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"She was like a bubbly and chirpy parrot in Mithila wandering around the palace with her tinkling anklets. In Ayodha we have given her the same freedom. She would run around the palace talking and frolicking with her sisters making the palace lively rather I could feel divinity in her laughter and in the sound of her anklets.

Just a little smiling curve on her lips brings thousands of blooming flowers in my heart but a single frown...... what can I say....I feel like thousand arrows  pricking my heart and makes me feel I made her suffer throughout these days of vanvas even though she always says she is happy here with me but my heart refuses to see her feet on this ground of  rocks and pricky thorns. Her slender feet which does not even look a bit tired even after continuos walking on this rocky floor deserve to walk on the royal flower carpet....... I couldnt even bare a thorn on her feet on that day then how can I stay calm and composed when Jayant pri....pricked her foot mercilessly....... my heart just rose to my mouth..... when she winced in pain I was completely broken from inside but had to stay strong for her. Again I felt that I couldnt protect her again....why these always happens to her even though I pray each and every time to just give her sufferings to me.........

I have heard her saying that she always wants to be unrestricted to Lakshman whenever he talks about her security... but I have never asked her so... as I know about her desire to be free and I totally respect her views about her safety....but after this Jayant incident and asuras attack on Panchavadi I got more cautious on each step she takes....Today I myself asked her to not go beyond this hut and my eyesight....I could feel her emotions when I said so....I know she might feel like a caged bird .....she might have completely broken from inside......even though I said it for her safety...I feel like I myself have cut her feathers and caged her.......I know she would not have thought indifferent and worried as she was just smiling when I said so but I myself could not take this act of mine............ how will she take this...??"

Ram was pondering over these thoughts lying down on the mat. He couldnt even sleep with all these thoughts deeply engrossed in his minds. Soon he woke up in an urge to just move out. He gazed at the moon where he would get answers for all his unanswered questions by seeing her reflection in that......

Suddenly he felt her presence near him and slowly he turned back to her..... "Raghunandan....please forgive me if you are angry on me after.... " she uttered lowering her gaze....
"No Sitae....I am not angry....I was worried for you....." he stopped her in middle....long silence prevailed between them..................he continued "but Sitae... my... my.... order would have..." she closed his mouth with her hands.

"That was not your order Raghunandan......  it was your care.... your concern.... your affection.... it was your trust on me...and it was your selfless love towards me.... I was not at all worried..... I am happy for this life just with you by my side always which I have always dreamt of before our marriage....and swamii..... I truly trust you....love you more than me...." she uttered gazing his eyes and a pink blush with a lone tear of fulfillness adorned her face....... All his thoughts about her vanished after her words..... A satisfying smile crept over his face in her each words........

Thinking of her wincing in pain between her sleep he gently scooped her close to his chest minding her injury...... she too clung her hands around his neck...... she looked into his eyes which showed only pure love for her..... he carried her till the bed and made her lie down on her hay bed....he smiled contendly for a hundredth time thinking of her sweet confession before drooping to sleep......


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