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- Chapter 79 -
The Uncrowned King

9 Months Later...

Sliding into my heels, I'm prepared to leave my Atlanta home after getting dressed. I look at my son, Adonis, who sits up in my King size bed wide awake. I chuckle with a good morning watching him break out into a smile.

Adonis is now one-year-old and everyday is one of learning with him. If I thought I've been through a lot in my life, motherhood has truly tested me. Especially since I'm doing this on my own technically.

Being married, but a 'single' mother isn't easy. I try to balance between my son and work, but if your focus is on two things one will always get more at some point. With several businesses to run whether it's mine or Draco's, it can become overwhelming.

That's why I had spent the last year getting a lot of things in order. I made the decision to close down my clothing line and my talent agency. That left me with Love, Garnet, my swimsuit line, and my charity. Two less companies allowed me to put more time into Draco's two clothing lines.

Despite him still being behind bars the clothing lines have reached its highest level of success. It was like him being in prison helped the allure of the brand, especially the streetwear line. Hood Rich Attire and Lindo are both doing great being sold in stores all over the country.

I can say the bigger chain stores didn't want to be associated with Draco. He's in prison for murder and they don't care about the technicalities of him taking a deal to help his brother. As a businesswoman I understand why they can't put his clothes in their stores. Regardless, he does well online, in other stores, and his own store in New York City.

Draco doesn't let it get to him. He's still able to have input by spending his time coming up with designs. He often talks to people on his team so he's apart of the creative process. He draws sketches, picks fabrics, cuts, and colors. While in jail he's maintained being worth millions, which is impressive. He hopes to come out even more successful than he went in. I'm hoping that's sooner rather than later.

Draco and I were both booked to have runway shows at Fashion Week, so we're not doing too bad. That's a major accomplishment considering a few years ago we were at New York Fashion Week still talking ideas and trademarks. Also just a few years ago a model overdosed on the runway from him and his brother's drugs. We came a long way together.

While trying to figure out which purse to wear I hold them towards Adonis who watches me. "Which one?" I ask his opinion holding up an orange Birkin bag Draco managed to get me while in prison and a black Dior saddle bag. "I was going for monochromatic, but I think too much orange. What do you think?"

I laugh when he looks at me with a clueless expression...

He shakes his head no at the Birkin. "Dior bag it is," I chuckle. "You better get that fashion bug soon, Papa. Both of your parents are in the fashion world. It's in your blood to be fly," I explain to him. I look at the time realizing I need to stop playing because I need to go soon.

I put everything I need in my purse then pick up Adonis carrying him with me downstairs. Seeing my kitchen full of women I smile to myself. Reggae music plays as Cedella, Rhea, and Athena cook.

"That's not how I do it," Rhea argues with Draco's grandmother who gives her a dirty look. I laugh because that's usually how it is when you have multiple women trying to cook. It doesn't help they're from different age groups and cultures. They all have Caribbean backgrounds, but the different countries have their own ways.

"Mi nuh care!" Cedella argues back.

I look at Athena who continues to laugh. I know they've been keeping her entertained. I'm glad she's in better spirits. You know it's bad when you think the only option is death and leaving your child. Athena had a hard time even believing Glock would do that to her. Just leave her like that alone with a kid. Then finding out how he did it and reading the last letter he wrote it sent her over the edge. Athena now knows she has to be strong for herself and Gunnar. She's all he has...

"You look good. That post-baby body is workin'," Rhea compliments with a finger snap.

Rhea has this new, independent glow to her. I'm not saying it's because Apollo's in prison, but the finalization of their divorce helps. I thought she wasn't going to do it. When he first got the twenty years she was torn up about it. For a minute you would've thought she'd decide to hold him down.

She ultimately went through with the divorce deciding it's time to move on. She's not about to put her life on pause for twenty years when she already did it for over a decade. She never knew a life without Apollo, but she does now.

Rhea was able to finally start her shoe line she's been wanting to start for years. Without Apollo's opposition she now has shoes being sold in high-end department stores. She's also styling for some of the biggest stars. She did everything he said she wouldn't, while still being a good mother.

I smile putting a hand on my hip. "I try."

"You ready?" Rhea asks. I give a short head nod hoping this goes as planned.

