anything to do with those murders. But if they did, would he tell me that so I can warn them?

Right now they do know C.A.S. had something to do with Paloma getting shot. They know I was almost kidnapped by C.A.S. members as well. But none of that matters because most C.A.S members have been killed and the leader has gone into hiding.

Because of that they're now looking into the De Carlo's harder. They need to prosecute someone after doing all this work. Tru only told me he's an investigator because he wants me to tell him anything I know about them for immunity encase they try to charge me too. And if  I know anything they want me to be a witness.

He thinks he's going to get information about them from me. He must think I'm stupid and want to die.

I straight up lied to his face and told him I didn't know anything. Even acted surprised when he said he suspects the De Carlo's have continued the drug ring their parents had and they're using these new businesses as fronts.

I haven't talked to Draco since we had sex in his store and honestly, I'm scared to. I know I need to tell him about Tru, but I'm scared what he'll do.

Finally seeing my family, Miranda and I approach them. It's awkwardly quiet between my mother, father, and Lennox. I imagine it would be when it's your divorced parents and the secret love child that was ultimately the last straw in their marriage.

I greet my mother and brother with a hug before only giving my father a dry head nod. We all go in finding seats among the other attendees.

Once the graduation starts we sit patiently for Cordelia's turn. Finally they get to the G last names and when I see Cordelia coming up I say, "She's next," pointing.

"Cordelia Genevieve Garnet," the announcer says into a microphone as she walks across the stage sending us cheering.

Compared to other families ours is very small. It's always been that way and for all my life we were pretty much told a lie. Our father said he was estranged from his family because all they wanted was money from him, but that was a lie. He turned his back on them.

I glance at my father before we all sit back down once Cordelia leaves the stage. We sit through the rest of the graduation and an hour later it's over. We maneuver through the crowds of people finding my sister.

She hugs each of us one by one as we congratulate her. "See, I made it... alive," I joke as I pull away from our tight embrace.

"I'm glad."

When Cordelia's boyfriend, Geron, approaches he hugs her lifting her off the ground before kissing her. "Alright," my father comments slightly rolling his eyes making them calm it down.

"Pictures, pictures!" My mother says whipping out her trusty camera.

"Not too many because I'm ready to eat," Cordelia says as we gather around for a group shot. After taking some pictures trying to look like the perfect, happy family they disperse.

"One alone. Pose for me Miss Graduate," I say to her holding up my phone snapping the picture once she poses...

"Let me see," she says immediately walking over to me. I show her and she says, "Send that to me," right before stripping off her cap and gown.

We walk out to the parking lot with Cordelia and Lennox who decide they want to ride with me and Miranda. We all climb into my car and I let the roof of my Rolls Royce down putting my sunglasses on.

Both Cordelia and Lennox sit on the side of the car being their reckless selves. As I drive slowly because so many cars all have to go to the same exit Cordelia shouts at people that she knows as we pass by.

I smile seeing her so happy. Even though it wasn't easy having her live with me and basically playing her Mom, I'm glad she didn't drop out or get pregnant. She seemed way happier about going to this public school then the private ones she went to her whole life.

Cordelia stands up waving at her friends. "I'm out this bitch!" She yells raising her hands up. Some people stare at her either with eye rolls or they yell right along with her.

Of course she went through typical high school drama where other girls hated her or boys played her. Regardless, she made it out and one day these four years will be in her far in her rear view.

From talking to my sister she plans to keep modeling, save money, then get her own place. She didn't change her mind about college, but that's fine as long as she has a plan and works for her own.

Miranda connects her phone playing Nice For What by Drake. Cordelia couldn't help but dance until I say, "Alright, get in the car and put your seatbelts on." They both smack their lips sliding into their seats as I turn onto the main road picking up speed.

We go back to my Dad's house in New Jersey where there's a caterer and the house is filled with decorations. Later tonight all of Cordelia's friends are coming over for a graduation party, but until then we're having a family dinner.

After eating I sit on the couch watching tv with Miranda in one of the living rooms. When my phone rings I grab it seeing it's my lawyer, Dalton.

"Hello?" I say after answering and putting it to my ear.

