Evil C.C.

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Name: Anti Crystal
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Personality: Dark, insane, crazy, likes to see the pain in others, scary
Backstory: She was created when C.C. (Crystal Casket) was depressed and wanted an imaginary friend. She made C.C. insane and want to kill. As the years went by, Crystal killed people. No matter how old or how young, she would kill. She didn't want to kill innocent people, but Anti didn't care. She just wanted to see pain. When Crystal was finally able to hold her back, Anti sometimes takes control of Teagan (Aka Me)
Likes: Torture, pain, depression, aged, hate
Dislikes: Kindness, peace, happiness, puppies and kittens

So, what do ya think? Like her, good! Well,,I mean, that's bad! Forget it!
Just enjoy the art

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