"I'll be back later. Don't have too much fun without me," I pass Adonis over after kissing his cheek.

Leaving the house a driver takes me to my location. Showing my VIP badge I'm given access to areas only for artists at one of the music festivals thrown every year. There's so many people, but there's only one person I care about.

I maneuver my way through the crowds finding the correct stage. Because of my badge I'm allowed to stand on the side as opposed to the host of rowdy attendees who're around college age. I watch as Diamonté performs songs in her set already thinking about what I'll say when we talk.

I was surprised when I got a call from her after trying to reach out to her for a year to no avail. After awhile both Draco and I gave up. He never wanted to say he didn't try to be in his child's life, but he realized it would be Diamonté who has to explain why he wasn't. She was the one keeping his father from him.

She invited me and of course I came. Whether I like it or not, I'm involved in whatever she and Draco have going on. I'm going to be that middle person as long as he's in prison. I'll do anything to help facilitate smooth co-parenting between them.

While performing her last song I watch as someone brings a toddler out on stage. She holds him in her arms as Diamonté introduces him. Since she had him, she's maintained privacy by keeping him off social media. She barely acknowledged she had a son and avoided the topic. Of course the rumors have been there, but she never addressed them. None of us did.

Once she's done performing Diamonté exits the stage. Seeing me she says, "Oh, you came." I nod with a smile looking at the little boy who desperately wants to be put down. She eases him to the ground then motions for me to follow her.

I follow behind Diamonté and her team going back to her private dressing room. After changing clothes she comes out ready to speak with me. I look at her son, Keanu, who's a ball of energy. He's gotten so big from the last time I saw him, which was Draco's sentencing...

He's two-years-old and in those two years Draco could count how many times he saw him on one hand. Most of those fingers would be from before he went into prison, so pretty much right after he was born. Keanu doesn't know who a Draco even is. He wouldn't be able to recognize his voice or face like others who have been around him everyday since day one.

"Can you take Key? I need to talk to her," Diamonté says to a woman who takes him. Anyone in the trailer leaves allowing us to be alone.

We both sit on the couch turning towards each other. At the same time we start to speak then both say, "You can go first." I awkwardly chuckle then say, "Not only am I here because you invited me, but because I really do want to create a space of progress in this...unit." I didn't want to say family. That may be too soon to say that, but we are family whether we like it or not.

Diamonté nods her head. "That's why I invited you. I've had a long while to think and I can admit I was being petty and immature. I'm sure you know now... I felt like I was protecting my child by keeping him from that environment. I'm just trying to do what I think is the best, but I'm also learning as I go since this is my first child."

"I understand and Draco does too. We're all learning as we go. This isn't the ideal situation at all."

"At all," she emphasizes with a sheepish laugh. "I'm going to be honest... I was embarrassed. Embarrassed I got pregnant on accident and we broke up. Embarrassed I kept holding onto this guy who never looked at me as his first choice. Embarrassed that I was with him knowing I wasn't the one, you were. He was in love with you. Lastly, embarrassed I became a baby mama to a guy going to prison. It looked bad, so anything that made it look unfavorable I tried to erase. That included Draco and that was wrong."

"So, I take it this is a step towards letting Draco be in his son's life?" I ask with hope.

"A smallll step," she stretches her hand out. "I'm open to my son and your son being around each other. Getting to know each other as siblings. They're still young, but the foundation that's set is important to them becoming close. They deserve that."

"They do." I think about Draco and his siblings. When kids don't have both the same parents it's up to the adults to make sure they can get to know each other. That foundation is very important, so there's no confusion or jealousy.

"We can start arranging playdates. I also realized how important it is for us to be a support system to each other, as well as the kids. We are in the same predicament raising kids alone."

I'm surprised to hear her say that. She's always disliked me, so that must mean she's really growing. "You're right. Maybe I can take him to go visit Draco," I ease in their hoping it's not a reach.

"I still don't really want my son in that environment. He's too young. You can give Draco my number so he can start calling. I know they have the video calls now, so he can see him that way."

"That's a start," is all I can say. It's not my child, therefore not my decision nor place to argue it.

After a few more minutes of talking someone brings Keanu back and she introduces me to him. I'm still wrapping my head around being a stepmother. After a couple talks with Rhea I know that as a mother, you simply treat the child like they're your own. As long as Diamonté makes an effort I'm going to play my part.

