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- Chapter 60 -
I Do

Standing in the walk-in closet of my New Jersey home, I pull the final strap of the bright red dress onto my shoulder. I look at myself in the mirror smoothing my hands over my slicked back hair. The color of the dress and outfit as a whole is non-traditional for what I'm about to do. Then again there's nothing traditional about what's about to happen anyway.

Not only is today Valentine's Day, but Draco and I are going ahead with getting married. It's probably the last time we'll be able to control something in our lives for awhile. We got out marriage license a few days ago now we're going to do it.

A few weeks ago I turned 34 and this is all hitting me. I met Draco a year and a half ago yet he completely flipped my perfect on the outside world upside down. When I met him, my career was amazing, but I was was so unhappy with my dating life.

Meanwhile, he was unhappy about his career and wanted something different for himself. Draco was so young, but I could tell he wanted to do great things. I initially judged him then I eventually saw past it all.

There's so many factors that made me want to stay far away from Draco, but I couldn't. There are still things that make me apprehensive on taking this serious step with him. He's 24 now and I'm ten years older than him. He could potentially be going to prison for a long time. Am I wasting the 'good' years' I do have left? I just hope I'm not making a mistake...

To others they probably think I'm doing this out of desperation because I think no one else will want me or a last stitch effort at getting married. Some might even think I'm taking advantage of this young man who has no parents and is full of trauma. I know it looks crazy to others. It would look crazy to me.

Nobody has accepted and loved me the way he has. I did the same for him. We both learned a lot from one another. It is what it is. It's not really for other people to understand.

After putting on my heels I stuff my clutch with everything I need then make my way downstairs. At the bottom, Draco already awaits me. An involuntary smile spreads across my face seeing he actually got dressed up.

When he smiles too and I see that damn diamond grill I shake my head. It reminds me of the times we first met and I would always have to ask him to take it out. Now I don't care.

I kiss him as he compliments, "You look beautiful." I thank him with another peck to his lips before he extends a bouquet of red roses that match my red dress. "For the bride."

"So sweet," I kiss his cheek immediately wiping the lipgloss I left behind.

"Let's go before we're late." We leave my house going out to the car. As we drive from New Jersey to the city, I look down at the bouquet of roses in my lap then my engagement ring...

I smile to myself causing Draco to look over and ask, "Why you cheesin' like that?"

"I'm just happy. Sad it has to be like this, but happy."

Draco gives a close lipped smile muttering, "Me too." He grabs onto my hand holding it while he drives. I use my free hand to text my sister, Miranda, to make sure she's on her way too. She's going to be our witness for the marriage.

Other than that, it'll only be us two and the person we found to marry us. I didn't even bother to invite my parents who I know will try to talk me out of it, especially my father. I want one thing to go smooth for once, so I don't need anyone ruining this for us.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking around the area recognizing it. When he pulls over and parks I look out the window furrowing my eyebrows, "What're we doing at your store?"

"You'll see." He quickly gets out of the car rushing around it opening the door for me. I grab his hand letting him help me out of the car and he shuts the door behind me.

Since the police shut it down at my father's call it hasn't been opened back up. He's only been selling his clothes online or at other store branches. Since he was in Jamaica he had someone else running his business for him. That'll have to continue while he's in jail so he can have an income still.

He opens the door and when I walk in I'm surprised at what I see. I'm expecting it to be a barren store with no merchandise, but it's been decorated as if it's a wedding hall. There's a wall completely covered in roses. There's twinkling lights, crystal beaded decor, romantic candles, flower petals, and balloons. You would've thought we were actually having guests when it's only four people.

"You did this?" I ask with my mouth hanging open. I had accepted I wasn't getting anything close to my dream wedding. As long as I'm marrying him, I was fine. It didn't matter where or who is there.

He nods wearing a proud smile that he pulled it off with only a few days. "Wanted to do a little somethin' somethin' so it still feels like a wedding for you."

"This is so nice," I hug him tightly. While looking over his shoulder I notice these huge portrait paintings of my face covered in crystal bead hanging curtains that make me do a double take...

"Whaaat?" I drag out pulling away from him.

"I did my thing, huh?" He asks cockily as I make sure I miss no details in the room.

"Hell yes!" For the first time I notice the clergyman standing off to the side ready to marry us. He wears a smile already from witnessing the moment. I cover her mouth at the curse word correcting myself, "I mean yes." The clergyman laughs as I wave at him. "Why are their no pictures of you though?"