"Have you seen?"


"If you're by a tv or computer go to TMZ."

Still with my phone to my ear I turn to Miranda who has the remote. "Put it on TMZ."

She finds the channel immediately seeing Casanova being walked out of a courthouse looking like he's in police custody...

"What the fuck?" I whisper.

Dalton begins explaining, "Casanova turned himself in this morning. Apparently they had a warrant out on him for his involvement in orchestrating your kidnapping. He was trying to lay low with all the C.A.S. members getting killed, but he showed up this morning. They said he rather be in police custody then on the streets to get killed too."

"What the fuck does this mean for my case?" Is all I can think to ask.

They were relying on the fact Casanova had disappeared and there being no witness for me getting off with these added charges.

If he tells the truth that he was kidnapping me in connection with the De Carlo's it's all over. Everything blows up in everyone's face.

As Dalton tries to reassure me that Casanova's not going to snitch on the De Carlo's, my father walks into the room. He stands off to the side staring at the tv screen with his arms crossed.

All I can think is why wouldn't Casanova snitch now? Yeah, he's in this life and no snitching is apart of the code. But let's remember that the De Carlo's killed his brother and everyone in his crew. He has nothing and no one left because of them. He has no loyalty to them, they've been rivals for years.

I get off the phone with Dalton turning towards my father. "This isn't good," Desmond says shaking his head.

"I'm going to fucking jail. They're going to lock me up and throw away the key. Apollo's plan didn't work," I say in panic.

"What plan?" My Dad asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Apollo's the one who gave them the evidence that got me more charges. His idea was that I would get a second degree murder charge and eventually get off once they proved it wasn't premeditated and self-defense."

"Smart. Good plan, but wrong person to listen to. If you know I'm feuding with his father, why trust him to get you out of a situation? This could be setup."

"Apollo didn't tell me the plan until the evidence was submitted to be reviewed."

"And right after you get these new charges Casanova magically shows back up after being gone for months." He raises his eyebrows making me begin thinking. At this point I don't know who to listen to or who to trust. "Don't worry. I'll handle it."

"How?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"I know Caswell aka Casanova."

I stretch my neck back. "You do?"

"Cash and Success was originally an extension of my organization. They were a faction that I had selling for me here in New York City."

"Dad, you couldn't have told me this?" I put my fingers to my forehead stressing out. I could feel a headache coming.

"Didn't think it was important. Years ago Casanova and his brother approached me. They were saying how they were apart of the De Carlo organization, but they wanted to start their own thing. I left the drug business, but I hadn't turned my organization over to anyone. I gave the Jean-Pierre brothers all my connects and resources in exchange for a percent of their profits for the first year."

Miranda narrows her eyes. "I dated Chaos. He knew you were my Dad, he knew I was Desmond Garnet's daughter, and never said anything."

Desmond shrugs. "Of course he wouldn't. People don't tell their kids they're drug dealers, so why would he put my business out there?"

"You said you'll handle it? How?" I ask.

"I'll talk to Casanova and make sure they haven't asked him to go on the stand in your case. If they have I'll tell him don't pull any funny shit and tell the truth. That you have nothing to do with illegal activities. He owes me."

I nod my head closing my eyes. "Thank you."

"I guess me being a drug dealer who lied about your whole life isn't so bad after all," my father says smugly. "And if it's not clear... Stay away from the De Carlo's, including your ex. They are now the enemy." He stuffs his hands into his pockets leaving the room. Miranda and I look at each other at the same time.

"What do you think he's gonna do?" Miranda asks.

"I don't know," I sigh. Despite what he says my first thought is that I need to talk.

I sit in the back office of my store in West Village, Manhattan. Hood Rich Attire's physical location is officially open with a new collection for the Spring season. If everything goes to plan I hope to have Lindo open in another couple weeks and the others by the end of summer.

For the first time I really feel like my hard work and dedication is paying off. It shows how much closer I am to freedom, to leaving this drug game. But it also makes me scared as fuck because businesses have a 20% chance of failing in the first year and 50% by the fifth year.

What if this doesn't work? What if I have to turn back to drugs after being so adamant about leaving? What if I prove Apollo right?