After an hour drive from Atlanta we arrive in Athens, Georgia. Both Rhea and I exit the car looking at a building in a discreet location. We enter the smoke filled room hearing that familiar goofy laugh.

My eyes land on one of the hardest secrets I've had to keep...

"Look at my sister-in-law's," Glock says blowing out smoke before smirking.

Rhea and I both smile approaching him. "The perfect heist," Rhea daps him ending it with a snap.

"You know Draco and Athena are gonna hate us," I comment as Glock stands to give me a hug.

"They'll get over it. This was for the benefit of the family." We all exchange a look feeling like we really pulled this off.

Everyone including myself and Glock knew Draco wasn't going to take that deal to snitch on C.A.S.. Draco's always been about his word even when others aren't. Casanova took his word back when he killed Cordelia. They no longer owed him an ounce of loyalty.

So Glock secretly took the deal behind his back. Why not? Casanova gave the tip about the stolen car. It didn't matter anyway because Casanova ended up dead, which Rhea already planned out with Geron. The D.A. still had to keep up their end of the deal.

The reward? Draco and Glock get off on any charges connected to the Kingpin case. That was going to happen anyway due to lack of evidence. Casanova being killed and Nina getting arrested was extra insurance for the plan not to be compromised.

They also decided to release Glock on the Louise case after a hefty 'donation', but they wanted to keep it a secret. They already got enough backlash for the light sentence. A prosecutor's the one who suggested a fake suicide then use the abatement ab initio.

For almost a year Glock's been in China laying low. We were advised not to tell Athena or Draco to allow him to truly go off the grid for awhile. Desdemona was only told because the donation came from her father, Desmond.

For a long time I didn't know my father's goal. He essentially started this when him and Ar'mon beefing. The plan was always for my father to use his connections to get the cases dropped. Nina was the reason things didn't go as planned now it's time to get back on track.

What about Draco? He's still in prison...

We had no doubt Draco would be easily released. It's the law, but the family's fighting back. Now this big ordeal has been started where the state of Georgia is reviewing the abatement law under the grounds of it being 'outdated.' Until they decide whether to keep or get rid of it, Draco will remain behind bars... Despite the fact there's no indictment with his name, meaning if they wanted him in prison they'd have to retry him by himself without Glock. Either way we'll be waiting awhile because of this slow judicial system.

"Come on. Let's get you with your family," Rhea motions for him to come.

Telling Athena her husband's alive was a weight lifted off my shoulders. I wanted to tell her so many times, but couldn't. After the suicide attempt was when I finally told her. I definitely got cussed out, but she understood. Now she can finally see him.

The next morning we drive to a small airport here in Athens. It's 5 o'clock in the morning so the sun's not even up yet as we sit in a chauffeur driven Black GMC. I yawn to myself trying to keep my eyes open when a Black Escalade pulls up.

Glock wastes no time hopping down from the car. I watch from the window seeing Athena get out of the backseat from the other car. I smile at Glock rushing to her like a little kid who sees the ice-cream truck.

Seeing Athena mush his head when he gets close enough I say, "Welp!" I watch as she points her finger in his face clearly letting him have it. I'd do the same if Draco did that to me. Glock ignores it all hugging her tightly and eventually she melts in his arms.

Rhea and I get out of the car once we see it's safe approaching them. "I'm gonna get all three of you mutha fuckas back one day. Watch!" Athena threatens us. "But thank you," she smiles holding onto his hand.

I nod as a you're welcome watching a man take bags from both cars putting them on the small plane. Athena opens the backseat door and Glock grabs a sleeping Gunnar. He holds onto him tightly glad to be able to touch him.

"So what's the plan?" I ask Athena.

"We're gonna travel. All the countries with no extradition treaties with the U.S. of course. The Maldives, Morocco, Nepal, Senegal, then we'll stay in Montenegro awhile like you suggested."

I smile remembering when I went there with Draco. He kept saying how he didn't even know a country like that existed. The small Balkan country is perfect for Glock and Athena. It has no extradition treaty with the U.S. and it's not apart of the European Union, which adds to the privacy.

