5. You always reside in my heart...!!

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"Today is one of my precious day urmi..... the janmdhin of my noble queen, my adorable wife, my love, life, heart, soul, my everything..... But I dont know how are you keeping there sleeping throughout the day just for me....... How will I even forgive myself that I gave a dreadful task to you urmi.... I even dont know whether your selfless sacrifice would be sung in the future....." overpowered by these thoughts he was walking along the pond. Suddenly he looked stunned by seeing the blue lotuses bloomed all over the pond. "Lotuses.....bl...blue lotuses" his voice stammered.

"I am going to get those special blue lotuses for todays pooja Sita ka.... but we have to go to the forest...." Urmi whined. Dont worry my brother Lakshman would accompany you to the forest.... but brother who would stay with you to protect you... "I have soldiers here with me Lakshman... dont worry just accompany them" Ram brother replied with a smile.

Haha how wise of her to act like this to give privacy to Ram brother and Sita bhabhi..... even I was clueless.... and there is a hidden reason too..... playing pranks on me, the most favourite act of her hummm..... he thought himself....

"Can your brother protect us from deadly snakes and all...." she queried with sarcasm.... I was at peak anger at that time when she said so but she laughed at me as if I looked like clown to her with my red nose.... "Urmi..." Sita warned giving her a stern look. She stopped laughing at once and started to move towards the forest after giving a sarcastic look to me....

When we were walking along the dense forests...she was continuosly mocking at me.... as I said..... her favourite task....

Prince Lakshman will you always be with your brother..... "yes I am like his shadow and I like to be with him always protecting him." I replied in a calm tone... "so you have shot with these arrows behind you"'she asked mockingly... "yeahhh" I replied quite irritated. "I dont think so... as he sent you and kept soldiers with him for protection hahaha" "princess that..." I started but she continued to laugh and ran away made me more irritated....

Finally we reached the pond running and chasing..... She kept playing with the water sitting on the shore. My eyes grew red as she was not collecting lotuses instead playing...... but the truth is that my heart skipped to beat by seeing my beauty playing in the water..... she turned and looked at me in a mocking way.... Soon I started to move away from the place...

How silly of me to not understand the mischevious and chirpy side of her.... actually I paved way for my anger to overpower my love... Suddenly I heard her bubbly voice  shouting for help...... how silly of me to think it as fake for a second.... her chirpy tone of her melodious voice turned to a frightened tone...I reached there without any delay as I realised that she is in trouble.....

The scene before me shook me entirely.... a giant snake in front of my queen ready to pounce on her anytime..... I turned more cautious as it made no change when I shot arrows towards it for the first time....I started to shoot arrows endlessly towards it praying for my beauty.... then a miracle just happened that it turned and moved away from the place....

She looked pale and dumbfounded for a second. She couldnt get away from that horror scene.... she fondly hugged her sisters and tears brimmed all of our eyes..... Then suddenly I plucked a blue lotus and handed it to her....

She turned to look at me... when our eyes met.....miracles happened between us like a lightning spark. Wonderful thoughts filled my minds that we are destined to live together for generations... I guess the same happened with her...... I cherished that moment so much as I could see the blushing and beautiful side of her.... she looked so beautiful with the scarlet tinge adorning her cheeks..... My words choked to speak anything....
But now at this moment I can say all my feelings to you Urmi.....but dear you are not with me....no... no..... Urmi.....you still reside securely in my heart dear.... this is your palace lifelong dear.....you are with me...only with me....tears brimmed his eyes.....

"What is this..?? I should not fall weak on her birthday... I should do something special for her......" he said wiping his tears. He started to move towards those blue lotuses... "Ohh Urmi....I see your face in all these blooming lotuses...." he shouted and started to pluck those flowers....

He made all the ornaments using those blue lotuses and started to adorn the statue of Urmila slowly which was given to him by Sita.... once he finished adorning the statue.... tears rolled down his cheeks obliviously....

"Ohhh my celestial beauty... I pray daily just for your well being dear..... I would not anything happen to you my dear..... I will reach you soon dear to just get dissolved in your love filled doe eyes......I love you soo much dear....you always reside in my heart dear...." he spoke looking at the statue of her....

Urmila smiled contendly on her sleep as if she heard everything he said....

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I dedicate this chapter to arnasharma for being
        my first friend in wattpad
        my adorable sweet sissy
        a fantastic author
and so on.....
On her precious day of birthday.....

Wish u a very happy birthday Arna.....

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