Right as I think that there's a knock at my office door making me come back to earth from spacing out. "Yeah?" I answer before the knob on the frosted glass door is turned and opened.

One of my store employees peaks in saying, "Your brother's here. He pulled up outside. He said he wants to talk to you."

"Which brother?" I sigh cracking my neck. I haven't seen any of them in person since Ares' baby shower except Glock. When I said suck my dick I meant that with my whole being. I'm done.

"Apollo, I believe."

"I don't have shit to say to him," I say clicking on things on my computer.

"He said it's serious."

"Don't care."

"He also said if you don't come out and talk to him he'll come in the store and make a scene."

I groan pushing my seat back standing up. When I walk into the main store area I see people looking through racks and shopping. I stop to talk to a few of them to make sure they're doing okay then make my way outside.

"I don't know what the fuck you're doing here, but you need to leave," I say straight out approaching the Black Chevrolet Suburban Apollo's sitting in...

"Calm all that shit down. I don't wanna talk to your ass either."

"And put this out. This is a nice area," I say snatching his blunt from his fingertips throwing it to the ground. I take my foot wearing white Air Force 1's stepping on it into the ground.

"You got me fucked up, yo!" He says looking at the destroyed blunt.

"What are you doing here?" I grumble as the sun beams down on me.

"I see you got this shit up and running," he says pointing at the building.

"Yeah. What do you want?" I repeat.

"Why haven't you been answering  calls about business?"

"What business?" I ask playing dumb.

"What do you mean 'what business'? You know what?"

"I don't. The only business I'm concerned with are the ones lining this block," I say pointing my finger back towards the buildings.

Apollo laughs like he's in disbelief. "Don't forget we still have a couple more months in this shit."

"YOU have a couple more months. If it wasn't clear at the baby shower, I'm done. You said it's your organization, so have dat. I wanna see you do it without me the next couple of months."

"You know we can't do it without you. You're the one who made the deal with Mrs. Ambani and she only works with you."

"Now you remember?" I ask sarcastically arching an eyebrow.

"Look, fuck all'at. I came here for a reason. It's about our brother. Have you seen or talked to Glock?"

"Not for about two days. Why?" I ask wondering why he's asking.

"I haven't talked to him either and I'm wondering what the fuck's going on," Apollo says with concern in his voice.

"Oh, now you suddenly give a fuck about your brother's?!"

"He hasn't been by any of the warehouses either. I asked around."

"Have you been by his house? Called Athena?" I wasn't worrying because I don't talk to or see my brothers every single day, especially lately. We have our own lives.

"When I went by his house I saw his Land Rover in the driveway, but he didn't answer the phone or door."

I think for a second. "He has multiple cars, so he probably was driving one of his other cars and not at home."

When I see two men in suits and a couple police officers coming down the sidewalk I watch them walk in my store making me raise my eyebrows. A second later I can see one of my employees point at me through the glass.

One of the men walks out and approaches me asking, "Are you Draco Lindo or De Carlo?"

"Yeah. What's going on?"

"NYPD. We got a tip that this place is being used as a drug front. We have a warrant to search the premises," the police officer says holding up a piece of paper.

"Let me see that," I say grabbing it. I look at and when I see it's a legit search warrant I sigh then scratch my head. I motion for them to proceed with the smack of my lips. I follow them inside telling my employees to get any customers out.

Once the store's empty they begin searching, while we wait outside. I shake my head leaning against Apollo's car. This place has barely been open, so how could they a tip about drugs?

Apollo nudges me then leans in saying lowly, "You don't have anything in there, right?"

"No, it's legit 100%."

I wait impatiently seeing them check every nook and cranny. Finally, they come back out and one of them comes towards me.

"We didn't find anything, but we're going to have to do a further investigation. With that being said we'll have to shut this place down until further notice."

"What?! I just opened this place a couple weeks ago," I say with irritation.

"Contact your lawyer because we'll be in touch. There will be a thorough investigation into the finances of this business. Close for the rest of the day and have a nice day," he says as all the cops leave. I sigh heavily kicking the tire of Apollo's car out of frustration.