"It's not about me. Weddings are never about the man. I know that." I playfully push his arm seeing a table set up for dinner. There's also a table with a wedding cake and one piled with gifts.

"What's all that?" I point at it.

"Oh, we're going to have a Valentine's dinner here too. I got a chef to come in. Somehow gotta wedding cake, so we can still do the cake cutting tradition. I gotta Trini auntie in Brooklyn who makes cakes out of her house," he leans in making me laugh. "And those are all your wedding gifts."

"You told people?"

He already holds his hand up. "No, they're all from me. You can pretend they're from wedding guests, but I spent too much money for me not to get the recognition."

"I didn't hear you shout me out once to say I helped," Miranda says pushing through some of the bead curtains to reveal herself.

"My bad. Ya sister helped too." Miranda nods with appreciation before coming to hug me.

"You look so damn good. Y'all might make my niece or nephew tonight. You gotta trap her before you go in," Miranda nudges Draco who chuckles under his breath. Draco excuses himself to talk to the clergyman leaving me and Miranda. "You ready to do this?" She asks.

I nod my head feeling way more sure than I did earlier. All the nerves went away. "You didn't tell our parents, right? I'm going to tell them, but after I actually do it."

"Of course I didn't tell them. I didn't even tell Cordelia or Lennox, so they can't accidently slip and tell one of them. This is your secret to tell."

"Thank you. Cor is gonna kill us for not telling her or inviting her," I say feeling bad. Since Cordelia lived with me she saw me go on countless dates getting my hopes up about a guy only for it not to work out. She's always kept me positive about finding the one and now I have.

"Yeahh, she is. I also think she'll understand though. If not, bob and weave." We both laugh then she adds, "I'm happy for you. You deserve this... Happiness and love. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

She hugs me again right before Draco calls me over. Him and the clergyman stand under a wedding archway covered in roses, so I walk over. I stand across from Draco and Miranda stands off to the side of me.

"Dearly beloved and honored guests," the clergyman starts making them all look around at the lack of 'guests'. Making light of it they laugh. He's so used to reading the same script he forgot to take that out. "We are gathered together here to join Draco and Desdemona in the union of marriage."

During the vows I'm staring so deeply at Draco, I don't hear half of them. When it gets to the 'I do' part I say it with a big smile and no hesitation. We exchange rings and I slide his plain wedding band - so he can still wear it while in jail - onto his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." He grabs my face kissing me and all I can think is we actually did it...

An air of desire clouds the air of the bedroom holding the newly married couple. The red ruched dress that was hugging my body earlier now cuddles the floor next to my open toe heels. The consummation of the marriage had been in way since they finished dinner. In the air is this eerie feeling that this will be the last time. It's competing with never wanting this to end, moans, heavy breathing, and skin connecting.

A sweat bead rolls down the middle of my back as I'm bent over in a compromising position. I can feel every little sensation and touch on my body that's sensitive. I bite my bottom lip enjoying every bit of the pounding I'm receiving from Draco.

Then I have a though... Damn, I'm not gonna get any dick while he's in jail. That's when the idea that he should've went on the run is reconsidered if it means he'll be out. I've never had 'fresh out of prison' dick, but I'm sure it's just as good as 'turning myself in' dick. Sensational.

Anytime Draco had few words to say she knew he was on a mission. He had probably said two words since they got home, but his actions were screaming at the top of their lungs.

My thighs tremble as I feel another orgasm sneaking up on me. "Fuck!" I breathe out as my nails grip the sheets. Both my engagement ring and wedding band shine in the room lit up with candles.

When he grabs a handful of my hair he pulling me up right before slowing his pace to dig in and out of me my breath feels like it's caught in my throat. The cute, little sleek bun her hair was in earlier had been ruined by tonight's activities.

"This my pussy?" He asks wrapping his hand around my throat. His breath tickles my ear sending chills down my spine.

"Yes," I gasp letting the pleasure fall down on me. "Fuck, yes." He was taking claim to what's his. Jail or not, he was making it clear who I belonged to.

Driving down a neighborhood road I look at the time in the dashboard. Tonight I'll be turning myself over to the custody of police. I have until 8p.m. or they're going to issue a warrant. Instead of me being on an island enjoying a honeymoon with my new wife, I'm tying up loose ends before I'm behind bars. One of those loose ends is visiting people.