"Montenegro's beautiful. You'll love it. Send me some postcards."

Rhea hands Athena some paperwork, which includes passports and I.D.'s. "You can come back in a year. Remember no social media, credit cards, bank accounts, or online purchases. They're all tracked and can ultimately point authorities to exactly where you are."

Athena deleted all her social media accounts. Glock didn't have to because he never got into that. It's a good thing Gunnar isn't school age because it would make it harder for him to adjust. This next year will probably be a blur to him since he's young.

"We all set?" Seeing all the luggage has been put on the plane we all wear the same bittersweet facial expressions. We take a minute to hug and say our goodbyes hoping it's a see you later.

I watch as Glock carries Gunnar onto the plan then look at Athena next...

"Again, thank you," she says to me and Rhea.

"No problem. Go on before we get to crying," Rhea shoos her. It's too late for me because I wipe my right eye being the soft one. Watching Athena get on the plane then the stairs lift up, I sigh to myself feeling content.

I look at my watch for the time doing the math. After the drive back to Atlanta, I can still change then go for a visit to see Draco.

A couple of hours later I'm sitting in a waiting area for visitors with Adonis in my lap. I stare at a tv seeing some of the prosecutors, D.A., and the judge connected to Draco potentially getting out are being investigated for 'gross' misconduct. That fast my thoughts of him being released like Glock dwindled.

Everything they're saying on the news is muffled by the voices around me. I came here on a high excited to tell him we safely got Glock reunited with his family and out of the country. What we did was very much illegal, but I believed it to be right if it meant Draco coming home. It's an impossible pain to lose hope then get a glimpse of it then lose it again...

I know Draco broke the law several times over and every time he did, it also broke my heart. It breaks my heart to know he may not see his child outside of prison walls for many years to come. I've heard, "You do the crime, you do the time," for so long I've become conflicted.

I know my husband and child's father broke the law, but only because he was never taught any better. He never had anything. Parents are the ones who teach you. What happens when they teach you a life of crime and drugs is a means to an end? Those same parents that put everything at risk for freedom and money, only to end up back in the projects. Those parents were dead and in jail leaving four boys alone to raise themselves.

The hood that raised them chewed them up and spit them out. Half-eaten they tried to make a meal out of scraps. All they ever got in return were material items that didn't subsidize the pain and hunger for love.

Their family went through generations of heartbreak and a survival of the fittest mindset. They lived and died by any means necessary even when it wasn't imperative. They watched men in their family go in and out of prison like a revolving door. Prison, back to the streets, prison again. Not a lesson learned or an ounce of rehabilitation. The truth is that their upbringing failed them terribly.

Now I want to cry because he may not be coming home like we hoped. Why did this happen before they set him free? If he can't come home to his children the circle of heartbreak continues. Another little Apollo or Draco is being created as we speak. Another Anya may be created in me, Rhea, Jordan, or Diamonté.

Dynasty will wonder why he never met a father in Ares. Ravi will wonder why the man who played as father abandoned him. Sol and Halo will grow up to be the girls with 'daddy issues.' Keanu and Adonis won't have memories of their father before the age of five lacking a bond that could affect them for the rest of their lives.

Don't break the law. Sounds good in theory. I can never judge a man for doing what he thinks will better his family. I just want Draco to come home...

As more days go by that I'm in here, I've become comfortable in the prison environment. To spend my time productively I've lended my help by becoming a GED tutor. Might as well since so many people kept telling me how I'm smart. I also have experience with the test since I took and passed it not long before coming in.

My days are spent tutoring, working out, reading, and going to classes. It keeps my mind off the fact I'm alone in here now that Glock's gone. It doesn't matter how many friends I make they'll never be my brother.

I also spend my time working with an organization called 3 Fork Road that comes to the prison. It's an at-risk-youth program for gang prevention and awareness. When they say youth they really mean the teenagers who had been charged as adults. In itself it's sad to see because the system never gave them a chance. 16-year-olds given ballpark numbers for one mistake at a young age.

They asked me to help due to my well-known presence in the facility, so I talk at their meetings sometimes. With a crowd of people watching me, I stand up front talking to them..