"Ay!" He yells. I only made myself more mad when I see a scuff mark on my all white Forces.

"If they didn't find nothing, why are they making me shut down? Who the fuck called the cops saying that shit?" I grumble to myself. "Ay, Aziz, go get the store keys and lock the door," I yell to one of my employees. "Everybody get your stuff and clock out for the day."

Watching them go inside I huff trying to calm down. One step forward and one step back.

"You know who called the police, Draco.." Apollo starts making me looking at him.

"I actually don't. Who?"

"Desdemona's Daddy or Desdemona herself."

"Desdemona? Why would Des call in a tip?"

"For her father. The day Desmond and Ar'mon became enemies is the day she became ours too. We can no longer trust her. We don't know what her father could tell her."

For a second I think about the fact I brought her here, so she knows the address. I just roll my eyes not trying to feed into anything he's saying.

When I turn looking down the street I squint my eyes seeing Apollo's Dad, Ar'mon coming...

He gives me a silent head nod walking around the car and getting in. He knew better than to speak to me after last time. "You done?" Apollo asks his father receiving a yeah in response.

"I got shit to handle," I say about to go back in my store when I get a text from one of our employees. I open it and stop in my tracks when staring right back at me is a mugshot of Glock.

"I think I found Glock," Apollo says making me turn around. "He got arrested."

"I know. I got the text too. For what though?"

"It says driving with a suspended license and grand theft auto." Apollo smacks his lips already knowing. "This nigga. It's that damn car he took from Louise's shop months ago that I told him to get rid of."

Instead of Glock dumping it after we killed Louise, he kept it. He got the kit changed, new paint job, a fake title, and even got a new VIN plate for the car. Doing all that he thought no one would ever know it was stolen, but he was wrong.

"It says he got arrested two days ago though. It shouldn't take that long to get out for something so trivial. That should be in and out. Pay the bond then get out."

"I'ma call Athena," I say already dialing her number. When she answers I ask, "Did Glock get arrested?"

She already sighs. "Yeah, he told me not to tell anyone. Not only because what he did was stupid, but he didn't want anyone trippin'. They held him an extra day, but he sees a judge later today."

"Well, we're coming. What courthouse?" She tells me then we hang up.

I relay it to Apollo making him say, "You might as well ride with us to see about Glock.."

I look at him then at Ar'mon in the passenger seat. I suck my teeth saying, "Fine." I get in the backseat and he starts the engine pulling off.

We go to the Kings County courthouse in Brooklyn. We find the right courtroom then wait for it to be Glock's turn. "Next case is Glaucus Lindo."

An attorney stands before saying, "We have reason to believe the car Glaucus Lindo was driving with a suspended license was stolen. We believe the Mustang was taken from a body shop ran by Louise Cantrell who went missing late last year. He was last seen at his place of business which is an auto body shop. Several sets of keys, cars, and money from the safe were missing. We have reason to believe Glaucus was somehow involved in his disappearance and possibly murder. He had the car completely changed from the kit, paint job, interior, and rims. The title papers are also fake. We would like to hold him for questioning."

I immediately have a flashback to that day at the shop in the Bronx...

Glock shot Louise in the stomach first then Apollo told me to finish it off. I shot him in the chest, punched him, then stuck my gun in his mouth to end it. Apollo wanted him dead because we found out he was working with C.A.S. behind our back.

My eyes shoot open and my head falls. "Shiittt," I say under my breath.

We told this mutha fucka not to keep the car. His hard headed ass always wants to do what he wants. Glock didn't even kill him, I did...

"Permission granted. He will be held without bail to be questioned until further notice. You have a week to provide more evidence in order for any charges and official arrest to be made. Until further notice Mr. Lindo will be taken back to the county jail with no release on bail." The judge bangs the gavel ready for the next person.

Glock turns to look at us as I just furrow my eyebrows. I saw on the news Casanova suddenly popped back up and now the shit starts too.

I look over at Apollo and Ar'mon who I sit next to. It hits me that if Glock goes to jail I'll be all alone. The reality is that I'm not a De Carlo by blood. I'm a Lindo. That makes me an outcast from Apollo, Ares, and Ar'mon.