I pull into the driveway of Jordan's house. I put my car in park, but I don't kill the ignition or get out. I stare up at the large house contemplating if I should get out. Maybe it's crazy to even be here, but I've had Ares heavy on my mind especially his new-born son. I should've called first because I don't know what Jordan knows.

I've had a lot of guilt and regret lately. Was the right thing done? Maybe we should've talked to Ares first. But that street mentality jumped in... Shoot first, ask questions later. We don't take lightly to betrayal, principally from family.

"What am I doing here?" I mumble to myself when I hear a knock on my window. My neck snaps looking over to see Jordy. I can see her looking through the window wondering who this is sitting in her driveway. I kill the engine and take my seatbelt off stepping out of the car...

"Draco? I haven't seen you in months.."

"I know. There's been a lot going on," I sigh stuffing my hands into the pockets of my sweats.

"I'm sure. I know the loss of your brother wasn't easy for you. You two were so close," she says touching my arm making me tense up.

"I'm sure it hasn't been easy for you either." I look at the stroller, but can't muster up any words to mention the baby.. my nephew. I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to say or do.

"Come inside though," she extends the invite already beginning to walk pushing the stroller.

"Thank you," I mumble looking around as if someone's watching us. I follow her into the house that I notice is unusually empty.

"Mom," Jordan calls out prompting an older woman to comes from a living room to the foyer. I've only seen her once at the baby shower and we didn't even formally meet. I give her a head nod and smile before Jordy tells her, "Watch Dynasty, while I get him something to drink."

Before I can protest the drink Jordan's walking away. I had no intentions of staying very long. "You're Ares' brother, right?" Jordan's mother asks while she takes the baby out of the stroller.

"Yes, ma'am," I answer looking around seeing packed boxes in every room you can see from here.

"You want to see your nephew?" She asks holding him in her arms fixing his outfit. Of course Jordan had him dressed in the finest designer head to toe at only 6 months old. Before I can say no Jordan's mother is forcing him into my arms.

At first I'm awkward like I've never held a baby before then I melt into my natural state. I always had a soft spot for my nieces and nephews. Even thought I didn't have kids of my own I always said I wanted to get out of drugs, so they don't have to go through the same things as me and my brothers. I thought about Ravi and Sol with a lot of my choices; something Apollo didn't do even though he acted like he did.

The longer I held him the more I felt bad. I look at his face realizing I really wasn't thinking about the next generation of the family by not stopping Glock from doing what he did. Now Ares' child will grow up just like us...Fatherless.

"Hey, neph. Look just like yo gigantor Daddy," I chuckle at my own joke. Already you can tell he's the perfect mix of both Ares and Jordy. "Dynasty or D-Nasty like ya Pops wanted to call you. I hope you grow up to be big and strong. I hope you'll be wayyy better than your father, me, or any of the men in our family," I mumble softly.

When I hear a throat clear I look up to see Jordan. She hands me an orange soda then doesn't hesitate to take Dynasty from my arms. "Hey, bubba," she baby talks him before kissing him all over his face. I see her nod towards her mother who quietly exits.

"What's with all the packed boxes?" I ask out of curiosity.

"I'm moving back to L.A. to be close to my family, so they can help me with Dynasty."

"Damn, I understand."

"I appreciate your family for trying to be there for me, but there's no reason for me to be here anymore. I only moved here so Ares could be close by with no excuses. You might wanna get a good look at him because you'll never see him again," she says smoothing her hand over Dynasty's hair.

"Huh?" I ask confused on the last statement.

"Rhea told me," my heart skips a beat at that. I'm thinking she told her who killed Ares. "About you guys having a drug cartel. Your family's into some shit I just don't want my son around."

My heart rate slows down a bit. "Damn, you don't think he needs his uncles for male figures in his life?" I ask even though I never planned to create a close relationship with the child. How could I knowing why his father's gone? That's too close.

"You guys aren't the type of men I want my son looking up to. He has real standup men that'll be around him like my father. I appreciate you stopping by, but I'd like it if you leave."

I slightly laugh under my breath to myself. She invited me in just to kick me out? She could've said this in the driveway. "I understand. Stay safe and good luck raising Dynasty," I say beginning to head for the door.