"You have 3 roads in life - to the cemetery, to prison, or to a productive life. I've been on all three. I've been shot and thought I would die. I'm currently in prison, but I had other cases where I was facing the death penalty and life. And I've been productive a citizen when I tried to change my life by starting a record label and clothing line," I list on my fingers as I have everyone's attention.

Now that I have two sons I realize the importance of an older male figure in your life. I obviously haven't been able to be around my sons, but I'm working hard to come out a better person so I can be a good example.

My father was killed when I was one leaving me with only drug dealers to look up to. If I didn't have a strong dislike for Ar'mon, I could've turned out worse. He was an ignorant, bitter, and abusive man. He's a prime example of a man going to prison and not changing.

"Three roads that traveled down. And honestly, those three roads merged and I was on my way to all three simultaneously. My car was moving fast and I had no brakes. Somehow I was able to survive no matter what turn I took. Out of those three options, death is the only one that's permanent. Here in prison, you still have a chance..."

After the meeting I sit in the frigid visitation room. I watch as prisoners' family members and friends file into the room. Desdemona walks in with our son in her arms. The usual smile she would wear is replaced with a look of sadness.

Like always on visits she sits across from me at a table. We can only touch briefly because even if we try to linger a guard will yell. She hands Adonis over and I kiss his cheek before sitting him in my lap. For a few seconds I have flashbacks to when he wasn't born yet and I was still kissing her belly letting him know I love him despite my current circumstance.

"If it isn't the Machiavellian," I dryly joke referring to Niccolò Machiavelli who advocates in his book, The Prince, to fake your death to fool your enemies. I wasn't the happiest about what they did to get Glock out, but I understood. "I read The Prince. Good read. Smart."

It's hard to hear me speak over the loud voices of the others who're trying to hear the men they came to visit. Desdemona gives me a sheepish smile before saying, "Yeah, but the plan didn't completely work. The people who were willing to help you get out are under investigation."

"Figures. Des, I don't want you doing all that underhanded stuff to get me out anyway. There are real innocent people in here. They deserve to get out. Not me. I never wanted this..."

"Never wanted what?" She asks,

"For you to become like me and my family... Becoming dirty."

"If you look at my father and his family, I was never clean."

"Your father gave you the opportunity to spotless. Stay that way. Don't worry about me. I'll be aiight in here for a couple more years," I look down at Adonis smiling at him. "At this point one may note that men must be either pampered or annihilated. They avenge light offenses; they cannot avenge severe ones; hence, the harm one does to a man must be such as to obviate any fear of revenge," I quote The Prince.

"What does that mean?" She narrows her eyes.

"That a prince has two options: benevolence or destruction. Destruction causes resentment, so you should only choose it if there will be no consequences. Feelings of pity or compassion are meaningless. Self-interest and self-protection are to be pursued ruthlessly. You're having pity on me when I don't deserve it. By trying to help your family, you're only hurting the family of the victim. It's not worth it. It just inflicts more pain."

She looks at me knowing I'm right. "You can get out though. It's the law. They can't keep you in here if abatement exists and there's not a proper indictment."

"If I get out then I get out," I shrug nonchalantly. I can see the disappointment in her face. Maybe I've given up, but I'm tired of playing dirty to 'win.' This stuff doesn't feel like wins anymore. "I'm sure they'll rather do a retrial than free me."

"You're being pessimistic."

"I'm being realistic. We can't buy and use force to get out of everything." She sighs rubbing her forehead. Changing the subject I ask her about Adonis. Like always she tells me every detail about what he's doing and learning. There's a lot of firsts I'm missing.

When she fills me in on what's going on with my businesses it makes me ask her, "Why are you staying with me?"

Desdemona looks at me confused from the out of the blue question. "Because we've come too far to move on or start over." Seeing my reaction she adds, "I know that might not be what you want to here, but it's the truth. We came a long way from you walking into my office with that drug money," she whispers drug making me laugh lightly.

"You know you don't owe me anything. You don't have to stay with me if you don't want to. I know you didn't intend on being a ride or die," I chuckle to make the heavy topic easier.

"Oh, I know!" she responds quickly. "I could've been with a billionaire living a soft ass, cushy life. And I'm not a ride or die. You see me sitting here alive and well. It's mu choice to be here."

"You still love me?" I ask more so for assurance. Everyone needs it sometimes, especially in here.