I'll have no one.

They're already showing signs of turning their back. And I'll be damned if I let them take me out first. I have to ride for myself.

I have Apollo take me back to my store and I immediately get in my car driving to Desdemona's house in New Jersey. I pull up to the curb of her house parking my car.

When I get out the first thing I notice is a Black Ferrari in her driveway...

My eyes grow wide with a gleam that she already bought it. I haven't seen or talked to her since she walked out of my store after we had sex.

I've been busy the last two weeks with my store and Diamonte who came back in town. This is the second person I've cheated on for Desdemona. It's clear who I want, but things are so complicated when they don't have to be.

Before I even make it up the driveway Desdemona's coming out of the front door. I texted her I was coming and she probably heard me pull up. "You see your GED gift," she says excitedly walking across her grass.

"Yeah. You really got that shit," I say blowing out air looking at it.

"Why aren't you excited?" She frowns.

"I am excited, it's just inner. Sorry, it's nice. Thank you for keeping your word, but..."


I scratch my neck. "Is it in my name?"

"Yeah, the paperwork's in the car. You gotta test drive it," she says grabbing my arm trying to pull me, but my feet stay planted. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." I pause shaking my head. "I got a lot on my mind. Glock got arrested."

"Are you serious? For what?"

"Long story," I say not wanting to explain.

"I need to call Athena and check on her. I haven't talked to her since my case started, but I'm sure she's going through it. She's pregnant too.."

"Yeah," I say looking down. This couldn't be worse timing.

"It's okay. We can still go on that test drive and talk if you wanna," she says touching my arm. "I can drive though," she dangles the keys to entice me.

"Yeah, we can do that." She smiles walking to the driver's side as I go to the passenger.

At first while we drive I'm quiet, while she drives and plays music. I look out of the window thinking. I'm so in my head that when I stop spacing out I hear Choppa Style playing.

When I look at Desdemona she's having a good ol' time rapping along...

"Someone's in a good mood today," I say with a chuckle.

"Eh, I'm alive. I'm just trying to be optimistic and stay on the bright side lately."

"I wish I could do that," I sigh.

"You can if you put your mind to it." She puts her finger to her temple making me laugh. "Glock's arrest wasn't anything too serious, right?" She asks raising her eyebrows.

"I don't know yet." I chew on my bottom lip as we're stopped at a red light. "What I do know is... Glock's all I have left. He's all I fuckin' have left. He's my only real family."

Desdemona stretches her neck back. "That's not true. You have two other brothers, sister-in-laws, your grandmother, niece, nephew."

I shake my head. "The line has been drawn. They're clearly separating the De Carlo's from the Lindo's. We're not them." I clench my jaw making worry take over her facial expression.

"My father said I should stay away from you, but-" She shrugs. "You're not alone. You have me," she reassures me.

"Thank you." She nods her head then leans in kissing me right as the light turns green. She pulls off behind the car in front of us as we both smile.

"Now cheer up!" She says turning the music back up going back to dancing. She drives for about 15 more minutes before pulling into a parking lot and stopping the car.

"What's going on?" I ask looking around. One thing about me is that my paranoia is always going to be on ten no matter who I'm with.

"Just want to sit and talk," she answers killing the engine. She takes her seatbelt off and turns more towards me.

"What's up?" I ask looking at her. The whole energy shifted, so now I'm starting to worry.

"I have something to tell you..." She does a dramatic pause making me wish she would spit it out. She sighs beginning to chew on her bottom lip before just blurting out, "Tru's an investigator."

I pause looking at her trying to process what she said. "What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"He's an investigator."

I put my hand on my forehead closing my eyes. I punch the dashboard letting out, "Fuck," in aggravation. "Why are you just now telling me this? Wait, how long have you known? Have you been working with him?" Every question flies out.

"I need you to calm down. He just told me like 2 weeks ago and now I'm telling you."

I narrow my eyes at her. "So you didn't know he was an investigator back when you were in a relationship?"

"No," she shakes her head.

"And how the fuck am I supposed to believe that?!"

"Because I'm telling you the truth. I wouldn't lie to you. He asked me to tell him anything I know about C.A.S. or-"

I cut her off. "Turn the engine back on."