"Draco?" She calls after me making me stop and turn around. "All those times I complained to you about me and Ares' relationship... Me getting you guys houses in my name... Him breaking up with me at the beginning of the pregnancy... It was all because of the life you led, huh?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry he or we never told you. You're a good woman, we just had other shit going on. You deserved to know so you'd have a choice in staying or leaving. Ares thought you were better off not knowing. To protect you..."

"Who was he really protecting? Me or himself? He couldn't have cared to protect me too much by not preparing me with the possibility of raising a child alone. He didn't have a will so my son could whatever he had. But what am I expecting? He was always selfish."

I could tell Jordan had reached the bitter stage in grieving. She had reason to be mad at Ares. He wasn't who he portrayed to her. Now she's thinking who did she even love or have a child with?

I don't even argue what she said. I wouldn't describe Ares as a selfish person. In fact he was too selfless. He let people make decisions for him and he never had a mind of his own. "Again, I'm sorry," is all I can say.

"Goodbye, Draco."

I leave her house stopping at a nearby gas station getting my favorite drinks and snacks. While I walk out I talk on the phone with Athena saying, "Yeah, I'm near your house. I'm about to come over."

When I see someone who looks familiar I do a double take ending my call. I realize it's one of our workers from the organization. He was one of the top ranked and honestly a right hand man to all of us. If we needed something done we called him.

"Wassup, Haze," I greet while approaching him.

"Draco, you're back?" He asks as we dap and pull into an embrace. Once I left to Jamaica I haven't been in contact with anyone. It was pretty hard when I dropped my old phone after the shootout.

"Yeah, been back a couple days now. I gotta turn myself in tonight," I smack my lips and shake my head.

"Word? They got so many of our niggas. Man, I been callin' you like crazy. Everybody been gettin' jammed up. Shit is wicked. I'm waiting on my day."

"Shit is crazy."

"You don't know the half. I was tryna tell you everything going on. This new crew from upstate called La Niña Blanco took over all our old territory. Even got our old distro and warehouses. Guess what? Turns out it's ran by this chick named Nina and she's Apollo and Ares' sister. Ar'mon's daughter. I ain't even know they had a sister," he taps my arm.

I clench my jaw at the news. "I didn't either... At least alive. I'ma get up with you later."

"Aiight, beloved," he says dapping me again. "I would offer to put money on ya books, but I'm sure they're coming for me soon too. Gotta keep that shit solid."

"Hell yeah." I get back in my car heading towards Athena's house.

This is what I mean by Ar'mon and Apollo being sneaky. This seems like it was the plan from the minute Ar'mon stepped a foot out of prison. Apollo's probably been smiling in my face acting like he wants out of the drug game too just so he can run it without me or Glock to make it only a De Carlo thing.

When I get to Athena's house she lets me in and we go to the living room. When I see a small baby laying on the couch on a Boppy lounger I smile. Athena had the baby maybe a week before I came back and this is my first time seeing him.

We both sit on the sectional couch and I watch as she bottle feeds him. "What's his name?"

"Gunnar Legacy Lindo. You know he was sticking with that name no matter what anybody had to say. My little fighter," she says with the baby's small hand tightly wrapped around her index finger.

"He kinda look like Glock... Unfortunately." Athena immediately hits my arm as I laugh. Getting serious I ask, "How have you been feeling?"

"Tired," she rubs her eye. "That first week with Glock being here he did everything. He let me rest, he would get up in the middle of the night, feed him. I got used to that, so now that it's just me I'm exhausted."

"Sorry I wasn't here when you gave birth."

"It's cool. At least Glock got to be there before he had to turn himself in."

"Well, let me help you. Anything you need me to do?"

"Can you just finish feeding him while I get some laundry in the washer?" She hands me the bottle and quickly gets up. I look down at my nephew twisting my lip up. This should be a happy time. Babies are blessings, but nope. Everything's all fucked up.

When Athena comes back she says, "You look like a natural. You should've popped one of 'em out before all this bullshit happened."

"Nah, I wouldn't wanna put my kid through that shit. Not having a daddy around cause I'm locked up. You see how fucked up me and my brothers turned out from not having fathers. Plus, I'm more of a Tío type of nigga," he says making them chuckle making light of what he said.

It's the truth though. Seeing all these women have to raise kids alone is sad. But then this could also be my last and only chance at having children if I get life in prison...

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that. I might need to go stay in Florida with my parents to have help. At the same time I need to be close to visit Glock and go to his hearings. I don't know what to do."