"Of course." She pauses with a slight smile, "I used to think we were so different. Our upbringings, what we deemed important, our morals... I realized we're not that different. We're really the same. We were told so many lies by our family. We lived a lie so long, but me and you? We're the truth. The unadulterated truth. And even the times when it was hard to face, it was so fuckin' needed. The times I couldn't stand your guts, it was annoying that I still loved you."

"True," I nod my head.

"I remember saying something to you about how you're surviving and I'm living. I was in denial. I couldn't fathom someone living in their truth no matter how raw and dark it was. You lived in your truth even if it was brutal. How was I Iiving when I had an incurable disease that I let make my life miserable despite no one knowing my status? Now people know so much about me and they judge me. Now I really don't care. Now I'm really living and not just surviving. I got that from you."

I smile saying, "I'm glad. You deserve it."

"And you," she points. "You have to forgive yourself for what you did out of survival. It might've been wrong, which is for God to judge... but it kept money in your pocket. It helped you eat and live. You did what you could with what you were given."

"I can't wait to see him just being a kid with no worries. Living life sheltered. I don't want him to be a gangsta or hard at all," I lift Adonis up.

"We're really parents," she smiles putting her chin on her hand. "You're a father." She shakes her head as I turn him to wear his face is by mine. She chuckles, but I know she's thinking why couldn't Adonis look an ounce like her.

"Now I'm suddenly something I've never had before... But not really because I'm in here." We both wear the same bittersweet look.

Once the visitation time is over Desdemona leaves with my son and I stay here like I have for almost two years. I walk to Big Evil's cell and when I see someone in there other than him, I furrow my eyebrows. The large man with cornrows turns around and I'm met with my brother, Apollo.

I heard he was moved to this prison, but they had him in a different area. Not once did we cross paths so I figured they wanted to keep us apart unlike when Glock was in here. I had no interest in seeing him anyway.

Did I feel bad he got twenty years? I don't know. If he didn't sever his case from mine and just stuck with us maybe he would've got less time. Who knows.

"What's up?" I nod my head stepping into my cell.

Apollo somehow befriended Everette and expressed wanting to see me. I guess this was Everette's way of getting us to talk. That's all Apollo wanted to do. As much as I felt like our last conversation was closing the door on potentially mending our relationship, I stayed. We had been talking for twenty minutes now.

"We're sitting behind bars for shit that was all contrived. We were selling the D.E. mutha fuckin' A's drugs," I express.

Thinking back on it I don't know how I didn't figure it out. It was too easy to get drugs from India to America without getting caught.

"We tricked ourselves into thinking we were bosses when we were pawns in a fucked up a game. A big ass board that was bigger than what we could see. Beyond the projects, beyond Brooklyn. The government created this cycle, but we're the ones who never come out washed and clean. Meanwhile they're taken to a dry cleaner and pressed to perfection," Apollo agrees.

"The CIA, the contras, crack cocaine, gangs, the war on drugs... We're a product of that and we fell into the trap."

Apollo nods then looks at me with a straight face. "I know this life is past you, us, but you know you're the King of New York now? You're no longer the prince. You surpassed me. That crown my father always talked about, it's yours. You earned it."

With a cocky grin I say, "I know."

I knew I stood tall in everything I did. Even if it was wrong I handled it with dignity and pride. I was never a follower, but a leader. It wasn't smooth sailing, but I completed my goal. I got out of the drug game alive. Behind bars, but living. I overcame it all.

The difference between me and an Ar'mon or Apollo is I never wanted the crown in the first place. If it was my choice I would break it into pieces and destroy it. It means nothing.

When everyone else tried their hardest to deter me I stood firm. I went against the biggest and came out on top. That's why I can look myself in the mirror. Why I can sleep at night. I did wrong, but I did it my way. No one saw me fold.

With my head held high I walk down a corridor towards my cell. Disappearing down a hall a heavy steel door closes behind me and automatically locks.

Thoughts on Diamonté finally coming around?

Glock being alive? What he did? Him & Athena going away for awhile?

Do you think Draco will be released on abatement still? Or they'll retry the case with a new indictment?

Draco & Apollo having another conversation?

One more chapter👀 Comment / Vote4️⃣❤️

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