"What? Why? We're going to talk. We're not going anywhere."

"Turn it back on," I repeat through clenched teeth. She doesn't move fast enough for me, so I reach across her pushing the engine start button. The engine roars loudly and I lean in saying as low as possible, "Don't say another word. There could be bugs in this car." I turn music on next trying to create as much noise possible.

I motion for her to continue now that she knows to choose her words wisely. "You said they asked you about C.A.S.?" I ask now that I'm calm again.

"Yes. They know they shot Paloma and were involved in my kidnapping. But that was a given considering both guys had C.A.S. tattoos."

"Well, that doesn't take much investigating. They were given that information." I stroke my goatee.

"He offered me immunity if they try to involve me with the investigation in exchange for information or being a witness. They're probably going to use Casanova in my case. I don't know. I told him I don't know anything.."

"Because you don't know anything," I clarify encase anything is being recorded.

"I really don't," she goes along. "I just wish this will all go away."

"It will..." I'm going to make it go away, I think to myself. "Let's go." She nods putting the car in drive and hitting the gas.

I stay at Desdemona's house for about another hour or two before leaving. I left the Ferrari she bought me at her house because I need to take a cab to get it and drive it back. I also need to buy another parking space at my building. Plus, I don't want Diamonte wondering where the car came from.

The first thing I did was take my Maserati to someone I know who's going to search the entire thing for bugs or recording devices. I'll eventually have him come to my condo too. I take another car driving to Brooklyn.

I pull up to Ditmas Park parking my car on the curb. I look at the house where we once spent a part of our childhood and the house I bought back for my grandmother. Bad and good memories immediately flood my mind as I walk towards the front door.

I look at the boarded up windows because they never got fixed after they did that drive-by shooting. Ever since then our grandmother has been in Jamaica refusing to come back until we're 100% out of the drug game.

Telling her we took out most of C.A.S. wasn't even enough for her to come back to the states. I promised her I would get us out, so we could start a new life and I intend to keep that promise. If that's the last thing I do to make my grandmother happy before she leaves this earth, I'm gonna do it..

I unlock the door walking in to the dead quiet home. Forgetting the electricity bill hasn't been paid since my grandmother left I flick the switch, but nothing. I walk though the house seeing every piece of furniture left in place.

My granny called me one day saying she's going to Jamaica out of nowhere and asked me to take her to the airport. When I came she only had bags of clothes packed and I took her. Left the house just like this..

With each stride I take on the wooden floors you can hear my footsteps. I stop looking at a wall full of photos. My eyes are immediately drawn to a picture of my father and grandmother...

By the time my father was 18, his father had been incarcerated for a decade. By the time he was 18 his mother was fresh out and all his raising had been done.

Shaka and Cedella, my grandparents, only knew the son they raised. After that he was a different person. Imagine having no father and mother. When the De Carlo's adopted him it was like being raised by wolves.

Violence and drugs were all around, so he got used to it. That goes for Ajax, Ar'mon, and whoever else raised around them.

By the time my father was 18, his identity was deeply rooted in Ajax De Carlo. Ajax Lindo was still some kid being raised by strict Jamaican parents who had his world turned around when they were arrested. With the De Carlo last name he had become a cold, killing drug dealer.

And by the time I was one years old my father was dead...

Shot in the head dumped in a dumpster like trash. Even though I was only a year old the screams and cries of my mother were somehow embedded in my memory.

Her deterioration started when the love of her life was buried. That's when she started using drugs to make herself feel better.

All the stories of my Dad that I've heard, but I have none because I don't remember him.

Even though Apollo said he's the reason my father's dead I know Ar'mon had something to do with that. He had to have told Apollo to do it. What seven year old knows anything about loyalty to the point they want someone dead

Or even apart of me thinks Apollo didn't do it at all, but he's taking the fall for Ar'mon with the idea that I'll never hurt or seek revenge on my own brother.

The way Apollo admitted to it doesn't sit right with me. He said it with no hesitation, so if he did it with so much pride why admit it now?

There's been plenty of times he could've said it. It could've been to be petty during an argument or the many times I bring up my father's death. Instead he waits until Ar'mon is out.