"I just came from Jordan's. She's moving back to Cali since Ares ain't here. Maybe your Mom can come out here and stay with you?"

"Yeah, I thought about that too."

It grows quiet then I ask, "Can I ask you a favor? Can you look after Desdemona for me? She's not used to all this. The court, jail, and all'at. Make sure no one's fuckin' with her either."

"Of course," she says with no hesitation. "Ar'mon already knows what time it is. I made it very clear not to mess with you or anyone close to you. He must've listened because they haven't tried anything other then taking over your old territory."

"How did he just do that shit?" I ask with a puzzled face.

Athena thinks on it for a second. "Probably got the go ahead from Apollo and Rhea showed them the system."

"Who the fuck opens back up shop with a kingpin statute case? Whether it's under a different crew or not. Dumbest shit I don't ever seen." Athena nods her head in agreement.

Before heading home to spend the remainder of my day with Desdemona, I decide to make one more stop. I pull up to the Dante De Carlo Community Center in Brooklyn that we built. Athena said something about their being a clothes giveaway and I wanted to see what's up.

Who okayed that because me and my brothers are the ones who schedule events for the employees to do. Once I park I hop out of my car seeing the long line going down the sidewalk of the building.

People immediately wave at me once they see me since I've been missing in action. When I see some of the people giving the same excited reaction for someone else I turn. Sure enough it's Ar'mon crossing the street as well...

As soon as he sees me a smile spreads across his face then he ends his call. Before he can say anything to me I ask, "Did you put this event on? Who gave you permission to open this building back up?"

That smirk never leaves his face. "This building has my last name on it. Dante was my father. I don't see Lindo anywhere on it," he says motioning to the name on the building. "I have permission from my son. What? You gonna shut this down when we're giving back."

"It might have De Carlo on it, but me and my brothers built it. I don't know what you're trying to do–"

"I'm trying to give back. Show the community who the real king of Brooklyn is. Since you're hear I hope you brought your old clothes. You won't need them in prison anyway."

I stroke my facial hair to stop myself from stealing off on his ass. I've been wanting to get him since I shot him. This man must have God on his devilish side because why couldn't he have at least become paralyzed?

"King? Ain't no mutha fuckin' king in this shit."

"I'm the king of kings. Remember dat! Before you were even thought of I ran these streets. You may think you're smart... You may think you're a leader because Apollo let you take control for awhile, but you ain't. Your reign is over, son."

When he puts his hand on my shoulder I look at him like he's crazy so he moves it. "Get ya fuckin' hand off me. Ar'mon, you in your fuckin' forties still trying to live like this is the 80's and 90's. You went to prison for how long and still ain't learn shit. Let me ask you... How much you makin' a week since you insist on selling with our family having an open case?"

"Don't worry about that. Karma works real fast. You try to shoot me, Ares shoots you, so you have Glock kill him. Now you're all about to go to jail. I've been minding my business since I got out, but you so mad about what I supposedly did to you as a kid. That anger clouded ya vision, youngblood."

"So when exactly did you get your karma for having my father killed?"

Ar'mon laughs like that question's the funniest thing in the world. "For the last time I had nothing to do with that. Now if someone did it on my account–" He shrugs. "One day you'll have to accept what happened between Ajax and I is no different than you, Ares, and Glock."

"It's not the same. You had my father killed over a woman. Rule number 32 in the D.C. Boyz rule book is we don't beef about'a bitch. That's my mother, but it ain't never been that serious."

"It's called loyalty. If it's not that serious, why did you give Glock the order to kill my son?"

"I didn't give no damn order."

"The minute you told Glock who shot you you knew what he'd do. Don't play dumb. He snaked you, so you got it handled. That's what you're supposed to do if you're a real general."

"It's not the same! He shot me! He tried to kill me! Ares would've never did that shit before you got out!" That quickly I let him get under my skin. It was mostly the guilt eating me up.

"I'm glad you know. I have all my kids where I want 'em," he smiles.

I tilt my head to the side. "And where's that? One's in jail, the other dead, and one popping out the blue taking over."

Ar'mon smirks. "Exactly. I knew Ares would do anything to protect me and he did. Chose me over you. But I also knew how easily manipulated Ares was. He couldn't pick a side. He was a weak link. Played all this shit and didn't have to even get my hands dirty. You did that shit for me."

Realizing what he's saying my throat gets tight. I feel like I want to be sick because he really admitted to tricking me and Glock into killing our own brother.