After hearing how my father died I swore I would be different, better. I promised my mother that. I tried, but I failed.

Ar'mon robbed me and Glock of having a real father. He robbed us of potentially having a chance. Between him going to prison, our mother dying, and my father being killed, we had no chance at parental guidance.

I look at a picture of my father and I when I was a baby. I had to have only been a couple months old. My father wears a wide smile as he holds me in his arms. Like he was proud and happy to be a father, my father.

He would never know me or teach me. I wonder in what ways I'm like him and what ways I'm different. Do I talk like him, walk like him, laugh like him? Do I have his hustle mentality?

My thoughts are broken when I look lower at the wall seeing a hole. I brush my finger against it knowing exactly what it came from. It's a bullet hole that causes a flashback to my childhood...

I lay flat on my stomach on my full size bed covered in Power Rangers sheets. I grip onto the covers right before Ar'mon swings down and a leather belt comes in contact with my back. The sting lingers as I hold in any signs of being in pain.

There's a no crying and no whining policy in this house. Ar'mon would always say he's raising 4 men and not bitches.

As Ar'mon puts his belt back on he gripes and complains about what I did wrong. I just stare at the wall not saying a word and definitely not looking at him. At this point I had gotten used to him taking his anger out on me or Glock.

"Where is Draco?"I hear my mother's voice. She emerges from the hallway into my bedroom. "What the hell are you doing to him?" She asks rushing over to me seeing the red marks and forming welts all down my legs.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Ar'mon says buckling his belt. "The little nigga almost broke my damn tv bouncing a ball and playin' too fuckin' much."

"Almost? You whooped him over an almost. A warning would have sufficed. Get up. Are you okay?" She asks helping me sit up. "I told you stop beating on these kids like this. They're little boys, not your grown ass homeboys."

"I could've socked him in shit shit, but I didn't. He's in the house I'm paying bills in, eat the food I buy, and wearing the clothes I buy. That means I can discipline the way I see fit."

"You ain't gotta hit him so hard. That's not going to help him. He's my son!" My mother makes clear.

"You think I give a fuck about you saying he's yours? I don't want the little mutha fucka to be mine, but I'm raising him. And babying him like you do won't help. Calling him Star boy and shit. That boy ain't no star. He ain't gonna be shit and you know that."

"Like you?" My mother shoots back.

"Nah, like his Daddy. Watch who the fuck you're talking to," he yells grabbing her up by the arm and pushing her into the wall.

Within a minute he's dragging her out of the room. They argued down the hallway to downstairs as I sat up on my bed with a groan. I look at my legs hissing to myself.

"Quit putting your hands on me," I hear my mother yell from downstairs. I shake my head hearing them argue louder as Glock keeps yelling for my Mom to get her attention.

"Sick of this shit!" I grumble knowing I'm not supposed to be cussing. I stand up from my bed walking out of my room where I see Apollo standing at the banister looking over at his parents.

We all knew this isn't how marriages are supposed to be. For the life of me I don't understand why they're still together.

Ares comes from out of his room rubbing his eyes waking up fresh from his nap. He stands next to Apollo who puts his hand on Ares' head.

At this point we didn't care that he's so young and needs to be shielded from this. He's seen it all already because they fight so much in front of us.

After awhile Glock gives up trying to break them up coming upstairs with us. With him no longer in the way Ar'mon back hands the shit out of our mother sending her flying to the floor.

Now on her knees she stays there for a few seconds before reaching under the couch. When I see her slide something silver towards her I furrow my eyebrows.

"Ma!" Apollo yells. She ignores him and slowly stands to her feet getting a good grip on the gun before shooting.

Ar'mon ducks and the bullet hits the wall. "I told you stop puttin' your got damn hands me," Anya utters in a dark voice. We all duck down out of habit right before Ar'mon charges at our mother.

"You gonna shoot at me?!" He yells while repeatedly punching her in the face. He snatches the gun from her grip standing over her. With no hesitation he shoots our mother in the stomach making us all jump.

My eyes widen at my mother's scream before blood seeps through her clothing. Ar'mon tucks the gun in the back of his jeans before looking up towards us.