"You wanted to stand in my way to take back what's mine, but I'm here," he spreads his arms. "Apollo out of my way. Glock out of my way. You out of my way. Ares out of my w–"

Before he can finish I'm losing it and punching him in the mouth. Everyone outside of the community center is staring at us. When I swing on him again, Ar'mon gets me in a headlock. He's strong as fuck, I'll say that.

At first people mind their business. It's New York City, after all. Then these two big guys break us up. With him having his arms underneath mine holding them so I can't move I say, "Get off me," in frustration.

"What the hell is going on here?" I hear a female voice ask. When a female steps up to me all big and bad like she's going to do something I look her up and down. "Wait, is this Draco?" She asks Ar'mon who holding his bleeding lip.

"And who the fuck are you?" I ask trying to get out of this guys grip. The woman snaps her finger and he finally releases me.

"Nina," she extends her hand towards me. "We're not blood related, but I'm your brother's sister. Confusing dynamic." When I don't shake her hand she pulls it back. "Thanks for letting my crew use your old warehouses."

"I didn't let anyone do anything." I shake my head over this whole thing. I don't say anything else leaving them standing where they are.

Once back in my car I look at this Nina chick wondering if she's next for Ar'mon or if she's the kid he actually gives a fuck about. He has to care somewhat about her to go as far as saying she's dead to protect her. While driving past them they both look at me before Nina gives me a patronizing wave. I can't even stress myself about this. I got bigger shit to worry about.

I spend the next few hours having alone time with Desdemona. As it gets closer to the time of turning myself in she offers to take me out to eat. I'm sure she was expecting me to choose something much fancier than a hole in the wall in Brooklyn, but it's what I wanted.

After ordering Desdemona goes to the bathroom as I sit at the table. I'm so deep in thought I don't even notice her staring at me while coming back towards the table...

"You know I could've taken you somewhere way nicer for your 'last meal' out," she says sitting back down. I shrug making her face frown up. "This is crazy."

"It's really not. This is life where I'm from. Niggas gon' die and go to jail. It's just what comes with it," I say sounding very pessimistic. "I have to hold myself accountable. I stayed somewhere too long where I was never really welcome. That's my fault."

Desdemona nods her head in understanding. "You were born into this lifestyle and environment. You took what was handed to you."

"We did all this shit so we wouldn't be uncomfortable anymore. We were simply trying to change our situation, but when we changed them we didn't change ourselves. You'll never get where you wanna go being and acting the same," I say shaking my head. "Me and my brothers didn't want to fully sacrifice to get out. We should've shut all that shit down and lived off the money we had and flipped it. No. We were used to making a certain type of money daily and weekly, so I'm tryna have one foot in and one foot out. Now that foot got cut the fuck off."

Once we're done eating a driver takes us towards a Manhattan precinct. As we ride in the backseat it's quiet except the radio that's turned down low. I look out of the window at the dark streets now that the sun has gone down. My arm is extended out as Desdemona holds onto my hand tight with them resting her lap. Almost like she doesn't want to let it go.

When we get to the precinct the car stops and neither me or Desdemona move. The driver looks back at us basically saying 'we're here'. "You ready?" I ask turning towards Des.

She gives a solemn facial expression watching as I zip my hoodie up then pull my hood over my head. At the moment I know Desdemona wishes I would just take her father's suggestion to rat, so I can walk right back out. But it's not going like that... I'll probably get no bond too.

When I see tears welling up in her eyes I immediately look away feeling bad. It always used to kill me to see any woman like my mother or granny cry and it's no different for her. "Come on. Don't cry," I say pulling her towards me.

"I'm just scared for you," she mumbles.

"Don't be scared for me. I'ma soldier. I've been fightin' my whole life. I'ma be aiight. We gotta stay strong for each other." She nods her head and I kiss her forehead. I check the time on my watch seeing I don't have much time left. "I love you."

"I love you too." I kiss her before getting out of the car. I walk around the back of it and when I step onto the curb I see Desdemona's window rolled down. I kiss her one more time before pulling away.

I stuff my hands into my pockets looking to my left and right walking towards the building. I walk into the precinct and now there's no turning back... "I'm here to turn myself in. Draco Lindo," I say approaching the desk.

Draco & Des officially married? Ar'mon admitting he played them?

Can we talk about Casanova's charges and turning himself in?☕️

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