"Apollo! Put ya shoes on, let's go!" He says clearly having no remorse for my mother being on the floor with a bullet in her body.

Apollo looks at me with slight sorrow before doing what his father says. Before going down the stairs Apollo says, "Call 911," following Ar'mon out the front door.

Once the door shuts with a slam making the house shake all three of us stay completely still. When Glock can hear the loud engine of Ar'mon's muscle car in the distance he rushes down the stairs. While he calls 911, I take Ares to his room shutting him in there.

So when people tell me to let my childhood go, this is why I say I can't. When people say Ar'mon could've changed while in prison, this is why I say I doubt it.

If a man can shoot his wife and the mother of his kids in front of those kids and walk out like nothing... What good could he possibly have in him?

Ar'mon ruined our lives.

He went to jail leaving my mom to be a single mother.
He beat on my mom.
He treated me and Glock like shit.
He made Apollo the way he is...
...who made the rest of us the way we are.
He taught us how to take out our shitty ass life on everybody else.
He ripped our family apart.

Everybody else could act like they forgot everything he did because years went by while he was in jail, but not me. I can't and I won't forget.

The few hours move like a blur as everything I do is an oblivion after I leave my grandmother's house. Before I know it it's nightfall and I'm sitting in a car on the side of a street.

Looking at the clock on the dashboard it's 8p.m.. I remembered in a random conversation with Ares that he said Apollo let Ar'mon have his little apartment he has in Brooklyn.

It's pouring down rain as my windshield wipers swing back and forth moving the water out of the way. I look at the gun on my lap that shines in the dark shadows then back at the building. I was patiently waiting for Ar'mon to get back home...

Ten minutes later I see a green car pull up and stop. The passenger door opens then I see Ar'mon hop out. He says his byes then the car pulls off.

Wasting no time I cock the gun then pull the door handle stepping into the rain. I shut the car door pulling my hoodie over my head as rain takes over my vision, but I keep my eyes on the target.

I swiftly stalk through the rain as my feet in puddles splash getting as close as possible. I pull my arm up aiming the gun at him as he walks with his back to me. He never glances back or has any idea I'm behind him.

Not even hesitating for a second, I pull the trigger.

It hits him in the back and I stare at his body fall to the ground making a small splash once he lands in a pool of water. I start walking towards him about to get closeup to shoot him more when I hear a gunshot.

A sudden impact hits my body making me let out a painful cry before I'm the one now hitting the ground. I'm numb trying to figure out where I'm hit when a sharp pain surges through my side. I groan rolling myself over so I'm on my back before touching the spot and looking down. When I see the red that's flowing into the water on the ground I let a shallow breath out.

I try to reach for my gun that fell on the ground, but right as I'm about to get it it's kicked away. Footsteps can be heard on the wet ground before I see Black Timberland boots stop in front of me.

I look up, but my vision's blurry. I can see a hazy figure standing over me. All I know is it's someone in a black hoodie with a silver gun pointed straight at my face as I look down the barrel of a gun.

Rain droplets hit my face as I breathe in and out slowly trying to withstand the pain. I let out a loud groan seeing all the blood that's on my hand from holding the wound.

My eyes shift from the end of the gun up to the face of the person. On top of the black hoodie over their head they have a ski mask over their face. I try my hardest to focus my vision looking at their eyes.

The hand that's holding the gun is covered in a black glove and it trembles. He grips the gun tightly trying to get control over his unsteady hand. The person puts his finger on the trigger, but he hesitates.

My eyes still stare into this person and familiarity rushes over me. Those sinister eyes make a rush of memories pass over me. The eyes I had seen look at other people exactly like this before he kills them had turned their rage on me...

"A–" I start right before the trigger's pulled again and a bullet flies out hitting me in the chest. From the impact my body jerks against the concrete as my eyes widen.

The loud bang of the gun has my ears ringing as the person rushes away. I lay there struggling to breathe before my eyes completely shut...

Refer back to chapter 2 if you don't remember the Louise/ car situation. Glock getting arrested?

Casanova showing back up?

Who do you think shot Draco?

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